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Do you take antioxidants to promote health/prevent diseases?  

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Thailand is a very polluted environment. The air is polluted. The water is polluted. The food is polluted. More than most western countries.

Most everyone in the modern world if they live long enough will develop cancer. Pollution is directly linked to cancer. There is some scientific evidence that eating anti-oxidants may help prevent cancer and some that it is does not.

There are so many sources of antioxidants: chocolate, red wine, green tea, tomatoes, brocolli, Thai herbs (kaffir lime limes/galangal), turmeric, fish oils, vitamin E.

So, how many of us are taking some kinds of antioxidants daily with the hope that we are promoting our health?

I put this in general instead of the health forum as it is a poll for the general users here, not only health nuts.

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Thailand is a very polluted environment. The air is polluted. The water is polluted. The food is polluted. More than most western countries.

Most everyone in the modern world if they live long enough will develop cancer. Pollution is directly linked to cancer. There is some scientific evidence that eating anti-oxidants may help prevent cancer and some that it is does not.

There are so many sources of antioxidants: chocolate, red wine, green tea, tomatoes, brocolli, Thai herbs (kaffir lime limes/galangal), turmeric, fish oils, vitamin E.

So, how many of us are taking some kinds of antioxidants daily with the hope that we are promoting our health?

I put this in general instead of the health forum as it is a poll for the general users here, not only health nuts.

Sure. Drink lots of tea and eat Broccoli as much as I can. Both high in antioxidant

I smoke a lot and when I go for cheek up they say all good. hmm with the help of whisky ofcuz.


Sorry, I replied I didn't take any antioxidants, mostly because I've absolutely no idea what it is. Then when I read your list, I realized chocolate and red wine were on my daily consumption list. I'm happy to know that i have some good health habit.

For the rest of the items of your lists (green tea, tomatoes, brocolli, Thai herbs (kaffir lime limes/galangal), turmeric, fish oils, vitamin E) I may have heard about some of them but for the time being I will stick with my chocolate and red wine as I dont want to risk any overdose of good things.


Yes I take daily 1x 400iu of vitamin E, also daily 2 x milk thistle for liver and I drink green tea. You need all the help you can get :o


I take several anti-oxidants in pill form everyday in addition to eating foods high in antioxidant properties. I am sure that they are working because I haven't rusted out yet ! :o


Yeah, take 'em till I rattle.

All the nutraceuticals, none of the Big Pharmaceuticals!

Orthomolecular does it for me.


My daily takes are Vitamin E, B-Complex and One-A-Day. I also drink a glass of (2%) milk, a glass of canberry juice, an eat one banana every day. When I'm in TL, I would subsitute coconut juice for canberry juice.

Twice a week, I make sure to eat brocoli, and salmon. Munch on nuts (varieties of them) and grape

What I eat (so many years) must be great for my health. :D:D So far I'm lucky (knock on weed). My only trip to the clinic is annual check up. My only complain is a headache which occures when I suffer from the heat from being outside too long. :o

So this about Anti-oxidant works or not work , I'm not really know for sure. But the foods and vitamins I took sure work greatly on my body.

My daily takes are Vitamin E, B-Complex and One-A-Day. I also drink a glass of (2%) milk, a glass of canberry juice, an eat one banana every day. When I'm in TL, I would subsitute coconut juice for canberry juice.

Twice a week, I make sure to eat brocoli, and salmon. Munch on nuts (varieties of them) and grape

What I eat (so many years) must be great for my health. :D:D So far I'm lucky (knock on weed). My only trip to the clinic is annual check up. My only complain is a headache which occures when I suffer from the heat from being outside too long. :D

So this about Anti-oxidant works or not work , I'm not really know for sure. But the foods and vitamins I took sure work greatly on my body.

......(knock on weed). :D:o:D .......I meant ' knock on WOOD ' .

My daily takes are Vitamin E, B-Complex and One-A-Day. I also drink a glass of (2%) milk, a glass of canberry juice, an eat one banana every day. When I'm in TL, I would subsitute coconut juice for canberry juice.

Twice a week, I make sure to eat brocoli, and salmon. Munch on nuts (varieties of them) and grape

What I eat (so many years) must be great for my health. :D:D So far I'm lucky (knock on weed). My only trip to the clinic is annual check up. My only complain is a headache which occures when I suffer from the heat from being outside too long. :D

So this about Anti-oxidant works or not work , I'm not really know for sure. But the foods and vitamins I took sure work greatly on my body.

......(knock on weed). :D:o:D .......I meant ' knock on WOOD ' .

Admit it, you meant weed.

Tink, I get headaches too after drinking a quart of vodka.

