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Percentage Of Farangs In Thailand Who Are Here For Sex?


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the next old wrinkly ass white guy that takes no notice of me and decides to check out my girlfriend is getting a punch.

we are both 18 and when we are together, i can expect the stares that we get constantly from thai and non thai generally interested to see a young westerner and thai girl together, but from some old, hairy, ugly, fat white guy looking at my girlfriend - no thanks.

Well, I am not fat! (As to the rest of your description, well...)

Looking at younger girls is not something which happens only in Thailand. I think I will be looking at younger women until they plant me in the earth. And if a young couple strolls by, no I am guessing I won't be checking out the guy, only the girl. :o

My ex is a very, very pretty woman, and whenever we were out, she would get checked out continually. I took it as a compliment. And when I take a glance at a woman walking by, I try not to drool or do anything extraordinary, but a simple look is human nature.

As an aside of interest to probably no one, I had a very attractive redhead as my wife in the US, and now that I am in Thailand, I have a reasonably attractive Thai woman as my companion, a year older than my ex-wife, but much more affectionate, and I couldn't be happier.

i couldn't be happier with my girlfriend, but when a guy has his eyes plastered on her who is 3 times the age of myself and her (not just her face, up and down her body) i tend to feel something. Not threatened, not jealous, not anything like that. But that is just something that is f'd up. I expect her to get stares, she is BEAUTIFUL, but something like that is just tooo much.

within this 5 second period, i clearly know the reason they came to thailand.

Edited by Enjibenji
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Please, I mean this most seriously. I am an amateur sociologist and have published often on sociological subjects......

What a load of rubbish, if that were true you would understand men on this PLANET are here for sex, not just the ones coming to Thailand.


I agree this is a very trollish thread.

I give it another half an hour before it really de-generates and gets binned. :o

Oh well, three accusations of being a troll. A first for me, but so be it.

We can have threads on cheating on wives and infidelty, but this is somehow worse?

soundman--yes, much of what men and women do have sex as a reason. But sex is available in expats' home countries, and there are other countries around the world where sex is blatantly available. This is not unique to Thailand. But as a Thai forum, my question is valid, I believe.

It is one thing to come to Thailand for business, for example, and pursue sex just as a person would pursue it in Costa Rica, the US, the Philppines. Germany, or anywhere. But how many people (I am assuming men) specifically come here to live because of that?

Once again, this is nto a criticism, but the more I read others' posts, the more I think my initial assumptions were wrong.

Here we go again, sex sex sex. It is not true that sex is available everywhere, try getting your sex when you have been raped by an ex wife and are pushing 60, going bald and cannot get rid of that lump at your waste. In Thailand there is at least the belief that you can get interest from reasonable looking women in spite of your obvious looks. Self deception maybe but not completely, these posts are so often riddled with snide remarks concerning thai women after you for your money, what the hel_l do you all think is happening in your native country, to think that all relationships are based on pure love is the real self deception.

Many many men who come here are of course looking for a new mate and if you can find one that still has some firm flesh then good for you, call it here for sex but in the end what they really want is a loving partner, one that can still excite them, its in the genes and the poster if he really has any connections to sociology would know this.

Of course there are some here on this site as well as elsewhere that are simply interested in short term gratification, if they do not do any physical damage then I do not see any harm in this.

As a side point, when I am in thailand with my wife I rarely use the web, when I am alone somewhere i USE IT A LOT. This should explain why there is a little skewing of the type of post we get. Single, lonely individuals are not representative of a whole balanced group so dont pass judgement so easily.

Edited by benjamat
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As a side point, when I am in thailand with my wife I rarely use the web, when I am alone somewhere i USE IT A LOT. This should explain why there is a little skewing of the type of post we get. Single, lonely individuals are not representative of a whole balanced group so dont pass judgement so easily.

This is actually a valid observation.

Edited by bonobo
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I would have thought that in Pattaya most foreigners came here to die...they look far too old for sex.

Some think the older the bull, the stiffer the horn.

Well as an ex-farmer, I can tell you that nothing is further from the truth, which is much more likely to be "the older the bull the stiffer the legs"

Some think the older the bull, the stiffer the horn.

