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Out Clubbing In Bangkok? Be Ready For Drug Test


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Go party in Benidorm if Thailand is too strict, why bitch about it ?

It is not that Thailand is too strict as you put it, is just that it is becoming more and more puratanical. If someone wants to take to drugs because there is something missing in their lives; then that is an immense pity. However that is their choice

Not Strict?

One English guy has Just got a 33 year prison sentence, his mate got the Death sentence.

I remember a bloke that got 12 years for 8 ecstacy pills a few years back.

They don't mess around here. :o

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It might be the law but it is still rather harsh. You who love to quote the law so often, should remember that there is no justice without mercy. Do you remember the guy a couple of years ago here, who got 40 years for stealing 80,000 baht. Who were the real criminals in that case?

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Edit: Dr John, I want to be in Thailand. This country advertises itself as a tourist destination. Would you say violating the rights of tourists to enjoy themselves (without hurting anyone) is a smart thing to do?

I enjoy myself without breaking the law. :D

Oops, I didn't know that going out once in a while to Q-Bar is against the law. Now that you told me, I will of course avoid going there.

Next time I book a vacation somewhere I will ask the travel agent for a written statement explaining which activities are legal, and which not, and if there is any place I can go with my friends to have a drink, relax and dance a little. Never I would want to break any law, but nobody told me it is illegal to go out to a place like Q-bar.

Doctor John, you seem to be lawyer, can you make a list of illegal activities for us naive westerners, you know, all the things which usually you can do , like going out to dance, have a drink, listen to music, relax a little, chat with friends, and which seem to be illegal here!

Is going to Thailand to do illegal drugs a smart thing to do ?  :o

Illegal drugs? What are you talking about? I saw them selling only drinks in Q-Bar, nothing illegal. Even the police had to confirm that, nothing illegal was found.

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Don't play dumb, Yuyi. You know as well as anyone else that only those found with drugs in their system or without proper ID got in trouble. The only thing that happened to anyone else was a bit of inconvenience. Most just walked a few dozen feet to Bed and continued partying.

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Illegal drugs? What are you talking about? I saw them selling only drinks in Q-Bar, nothing illegal. Even the police had to confirm that, nothing illegal was found.

So maybe these club checks are doing what they are designed to do, stop people taking illegal drugs.

Now, if only Farangs could carry their passports.......................... :o

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Doctor John is a Musician.

Planning on getting a gig in a club somewhere?

Yea, but I will only do legal Drugs. ( alcohol ), and I will carry my Passport :o

Which will result in that you will get hold for 3 hours and more, until you pissed and a test result is there. Same story for all of them, whatever they took or smoked. 3 hours for, as you say "only do(ing) legal Drugs. ( alcohol ), and I will carry my Passport". Sounds like a big warm welcome to me... oh no, I forgot, it is illegal here to go out in the first place. You break the law at your own peril. Minimum sentence is pissing and 3 hours arrest.

Doc John, I urge you to reconsider doing your gigs here. Don't break the law!

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Doc John, I urge you to reconsider doing your gigs here. Don't break the law!

YuYi, I am not Doctor John the Musician, I am just some dixhead using the name and avatar cos i like it.

I will be back in Thailand next month and will go out, if I get piss tested it will be all part of life, no big deal.

( In reality i will moan like f@#k! ) :o

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Does it really come as any surprise to anyone here that Thailand does not offer the civil liberties we take for granted in the West?  Do ANY Asian countries come close?  As a matter of fact, I can think of a whole bunch of Asian countries with lower levels of civil liberties than Thailand -- but only a few which might have better.

Part of the reason is that democracy is younger in Asia, and certainly another part is the fact that most Asians have a different attitude towards authority and government than we do -- and lower expectations regarding their individual rights in respect to them.

These things will certainly change over time, but it will be due to the LOCALS demanding more freedoms, not tourists and expats.

Most of us come to Asia because we love the differences in culture, not the similarities.  If you're unprepared to deal with the differences -- including those regarding civil liberties -- you should possibly consider just staying at home.

We all know the differences between West and East. But the 'authorities' seem to be going backwards when it comes to farang civil liberties.

