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The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for

Blood plasma.


No piece of paper can be folded in half

more than seven (7) times. Oh go ahead...I'll wait...~


Donkeys kill more people annually

Than plane crashes or shark attacks. (Watch your Ass )


You burn more calories sleeping

than you do watching television.


Oak trees do not produce acorns

until they are fifty (50) years of age or older.


The first product to have a bar code

was Wrigley's gum.


The King of Hearts is the only king



American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987

by eliminating one (1) olive

from each salad served in first-class.


Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

(Since Venus is normally associated with women,what does this tell you!) *********************************************************************

Apples, not caffeine,

are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.


Most dust particles in your house are made from



The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer.

So did the first " Marlboro Man."


Walt Disney was afraid






The three most valuable brand names on earth:

Marlboro, Coca Cola, and Budweiser, in that order.


It is possible to lead a cow upstairs...

but, not downstairs.


A duck's quack doesn't echo,

and no one knows why.


Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush

be kept at least six (6) feet away from

a toilet to avoid airborne particles

resulting from the flush.

(I keep my toothbrush in the living room now!)


And the best for last.....

Turtles can breathe through their butts.

(I know some people like that, don't YOU?)


Trivia quiz or an informative site about Thailand?

Dam_n must have pressed the wrong button, no change there then!!


Are you saying there are no Thai elephants?

Or pigs?

Which incidentally are the only hoofed quadrupeds that eat meat.

It's a general forum, Mossfinn, do try to get into the spirit.

No piece of paper can be folded in half

more than seven (7) times. Oh go ahead...I'll wait...~

The Mythbusters disproved this myth....http://mythbusters-wiki.discovery.com/page/Seven+Paper+Fold?t=anon

Donkeys kill more people annually

Than plane crashes or shark attacks. (Watch your Ass )

I thought it was horses.

Apples, not caffeine,

are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

Subjective, I'll take my cup of joe over an apple anyday

The three most valuable brand names on earth:

Marlboro, Coca Cola, and Budweiser, in that order.

Hmmm..No Google ?

Are you saying there are no Thai elephants?

Where do you surmise that from?

Or pigs?

Even more curious.......

Which incidentally are the only hoofed quadrupeds that eat meat.

Crikey, I didn't know that, incidentally do they know about Sin Sod?

It's a general forum, Mossfinn, do try to get into the spirit.

I really don't want to break this to people at the moment, but ........................................ It is a Thai General Forum, and I am off to get some spirit, of the Single Malt Kind. :o

Only kidding 'Q' no worries.




Do you understand the concepts of "liquids and solids", and of "solvents and solutions"? :o


STEWARDESSES is the longest english word you can type with your left hand on a qwerty keyboard using traditional typing methods.

MONIMOLIMNION is the longest english word you can type with your right hand on a qwerty keyboard using traditional typing methods.

Pearls DISSOLVE in vinegar

qwerty keyboards AND pearls are present in Thailand


did ya know the best and easiest way to stop stomach pain or food poisoning

is to drink coke ? Or even better the cola light version ?

I never have diarrhea because of that and my children recover quickly after a bad meal

or whatever . :o

Trivia quiz or an informative site about Thailand?

Dam_n must have pressed the wrong button, no change there then!!


Are you saying there are no Thai elephants?

Or pigs?

Which incidentally are the only hoofed quadrupeds that eat meat.

It's a general forum, Mossfinn, do try to get into the spirit.

Wrong: Pigs and Goats will eat meat

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