Well as an ex-farmer, I can tell you that nothing is further from the truth, which is much more likely to be "the older the bull the stiffer the legs"

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the next old wrinkly ass white guy that takes no notice of me and decides to check out my girlfriend is getting a punch.

we are both 18 and when we are together, i can expect the stares that we get constantly from thai and non thai generally interested to see a young westerner and thai girl together, but from some old, hairy, ugly, fat white guy looking at my girlfriend - no thanks.

Well, I am not fat! (As to the rest of your description, well...)

Looking at younger girls is not something which happens only in Thailand. I think I will be looking at younger women until they plant me in the earth. And if a young couple strolls by, no I am guessing I won't be checking out the guy, only the girl. :o

My ex is a very, very pretty woman, and whenever we were out, she would get checked out continually. I took it as a compliment. And when I take a glance at a woman walking by, I try not to drool or do anything extraordinary, but a simple look is human nature.

As an aside of interest to probably no one, I had a very attractive redhead as my wife in the US, and now that I am in Thailand, I have a reasonably attractive Thai woman as my companion, a year older than my ex-wife, but much more affectionate, and I couldn't be happier.

i couldn't be happier with my girlfriend, but when a guy has his eyes plastered on her who is 3 times the age of myself and her (not just her face, up and down her body) i tend to feel something. Not threatened, not jealous, not anything like that. But that is just something that is f'd up. I expect her to get stares, she is BEAUTIFUL, but something like that is just tooo much.

within this 5 second period, i clearly know the reason they came to thailand.

I appreciate your candor, but I dare say after you get a few years under your belt, you may not see the harm of older men looking at younger women. There is a huge difference between looking and taking concrete action.

In a different vein, I remember going to a formal dinner with my ex. We got out of the car (a new Jaguar) her in an amazing evening gown and me in a tux. I turned the keys over to a valet, and a young homeless guy, grubby as all gitout, looked over at my wife and gave a long wolf whistle. Is that "too much?" He may have been younger than me, but was perceived social standing any different than perceived allowable age differences? I think not. I personally would not give anyone a wolf whistle, but I did give a discreet thumbs up to a guy once in appreciation of his lovely companion. Old or young, homeless or well-off, men are men and will look at pretty women. (And not a few women will look at a good-looking guy as well.)

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the next old wrinkly ass white guy that takes no notice of me and decides to check out my girlfriend is getting a punch.

we are both 18 and when we are together, i can expect the stares that we get constantly from thai and non thai generally interested to see a young westerner and thai girl together, but from some old, hairy, ugly, fat white guy looking at my girlfriend - no thanks.

Well, I am not fat! (As to the rest of your description, well...)

Looking at younger girls is not something which happens only in Thailand. I think I will be looking at younger women until they plant me in the earth. And if a young couple strolls by, no I am guessing I won't be checking out the guy, only the girl. :o

My ex is a very, very pretty woman, and whenever we were out, she would get checked out continually. I took it as a compliment. And when I take a glance at a woman walking by, I try not to drool or do anything extraordinary, but a simple look is human nature.

As an aside of interest to probably no one, I had a very attractive redhead as my wife in the US, and now that I am in Thailand, I have a reasonably attractive Thai woman as my companion, a year older than my ex-wife, but much more affectionate, and I couldn't be happier.

i couldn't be happier with my girlfriend, but when a guy has his eyes plastered on her who is 3 times the age of myself and her (not just her face, up and down her body) i tend to feel something. Not threatened, not jealous, not anything like that. But that is just something that is f'd up. I expect her to get stares, she is BEAUTIFUL, but something like that is just tooo much.

within this 5 second period, i clearly know the reason they came to thailand.

I appreciate your candor, but I dare say after you get a few years under your belt, you may not see the harm of older men looking at younger women. There is a huge difference between looking and taking concrete action.

In a different vein, I remember going to a formal dinner with my ex. We got out of the car (a new Jaguar) her in an amazing evening gown and me in a tux. I turned the keys over to a valet, and a young homeless guy, grubby as all gitout, looked over at my wife and gave a long wolf whistle. Is that "too much?" He may have been younger than me, but was perceived social standing any different than perceived allowable age differences? I think not. I personally would not give anyone a wolf whistle, but I did give a discreet thumbs up to a guy once in appreciation of his lovely companion. Old or young, homeless or well-off, men are men and will look at pretty women. (And not a few women will look at a good-looking guy as well.)

