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Walk Of Shame


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I went to Pattaya once, never again.

There I was, walking down Beach Road, smiling at the girlies, when some b4st4rd gave me a spin kick to the back of the head.

By the time I'd picked myself up, he was running towards Walking street with his knuckles dragging along the broken pavement.

Was he wearing a baggy green cap, with a crest on the front, and carrying a cricket bat under his arm?

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Lets face it Pattaya is the sex capital of the world and Beach Road is part of the whore scene.

What I want to know why is it these snobby individuals and/or families come to Pattaya ?

Surely everyone knows Pattaya is for those buying and those selling sex......

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maybe tourist bureau has difficlulty becoz they know all they got thats different from other countries to promote is SEX. and they really cant tell people to come for sex... can they?

Spot on :o

I wish they could afford not to be hypocrite.

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I disagree , if you avoid the beach road and the bargirls its a family city really.

Just walk along central pattaya road and its a different atmosphere, you have big shopping malls, restaurants for any taste.

I would recommend it as a holiday destination for families , just avoid the beach.

Lets face it Pattaya is the sex capital of the world and Beach Road is part of the whore scene.

What I want to know why is it these snobby individuals and/or families come to Pattaya ?

Surely everyone knows Pattaya is for those buying and those selling sex......

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You will have to watch the clip on youtube to catch the ending but after you have seen it I am sure you will be as confused as I was, personally I think the don is more of a "Nugget" than a Donk, what do you think? :o:D:D

Everyboby should have a "Donk".He is not a "Don".

A Donk is a harmless hulk who will look after his mates. Don is a muscle-bound <deleted> who will spin-kick/snap-kick anyone in range in the Sois between Beach Road and 2nd Road. :D

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P.S. Kata is the shit hole of Thailand. Phuket & Krabi are fun! Kata is like being in the dessert without much Oasis.

If my family ever makes it out here- I would take my Brother out to see walking street at night & hopefully leave his wife with the ladies. It is a cultural experience.


I'm curious why you feel that way about Kata. I just went there and while it seemed way to wannabe yuppie for me to consider living there I did feel like I got what was advertised. Warm clean waters and plenty of shops and restaurants.

I think Beardog made a mistake and was thinking of some place else. Kata is pretty upscale for Thailand, don't know why anyone would refer to it as a sh*thole......beautiful beach, lots of good restaurants......

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You will have to watch the clip on youtube to catch the ending but after you have seen it I am sure you will be as confused as I was, personally I think the don is more of a "Nugget" than a Donk, what do you think? :o:D:D

Everyboby should have a "Donk".He is not a "Don".

A Donk is a harmless hulk who will look after his mates. Don is a muscle-bound <deleted> who will spin-kick/snap-kick anyone in range in the Sois between Beach Road and 2nd Road. :D

So you agree he's just a "Nugget" then? I used to know 3 steroid freak so called hard doormen at a club in Margate years ago, they all steamed int a 50+ man who was walking by who tried to top them beating the crap out of a young guy, not just fists.

The guy was killed and all three went to jail, whilst on remand they were like fish out of water the youngest turned into a cry baby and ass kisser to the Officers, the eldest topped himself because he couldnt cope with being banged up and the other did his time and turned into a turtle and barely sticks his head out of the shell t I hear.

The one thing a bully cannot cope with is being bullied in return, :D the lot of them.

Roy gsd

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The beach itself was heavily littered with all kinds of rubbish, and the promonade was mostly impassible due to puddles of water from last nights heavy rain. There was electrical wiring hanging out of - what i think must have been lamp stands which have been removed. Many of the new fixtures were broken and numerous tiles were cracked and broken. The fountain at Pataya Klang area wasnt working and the surface coating is peeling - and generally looks a mess. At the end of the beach by the Thai airways office, the fountain is also broken and looks a complete eye sore. To add to this they were approached a number of times by Time Share touts, and couldnt help but notice the hookers soliciting passing ferangs.

To cut a long story short - they said they had never, in all their travels, seen such a disgusting mess. I felt quite ashamed!

Surely you must have been aware of these imperfections before your friends arrived, why take these delicate creatures to such a place, surely Monaco is more to their taste.

You didnt do the wiring or break the tiles and the girls werent working for, so why feel so ashamed.

