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Uk Expats Be Very Grateful


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UK almost bottom of the European quality of life stats. While it is not perfect in Thailand it is a darn sight better than the alternative. Suspect UK is top of the stabbings list as well, puts Thailand in the shade, at the last count about 2 dozen teenagers have died through stab wounds in the last month.

Read this and then think about how fortunate you are! ..... http://uk.news.yahoo.com/itn/20080716/tuk-...in-dba1618.html


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depends on your point of view, but I can think of a lot worse places than the UK to live. It also depends where in the UK you live.

A BNP govt will get us back on our feet again as there is not really a better alternative, the LIB-LAB-CON establishment with their snouts in the trough cant be trusted anymore.

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I agree entirely - UK Expats Be Very Careful - VERY CAREFUL INDEED!

Careful not to burn your bridges because if/when you are no longer able to stay in Thailand the truth of just how good life in the UK really is will become apparent to you.

More than a few sneak back home (Broke/Ill or simply wrecked) with none of the fanfare they arrived with, to the security, welfare and health care that the UK gives them as a right.

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According to the Telegraph the UK is in at 17, But Thailand is not ranked.

1. Norway

2. Iceland

3. Australia

4. Ireland

5. Sweden

6. Canada

7. Japan

8. USA

9.= Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland

12. Belgium, Luxembourg

14. Austria

15. Denmark

16. France

17.= Italy, United Kingdom

19. Spain

20. New Zealand

Source http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/156...ty-of-life.html

Another survey by the Economist in 2005 ranks UK as 29 and Thailand as 42

Source http://www.economist.com/media/pdf/quality_of_life.pdf

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I agree entirely - UK Expats Be Very Careful - VERY CAREFUL INDEED!

Careful not to burn your bridges because if/when you are no longer able to stay in Thailand the truth of just how good life in the UK really is will become apparent to you.

More than a few sneak back home (Broke/Ill or simply wrecked) with none of the fanfare they arrived with, to the security, welfare and health care that the UK gives them as a right.

Straight up. Well said.

There is a lot being said about how much the UK has changed recently with the supposed "forced multi-culturalism", and perceived lack of effective deterrent to growing crime, etc. When I go back home, I see a place much improved to the town I left 15 years ago...

My missus and I really enjoy visiting, and I have recently been re-thinking about where I'm going to retire. Glad I never burned my bridges back home.

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I agree entirely - UK Expats Be Very Careful - VERY CAREFUL INDEED!

Careful not to burn your bridges because if/when you are no longer able to stay in Thailand the truth of just how good life in the UK really is will become apparent to you.

More than a few sneak back home (Broke/Ill or simply wrecked) with none of the fanfare they arrived with, to the security, welfare and health care that the UK gives them as a right.

Well said GH to which I'd add:

How many of the UK expats are here on the back of qualifications gained back in the UK?

How many of the UK expats are here on the back of earnings/pensions/inheritances from the UK?

Yes the UK is not the place it was but we have to consider the alternatives if/when it all goes pear shaped. With no money just how welcome are you going to be in Thailand? Thailand is a great country with lots going for it provided you have the wherewithall to pay for it. There's more than a ring of truth to the old "No money - No honey" cliche. Thailand is also a great place provided you are relatively mobile and healthy but then it does provided a jumping off place for those for whom life has become too much hassle.

btw #1 I'm always very wary of putting too much by these surveys and the like. For a start they compare the climate in the UK with Europe. The UK is a maritime climate meaning it is wet and relatively warm. Much of Europe is a continental climate meaning it is drier, colder in winter and warmer in summer but with far greater extremes. It's a bit like including the climate when comparing quality of life in Iceland with Trinidad. There's not much anyone can do about the climate of their home country, it's a geographical phenomenon. But there's an anomaly there, anyone noticed how wimpy the Asians are about exposure to the sun? Hel_l this is their ancestral home and they can't stand the heat.