Maybe he was whistling at the car....or you?

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if they do not do any physical damage

So psychological damage is OK?

Ah, you are correct, posted before brain finished working.

How to describe ?

If a foreigner goes with a thai lady I suppose I mean that they treat her properly, ie- as a person rather than a piece of meat and try to understand why they do it. I know some are just prostituting themselves because they see it as easy money but I believe that most have higher motives.

Dont really know or want to get into the moral argument and phsychological implications, I expect it does quite a lot of damage to the phsych watching your child go hungry.

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when I was younger pretty much everywhere I was having a large amount of sex.

But I didn't go to those places for it specifically, it was just a side benefit of being young, educated, affluent and rediculously good looking.

Now as I age gracefully with my Bobby Charlton combover and tan slacks with matching polyester cardigan, I can't help but feel that any old coot (or young) being forced to live here because they were so desparate as to have to constantly avail themselves of the same prostitutes and slappers readily available around the world must be sad indeed.

For the other half who choose to take advantage of the loose morals of some here and perhaps engage in fornication or frolicks without money changing hands, again one could find far richer pickings in virtually any western city where most clubs provide an ample array of heady entertainment, with a focus on more head, less ment.

So that brings us back to the sad sacks who come here just for the sex. Judging by lower Sukhumvit, it would seem almost like the entire city is on the pull for sad looking Isaan single mothers at the Thermae; however with the benefit of statistics we can conclude that element of the farang community would be first off at least aged 18 and male for the most part - this rules out probably 40-50% of the total farang population. yes, there are some women here getting jiggy for sure, but few women would base themselves anywhere in the world for the sole reason to get laid; it isn't like it is hard for a woman to shag anywhere in the world - they are the gatekeeper. Men are the keymaster, or something to that effect.

Of the expat community, I would guess something like more than 1/2 have career reasons, spouse reasons or similar for being here (I have several lawyer friends, teachers, architects, designers and marketing/finance friends for whom Thailand is a step ahead rather than a step back - from countries such as Australia, New Zealand, etc).*

If pressed, perhaps 10-20% at the most.

The other 80-90% are still having sex no doubt. But that isn't why they came here. Well, of course the sex is why they came, but that's because most normal people come with sex.

It's just the frigid hot slags that don't come with sex who are the sorry ones who aren't coming for sex, and that group coincidentally are the same group who turn me down for sex too. What a sad lot they are.

As for people coming here for non profitable reasons, if non financial one can simply look to the thousands of Scandanavian couples descending on Jomtien each Thai winter, to escape their foul climate. Peter Theroux sounds like a moron under such circumstances (actually his quote is completely moronic anyhow under any circumstances, despite his father; surely he can do better than to say, please listen to me, as my dad is Paul Theroux??? What a claim to literary fame indeed).

* edit, obviously it goes without saying that anywhere is better than Australia....land of XXXX beer and joustin' sticks. It's what ya do with it.

A good post Steve, as always. For the Original Poster, my observations (by no means definitive) are as follows:

1. Many expats now settled down with Thai wives and living productive and happy lives in Thailand, initially came here motivated by sexual reasons. I have heard several 'confessions' along these lines, but I would no longer regard these as 'sex toursists' as they are largely no longer in that 'market'. As a proportion of the expats that have settled here, I can only guess at the percentage that fit this category, maybe 30% of the middle aged 'settled' Farang married to Thais?

2. Then there are the people who came to Thailand because they were either send here by their companies (I'm in this category) of came here to take up a new job. Some of these ended up marrying a Thai lady and some didn't, again the percentages here hard to guess.

3. Finally there are the men who are still sex tourists (and new ones are coming every year). Some will marry a Thai and become part of group 1. above, some will remain as long-term sex tourists and take a retirement visa or whatever.

