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A Night On The Town


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A simple question really. In Baht. How much do you spend when you hit the streets in the evening? I know it all depends. But how much do you expected to spend for the night out?. It doesn’t matter where you are in Thailand. I’m bored and I just want to know. I normally carry 2000-3000 for the night.

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lat time in Bangkok I went to a beer bar off of sukumvit 20 and took turns all night buying rounds with 6 brits and spent less than 1000 THB plus got a mighty fine buzz out of it. Must of been in that place for at least 5 hours.

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I tend to spend a bit more than others (on average) it seems, but that's probably because I'm not living there full-time (only 25% of the year until this job is finished).

So, when I go out, I am generally prepared for various contingencies (i.e. multiple bins in multiple "establishments") and expect to spend anywhere from 5-10,000k. I do recall one night being shocked when I saw my bin, and it was only 3,000 baht ! :o

Most expensive night was about 45k, but that was a farewell party I hosted.

Being there full-time though, I'll probably spend as much per night when I go out, but I expect I won't go out as often.

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Normally 1000bht will do it. :D


1,000 Baht?

Do you own a bar, or do you stay home? :D

1,000 Baht do not take me very far to be honest. Extensive barhopping is kind of expensive.

In average I would agree to 2,000 - 2,500 Bht.

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I go to a nice easy cowboy bar with 50 baht drafts, 65 bottles "Happy Hour" and not over 80 baht during regular hours. Food is cheap. 5 hours will just depend on how much you throw back. Do the math.

Also, I go to places that 3-5,000 is just getting started. :o

Eat in, prime up and hit the town, stay away from the bell and the lady drinks are your own call.

Have fun elbow bending.


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A friend of mine ( not short of a few bob ) was split up from his group of mates whilst enjoying a weekend in the City of Angels - Entered a pole dancing club and payed the mamasan the bar fine for all of the girls on the stage, as a treat for his buddies. All he had to do was find his mates and return to collect the ladies.

After leaving the establishment, he was re-united with his chums, only to realise that he had no idea where he had just come from... :o and spent the next few hours trying to re trace his steps. :D

Not sure exactly how much he spent, but am sure the girls had a drink on him at the end of the night :D .

As for me, 1000baht is fine for an average night out.


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Less than 1000 baht. I normally go to Thai style places where you buy a bottle of whiskey and drink at your table. Throw in the mixers, some food, and a taxi and its about 1k for the night.

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Well for me it isnt very often that i go out ,but i do tend to be a little extravagant, usually im releived of 20-30.000 baht for an evening,.one night in Phuket my friend Alan and i did 50.000 !,.in the UK quite often would spend 500 pounds or more, especially if we went to legs 11 in Birmingham ,.

Edited by imaneggspurt
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Rang the bell in mistys one night, that was 30.000 baht, he definatly ripped us off, never went back andy i beleive the manager /front man was called, horrible bloke,.on another occasion tony my friend and me did a 12 hour shift in bubbles,never went short time once and the bill was 45k,.no regrets, was making good money and i have never been tight or had to live on a budget,

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A simple question really. In Baht. How much do you spend when you hit the streets in the evening? I know it all depends. But how much do you expected to spend for the night out?. It doesn’t matter where you are in Thailand. I’m bored and I just want to know. I normally carry 2000-3000 for the night.

Depends who I am with, and where & what we drink.

Alone, around 3-6K.

With Farang friends a bit more. We normally do some bar hopping.

With Thai friends, well I am one of those that normally are handed the bill. So the evening can then be 7-15K.

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I and a friend occasionally go out in a suburban area of BKK for a night of drinking with a little food. If we start early, say 6 ish, then it will cost the two of us about 2,000 baht or so. Last time we went out, it was later and it cost 860 baht. We usually stay at the same place and the bar is nice enough to continue to serve us (we're outside) beyond closing time and when it's late enough they ask us how many beers we want and set them out, close the place, with just a light and the fan on outside and let us enjoy our talk. There's usually a nice tip involved--about 200 baht or so, which I think helps make sure they are so accommodating.

Used to go into central BKK--Silom area and could easily raise hel_l with 3-5,000 baht without too much trouble!