How many people where in LOS 10-15 years ago? And they will tell you it was a whole load better and friendlier than it is now.

Stricter immigration laws.

Less tolerance on overstays.

Earlier closing times.

Later starting times

Urine tests

Being held against ones will


The big picture:

They are sending out the wrong message to tourists.

They are sending out the wrong message to tourists.

They are sending out the wrong message to tourists.

They are sending out the wrong message to tourists.

They are sending out the wrong message to tourists.

They are sending out the wrong message to tourists.

Has it sank in yet?

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... a bit of inconvenience.

Hmmm, three hours arrested, "a bit of inconvenience"??? Sorry, cannot agree. Not with the "a bit" and not even with "inconvenience".

For me, this is the treatment you get for doing something illegal. Obviously you did break a law going there, even if it is an unwritten one.

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How many people where in LOS  10-15 years ago? And they will tell you it was a whole load better and friendlier than it is now.

Bullcrap! The constitution instituted in 1997 is LIGHT YEARS ahead of the previous ones in terms of human rights and protection of civil liberties!

They are sending out the wrong message to tourists.

Are you more concerned about tourists, or the Thai people? The latter are DEFINITELY much better off now than they were 10-15 years ago.

Time will tell whether or not tourism will be affected. Anyway, the fewer farangs in Thailand the better, as far as I'm concerned.

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... a bit of inconvenience.

Hmmm, three hours arrested, "a bit of inconvenience"??? Sorry, cannot agree. Not with the "a bit" and not even with "inconvenience".

For me, this is the treatment you get for doing something illegal. Obviously you did break a law going there, even if it is an unwritten one.

Well, I have nothing more to say to you other then, other than that you're a big ninny.

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How many people where in LOS  10-15 years ago? And they will tell you it was a whole load better and friendlier than it is now.

1990 I moved to Thailand, It was a 24 hour party everyday in Pattaya in them days! :D

You know something Medicine Box, I am glad I saw those times. The good ole days!! :o

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... Anyway, the fewer farangs in Thailand the better, as far as I'm concerned.

Here we are, now I understand! And I even agree, if you refer to the junk running around here, who makes me feeling ashamed of being a farang too.

But like it or not, it is a global game now, even China is opening the doors. If you want the farangs to bring their money, you have to give something in return. And if you don't want them, then don't tell them to come. The message is not clear.

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His best manouevre was still the 2001 revision of the telecoms Act to reduce foreign ownership to 25% after Orange had invested to 49% in Thailand, coupled with the TAT/TOT access charges preferential treatment for Shin.

My all-time favorite was his FIRST move... Bribing/intimidating Constitution Court judges to rule 8-7 in his favor on asset concealment in a blatant miscarriage of justice. Too bad, because if ONLY they had found against him, the past four years would have been WITHOUT the illustrious one at the helm.

Doesn't everyone put their millions in stock shares in the hands of their personal driver? :o

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Don't wanna be tested for drugs and hassled = Be home or even better be in bed before midnight.

Actually, guess no need to be Einstein to figure that out and better for your health anyway.

So, what's the fuss?  :o

Perhaps people are not ready to join the "Geritol Group"???.....

background info for anyone unaware: Geritol is a "tonic" principally targeted for geriatic citizens whose bedtime is 8:00.... or can be as late as 8:30 on the weekends.

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Don't wanna be tested for drugs and hassled = Be home or even better be in bed before midnight.

Actually, guess no need to be Einstein to figure that out and better for your health anyway.

So, what's the fuss?  :o

Perhaps people are not ready to join the "Geritol Group"???.....

background info for anyone unaware: Geritol is a "tonic" principally targeted for geriatic citizens whose bedtime is 8:00.... or can be as late as 8:30 on the weekends.

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Feel free to be annoyed, you break no laws. Just don't feel annoyed then take drugs or forget to carry your passport with you.   :D

Yes, I am utmost annoyed by your senseless posts.


Question to Admin:

Any possibility to check and confirm wether or not this poster has

legally earned his academic title he claims in his nickname?

He's easily as intellectually and academically grounded as Dr. T

but I agree Axel, his trolling nature is nothing short of tedious.

