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Court Bans Ex-speaker From Politics For 5 Years


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Court bans ex-speaker from politics for 5 years; ruling puts PPP at risk

BANGKOK: -- Thailand's Supreme Court on Tuesday evening ruled that former House speaker Yongyuth Tiyapairat was engaged in a fraud case before Thailand's general election last December and banned him from engaging in political activities for five years.

The decision by the Supreme Court came after the Election Commission (EC) issued him a so-called 'red card' for violating election law, meaning that he would be stripped of his Member of Parliament status.

The action automatically moves Thailand's politics into another level of turmoil because Mr. Yongyuth is a deputy leader of the ruling People Power Party (PPP), headed by Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej.

Tuesday's ruling could lead to the dissolution of the PPP, meaning that Mr. Samak would

necessarily have to resign from his post, depending on the details of the ruling by the Constitution Court.

Under the Election Law, if any executive committee member of a political party is given a 'red card', the EC must propose to the Constitution Court that his political party must also be dissolved, meaning that other party members would lose their status as well.

In addition, remaining party executive committee members will be banned from political activities for five years and those who are ministers must also leave their posts. The party's remaining MPs have 60 days to join another party after their party is dissolved.

In Mr. Yongyuth's case, the EC will forward the Court's ruling to the Attorney General's Office for its consideration as to the dissolution of the PPP within 30 days, before it is forwarded to the Constitution Court for a final ruling.

Mr. Yongyuth, who contested in his native hometown in the northernmost province of Chiang Rai during the last general election, did not attend the Supreme Court's ruling but sent his lawyers instead.

The court also ruled that a by-election in Chiang Rai's Constituency 2 would be held after it decided that La-ong Tiyapairat, Mr. Yongyuth's younger sister, also engaged in election fraud. A by-election will be held later.

-- TNA 2008-07-08

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Supreme Court upholds EC's red card against Yongyuth

BANGKOK: -- The Supreme Court Tuesday upheld the decision of the Election Commission to give a red card against Yongyuth Tiyapairat, former Parliament president and former deputy leader of the People Power Party.

The Election Cases Division of the court ruled that Yongyuth had violated the election law as charged by the EC.

The Supreme Court banned Yongyuth from politics for five years as recommended by the EC.

-- The Nation 2008-07-08

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Isn't this the same Supreme Court that failed to prosecute the coup-makers who illegally tore up the people's constitution of 1997?

Is it possible that Thailand is approaching the point that the judicial rulings will be described as, "Justice is blind"?

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Khun Jean; if by you guys you are reffering to me. No that is not what I meant. I think it is great that justice is being served no matter what the name of or connections of, the people involved.

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Isn't this the same Supreme Court that failed to prosecute the coup-makers who illegally tore up the people's constitution of 1997?

The coup is legal in the constitution. The court can only follow the laws and can not make own laws.

Thats basic knowledge...

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The outcome of this was fairly obvious considering the evidence against the defendent including video evidence. Still it is good to see justice done especially when against a very very powerful figure.

I just read on post or nation site that he plans to go lecture at some University during his 5 year penalty.

What can he lecture young Thai minds about I wonder? Ethics in Politics

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The outcome of this was fairly obvious considering the evidence against the defendent including video evidence. Still it is good to see justice done especially when against a very very powerful figure.

I just read on post or nation site that he plans to go lecture at some University during his 5 year penalty.

What can he lecture young Thai minds about I wonder? Ethics in Politics

When TRT was disbanded he stated that he was going to travel to Canada a study a PhD. He didnt actually do that. I actaully know one of the 111 who are banned for five years and he has a lot of fun organizing non-politcal events while his freinds and family still dominate the local politcal scene. It will be the same with Yongyuth I would guess.

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The outcome of this was fairly obvious considering the evidence against the defendent including video evidence. Still it is good to see justice done especially when against a very very powerful figure.

I just read on post or nation site that he plans to go lecture at some University during his 5 year penalty.

What can he lecture young Thai minds about I wonder? Ethics in Politics

und even worse, what will he do after the 5 years?

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So they banned Yongyuth?

No big deal, he will just send in his wife or son or SIL.

So they will ban the PPP?

No big deal, they just founded a new party and all the family members of the present government are automatically members.

This can go on forever ...

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It's just a shame that Yungyuth was slapped with a case involving less money than I pay my maid every year (he allegedly gave 6 people 20,000 baht) when the purpetrators of the coup who stole billions in the Grippen fighter deal are walking free. Oh well, politics is just a game the rich play for money and the rest of us just read for fun!

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....and another one bites the dust!

Maybe it will be like dominos falling.

If TRT was first string and PPP was second string, then I can hardly wait to see what the third string is like--maids and gardners of politicos!

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^^ The purchase of fighter aircraft was part of a process which commenced in 2002/3 under the TRT administration to replace planes {aged @ 30 years}. Indeed PM Thaksin on a visit to Sweden {Sept 2004} spoke favourably about the transaction. In other words the transaction was in train prior to the coup, and its signature was widely anticipated.


/edit add dates//

Edited by A_Traveller
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....and another one bites the dust!

Maybe it will be like dominos falling.

If TRT was first string and PPP was second string, then I can hardly wait to see what the third string is like--maids and gardners of politicos!

As they are all highly superstitious, maybe each banned government minister could nominate a ghost to replace him :o

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^^ The purchase of fighter aircraft was part of a process which commenced in 2002/3 under the TRT administration to replace planes {aged @ 30 years}. Indeed PM Thaksin on a visit to Sweden spoke favourably about the transaction. In other words the transaction was in train prior to the coup, and its signature was widely anticipated.