Some people dont like LOS most do, no worries if your whining friends never come back.

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  • 5 months later...
Following months of gentle persuasion, a good friend and his wife travelled from the Uk to spend thier summer vacation in Thailand whilst visiting me and the family. Once they had settled into their hotel they were both keen to take a stroll along the Pattaya beach. Mid way through our stroll i could see they werent at all impressed. The beach itself was heavily littered with all kinds of rubbish, and the promonade was mostly impassible due to puddles of water from last nights heavy rain. There was electrical wiring hanging out of - what i think must have been lamp stands which have been removed. Many of the new fixtures were broken and numerous tiles were cracked and broken. The fountain at Pataya Klang area wasnt working and the surface coating is peeling - and generally looks a mess. At the end of the beach by the Thai airways office, the fountain is also broken and looks a complete eye sore. To add to this they were approached a number of times by Time Share touts, and couldnt help but notice the hookers soliciting passing ferangs.

To cut a long story short - they said they had never, in all their travels, seen such a disgusting mess. I felt quite ashamed!

Considering the TAT heavily promotes Pattaya as 'Pattaya Clean City' i was wondering if they feel any shame. Especially since 'face' is a prominent aspect of Thai culture!

You must bear some of the blame for all those months of persuasion to bring them to such a place! What were you thinking?!

I never really walk along the beach - so i didnt realize the extent of the squaller. As i said i feel ashamed! however, i am not Thai - so my question also was - dont Thais feel ashamed especially the TAT people.

Whats with the Thai face thing!!!

the face thing...when you have very little, in this case a culture, national pride, etc, etc

you over compensate

hence the face thing that you talk of

promoting pattaya a family place is joke, but you cannot tell the TAT people this, why? because here the truth is not always welcome ( hence the ecomomist mag has been banned again)

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My wife and I were sat in a bar on the Pedestrian area near the Simon Cabaret in Pattaya. An English couple with twin teenage boys about 14 years old were walking past. A bar girl calls out. "Sir we like your sons". The lads looked back at their parents with a hopeful look on their faces. Their dad just laughed. "Keep on walking boys." :o

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I can't agree more, the promanade along Pattaya's beach road has the makings of something to be enjoyed by all - sad that it is awash with the detritus that gets washed up in Pattaya.

If you build it, they will come. As the old saying goes.


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Well , considering certain , shall we say , activities , are illegal in the culturally unique Thailand , i wonder to whom that video was proffered ?

As a side note , who cleaned up the beach for this small exotic portion ? Was the man with the broom on double pay , he actualy looked industrious , as appossed to the regular street cleaners .

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I am afraid that Pattaya could get worse if something positive is not done.Over a period of a few years the area has been improved,but the problem is shoddy,pathetic workmanship and totaly inept controls of work management.Will not even mention the bung money which reduces the cost,hence reduces the quality.

This whole subject has been well discussed on the Pattaya forum.

Personally, I'm happy that the walkway is rubbish, along with most of the infrastructure, as that is all that keeps the package tour hordes ( with resultant price increases and the bars being banished ) from descending on our little bit of nightlife paradise. May it continue this way for a long time.

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I would not take any of my friends there unless they really wanted to see the night life. Because everything else is crap. walking down the street is depressing, I felt like spin kicking random people just to cure the bordem a bit

my thoughts exactly.

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I was wondering recently while i was in Pattaya, why is it the authorities/police allow CP video's to be openly sold on beach road along with the other video's on just about every stall, this kind of porn is banned in every country in the world and despised. I've spent years in Pattaya, with all its going on's but this shocked me.

There was a letter in the Bangkok Post while i was there about this, but they continued to be sold.

Howard if your reading, do you have an answer about this, surly the police must be aware.

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As was said before, Thailand has so much more to offer! Polo Entertainment has a good show on Walking street, the rest of the Go Go Bars were not to my liking at all - Check it out, then move on. boring

Went North in a rented new Toyota van with 10 seats. Some 5 hours from Bangkok are beautiful mountains.

2001 was the first time I came to Pattaya and Thailand. The place has changed. It is now overbuilt, too many businesses chasing the elusive fast buck.

Why oh why aren't families going to Hua Hin or some other place, not to mention some islands?