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I may be wrong, but I believe that in the US you can only be subjected to a sobriety test if there is sufficient cause to believe you may be inebriated (i.e., driving recklessly, slurred words, difficulty walking).  Simply being in a night club would not count as sufficient cause to require one to submit to any kind of test.

You are mistaken. In the US they routinely set up "Sobriety Check Points". They usually do this around holidays, but I was stopped in one last month. In my life, I think I have gone through about 8. The cops are jerks, if you are honest and tell them you had one drink two hours ago, you will be given a field sobriety check, which I think is bogus. I have done a few of these in my life. Assuming you told them you had at least one drink, you will do a breath test. It doesn't matter how you did in the "field test", they will always claim you stumbled or something. Every time I did a field test, I had to do a breath. And every time I did a breath test, I tested clean.

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Carrying your passport around at night also greatly increase the chances that you lose it or it get stolen and it certainly would wear out a lot earlier than the 10 years it's supposed to last. 


I have always carried a color copy of the front pages of my passport and they accept it. No need to carry the original and, if you lose the copy - no harm to you.

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I haven't got my act together to have an up-to-date copy on me. If it comes to the question of your legitimacy of stay, rather than identity, the page with details of your last entry and visa status is as important as the one with your details. Keep in mind also that the average policeman is unlikely to be able to read English, so the arrival card or visa stamp are what they will be looking at in detail.

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but why pick on the falang areas.

Thaksins war on drugs is won perhaps!!!! :D

you would think more suitable uses of the polices time could be found.....how about all the teenage boys carrying gus for a start.

Cos that is where Farangs are taking drugs!!!

You know about Teenage boys carrying guns because you see it on the news after they are arrested.

Just say NO to drugs. :o

An excellent reason to get fined"not carrying your passport"

Hello we know all they just want to increase revenue for the coffers

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Some people I disagree with are woth arguing with, others not, specially when their motive for posting appears to be to state disagreeable views for the purpose of provoking a reaction, commonly known as 'trolling'.

Doc John is on my ignore list.

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Carrying your passport around at night also greatly increase the chances that you lose it or it get stolen and it certainly would wear out a lot earlier than the 10 years it's supposed to last. 


I have always carried a color copy of the front pages of my passport and they accept it. No need to carry the original and, if you lose the copy - no harm to you.

I know. Even better, if you're a long-term resident get a Thai drivers license, that is even more welcomed.

But if you were in Q that night and didn't have your original passport on your person that night you would have been fined, inconvenienced and hassled!

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Don't wanna be tested for drugs and hassled = Be home or even better be in bed before midnight.

Actually, guess no need to be Einstein to figure that out and better for your health anyway.

So, what's the fuss?  :o

Perhaps people are not ready to join the "Geritol Group"???.....

background info for anyone unaware: Geritol is a "tonic" principally targeted for geriatic citizens whose bedtime is 8:00.... or can be as late as 8:30 on the weekends.

Because they never grow up and still stick to the old habits of their childhood? Always wanna eat candies and never get to sleep although Mom and Pop tell them this is no good for them.

Replace the word candies with Viagara, booz and smoke... whoops the same old naughty brat just a few years older. No gain but just the years?

John, you owe me 4 hours - the time between 8.00 and midnight. Where are they gone? If retrieved they could be used for a bit of undangerous partying before the brown pee patrol shows up.

Darn where is that bloody Geritol bottle - the pointers of my watch already go towards bedtime.

Police officier or trooper ain't no problem for the party pooper! :D Appears like I am the only one in BKK that has reshuffled his priorities. Rather be with my family than on the strip.

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:o You people sound like parrots "Just don't do drugs - Just don't do drugs"

I believe here in the LOS prostitution, being drunk and despicable in public, and (believe it or not) driving violations are crimes, but I don't hear - Just don't drink and Prostitute. It's all crime, in thai law. Many of you have broken Thai laws while here, so you shouldn't be throwing stones at any one group of people. I'm not condoning anything. However, many people realise many foreigners come here to cop a great buzz and cort a beautiful Thai woman (oh so horrible is it?). Give me a break. Cherryboy

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