They also compare the prices of commodities in UK with Europe already having admitted the Brits earn considerably more than the Euros. Dumb or dumber?

btw#2 I'm a little surprised at the low percentage point differences for fuels but it shows up in power prices. A large proportion of the UK's utilities are now owned by the French and other European and world nations. Who is subsidising who I wonder.

btw #3 Okay if we are going to compare stabbings and violent crime lets see the crime stats for Thailand, not just crime on expats but total crime locals and expats combined. Lets also look at the chance of dying in a road traffic accident.

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depends on your point of view, but I can think of a lot worse places than the UK to live. It also depends where in the UK you live.

The day that happens, I'll apply for political assylum. :o

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I agree entirely - UK Expats Be Very Careful - VERY CAREFUL INDEED!

Careful not to burn your bridges because if/when you are no longer able to stay in Thailand the truth of just how good life in the UK really is will become apparent to you.

More than a few sneak back home (Broke/Ill or simply wrecked) with none of the fanfare they arrived with, to the security, welfare and health care that the UK gives them as a right.

Well said GH to which I'd add:

How many of the UK expats are here on the back of qualifications gained back in the UK?

How many of the UK expats are here on the back of earnings/pensions/inheritances from the UK?

Yes the UK is not the place it was but we have to consider the alternatives if/when it all goes pear shaped. With no money just how welcome are you going to be in Thailand? Thailand is a great country with lots going for it provided you have the wherewithall to pay for it. There's more than a ring of truth to the old "No money - No honey" cliche. Thailand is also a great place provided you are relatively mobile and healthy but then it does provided a jumping off place for those for whom life has become too much hassle

btw #1 I'm always very wary of putting too much by these surveys and the like. For a start they compare the climate in the UK with Europe. The UK is a maritime climate meaning it is wet and relatively warm. Much of Europe is a continental climate meaning it is drier, colder in winter and warmer in summer but with far greater extremes. It's a bit like including the climate when comparing quality of life in Iceland with Trinidad. There's not much anyone can do about the climate of their home country, it's a geographical phenomenon. But there's an anomaly there, anyone noticed how wimpy the Asians are about exposure to the sun? Hel_l this is their ancestral home and they can't stand the heat.

They also compare the prices of commodities in UK with Europe already having admitted the Brits earn considerably more than the Euros. Dumb or dumber?

btw#2 I'm a little surprised at the low percentage point differences for fuels but it shows up in power prices. A large proportion of the UK's utilities are now owned by the French and other European and world nations. Who is subsidising who I wonder.

btw #3 Okay if we are going to compare stabbings and violent crime lets see the crime stats for Thailand, not just crime on expats but total crime locals and expats combined. Lets also look at the chance of dying in a road traffic accident.

The United Kingdom has a very good record for road safety compared with most other EU countries. :o

In 2004 it had one of the lowest road death rates in the EU, at 5.6 per 100,000 population.

The UK rate was also lower than the rates for other industrialised nations such as Japan (6.96 per 100,000 population), and substantially lower than that of Australia (8.15) and the United States (14.66). :D

and contrary to wot every one thinks.... :D

Recorded crime figures in UK show fall ....still far too many but......

There were 5m recorded crimes last year

Police-recorded crime in England and Wales fell 9% in the 12 months to March, latest figures suggest.

The first reliable figures for knife crime showed there were 22,000 offences last year.

The statistics also show that while the risk of being a victim is at its lowest ever level, people still think that the rate is going up.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said she was "extremely pleased" with the overall reduction.

The annual crime report for 2007-2008 reveals the longest recorded period of falling crime - down 48% from 1995.

It shows there were five million recorded crimes. All the main categories were down, including violent crime and sex offences, but drug offences were up 18%, gun crime was up 2% and murder was up 3%. :D

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In the slightly more respected measures of quality of life such as that of the Economist (Economist Intelligence Unitโ€™s quality of life index - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality-of-life_index) We see what we might expect: Ireland, Switzerland and Norway are the top 3, Singapore is 11th, UK is one of the lowest EU countries coming in at 29 but of course it is way above the Third World countries such as Malaysia (36th), Thailand (42nd) and Columbia (54th).

The murder rate is also 7 times higher in LOS than UK (I can dig up the reference if you really want).

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Dam lies and statistic . . . . you (or the government) can state what you like with statistics.

