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Unfriendly People


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Im back in Pattaya for a few days but where are all the smiling faces ?

So I want to have some fun a saturday night , and walking street with the nightlife and all the bars can be fun for a few hours.

But not this time , when I enter a bar to order a drink at least I expect a smile from one of the working bargirls , but I guess you have to pay for smiles these days......

I know its low season here but still plenty of tourists to take care of.

Compared to Chiang Mai , its like night and day.

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I think part of the reason why the bars are not like they use to be is because there is no smoking allowed anymore, there seems to be more people smiling outside than inside now, sat next to the ash tray. A smoker or not a smoker, smoking and drinking go together, and now its banned.

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However, it is fun trying to dodge all of the criminals on the streets.

Almost became a victim two times in the past week. First attempt at my money on a baht bus from two ladyboys and another attempt at my bag on beach road.

Be careful out there and try not to carry anything expensive, like a mobile phone, gold chain, money, or whatever.

Best to stay indoors over the next 5 months, until all of the crowds arrive again in November/December with the money for the locals.

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I think part of the reason why the bars are not like they use to be is because there is no smoking allowed anymore, there seems to be more people smiling outside than inside now, sat next to the ash tray. A smoker or not a smoker, smoking and drinking go together, and now its banned.

So us non-smokers have to put up with passive smoking when smoking is allowed, and the whingeing of smokers when it is not. The best remedy is for smokers to overcome their weakness and then we would all be happy, smokers, non-smokers and bar workers alike.

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Whether i am a smoker, or a non smoker, it is a fact, the bars are definately quieter now that smoking has been banned, whether it smells awful or not, whether people like it or not, its a fact. Every bar, disco, club ect.. seems to be busier outside by the ashtrays, than inside nowadays...............

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Whether i am a smoker, or a non smoker, it is a fact, the bars are definately quieter now that smoking has been banned, whether it smells awful or not, whether people like it or not, its a fact. Every bar, disco, club ect.. seems to be busier outside by the ashtrays, than inside nowadays...............

After all I think the smoking ban is not that bad, although I am a smoker.

Concerning the unfriendliness, well, one has to consider, that Pattaya is not a cheap place for Thai people, and the rising costs of living do not turn life easier.

I know here for 12 yrs now, certainly there are big changes. As a resident, however, you know people and people know you, and those are really good friends. I can however confirm, that for a tourist type of visitor, the situation has changed quite dramatically. Business and nothing else...much more than before.

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However, it is fun trying to dodge all of the criminals on the streets.

Almost became a victim two times in the past week. First attempt at my money on a baht bus from two ladyboys and another attempt at my bag on beach road.

Be careful out there and try not to carry anything expensive, like a mobile phone, gold chain, money, or whatever.

Best to stay indoors over the next 5 months, until all of the crowds arrive again in November/December with the money for the locals.

Your post is sad and ridiculus, but absolutely true. :o

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What you are seeing has happened to every tourist destination around the world when it starts to mature. These include Ibiza, Amsterdam, Phuket, the list goes on.

As expansion occurs the workers and owners in the tourist industry welcome your tourist euro/dollar with a smile but eventually ennui sets in. The tourists are taken for granted. They will come whatever. Scammers move in to fleece the visitors. Jealousy nips at the spirit of those toiling every day in barts, hotels and taxis at the foreigners seemingly permanently on vacation 'cos that's all they ever see. Scowls become far more common than smiles. Prices become expensive.

The trick is to avoid the places that have become like this and always go to places before they go rotten. That's why a lot of people are talking about Cambodia, for example. It will get sick of its foreigners in turn but it is years behind Pattaya on the curve.

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^ Spot on observation Briggsy. I am hoping for a Cuban reprise in the fall, just in case Obama prevails and USA Inc.. repossesses the 'other' big island next year.

Friendly Pattaya? Forget it!

Edited by NanLaew
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Friendly Pattaya exists - I think perhaps its the sour puss farangs that visit there that might need the attitude adjustment.

