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DJ Pat

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I hate the stuff. I tried it once in 1997 and I couldn't sleep for three days. This is a fun drug? No sleep?

last night when I finished DJ-ing, a well known farang DJ (name witheld) turned up to say Hi to my mate and immedietly disappeared into the toilet for some nose candy. When he returned he was over friendly and loud without realising it. I wanted to tell him to <deleted> off out of my face.

He then proceeded to have a go at the manager and tell him how to do his job while laughing at him with all his mates.

I have played at top model ***** *******'s party this year and was in the company of most of the top Thai / Luk-kreung models. Sadly, most of them were in the toilets every ten minutes powdering their noses.

" Use of cocaine in a binge, during which the drug is taken repeatedly and at increasingly high doses, may lead to a state of increasing irritability, restlessness, and paranoia. This can result in a period of full-blown paranoid psychosis, in which the user loses touch with reality and experiences auditory hallucinations "

I hate everything associated with this drug and its overrated effects.

Anyone disagree with me? Or have any experiences to share? I'm intrigued as to why a drug that makes people spout <deleted> from their mouths is sooooo trendy and popular.

By the way, if you ever come to one of my nights and offer me any, I'll grass you up.

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Big thing in the US is Extascy. Don't hear about cocaine as much anymore but i'm sure it is out there. another one is heroine.

I don't know why anyone would take drugs anyway, even in experimentation.

You know what the Possible outcome may be if something goes wrong, You could die.

That's not worth the High. :o

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I have played at top model ***** *******'s party this year and was in the company of most of the top Thai / Luk-kreung models. Sadly, most of them were in the toilets every ten minutes powdering their noses.

Funny how the people that have "The Good Life" are missing one thing in perticular, "A Brain" :o

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I hate the stuff. I tried it once in 1997 and I couldn't sleep for three days. This is a fun drug? No sleep?

last night when I finished DJ-ing, a well known farang DJ (name witheld) turned up to say Hi to my mate and immedietly disappeared into the toilet for some nose candy. When he returned he was over friendly and loud without realising it. I wanted to tell him to <deleted> off out of my face.

He then proceeded to have a go at the manager and tell him how to do his job while laughing at him with all his mates.

I have played at top model ***** *******'s party this year and was in the company of most of the top Thai / Luk-kreung models. Sadly, most of them were in the toilets every ten minutes powdering their noses.

" Use of cocaine in a binge, during which the drug is taken repeatedly and at increasingly high doses, may lead to a state of increasing irritability, restlessness, and paranoia. This can result in a period of full-blown paranoid psychosis, in which the user loses touch with reality and experiences auditory hallucinations "

I hate everything associated with this drug and its overrated effects.

Anyone disagree with me? Or have any experiences to share? I'm intrigued as to why a drug that makes people spout <deleted> from their mouths is sooooo trendy and popular.

By the way, if you ever come to one of my nights and offer me any, I'll grass you up.

I spent about 10 years on the stuff, clubbing etc, some weeks maybe 500 pounds on the stuff.

Have'nt touched that or anything for over 4 years now, it was good but it IS a mugs game, especially watching idiots on Pattaya trying to buy some

It does'nt go down well when fellow englishmen ask me where to get some and i tell them that if i see them oon it or with it in my place then i will call the police myself.

Don't do it :o

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Good topic.

Use in the UK now is epidemic – all my friends are involved with it, some every night. It’s overtaken Ecstasy as the number #1 leisure drug. The nickname from my parts given to it is “beak”, as that’s what you use to take it :o

I’ve seen mates plough through hundreds in a single night, amazed that I’m happy with a joint and a few beers.

I don’t like the stuff. Tried it a few nights back in the UK and although the initial 10-minute buzz was fun, the come-down was horrible. I spent the next few hours with a scatty head, constantly thinking “why the fck did I do (and pay for) that?”. But then, each to their own, it is popular for reasons.

I’ve only seen a few users in Thailand, and this is in the 3 years I’ve been here. One farang, the rest of them Thai. The biggest shocker was a trip to Samui earlier this year. Walked into a club on Cheweng of a daytime and asked if it’d be okay if they let me DJ there this evening. The owner’s response was “Uh, yeah, okay.”