Wassup, facts destroying your little fantasy? Why let silly little things like facts and the truth get in the way of a good pub rant.

yeah! and nobody mentions that the UK climate is much better than the sh*tty Thai climate :o

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I agree entirely - UK Expats Be Very Careful - VERY CAREFUL INDEED!

Careful not to burn your bridges because if/when you are no longer able to stay in Thailand the truth of just how good life in the UK really is will become apparent to you.

More than a few sneak back home (Broke/Ill or simply wrecked) with none of the fanfare they arrived with, to the security, welfare and health care that the UK gives them as a right.

Well said GH to which I'd add:

How many of the UK expats are here on the back of qualifications gained back in the UK?

How many of the UK expats are here on the back of earnings/pensions/inheritances from the UK?

Yes the UK is not the place it was but we have to consider the alternatives if/when it all goes pear shaped. With no money just how welcome are you going to be in Thailand? Thailand is a great country with lots going for it provided you have the wherewithall to pay for it. There's more than a ring of truth to the old "No money - No honey" cliche. Thailand is also a great place provided you are relatively mobile and healthy but then it does provided a jumping off place for those for whom life has become too much hassle

btw #1 I'm always very wary of putting too much by these surveys and the like. For a start they compare the climate in the UK with Europe. The UK is a maritime climate meaning it is wet and relatively warm. Much of Europe is a continental climate meaning it is drier, colder in winter and warmer in summer but with far greater extremes. It's a bit like including the climate when comparing quality of life in Iceland with Trinidad. There's not much anyone can do about the climate of their home country, it's a geographical phenomenon. But there's an anomaly there, anyone noticed how wimpy the Asians are about exposure to the sun? Hel_l this is their ancestral home and they can't stand the heat.

They also compare the prices of commodities in UK with Europe already having admitted the Brits earn considerably more than the Euros. Dumb or dumber?

btw#2 I'm a little surprised at the low percentage point differences for fuels but it shows up in power prices. A large proportion of the UK's utilities are now owned by the French and other European and world nations. Who is subsidising who I wonder.

btw #3 Okay if we are going to compare stabbings and violent crime lets see the crime stats for Thailand, not just crime on expats but total crime locals and expats combined. Lets also look at the chance of dying in a road traffic accident.

The United Kingdom has a very good record for road safety compared with most other EU countries. :o

In 2004 it had one of the lowest road death rates in the EU, at 5.6 per 100,000 population.

The UK rate was also lower than the rates for other industrialised nations such as Japan (6.96 per 100,000 population), and substantially lower than that of Australia (8.15) and the United States (14.66). :D

and contrary to wot every one thinks.... :D

Recorded crime figures in UK show fall ....still far too many but......

There were 5m recorded crimes last year

Police-recorded crime in England and Wales fell 9% in the 12 months to March, latest figures suggest.

The first reliable figures for knife crime showed there were 22,000 offences last year.

The statistics also show that while the risk of being a victim is at its lowest ever level, people still think that the rate is going up.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said she was "extremely pleased" with the overall reduction.

The annual crime report for 2007-2008 reveals the longest recorded period of falling crime - down 48% from 1995.

It shows there were five million recorded crimes. All the main categories were down, including violent crime and sex offences, but drug offences were up 18%, gun crime was up 2% and murder was up 3%. :D

Reacorded crimes yes. There's also many unrecordered. This is know as 'The Dark Figure Of Crime'

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I find it just a little interesting that not one Asian country made the list, as with all polls and surveys not everything is taken into account especially when it comes to individual preferences, i.e TV Polls.

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I find it just a little interesting that not one Asian country made the list, as with all polls and surveys not everything is taken into account especially when it comes to individual preferences, i.e TV Polls.