I agree with you britmaveric, their are many farangs in Pattaya with an attitude problem, but Briggsy's point is also valid too, Pattaya is turning in to a big scam towards the tourists. I've been living here 5 yrs now and have seen a big change in the locals attitude towards the tourists and expats that stay long term. The them and us divide seems to be greater than ever, for whatever reasons, and i think that their are many.

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Friendly Pattaya exists - I think perhaps its the sour puss farangs that visit there that might need the attitude adjustment.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Isn't it great - we agree on something.

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Whether i am a smoker, or a non smoker, it is a fact, the bars are definately quieter now that smoking has been banned, whether it smells awful or not, whether people like it or not, its a fact. Every bar, disco, club ect.. seems to be busier outside by the ashtrays, than inside nowadays...............

Don't think it's a matter of ashtrays or not, wait when the crowds and money spenders are back - the smiles are back -certain places, certain people are like that - or ever seen a slot machine going without a coin inserted? :o

..there are bills to be paid, family, lover, every hour on the phone: "where is the money, honey?" it's a drag....

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Friendly Pattaya exists - I think perhaps its the sour puss farangs that visit there that might need the attitude adjustment.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Isn't it great - we agree on something.

Wow... Tropo is on the same wavelength. A Kodak moment indeed.

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As sotsira points out, the attitude change over the past 5 years seems pretty obvious. I noted it on my full-time return 3 years ago after 15 years away. I accept it as mostly part of the social change that all Thailand has undertaken while I was away and very little to do with any perceived local xenophobia. Admittedly, there's a new generation of farang resident-tourists who suddenly have become aware of this and carp on about it. Consider this, 20 years ago, most Thai's would give way to the few farangs on a narrow sidewalk. Nowadays, they will cut in front of you, maybe making physical contact. Now, sit back and watch how Thais behave when amongst a crowd of fellow Thais. They unsmilingly push through with the 'me-first' attitude that we know from the streets of New York or London. So they aren't being rude to farangs, they are just being their normal selves.

Maybe the newer farang residents are the real xenophobes in "The Pattaya Never Smiles" scenario?

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People have wisely said before, if you go out the door with a smile on your face,

happy with your lot and really try to be considerate of others, it is returned.

But a lot of things can ruin that day rather quickly, motorbike taxi drivers trying

to charge 300% for short hops. Some of the other miscreants who seem to have

made a hobby about insulting farangs when they walk by, the list goes on. It

can be really difficult maintaining that happy, positive, feel-good attitude.

The police are having a major on-going crackdown on many of these young thugs

all over town who attack and rob other thais and farangs as well. i think it's long

overdue they began seriously cleaning up some of this mess which much of it

seems to be fall-out from the drug trade. it's been dragging the whole place down.

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There's a Buddhist proverb that goes "the smile that you send out is returned to you.'

Yeah, the writer probably picked that general idea up from a thousand year older Jewish proverb:

"A man who has friends must himself be friendly." Proverbs 18:24 The Bible

And another helpful proverb which echoes a few other posts above...

Wealth brings many friends,

but a poor man's friend deserts him.

Proverbs 19:4


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A dog is lost in the dessert and has been wondering around all day - eventually it stumbles upon a building with an open door. On entering the door it sees itself reflected in a mirror (the building is a maze of a hall of mirrors). The dog reacts angrily to its reflection and growls. As it stumples lost through the maze it continues to growl at its reflection - thus seeing only angry aggressive dogs looking back. Eventulaly the dog dies of exaustion, never finding its way out of the maze.

A second dog also lost stumbles upon the maze of mirrors. On entering the maze and seeing its reflection athe dog wags its tail, thus seeing only friendly dogs looking back. The dog eventually finds its way out!

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On the subject of dogs:

My neighbour tried to sell me his dog and he claimed it was a talking dog and he only wanted 500 baht.

I told him there is no such thing as a talking dog.