4. There might be a smaller group of Farang that fit another category: Those that for some reason think Thailand is wonderful and wish to live here, do not partake of the readily available and cheap sex, and have not mariied a Thai lady. I haven't met any of these yet.

The bottom line is, with the exception of those that were sent (or came) to Thailand for their work, most Farang that live here came tempted by the sexual issues, though that may well not be the reason they now stay. Sex was the initiator. My view is like that of some of the posters here, the proportion of sexually motivated people is a lot higher than we might care to admit.

As far as women's reasons are concerned, Steve is right. Farang women have absolutely no need to travel half-way around the world to satisfy these type of cravings.

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when I was younger pretty much everywhere I was having a large amount of sex.

But I didn't go to those places for it specifically, it was just a side benefit of being young, educated, affluent and rediculously good looking.

Now as I age gracefully with my Bobby Charlton combover and tan slacks with matching polyester cardigan, I can't help but feel that any old coot (or young) being forced to live here because they were so desparate as to have to constantly avail themselves of the same prostitutes and slappers readily available around the world must be sad indeed.

For the other half who choose to take advantage of the loose morals of some here and perhaps engage in fornication or frolicks without money changing hands, again one could find far richer pickings in virtually any western city where most clubs provide an ample array of heady entertainment, with a focus on more head, less ment.

So that brings us back to the sad sacks who come here just for the sex. Judging by lower Sukhumvit, it would seem almost like the entire city is on the pull for sad looking Isaan single mothers at the Thermae; however with the benefit of statistics we can conclude that element of the farang community would be first off at least aged 18 and male for the most part - this rules out probably 40-50% of the total farang population. yes, there are some women here getting jiggy for sure, but few women would base themselves anywhere in the world for the sole reason to get laid; it isn't like it is hard for a woman to shag anywhere in the world - they are the gatekeeper. Men are the keymaster, or something to that effect.

Of the expat community, I would guess something like more than 1/2 have career reasons, spouse reasons or similar for being here (I have several lawyer friends, teachers, architects, designers and marketing/finance friends for whom Thailand is a step ahead rather than a step back - from countries such as Australia, New Zealand, etc).*

If pressed, perhaps 10-20% at the most.

The other 80-90% are still having sex no doubt. But that isn't why they came here. Well, of course the sex is why they came, but that's because most normal people come with sex.

It's just the frigid hot slags that don't come with sex who are the sorry ones who aren't coming for sex, and that group coincidentally are the same group who turn me down for sex too. What a sad lot they are.

As for people coming here for non profitable reasons, if non financial one can simply look to the thousands of Scandanavian couples descending on Jomtien each Thai winter, to escape their foul climate. Peter Theroux sounds like a moron under such circumstances (actually his quote is completely moronic anyhow under any circumstances, despite his father; surely he can do better than to say, please listen to me, as my dad is Paul Theroux??? What a claim to literary fame indeed).

* edit, obviously it goes without saying that anywhere is better than Australia....land of XXXX beer and joustin' sticks. It's what ya do with it.

A good post Steve, as always. For the Original Poster, my observations (by no means definitive) are as follows:

1. Many expats now settled down with Thai wives and living productive and happy lives in Thailand, initially came here motivated by sexual reasons. I have heard several 'confessions' along these lines, but I would no longer regard these as 'sex toursists' as they are largely no longer in that 'market'. As a proportion of the expats that have settled here, I can only guess at the percentage that fit this category, maybe 30% of the middle aged 'settled' Farang married to Thais?

2. Then there are the people who came to Thailand because they were either send here by their companies (I'm in this category) of came here to take up a new job. Some of these ended up marrying a Thai lady and some didn't, again the percentages here hard to guess.

3. Finally there are the men who are still sex tourists (and new ones are coming every year). Some will marry a Thai and become part of group 1. above, some will remain as long-term sex tourists and take a retirement visa or whatever.

4. There might be a smaller group of Farang that fit another category: Those that for some reason think Thailand is wonderful and wish to live here, do not partake of the readily available and cheap sex, and have not mariied a Thai lady. I haven't met any of these yet.