I said “Don’t you want to hear me play first?”

He responded “Um, yeah, if you want to.”

So got out my gear and started going to work. Halfway through the set a guy (who was the resident DJ) came up to me and asks “Would you like some Coke?”

Daftly, I said “No thanks, got a Heineken here.”

“No, Coke” <SNIFF>

I politely declined; making an excuse it was difficult to focus on the tunes on the stuff. The style they wanted was &lt;deleted&gt; progressive house, which I only had 45mins of anyway, so took what was probably the wise option of giving the bar a miss that evening. Farang fears of being stitched up then extorted for thousands of baht overcame me.

The few users I know well in Bangkok are all Thai and hardly what you would call “regular users”. Hope it stays that way, because I personally reckon the UK has such a problem that it doesn’t want to admit up to, and I wouldn’t like to see Thailand follow in its steps.

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Alcohol is a drug.

Nicotine is a drug.

Neither is controlled by crime so that's alright then.

Why do people do coke? It feels GOOD. It's not rocket science. I only did it once because it made my nose bleed but I couldn't fault the high it gave me.

As for grassing-up people: I know a few who'd make you see sense on that attitude. If you don't like the stuff, don't do it, but try not to ram your lifestyle down other peoples' throats.

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alcohol, nicotine, Neither is controlled by crime so that's alright then.

Yeah really? the criminals are just legalized :o they have nice suits and rake in the big money in their liqour and tabacco companies.

I say potato , you say pottatto.

same same

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I hate the stuff. I tried it once in 1997 and I couldn't sleep for three days. This is a fun drug? No sleep?

You took speed mate :D I had uni friends from Panama (while @ uni in the UK), u can imagine the rest yerself, what these boys brought back from their hollidayz was beyond belief and was probably what got me off the shit in the UK.. The stuff u get anywhere in the UK is AT LEAST cut 1/3 (with fuk nos what) whatever anyone tellz u, still used to buy it but.......... :o

Its @ least 100 times better than sex, as they say :D

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I hate the stuff. I tried it once in 1997 and I couldn't sleep for three days. This is a fun drug? No sleep?

If I came from the North of England as you do then I'd need to take drugs to keep me from being reminded just what a god dam awful place it is. I bet your nights out in the LoS are real popular guy, tell us what goes on.

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I find folks high on coke as irritating as drunks, one needs to be in the same state to appreciate them. Even worse are former coke heads, hallmark is an incredibly short fuse and overreacting to the slightest irritation.

I am sure the stuff does irrepairable damage to one's nervous system.

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Back when John Ravolta was doing his "Disco Fever" thing, coke was all the hit.

Different times - that was then, this is now and it isn't so cool to do anymore.

Folks want to fund their 401(k)'s and make $ in the stock market & you can't do both and get ahead with a head full of "snoot"! :o

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alcohol, nicotine, Neither is controlled by crime so that's alright then.

Yeah really? the criminals are just legalized :o they have nice suits and rake in the big money in their liqour and tabacco companies.

I say potato , you say pottatto.

same same

My point is that drugs are available when they are legal and they are OK when they are legal but are BAD when they are illegal but they are both still harmful no matter their legal status.

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DJPAT - I hate the stuff. I tried it once in 1997 and I couldn't sleep for three days. This is a fun drug? No sleep?

You must of bought some speed by the sounds of it - 3 days :o

I have had it many times in my life, I would rather be around coke heads, than drunks.

I notice the posters here are being very PC - typical of this board :D

Nicest drug in the world! But I would'nt touch it in this country as being caught here, would not be nice.

Before you flame away, get a beer out of the fridge :D

BTW Dave, I cannot believe that you would grass someone up to the police. Ill take that comment as being PC :D

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I notice the posters here are being very PC - typical of this board :o

Nicest drug in the world! But I would'nt touch it in this country as being caught here, would not be nice.

Nicest drug in the world! :D Man, what a statement! Especially coming from an ex-special forces hand!

Is that what used to keep you going in the jungle, Gent? :D

Speaking of being PC...you must be doing something "right" as you haven't been turfed offa here for a while! :D:D:wub:

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