Do you think I should stay out of the heat?

qwerz, you have been coming to LOS for many years , you're a regular, I'm sure you could get along with the TL heat. :o

Tink, I get headaches too after drinking a quart of vodka.

Do you think I should stay out of the heat?

qwerz, you have been coming to LOS for many years , you're a regular, I'm sure you could get along with the TL heat. :o

Okay Tink, you're right.

I'll change my brand of vodka.


The causes of all cancers are now known, so the cure and prevention of all cancers is now also known. No more do you have to hang on to snippets pushed out by Cancer Inc. where you hope to reduce risk by some percentage points, by eating this, ie anti-oxidants, or not eating that. Cancer Inc. is a trillion dollar industry, where it is a criminal offense for a doctor to use any other treatment apart from chemo, radiation, surgery or experimental genetic work, ie it is illegal to cure. Their logic is that as there is no cure, if a doctor cures using any alternative modalitiy, then a fraud has been committed and they will be struck off. Buy, read up and learn The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers 2007, H R Clark PhD ND. www.drclark.com. This cell biologist has identified the causes, using her patented Synchrometer, a resonance device that identifies parasites, bacteria, myco bacteria, virus, dyes, heavy metals, aflotixins, etc etc in the body, and their location! She has worked out and proven the pathways. She was threatened with imprisonment in USA, if she published her work, but defended by a famous freedom of speech lawyer, succeeded to publish. This work would/will never be allowed to to published in the contolled, Medical or Scienctific Journal. With this knowledge, it is privately published. So today, July 2008, if a family member or friend is even terminal with one week to go, you can save a life. Based on her initial mid 90s works, I have saved several of those. Be surprised at some fresh vegetables with anti-oxidants, or popular drinks that contain plant phenols, chemcals that control ripening, color, flavour etc. that inlame and degrade internal organs so as to facilitate a malignancy. One example. Tea contains phloridzin, chlorogenic acid, and gallic acid that respectively degrade pituatary, hypothalamus and pancreas. These degraded organ parts join up to make the cancer nucleus, and will enter an organ that is inflamed, by another pheno/chemical, and together with the cancer complex cause the malignancy. The degrade parts, as they have left their original organ location, uncontrollably release hormones that stimulate malignany, ie stem cell factor and human growth hormone. Tea also contains the plant phenol caffeic acid which inflames eight internal organs and the chemical ASA, aspirin, which inflames another 8 internal organs, allowing easy entry for the cancer nucleus and cancer complex. Interruption of ANY of these pathways stops the malignancy. Activating white blood cells with 3 organic nutrients will shrink the tumors. 600 pages of valuable knowledge will save lives, yours, your relatives and your friends. I have no commercial interest in drclark.com


i consider a day without anti oxidizing my body with a bottle of Port or Sherry as extremely dangerous and try make up for it the next day to prevent cancer :o


glass wine - nightly

green tea - daily

anti-oxident vitamins/minerals in capsule form - daily

salmon - 2x week

dark chocolate - 1x or 2x per week

I'm gonna live to 150! :o


I checked the "I don't know what antioxidants are" option but when I read your list I realise that I eat a few things on it but maybe not daily. Must admit I rarely bother with all these health fads, what's good for you today is a killer tomorrow. Balanced diet with plenty of fresh food and avoid taking in too much processed stuff seems to be the right course. At 56 I'm too old to start running around stuffing pills down my throat hoping they'll put off the inevitable. I know people who take a rake of tablets every day but I only take any kind of meds when I'm sick and, generally, when prescribed by a health professional (doctor).

<edit : btw shouldn't it be "cancers are linked to pollution" not the other way round. Pollution is linked to poor waste management. Unless you are applying reverse logic.>

what's good for you today is a killer tomorrow. Balanced diet with plenty of fresh food and avoid taking in too much processed stuff seems to be the right course.

Right on Phil. The typical colorful Thai diet has it all!


The typical Thai diet has it all, sugar; contains asbestos that de-activates white blood cells; MSG that is carcinogenic neuro-toxin, microwave warmed and defrosted foods, that introduce carcinogen radiolytic comounds into all foods; raw garlic that binds the cancer complex.Pork with phloridzin etc etc Yes Thai foods, unless carefully cooked at home, and carefully selected with todays knowledge, have all the ingredients for the early grave. . A worker on our Resort has just expired, after a miserable 40 year life span.


Continuing the above. Thai food is normally cooked in aluminium, (connected with Alzheimers); poor grade stainless steel ( chromium and nickel go into food, the nickel drawing the cancer nucleus into the organ for a mailgnancy); and teflon and enamel, both of which leak carcinogenic dyes. Unless one uses 18/10 stamped stainless steel, available at Index, Meyer brand from Germany, (at one third Europe prices), the early grave will still beckon.