Just then his dog looked up dolefully and said:

"Please buy me sir. This man is cruel to me. He makes me sleep outside and feeds me cheap dog food.

He does not realize what a special dog I am as two years ago I swam the atlantic and last year i went to the North Pole".

I was amazed and said to my neighbour:

"you're right, he can talk, why are you selling him so cheap?"

The owner replied:"because I'm sick of his lies."

Edited by R123
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There's a Buddhist proverb that goes "the smile that you send out is returned to you.'

Yeah, the writer probably picked that general idea up from a thousand year older Jewish proverb:

"A man who has friends must himself be friendly." Proverbs 18:24 The Bible

Isn't this self evident? Are proverbs necessary to explain this?

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just my today's experience with Krung Thai bank on Sukhumvit Road.

Have to pay in some money on my wife's account. The only customer in the bank, I walk straight to the counter and that fat b1tch behind the counter greets me with "YOU! CUE NUMBER!!!" okok....I get me a cue number and come back.

She cannot read the number properly in the form I filled in (admittably, myu hand writing is terrible...)

I call the wife.

After this is sorted, I have to sit and wait and she is calling her colleague over. Whatever she said was not really clear, but the words "Farang" and "Puying" were ringing through very clearly...they whisper to each other, looking at me and finally get this transaction done.

Never will walk into this bank again with my Thai Visa shirt... :o

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asshol_e BAHT BUS DRIVER TRIES HIS BEST TO KNOCK ME OFF THE BACK END, but my heroics and amazing balance were enough to <deleted> up his master plan for another hospital patient.

Be careful of the friendly baht bus drivers. This ass tried slamming on the brakes and hitting the gas on my exit and entry into the back of the baht bus, but failed to toss me into oncoming traffic. (The Indians on the baht bus got a nice show as they watched me get tossed both times and almost became road pizza).

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I'm not unfriendly, I just hate everybody. But I hate them all equally, so there's no discrimination ! :D

(although those wangkers that keep popping off rockets at the base here are starting to irritate me a little more than normal) :o

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asshol_e BAHT BUS DRIVER TRIES HIS BEST TO KNOCK ME OFF THE BACK END, but my heroics and amazing balance were enough to <deleted> up his master plan for another hospital patient.

Be careful of the friendly baht bus drivers. This ass tried slamming on the brakes and hitting the gas on my exit and entry into the back of the baht bus, but failed to toss me into oncoming traffic. (The Indians on the baht bus got a nice show as they watched me get tossed both times and almost became road pizza).

Was this before or after you told him you were only paying him 5 baht ? :o

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What you are seeing has happened to every tourist destination around the world when it starts to mature. These include Ibiza, Amsterdam, Phuket, the list goes on.

I am no fountain of knowledge where Pattaya is concerned but I have had 10 visits in the last 2 years. Even in this relatively short period of time I have noticed changes and I think Briggsy is 100% correct.

Perhaps Pattaya has 'matured' beyond it's peak attractiveness - I have also seen the same in Benidorm, Costa Del Sol, Crete, Ibiza etc.

I also accept that my own view has perhaps 'matured' - I no longer see the same novelty in Walking Street where, on my first visit, I really was like a rabbit in the headlights. The girls in Soi 6, 7 etc no longer look as attractive/sexy/happy as before - I certainly haven't become more attractive or discerning but maybe once the novelty has gone, so has the sparkle.

Other fundamental changes include greed and demographics. There appear to be greater number of Arabs and Russians - with the latter there is usually an inevitable growth in crime surrounding drugs and prostitution. I can forsee 'turf wars' !

The girls seem to have abandoned the "it's up to you" pricing policy and second-rate girls in second-rate bars are now seeking 2,000 Baht +

I think, with the exception of most long-term resident Farangs, Pattaya now represents the worst of the East meets the worst of the West.

Unless someone can achieve a remarkable regeneration then I think Pattaya is past it's best and people will start to look for places lower down the evolutional curve.

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