Now I loathe the place! The local song thaew charges 6 Baht and one always gets the proper change. You might be one of 6, pay with a 20 Baht note and get yelled at for more - a lot more! It gets so bad that I won't take a song thaew unless there are others in it. Otherwise an enterprising driver might turn this into a private hire thing.

The time share scams are the pits. Don't the suckers realize that they can rent that View Talay studio for the few hundred Dollars maintenance fee?!?

Whatever Pattaya may be, it ain't typical for Thailand.

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Following months of gentle persuasion, a good friend and his wife travelled from the Uk to spend thier summer vacation in Thailand whilst visiting me and the family. Once they had settled into their hotel they were both keen to take a stroll along the Pattaya beach. Mid way through our stroll i could see they werent at all impressed. The beach itself was heavily littered with all kinds of rubbish, and the promonade was mostly impassible due to puddles of water from last nights heavy rain. There was electrical wiring hanging out of - what i think must have been lamp stands which have been removed. Many of the new fixtures were broken and numerous tiles were cracked and broken. The fountain at Pataya Klang area wasnt working and the surface coating is peeling - and generally looks a mess. At the end of the beach by the Thai airways office, the fountain is also broken and looks a complete eye sore. To add to this they were approached a number of times by Time Share touts, and couldnt help but notice the hookers soliciting passing ferangs.

To cut a long story short - they said they had never, in all their travels, seen such a disgusting mess. I felt quite ashamed!

Considering the TAT heavily promotes Pattaya as 'Pattaya Clean City' i was wondering if they feel any shame. Especially since 'face' is a prominent aspect of Thai culture!

I think it was 'First Choice', a big holiday firm in the UK which touted Pattaya in it's brochure as a 'family friendly, quiet Thai fishing village'. Seriously!

I've heard of families going there. One family I met on Samet once said they had gone there, but refused to get out of the taxi and asked the driver to take them somewhere without vice. Within an hour they were on a speed boat to Koh Samet. Did this at their own cost, don't know what happened when they got back to the UK.

I went to Pattaya earlier this year for two days and could not get out of the place fast enough. What a nightmare. I have no idea (apart from the obvious) why anyone would choose to live there.

Fortunately it is not Thailand. Although it projects a particularly bad image of Thailand and is an easy mark for any Thai bashing Western jouralist.

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Following months of gentle persuasion, a good friend and his wife travelled from the Uk to spend thier summer vacation in Thailand whilst visiting me and the family. Once they had settled into their hotel they were both keen to take a stroll along the Pattaya beach. Mid way through our stroll i could see they werent at all impressed. The beach itself was heavily littered with all kinds of rubbish, and the promonade was mostly impassible due to puddles of water from last nights heavy rain. There was electrical wiring hanging out of - what i think must have been lamp stands which have been removed. Many of the new fixtures were broken and numerous tiles were cracked and broken. The fountain at Pataya Klang area wasnt working and the surface coating is peeling - and generally looks a mess. At the end of the beach by the Thai airways office, the fountain is also broken and looks a complete eye sore. To add to this they were approached a number of times by Time Share touts, and couldnt help but notice the hookers soliciting passing ferangs.

To cut a long story short - they said they had never, in all their travels, seen such a disgusting mess. I felt quite ashamed!

Considering the TAT heavily promotes Pattaya as 'Pattaya Clean City' i was wondering if they feel any shame. Especially since 'face' is a prominent aspect of Thai culture!

I think it was 'First Choice', a big holiday firm in the UK which touted Pattaya in it's brochure as a 'family friendly, quiet Thai fishing village'. Seriously!

I've heard of families going there. One family I met on Samet once said they had gone there, but refused to get out of the taxi and asked the driver to take them somewhere without vice. Within an hour they were on a speed boat to Koh Samet. Did this at their own cost, don't know what happened when they got back to the UK.

I went to Pattaya earlier this year for two days and could not get out of the place fast enough. What a nightmare. I have no idea (apart from the obvious) why anyone would choose to live there.

Fortunately it is not Thailand. Although it projects a particularly bad image of Thailand and is an easy mark for any Thai bashing Western jouralist.

you cant understand why anybody would live here?(apart from the obvious).

you supercilious pratt, my familly and i live here ,and not for the obvious but because it has many things that we love ,and many of us are happy here , glad your sort are not coming back.

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