The bottom line is, with the exception of those that were sent (or came) to Thailand for their work, most Farang that live here came tempted by the sexual issues, though that may well not be the reason they now stay. Sex was the initiator. My view is like that of some of the posters here, the proportion of sexually motivated people is a lot higher than we might care to admit.

As far as women's reasons are concerned, Steve is right. Farang women have absolutely no need to travel half-way around the world to satisfy these type of cravings.

Nice reply and probably not far from the truth.

About the part I highlighted in red--back in the 80's, there was a female US Air Force pilot nicknamed "the Wildebeast," an unfortunate but surprisingly apt nickname, who was stationed in Okinawa. She had been there for about 3 years before I was stationed on the island, and she was still there when I left two years later. Every weekend, we Marines invaded the Kadena AFB officer club, and she was a standard fixture from about 5:00 PM on until closing. I never talked to her myself, but the standard story was that she liked being in Oki because while in the States, she was not too successful in finding men, in Oki, some men would accept her just because she was a blonde white girl, something hard to find elsewhere.

I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a a few farang women like that here.

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when I was younger pretty much everywhere I was having a large amount of sex.

But I didn't go to those places for it specifically, it was just a side benefit of being young, educated, affluent and rediculously good looking...

Ain't the Internet great for bull malarky. :o

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Aren't most single blokes up for sex where ever they are? Can't just single Thailand out & make it out to be the red light destination of SE Asia. If I was single and took a trip to Paris or Havana or Timbuktoo, I'd spend just as much time thinking about &/or trying to get some as I would in Thailand.

You like the women in Timbuktoo?

Of course Thailand has so many attractions... the temples, the weather, the fine city architecture, the beautiful parks and civic places, the delightful markets, the subtle cuisine.

So who wouldn't want to come here!

Personally I like tall, statuesque blondes.

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I came out here on what is called a gap year, many of us in the UK/London take a year out and travel around Asia and sometimes South America. I met my wife here and ended up staying :o

I think a lot of people not only come for the sex bit but also the difference in womens attitudes and simply the way they are compared to western women.

I have nothing against old guys who have worked their butts off all their life coming out here to retire and fuc_k young pussy :D good on them ! and each to their own.

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I appreciate your candor, but I dare say after you get a few years under your belt, you may not see the harm of older men looking at younger women. There is a huge difference between looking and taking concrete action.

I love to sit in a bar somewhere along Walking Street (right across from the Marine Bar is a good spot), and "people watch".

Great entertainment on some nights. Like the time a farang woman had a screaming match with her husband, while their 3 kids stood watching (at one point she stormed off, came back and tried to kick the hubby in the nuts. Then stormed off again. Then he went looking for her. The 3 boys (maybe 10-15 years old) were left there. I left about 15 minutes later and they were still there, waiting).

One of the funniest things I see on a regular basis though, is some guy walking along with a gorgeous girl. He's looking around to see if everyone is noticing how pretty his girl is, and never notices that she is also looking around, scouting for the next mark ! :D

More than once I've caught a girls eye as she's gone by, only to have her turn up at my shoulder an hour or so later, all alone and looking for love. :o

It's amazing how much information can be passed between two people just by raising an eyebrow or a quick wink.

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WOW>.. This has seriously been the most enlightening group of admissions/reflections I have ever seen..... :o:D

What I can't believe is that there are 12 pages worth of posts on this topic......(can anyone actually read that much on the subject) Okay I will admit i started reading but after the first couple of pages I kinda lost interest.

Here is the thing...... Who actually cares how many people come to LOS and What their Reasons are?

We all have our reasons for what we do even if we don't admit it... I mean obviously just because I have loved everything about ASIA since I was little I must have come to Thailand for sex...thats garbage.....

The one thing that has really stood out in this thread is the way that people view *thai* women in general.

I am so exasperated I don't even know what to say.......


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I appreciate your candor, but I dare say after you get a few years under your belt, you may not see the harm of older men looking at younger women. There is a huge difference between looking and taking concrete action.

I love to sit in a bar somewhere along Walking Street (right across from the Marine Bar is a good spot), and "people watch".

