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Thai Pm Tries Garlic To Placate Farmers


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Actually, how is this different from the British Prime Minister eating beef during the mad cow crisis, or the Mexican president eating strawberries when some ahd been contaminated? This is what politicians do. I would say public displays like this are pretty much in the job description.

Thai garlic (which I happen to prefer) is under intense pressure from Chinese imports. Thai garlic has a stronger taste and is perhaps more suited for Thai dishes, but Chinese garlic is larger, easier to prepare, and most of all, half the cost. Local production has dropped as farmers cannot compete. And the farmers are upset at not being able to make a living.

So Samsak did a press op. What's the big deal with that?

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Actually, how is this different from the British Prime Minister eating beef during the mad cow crisis, or the Mexican president eating strawberries when some ahd been contaminated? This is what politicians do. I would say public displays like this are pretty much in the job description.

Thai garlic (which I happen to prefer) is under intense pressure from Chinese imports. Thai garlic has a stronger taste and is perhaps more suited for Thai dishes, but Chinese garlic is larger, easier to prepare, and most of all, half the cost. Local production has dropped as farmers cannot compete. And the farmers are upset at not being able to make a living.

So Samsak did a press op. What's the big deal with that?

Google up and read above, then you get the big pic. It's his own party (his own boss), who brought the problem all along in the first place!

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Actually, how is this different from the British Prime Minister eating beef during the mad cow crisis, or the Mexican president eating strawberries when some ahd been contaminated? This is what politicians do. I would say public displays like this are pretty much in the job description.

Thai garlic (which I happen to prefer) is under intense pressure from Chinese imports. Thai garlic has a stronger taste and is perhaps more suited for Thai dishes, but Chinese garlic is larger, easier to prepare, and most of all, half the cost. Local production has dropped as farmers cannot compete. And the farmers are upset at not being able to make a living.

So Samsak did a press op. What's the big deal with that?

Google up and read above, then you get the big pic. It's his own party (his own boss), who brought the problem all along in the first place!

Which is why the cases are not comparable, I don't know about the Mexican Strawberry case but the Mad Cow crisis was not bought about by faulty/dodgy governance, and therefore Brown (Blair?) could not be accused of doing so to cover his back or protect himself.

Edited by globalj
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A vampire promoting garlic ?

Fine tune this to: A vampire's (check out the incisor teeth in this unaltered photo) nominee promoting garlic?


Thailand's ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra, seen here in May 2008, urged Thais to put their faith in the stars, blaming the alignment of planets for the current economic and political woes.

AFP - June 17, 2008

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Thailand's ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra, seen here in May 2008, urged Thais to put their faith in the stars, blaming the alignment of planets for the current economic and political woes.

AFP - June 17, 2008

Sven Erikson missed a trick here it seems. "Sorry we lost 8-1 Dr Thaksin. Put it down to Uranus and Pluto.' 55555555

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He's no clown. (Images of gorilla posted alongside ofThai PM not repeated)

Do you have any understanding of how raciast your montage is? It's a throwback to the Jim Crow era. You are comparing the duly elected Prime Minister to a gorilla based upon "visual characteristics". This is something one would see posted at a "white" supremacist website and is not something I think any evolved human being would want to be associated with. Aside from the inaccuracy of such a comparison, it's plain wrong. You are in Thailand, not 1930's era Alabama, nor Toronto or Durban circa 1950. This montage is not fair comment, although I recognize that even bigots have a right to air their views. I'd appreciate it though if we were not dragged into the gutter.

I sincerely apologize to each and every gorilla of planet Earth.

You have a lot of balls calling me a supremacist while we both are in a country rampant with exploitation and slavery of workers from neighbouring countries who's lives are apparently worth closeto or nothing, industrial scale prostitution, human trafficking, child prostitution etc.

It seems that you have trouble with reading comprehension. Highlighted in red is my statement. To illustrate my point, here is an example from a website that uses images of apes. You have inferred (blue) that you are a white supremacist. I did not write that you were.

You then justify your use of such imagery on your belief that Thailand as a nation is guilty of multiple offenses. Your point would have been better made had you chosen not to cavort in the gutter as you championed the victims.

There is no dispute that your list of social ills does exist. However, the same can be said about all countries. As you are a Canadian, need I remind you that the former Liberal government was involved in one of the worst patronage scandals of the past decade, or that the previous Conservative Prime Minister is alleged to have taken bribes for his role in the purchase of Airbus aircraft? The city of Toronto had a major bribery scandal involving the purchase of computer software. How about Bill C-57 that was recently brought in by the current conservative government to specifically address the trafficing of women for the sex trade. This only came about after years of protests about the exploitation of foeigners by Canadian strip club owners with links to organized crime and biker gangs. As you may recall, the former Liberal immigration minister was obliged to resign due to her activities involving a Romanian stripper's visa. And on it goes.

