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Inane And Meaningless Thaivisa Polls


Inane meaningless ThaiVisa Polls  

59 members have voted

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Guest Reimar
Of course. Ain't they all?

And this being a Thailand forum, of course the maths are beyond me:

Yes [ 4 ] ** [100.00%]

No [ 0 ] ** [0.00%]

Total Votes: 6

That's very simple: the differences between the shown Votes and the complete amount of Votes are the Null-Votes!

Null Votes are if you choose to see the vote result without to vote for yourself.


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Just as I would never belong to a club that would have me as a member,

I would never vote in any poll that would accept my vote :o

Edited by Rimmer
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All polls on TV are, to an extent, meaningless but I wouldn't go as far as to describe them as inane, frivolous maybe but not inane. The best you will ever get from any poll here is a result like "60% of ThaiVisa members who bothered to vote prefer Whiskas to other brands of cat food". You couldn't even extrapolate that to any gender, nationality or religion as most of the membership is anonymous. The best you could do is use it as a straw poll of the opinion of people who spend time on internet fora.

One thing that always strikes me as odd is the number of people who visit polls, and other topics for that matter, and add a reply along the lines of "Well I think this is utter nonsense and a complete waste of time". So, if that is their considered opinion, why do they waste time adding a reply?

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The polls are fun. Some might be inane but all have meaning.

Do you prefer Colgate or mushrooms from Norway or Emerson, Lake and Palmer?

My answer would have to be E.L.O. (Electic Light Orchestra) :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The polls are fun. Some might be inane but all have meaning.

Do you prefer Colgate or mushrooms from Norway or Emerson, Lake and Palmer?

Easy, ELP every time! :o Ask me another...

Mushrooms for me, no shadow of a doubt.

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mmmmmmm, Mushrooms ! Yummy sauteed mushrooms after brushing with colgate while listening to ELP or ELO or ACDC (and browsing ThaiVisa of course).

Why can't someone ask the real pertinent questions that, while not being the "ultimate question" are still essential to the well being of the species as a whole ?

For instance, Where does the "white" go when snow melts ?

Why do Hawaii and Alaska have "Inter-State" highways ?

Why do people drive on Parkways, and park on Driveways ?

If wishes were horses, would beggars really ride (or would they sell the horses for booze money) ?

(And for those in the know, the answer to the ultimate question is:


Edited by Kerryd
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"Well I think this is utter nonsense and a complete waste of time".

Shit - why did I do that?

Because people love to speak, and farang speak 2 much, and here you can do just that without reprimand from the other 0.5 :-)

And then sometimes it just evolves, and someone picks it up and runs with it, and it's fun, and the admins here are cool and join in,

...and and and we have Thailand in common.

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mmmmmmm, Mushrooms ! Yummy sauteed mushrooms after brushing with colgate while listening to ELP or ELO or ACDC (and browsing ThaiVisa of course).

Why can't someone ask the real pertinent questions that, while not being the "ultimate question" are still essential to the well being of the species as a whole ?

For instance, Where does the "white" go when snow melts ?

Why do Hawaii and Alaska have "Inter-State" highways ?

Why do people drive on Parkways, and park on Driveways ?

If wishes were horses, would beggars really ride (or would they sell the horses for booze money) ?

(And for those in the know, the answer to the ultimate question is:


I only know you shouldn't try eating the yellow snow.

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mmmmmmm, Mushrooms ! Yummy sauteed mushrooms after brushing with colgate while listening to ELP or ELO or ACDC (and browsing ThaiVisa of course).

Why can't someone ask the real pertinent questions that, while not being the "ultimate question" are still essential to the well being of the species as a whole ?

For instance, Where does the "white" go when snow melts ?

Why do Hawaii and Alaska have "Inter-State" highways ?

Why do people drive on Parkways, and park on Driveways ?

If wishes were horses, would beggars really ride (or would they sell the horses for booze money) ?

(And for those in the know, the answer to the ultimate question is:


I only know you shouldn't try eating the yellow snow.

Watch out where the Huskies go... Frank Zappa

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Polls have their place. They are for entertainment purposes and to stimulate discussion.

Entertainment?? God forbid I am ever that bored to be entertained by the likes of such posts. The same for time waisting discussion over such drivel.

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quoted........"Why do people drive on Parkways, and park on Driveway ?"


That's a good one from 'Kerryd'.

Whenever I want to have a little fun with the English speaking Thais or Europeans (who had never been to US), I always use this favorited line. They seem puzzled. :o:D

Only if you live in the State or associate with people from there, they often using this term - Parkways and Driveway, then you'll know what they refer to.

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Polls have their place. They are for entertainment purposes and to stimulate discussion.

Entertainment?? God forbid I am ever that bored to be entertained by the likes of such posts. The same for time waisting discussion over such drivel.

And you still log in and read it avidly!!

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