I avoid chemical substitutes for vitamins and take Cuminoids (from Tumeric), Milk Thistle, Salmon Oil (not free swimming), virgin coconut oil, Flaxseed Oil, natural C & E and I am restarting a regime of H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) internally.

My wife is a very strict vegetarian and takes most of the same, plus I have her suppliment the B's and Folic Acid that she cannot get in her diet.

I avoid chemical substitutes for vitamins

I do too - my body can really tell the difference between USP ascorbic acid and that expensive English Rose Hip Extract.

BTW you better load up on your antioxidant suppliments because that hydrogen peroxide you're taking is a very powerful oxidizing agent.


Oats and blueberries are both crammed with antioxidants. The latter are expensive here but you can find them dried in some places and if you chuck a handful in a bowl of porridge (oatmeal) every morning, you can be pretty sure that you're getting a good dose of the anti-cancer agents.


I guess I take AO's because of my daily coffee consumption. Did you all you health nuts know that coffee has the highest percentage of AO's of any vegatable or fruit in the world? :o


I will save you guys the time....

Coffee is number one source of antioxidants

General Science

Coffee provides more than just a morning jolt; that steaming cup of java is also the number one source of antioxidants in the U.S. diet, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Scranton (Pa.). Their study was described today at the 230th national meeting of the American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society.

Now you all can have your morning smoke and coffee without feeling bad about it. :o

I avoid chemical substitutes for vitamins

I do too - my body can really tell the difference between USP ascorbic acid and that expensive English Rose Hip Extract.

BTW you better load up on your antioxidant suppliments because that hydrogen peroxide you're taking is a very powerful oxidizing agent.

Oh, go suck a lime, eh? A much cheaper source of C than those expensive English Rose Hips (Ahh, my sweet Rose, well do I remember thy Hips..).

Hmm, my research doesn't seem to bear your 'oxidizing agent' theory out, other than very old beliefs. Hydrogen Peroxide (or Dioxide) is not only a very important component in rainwater for life on this planet but is created by our own cells to assist our immune system in eliminating harmful bacteria and viruses. H2O2 is merely water with an extra Oxygen molecule which seems unlikely to be harmful to us in any way (short of concentrations which can be harmful but we can do that to ourselves with overdoses of many natural vitamins and minerals).

If you have more up-to-date and respectable studies to the contrary, I would be more than happy to hear of them and take them into consideration! Please PM me if you wish because I feel that the lack of 'Thailand relevance' is going to, before long, doom this thread...

I avoid chemical substitutes for vitamins

I do too - my body can really tell the difference between USP ascorbic acid and that expensive English Rose Hip Extract.

BTW you better load up on your antioxidant suppliments because that hydrogen peroxide you're taking is a very powerful oxidizing agent.

Oh, go suck a lime, eh? A much cheaper source of C than those expensive English Rose Hips (Ahh, my sweet Rose, how well I remember your hips..).

Hmm, my research doesn't seem to bear your 'oxidizing agent' theory out, other than very old beliefs. Hydrogen Peroxide (or Dioxide) is not only a very important component in rainwater for life on this planet but is created by our own cells to assist our immune system in eliminating harmful bacteria and viruses. H2O2 is merely water with an extra Oxygen molecule which seems unlikely to be harmful to us in any way (short of concentrations which can be harmful but we can do that to ourselves with overdoses of many natural vitamins and minerals).

If you have more up-to-date and respectable studies to the contrary, I would be more than happy to hear of them and take them into consideration! Please PM me if you wish because I feel that the lack of 'Thailand relevance' is going to, before long, doom this thread...

I've been a retired slob for the last ten years so nothing I say should be considered up to date or respectable.

Good call on sucking the lime - I prefer mine immediately after salt and some medicinal blue agave.


Lifespan and health are a combination of lifestyle (diet, exercise etc) and genetics. Modern medicine has expanded our lifespans yet it prefers to take the attitude that they can eventually find a drug to cure anything. They mostly ignore the importance of what we put in our bodies. Those that deify doctors will go along with that, it also conveniently allows them to indulge in poor diets and substance abuse without guilt. The body will take a lot of abuse, but how much will probably be determined by your draw in the gene pool.

Antioxidants are found in many foods and you can get what you need from it. However as pointed out pollution and other factors can increase the amount of free radicals in your body, which are undesirable and linked to cancers among other things. The right amount of antioxidants will help mop them up.

I believe the article about coffee said highest in the US diet, not the highest. There are natural herbs available, but not in Thailand, that leave it for dead.

The doubters about lifestyle should have a look at movie "Supersize Me"which is legally available in dual language to give the wife a wake up as well, even the doctors couldn't believe the health changes.

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