Sure, some things are bad in Thailand, but I do not see the Foreign Affairs minister of Thailand getting mixed up with the ex girlfriend of a Hel_l's Angel and leaving classified cabinet documents at her house, during a time that biker gangs are accused of attempting to coerce and intimidate crown prosecutors and trying to infiltrate sensitive government positions. (The Canadian Foreign Affairs minister recently resigned over this event.)

It is very easy to piss all over the Thais. However, if you had first first pissed on your homeland for events far worse, you probably would have had an empty bladder by the time you got around to Thailand.

Edited by geriatrickid
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You post a meme-pic as evidence about supremacist using ape images...the humor.

Btw, the most famous ape-man-series from the last ears are the Bush-monkey-see-monkey-do compilation.

Supremacists, huh?

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You post a meme-pic as evidence about supremacist using ape images...the humor.

Btw, the most famous ape-man-series from the last ears are the Bush-monkey-see-monkey-do compilation.

Supremacists, huh?

From which I was inspired.


with this you insult mentally handicapped people, by comparing one of them with an ape.

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He's no clown. (Images of gorilla posted alongside ofThai PM not repeated)

Do you have any understanding of how raciast your montage is? It's a throwback to the Jim Crow era. You are comparing the duly elected Prime Minister to a gorilla based upon "visual characteristics". This is something one would see posted at a "white" supremacist website and is not something I think any evolved human being would want to be associated with. Aside from the inaccuracy of such a comparison, it's plain wrong. You are in Thailand, not 1930's era Alabama, nor Toronto or Durban circa 1950. This montage is not fair comment, although I recognize that even bigots have a right to air their views. I'd appreciate it though if we were not dragged into the gutter.

You are of course absolutely right though I fear not many will understand on this forum.The poster is I think however not a racist just bad mannered and, as you will see from his track record, a bit thick.

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Well the majority on this thread seem to find no racism in the original pictures, and the mods have found no need to delete the pictures either! And yet I am the moron..... right, gotcha.

And I wonder how many Thai's/Asians/non-caucasians would find it offensive? I have just shown the picture to the Thai's in my office and they all had a good chuckle about it.

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Read geriatrickid's post again which explains precisely why the original post was offensive

I read it again, and I still think that it's not more offensive than Bush+Chipm pix or the kid above, and that GK is way overboard with his call for political corectness.

You should ban all political cartoons if you follow his logic.

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Well the majority on this thread seem to find no racism in the original pictures, and the mods have found no need to delete the pictures either! And yet I am the moron..... right, gotcha.

And I wonder how many Thai's/Asians/non-caucasians would find it offensive? I have just shown the picture to the Thai's in my office and they all had a good chuckle about it.

Probably not many.If however we accepted the principles and worldview of Thais having a"chuckle in the office"we would be accepting many assumptions not shared by well educated and civilised westerners.The fact that you place yourself in a different category speaks volumes.

As to the mods, I have no idea whether they have been alerted to this nasty piece of racism.Perhaps if consulted they might agree that racist insults to the Prime Minister of Thailand might not be the best way to secure the site's commercial future, ie the same considerations applied to lese majeste discussions.The mods do a difficult job very well and I think we should just let them get on with it.

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Well the majority on this thread seem to find no racism in the original pictures, and the mods have found no need to delete the pictures either! And yet I am the moron..... right, gotcha.

And I wonder how many Thai's/Asians/non-caucasians would find it offensive? I have just shown the picture to the Thai's in my office and they all had a good chuckle about it.

Probably not many.If however we accepted the principles and worldview of Thais having a"chuckle in the office"we would be accepting many assumptions not shared by well educated and civilised westerners.The fact that you place yourself in a different category speaks volumes.

As to the mods, I have no idea whether they have been alerted to this nasty piece of racism.Perhaps if consulted they might agree that racist insults to the Prime Minister of Thailand might not be the best way to secure the site's commercial future, ie the same considerations applied to lese majeste discussions.The mods do a difficult job very well and I think we should just let them get on with it.

This is officially the 8th time I ask you to use the IGNORE FUNCTION in your control panel so that you do not see my posts and get upset by my Photoshopped pictures. Yet you refuse to do so and are still calling me names. Stop it or use it.

Yet you refuse to do so every time and are still insulting me.

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Well the majority on this thread seem to find no racism in the original pictures, and the mods have found no need to delete the pictures either! And yet I am the moron..... right, gotcha.

And I wonder how many Thai's/Asians/non-caucasians would find it offensive? I have just shown the picture to the Thai's in my office and they all had a good chuckle about it.

Probably not many.If however we accepted the principles and worldview of Thais having a"chuckle in the office"we would be accepting many assumptions not shared by well educated and civilised westerners.The fact that you place yourself in a different category speaks volumes.