Well seeing as the OP is referring to The "European quality of life index" its not really surprising that no Asian countries are on the list. However in the index I mentioned, Singapore is 11th, Japan 17th and HK 18th:


Rank Country or territory

1 Ireland

2 Switzerland

3 Norway

4 Luxembourg

5 Sweden

6 Australia

7 Iceland

8 Italy

9 Denmark

10 Spain

11 Singapore

12 Finland

13 United States

14 Canada

15 New Zealand

16 Netherlands

17 Japan

18 Hong Kong

19 Portugal

20 Austria

21 Republic of China (Taiwan)

22 Greece

23 Cyprus

24 Belgium

25 France

26 Germany

27 Slovenia

28 Malta

29 United Kingdom

30 South Korea

31 Chile

32 Mexico

33 Barbados

34 Czech Republic

35 Costa Rica

36 Malaysia

37 Hungary

38 Israel

39 Brazil

40 Argentina

41 Qatar

42 Thailand

43 Sri Lanka

44 Philippines

45 Slovakia

46 Uruguay

47 Panama

48 Poland

49 Croatia

50 Turkey

Edited by ade100
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Coming on the same day we bury a 16 year old in London, victim of another knife attack, I think this is pretty indicative of the way life in the UK is going. Not saying LOS is perfect but its a little way away from this yet.

Police officer bitten in vicious mob attack ... after asking girl to pick up a piece of litter

Last updated at 4:01 PM on 18th July 2008

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Two policemen who were attacked by a 30-strong mob were today recovering from their injuries - with one receiving hospital treatment for a bite wound.

The feral attack was launched after the officers asked a teenager to pick up some litter she had dropped.

One of the policemen required hospital treatment after the attack in Northend, Croydon, South London on Wednesday afternoon.

Two officers were set on by a mob, some wearing school uniform, after they asked a teenage girl to pick up a fast-food wrapper she had dropped

Police said that when patrolling officers asked the girl to pick up a piece of litter she did so - but then immediately dropped it.

When they asked her to pick it up again, a friend with the girl reacted aggressively.

A group of up to 30 teenagers and adults gathered around the officers and attacked them. One officer was bitten.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said the officers, aged 34 and 29, were now on sick leave suffering from bruising and knee injuries.

A 15-year-old girl was arrested at the scene on suspicion of assault. She has been released on police bail.

Two men aged 34 and 38, both from nearby South Norwood, were arrested yesterday on suspicion of assault and violent disorder.

Shopkeepers in the area told today of their horror at the level of violence used against the officers.

T-Mobile phone store manager Shil Mehta said that just before turning on the police the two girls had been fighting each other.

Trouble spot:

Trouble spot: Shopkeepers in the area told today of their horror at the level of violence used against the officer

'The attack happened right outside our shop,' he said. 'I saw two girls fighting. The officers tried to stop the girls, who were about 15 years old and both were wearing school uniforms, but then they turned on the police.

'When one of the policemen tried to restrain one of the girls a crowd started to develop around them. I think he was trying to put handcuffs on the girl.

'There were about 30 people in the crowd at this stage, of all ages. A couple of men aged in their 30s were screaming at the police to let go of the girls.

'I don't think they knew the girls, but just saw the police wrestling with them and had a go at the police because they thought they were being heavy-handed.

'Then one of these men lunged at the officer holding the girl, from behind. I think he tried to punch him in the head - he definitely took a swing. Then the girl tried to run away.

'At that point the other policeman got his baton out and pepper spray. They managed to get hold of the girl again but by this stage the crowd was huge. I would say about 70 or 80 people were now in the street watching.

'One of the policemen pinned the girl on the ground because she was maniacally trying to fight him.

'That's when the police back-up arrived. There were three or four riot vans, three police cars and two unmarked cars.'

Mr Mehta added: 'Using batons and pepper spray they managed to disperse the crowd but I have never seen anything like it.

'I don't know what happened just before the two girls started fighting. It seemed like the police were already talking to them before they started fighting each other.

'Then as the police were dealing with them, two blokes waded in and made things a hundred times worse.

'It really is a sad state of affairs when police are being attacked in a shopping high street in broad daylight. No one is safe, it seems.'

Inspector Simon Ellingham said officers were examining CCTV footage.

He said: 'If you were in Northend, central Croydon, at around 3pm on Wednesday and saw anything of the incident, or have any information, please get in touch.'

Anyone with information should ring 020 8649 0119 and ask for Sergeant George Shannon, or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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