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Nursing Home Or Long-term Care Facility In Los

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I am putting this in the general forum so as to reach maximum audience. It pertains to the following thread in the health forum about a long time farang resident of Thailand with no family/apparanelty no close friends or partner who is seriously disabled post-stroke and unable to care for himself.

This is the link to the whole sad story:


If anyone knows of a nursing home or long-term care type place -- not an acute care hospitalm but someplace that cares for the elderly or disabled and is reasonably decent and suitable for a farang, please post or PM

Personally don't know of any but hopefully someone out there does...

I am putting this in the general forum so as to reach maximum audience. It pertains to the following thread in the health forum about a long time farang resident of Thailand with no family/apparanelty no close friends or partner who is seriously disabled post-stroke and unable to care for himself.

This is the link to the whole sad story:


If anyone knows of a nursing home or long-term care type place -- not an acute care hospitalm but someplace that cares for the elderly or disabled and is reasonably decent and suitable for a farang, please post or PM

Personally don't know of any but hopefully someone out there does...

ive seen 1 just outside pattaya, but i dont know what it is like ?? its towards laem chabang


Thanks for your help Sheryl

I have a question related to SSI benefits as well and I am hoping that someone with more knowledge than I may be able to help.

His family has started the process of applying for benefits but we are trying to determine the approximate benefit amount in order to help find a facility and to judge the level of care he can expect to receive.

He should be entitled to Disability benefits based on his condition and he is now 62 +1 Month and from the SSI website its stated that he would be eligable to retire 'early' and receive just over 75% of his retirement benefit.

The question is can he receive both of these benefits or would SSI consider this a 'winfall' and max out his benefits at the which ever is the higher rate?

If he could receive both benefits both combined may allow for a fairly high level of care in a long term facility here in Thailand.

Telaksslave thank you for your help, do you know the name or have any contact details to the facility by Laem Chabang?

Thanks for your help Sheryl

I have a question related to SSI benefits as well and I am hoping that someone with more knowledge than I may be able to help.

His family has started the process of applying for benefits but we are trying to determine the approximate benefit amount in order to help find a facility and to judge the level of care he can expect to receive.

He should be entitled to Disability benefits based on his condition and he is now 62 +1 Month and from the SSI website its stated that he would be eligable to retire 'early' and receive just over 75% of his retirement benefit.

The question is can he receive both of these benefits or would SSI consider this a 'winfall' and max out his benefits at the which ever is the higher rate?

If he could receive both benefits both combined may allow for a fairly high level of care in a long term facility here in Thailand.

Telaksslave thank you for your help, do you know the name or have any contact details to the facility by Laem Chabang?

i will go and get the phone number for you tomorrow its only about 20 minutes drive

I don't know anything about it other than web site but this is about all I could find when I searched a few years ago and all that seems to come up now.


Thank you Lopburi. I know this question may belong in the Visa forum, but I would like to know what needs to be done in order to extend his visa for medical reasons.

We have penty of time, it won't run out until November and I know they wouldn't deport him, but it would be better to extend his visa when the time comes.

You are the resident expert on all matters pertaining to visas, but I understand that you may not check this forum very often. If I don't hear back from you I will post this question in the visa forum, thank you.


Thank you for taking your time on a Sunday to find out the telephone number.


Believe it normally requires medical certificate - as he can not visit immigration probably best to visit them and find out exactly what will be required when have a chance. Your Embassy contact can probably be of help with this, even if only a letter of introduction type thing. Suspect you will need to deal at an officer level.

I am putting this in the general forum so as to reach maximum audience. It pertains to the following thread in the health forum about a long time farang resident of Thailand with no family/apparanelty no close friends or partner who is seriously disabled post-stroke and unable to care for himself.

This is the link to the whole sad story:


If anyone knows of a nursing home or long-term care type place -- not an acute care hospitalm but someplace that cares for the elderly or disabled and is reasonably decent and suitable for a farang, please post or PM

Personally don't know of any but hopefully someone out there does...

i just went to the banglamung elderly peoples home and unfortunately it was for Thais only, sorry about that but i will carry on looking for you good luck

Thanks for your help Sheryl

I have a question related to SSI benefits as well and I am hoping that someone with more knowledge than I may be able to help.

His family has started the process of applying for benefits but we are trying to determine the approximate benefit amount in order to help find a facility and to judge the level of care he can expect to receive.

He should be entitled to Disability benefits based on his condition and he is now 62 +1 Month and from the SSI website its stated that he would be eligable to retire 'early' and receive just over 75% of his retirement benefit.

The question is can he receive both of these benefits or would SSI consider this a 'winfall' and max out his benefits at the which ever is the higher rate?

If he could receive both benefits both combined may allow for a fairly high level of care in a long term facility here in Thailand.

Telaksslave thank you for your help, do you know the name or have any contact details to the facility by Laem Chabang?

If I may, you need to look into two issues of larger importance. One, his ability to claim US residency, an official residence.

Two, I may be mistaken but, if he is disabled and too young to met his FULL retirement age, under SS disability, once he has gotten it, he will get what he would have at FULL SS retirement benefits verse the 75% early retirement option you mentioned.

There are legal agencies out there that will do this disability process for him and under law they are strictly limited to I think a max of 10% of his Initial payment once his payments starts to come. Which often includes months of pay. I know of two such groups, one is advertised at lot as Bender & Bender. The other is or was in LA, it is called disability Law Group. Both have web site I am sure.

Other issues, getting a recognized Doctor or hospital certification of disablity overseas can and will be an issue.

If he is Veteran, he can get disability the "overseas Disability unit in Denver, who once registered will reimburse what medical expenses the VA would normally pay vis v the veterans disability, if he were state-side.

No medicare overseas, and there is a hitch with his SS in that they will try to take monthly medicare part B currently at $108 going up rapidly each year. If you opt out, they charge you 10% extra for each year you are out.

Hope it helps...


My impression is the same as above i.e. that if disabled he can get the full SSI amount. How much that will be depends on his salary history, years worked etc but wuith the exchange rate what it is, won't be what it would have been.

The nursing home referenced by lopburi looks worth a visit. I note also that there was a prior thread from a TV member who used it for home care. I have sent an email to inquire about costs and also if they can handle a patient with a tracheostomy....


With the reasonable cost of labor in the service sector of Thailand's economy, I wonder what the economics are of hiring a full-time nurse for care at home? If it was equal or less than nursing home care, I'm wondering about the added value of being able to stay in one's home and the 1-on-1 care?

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