As to the mods, I have no idea whether they have been alerted to this nasty piece of racism.Perhaps if consulted they might agree that racist insults to the Prime Minister of Thailand might not be the best way to secure the site's commercial future, ie the same considerations applied to lese majeste discussions.The mods do a difficult job very well and I think we should just let them get on with it.

This is officially the 8th time I ask you to use the IGNORE FUNCTION in your control panel so that you do not see my posts and get upset by my Photoshopped pictures. Yet you refuse to do so and are still calling me names. Stop it or use it.

Yet you refuse to do so every time and are still insulting me.

I consider you are guilty of racist abuse though I made the point you probably don't understand the offensive nature of your post.The fact that there are many knuckleheads who share your boorish trailer trash sense of humour is neither here nor there.Any educated person would understand the point and if such posts were published in serious Western newspapers the proprietors concerned would be in deep trouble.Anyway as Sri Racha John says, let's leave it to the mods.

It's a little ironic that Samak himself has a similarly boorish sense of humour but there you go.

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Interesting that some posters take it upon them selfs to be protectors of the 'abused' (which in itself is often based on a colonial thinking) but couldn't care less if it went the other way.

One standard for all.

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actually, I had posted about your repeated flamings and personal insults.... which continue to escalate.

I apologise.I thought we had found some common ground in condemning racism.Anyway the mods have done a very good job in cleaning up this thread and I suggest we follow their request.

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Oh, so pictures comparing white person, Bush, to a chimp are ok, pictures comparing white babies to dogs are ok, but not Samak, cos some here feel so offended.

Is it how it's going to be from now on? Run to the mods and scream "racism!" when people are not taking you seriously anymore?

Reminds me of the yobs who shit in plastic bags and throw them at their opponents "to protect democracy".

Impeached Human Rights Commissioner Charan has set up a new organisation to fight for something. I suspect they accept donations in the form of rocks, sticks and bags of urine and stool, all the while accusing others of violating their human rights.

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Oh, so pictures comparing white person, Bush, to a chimp are ok, pictures comparing white babies to dogs are ok, but not Samak, cos some here feel so offended.

Is it how it's going to be from now on? Run to the mods and scream "racism!" when people are not taking you seriously anymore?

Reminds me of the yobs who shit in plastic bags and throw them at their opponents "to protect democracy".

Impeached Human Rights Commissioner Charan has set up a new organisation to fight for something. I suspect they accept donations in the form of rocks, sticks and bags of urine and stool, all the while accusing others of violating their human rights.

Before your post descended into incoherence and boorish abuse, you made a couple of points worth responding to about racist pictures.The key was in the rather perceptive post from geriatrickid.It all depends who is the object of mockery and who does the mocking.In particular it is highly offensive for a caucasian to do monkey type caricatures of other races.This as geriatrickid explained is because of the historical association with Jim Crow prejudice in the US, and before that the long history of western exploitation including slavery.It takes a certain intelligence and perception to understand this.I thought you might have it but clearly I was wrong.I don't doubt there will be many out there who support you and don't understand what I am getting at.

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1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 : racial prejudice or discrimination


Perhaps you could enlighten us on how the above definition could be applied to the images in this thread, after all you clearly appear to have a superior intelligence to the rest of us.

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My original statement was that the use of the imagery was commonly employed by a certain segment of the population. There was no accusation used. Rather, it was an opinion that I think a great many people share who have benefited from an enlightened upbringing or who are old enough to have seen first hand similar images that were employed in the era of Jim Crow and the sorrowful era of european fascism.

Am I a "leftist" or a "bleeding heart"? No. I just listened to my family members that had fought in WWII, who were as conservative as they come, and their views on such things. It's also called being respectful of others.

Along with rights come responsibilities. I believe that it was the late US Supreme Court Justice Wendell Holmes Jr. that said "The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic." Wise words from the gentleman.

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Tony didn't put a gorilla next to Samak because Samak is Asian. You are creating an "issue" yourself, out of nothing.

it is highly offensive for a caucasian to do monkey type caricatures of other races

Samak is likened to a pig in every political cartoon, pigs are apparently ok, perhaps Tony can do lots of pigs, if that stops you from whining.

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Tony didn't put a gorilla next to Samak because Samak is Asian. You are creating an "issue" yourself, out of nothing.
it is highly offensive for a caucasian to do monkey type caricatures of other races

Samak is likened to a pig in every political cartoon, pigs are apparently ok, perhaps Tony can do lots of pigs, if that stops you from whining.

I'm sorry but this really won't do.I thought more than enough had been said on the subject and the offensive nature of the caricature was already explained.I get it,I assume most educated forum members get it, the moderators get it but you apparently don't.There's no excuse either because you at least are not thick.Read my last post again which says all I want to say on the subject.

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