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It really all depends on what kind of night you want to have. I'm making shit money at the moment so I'm trying not to spend a lot. That doesn't mean I go to cheap places, though! Usually I pregame at home with 4-5 drinks. On Tuesday, Bed has ladies night with free entrance so that's another way to cut cost. Also, if you're headed to Bed, Q Bar, or Twisted you can always stop at Cheap Charlie's for a few drinks before the club. On Friday's at 808 (RCA) they have an all-you-can drink deal with 350 baht for women and 500 baht for men. At most places, my friends and I buy a bottle which comes down to about 500 per person. It's usually pretty cheap at places like Route at RCA. All in all, I'd say on average I spend about 1,000-1,500 per night at a bar/club including transportation (but lately I've been getting away with spending about 600bt!). But that's just my expense, not buying drinks for others.

I find that the best way to cut costs is to pre-game and do a little research, find out which places are having no-cover charge specials, etc. Usually that also means there's a pretty lively crowd to go along with it.

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I can't believe the amounts you guys spend - no wonder so many farang in Thailand are broke.

I rarely spend more than 5-600 baht on a night out. I'm not sure how it's possible to spend much more, unless you're the type who needs your ego (falsely) boosted by having a bunch of farmer's daughters pretending to adore you everytime you buy them a watered down orange juice for 150baht.

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I rarely spend more than 5-600 baht on a night out. I'm not sure how it's possible to spend much more, unless you're the type who needs your ego (falsely) boosted by having a bunch of farmer's daughters pretending to adore you everytime you buy them a watered down orange juice for 150baht.

Actually, I probably spend more getting the wait-staff hammered than the "poor, sweet, innocent farmer's daughters/chrome pole molesters". :o

(and when I do buy, it's pretty much always Tequila). It's not for my ego, it's for the chuckles !)

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I can't believe the amounts you guys spend - no wonder so many farang in Thailand are broke.

I rarely spend more than 5-600 baht on a night out. I'm not sure how it's possible to spend much more, unless you're the type who needs your ego (falsely) boosted by having a bunch of farmer's daughters pretending to adore you everytime you buy them a watered down orange juice for 150baht.

Not much point buying OJ. No value for money. Might as well throw your hard earned cash in the crapper.

Buy your female drinking partners a few bottles of Spy wine cooler each & the entertainment factor gets an exponential boost as well as the time factor because it is a little hard to knock back a full bottle of that stuff in under a couple of minutes. :o

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I can't believe the amounts you guys spend - no wonder so many farang in Thailand are broke.

I rarely spend more than 5-600 baht on a night out. I'm not sure how it's possible to spend much more, unless you're the type who needs your ego (falsely) boosted by having a bunch of farmer's daughters pretending to adore you everytime you buy them a watered down orange juice for 150baht.

Not much point buying OJ. No value for money. Might as well throw your hard earned cash in the crapper.

Buy your female drinking partners a few bottles of Spy wine cooler each & the entertainment factor gets an exponential boost as well as the time factor because it is a little hard to knock back a full bottle of that stuff in under a couple of minutes. :o

Thanks for the advice, but no thanks. If I wanted to devote my valuable free time to paying for conversations as complex as 'where you come from, you mee mia laew?' I'd think it was a good investment. But I'm too old for that bullshit.

Its the same when i go to the Philippines on business, it's the same. I'm thinking of getting cards printed up with the following words on them and handing them over before they've finished the first question:

England, but live in Thailand.


So sod off and leave me alone, you skank.

Edited by bendix
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This is all very interesting. I thought I was going over bored compared to some of you. I do try to aim the night at a Thai pup and shear a bottle of walker or go to RCA or Tong lor Area and do the same. But when with friends there hearts are not contempt and still want more out of the night. But there is a lot to learn here to keep cost down and still have a crazy time.


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Thanks for the advice, but no thanks. If I wanted to devote my valuable free time to paying for conversations as complex as 'where you come from, you mee mia laew?' I'd think it was a good investment. But I'm too old for that bullshit.

Its the same when i go to the Philippines on business, it's the same. I'm thinking of getting cards printed up with the following words on them and handing them over before they've finished the first question:

England, but live in Thailand.


So sod off and leave me alone, you skank.

I find it very hard to believe that anybody would actually go to a beer (or other) bar for intelectual conversation oportunities in one's mother tongue. :o

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