You've got to be kidding! You trust that the coup-makers didn't reap billions on the Grippen deal just because Thaksin spoke favorably about it? Do we trust everything that Thaksin said?

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^^ The purchase of fighter aircraft was part of a process which commenced in 2002/3 under the TRT administration to replace planes {aged @ 30 years}. Indeed PM Thaksin on a visit to Sweden spoke favourably about the transaction. In other words the transaction was in train prior to the coup, and its signature was widely anticipated.


You've got to be kidding! You trust that the coup-makers didn't reap billions on the Grippen deal just because Thaksin spoke favorably about it? Do we trust everything that Thaksin said?

And what has this to do with Yungyuth?

Next time police catch you while driving to fast you tell you are not wrong, because there are people who did drive much faster and didn't got catched?

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The outcome of this was fairly obvious considering the evidence against the defendent including video evidence. Still it is good to see justice done especially when against a very very powerful figure.

I just read on post or nation site that he plans to go lecture at some University during his 5 year penalty.

What can he lecture young Thai minds about I wonder? Ethics in Politics

When TRT was disbanded he stated that he was going to travel to Canada a study a PhD. He didnt actually do that. I actaully know one of the 111 who are banned for five years and he has a lot of fun organizing non-politcal events while his freinds and family still dominate the local politcal scene. It will be the same with Yongyuth I would guess.

One banned former TRT minister actually is teaching, albeit outside of Thailand. Life goes on.

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First it's TRT Thaksin..now PPP Samak....so the Democrats is waiting to be the government and Abha..Shit is aiming for the throne :D If the next election the Democrat party fails to win the majority vote, what happen then, PAD forms the next govenment or once again again and again these two parties will try to bring down a democratic elected govt... :D

If anyone thinks that only TRT and PPP are corrupted, he must be born only yesterday :o:D

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The outcome of this was fairly obvious considering the evidence against the defendent including video evidence. Still it is good to see justice done especially when against a very very powerful figure.

I just read on post or nation site that he plans to go lecture at some University during his 5 year penalty.

What can he lecture young Thai minds about I wonder? Ethics in Politics

Same as Thaksin, he got it from him. If the courts beat you, play smart ass (due to your ex title you've been holding) and keep your limelight in the press/media and try to play teacher/smartass.

Old Thak theory/tactic. A good excuse for talkatives wrongdoers to keep the senseless and lies and blah blah blah's.... going on.

Various banned TRT members did or said the same, of course with no substance, as no university/school in the world would take these kind of people for more than one session :o

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^^ The purchase of fighter aircraft was part of a process which commenced in 2002/3 under the TRT administration to replace planes {aged @ 30 years}. Indeed PM Thaksin on a visit to Sweden spoke favourably about the transaction. In other words the transaction was in train prior to the coup, and its signature was widely anticipated.


You've got to be kidding! You trust that the coup-makers didn't reap billions on the Grippen deal just because Thaksin spoke favorably about it? Do we trust everything that Thaksin said?

I'm sorry that you are unable to understand simple facts.

1. The replacement transaction was running long before the coup, and by the by it was signed after the promulgation of the new Government, in Feb 2008.

2. The duly elected civilian government 2002-2006 where very active in pursuing the update to the RTA equipment

3. On the basis of the disclosed numbers which I note vary according to source, there doesn't appear to be 'billions' sloshing around. I'm sure, even allowing for the appertaining Swedish laws there may be benefits, but your hysterical supposition that the transaction was the sole responsibility of the coup led government is, like your posts fatuous.


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First it's TRT Thaksin..now PPP Samak....so the Democrats is waiting to be the government and Abha..Shit is aiming for the throne :D If the next election the Democrat party fails to win the majority vote, what happen then, PAD forms the next govenment or once again again and again these two parties will try to bring down a democratic elected govt... :D

If anyone thinks that only TRT and PPP are corrupted, he must be born only yesterday :o:D

Excellent point! The naivity of many TV posters is amazing! You would think from reading the fantasies of some posters that Thaksin was bad and Sonthi, Sondi, General Chamlong and the Democrats are good!

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First it's TRT Thaksin..now PPP Samak....so the Democrats is waiting to be the government and Abha..Shit is aiming for the throne :D If the next election the Democrat party fails to win the majority vote, what happen then, PAD forms the next govenment or once again again and again these two parties will try to bring down a democratic elected govt... :D

If anyone thinks that only TRT and PPP are corrupted, he must be born only yesterday :o:D

Where is an democratic elected government? You don't speak about this government or?

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It has to be said that actually having a vote buying case go to completion without witnesses changing their testimony and a guilty verdict being found on what looked like strong evidence against an extremely powerful politician is a good development for Thailand. I am sure this development will be greeted as a step forward in the development of Thai democracy by all who support democracy in Thailand.

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Well, it's a little bit like giving Ron Goldman's estate responsibility for his parking ticket and letting O.J. Simpson go free. Not everyone thinks this a monumental moment in the progress of Thai democracy. Many of us see it as a small move in a larger game of the militarists taking control of Thailand once more.

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It has to be said that actually having a vote buying case go to completion without witnesses changing their testimony and a guilty verdict being found on what looked like strong evidence against an extremely powerful politician is a good development for Thailand. I am sure this development will be greeted as a step forward in the development of Thai democracy by all who support democracy in Thailand.

Yes, maybe, well no, probably not. Over the years I have seen some things that had me thinking maybe things really are changing, but then it just goes back to business as usual. I am becoming jaded, perhaps, but I expect after a few years or sooner, it will be business as usual. The players change, but the game stays the same.

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