Great entertainment on some nights. Like the time a farang woman had a screaming match with her husband, while their 3 kids stood watching (at one point she stormed off, came back and tried to kick the hubby in the nuts. Then stormed off again. Then he went looking for her. The 3 boys (maybe 10-15 years old) were left there. I left about 15 minutes later and they were still there, waiting).

One of the funniest things I see on a regular basis though, is some guy walking along with a gorgeous girl. He's looking around to see if everyone is noticing how pretty his girl is, and never notices that she is also looking around, scouting for the next mark ! :D

More than once I've caught a girls eye as she's gone by, only to have her turn up at my shoulder an hour or so later, all alone and looking for love. :o

It's amazing how much information can be passed between two people just by raising an eyebrow or a quick wink.

Freshly plucket no doubt mate :D

But thats cool man. Because what I like about Thailand is single guys, some young a fair few old are out there enjoying themselves and keeping it real. Far away from the dreary rat race and Victorian mentality prevelant back home.

This poster I've just quoted is in that catagory too and good on him

Whether that's in the lively bars with the BGs or in campus hang-outs with the student babes :(

It's all good boys. :D

And for me yes like UG says 99.9% of us came for the sex that includes me although it's more like occasional sex.

Be it BG, student or shop girl etc but more for lifestyle, adventure, the Sanuk groove mentality the Thais still have!

This is despite a succession of farang who seem to be grumpy gimps :D

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[As far as women's reasons are concerned, Steve is right. Farang women have absolutely no need to travel half-way around the world to satisfy these type of cravings.

Can't speak for anyone else, but I came here for the sex. I stayed for the money. The two were in no way related.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Far greater a percentage than most will admit. Expand that thought to include the ability to have a partner much younger and better looking than you could have "back home" and the number rises significantly. Where the line is in the sand I don't know but I suspect north of 50%.

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I came for the sex, it is cheap, available and the girls are so nice.

Fed up with girls that need to be pampered and trickled with.

I personally think about sex every 5 seconds, and wow it is so available.

And I do not care if it costs, for me it's sex now or never.

Oh, here I go again, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex WOW keep it coming babe, I'm coming aaaahhhh

Patetic you say, yeah what ever, get out of my face, just spotted another pretty face.

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I came for the sex, it is cheap, available and the girls are so nice.

Fed up with girls that need to be pampered and trickled with.

I personally think about sex every 5 seconds, and wow it is so available.

And I do not care if it costs, for me it's sex now or never.

Oh, here I go again, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex, 5 sec, sex WOW keep it coming babe, I'm coming aaaahhhh

Patetic you say, yeah what ever, get out of my face, just spotted another pretty face.


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Not being inclined to scour the middle 13 pages of this inane topic, I will accept the pouncing/trouncing if my sentiments have been duplicated there:

First, since the topic is stated as the "Percentage of farangs in Thailand who are here for sex", I assume it includes the largely transient vacationers, among whom I would guess there are a large number of pure sex tourists. So, I would guess it's a rather large percentage at any given time.

That said, there seems to be a larger question about motive for staying here.

I submit that the lifestyle, which includes but is not limited to easy access to sex, is the major reason for most who stay here more than a few weeks. It just won't help to try to excise the sex factor from the large equation of which it is merely one term.

For me, it's the relaxed lifestyle, the warm, if superficial, reception from the citizenry, the natural beauty and the ease of travel to see it, and the food, oh yes, the food...and the warmth of knowing that, should I find myself in need, sex is available any time/place in the country. All of those things contribute to the attraction of living here for me.

To single out the sex drive as a major motivator seems silly to me: the obstacles of language, culture, and infrastructure are far too great to overcome for any but the most Thai-obsessed sex tourists to move on to resident status. So, guys who live here just for the sex are probably limited in numbers.

And, truth-to-tell, even filet mignon gets boring every night: dyed-in-the-wool sex tourists NEED variety, which is why Cuba, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Philippines, Mexico, and too may others to name, enjoy many tourist dollars.

What interests me most is the posters who say that the number is 99%, and the rest are liars. I am at a loss as to what would give such people such a jaundiced view of Thailand and her expat population. Is it projection, and a need to belong? Or is is derision and pious righteousness?

It seems to me that Thailand is what it is. If you fit, stay. If you don't, leave.



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