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Anyone Know How Scampy Is Doing?


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Haven't heard Scampy here in a while - I know he is busy getting his stuff together, not to mention working that god awful job of his, what was it again, time sharing selling or something? I know he should be doing more important things than be on Thai Visa now, but I really miss his free thought ramblings of his life! :o

Anyone in Thailand, or specifically Phuket, know if he is doing ok ?

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He's still doing OK in Phuket. I'll leave it to him to post an update here. :D

Ah , I forgot you are close friends with Mr. C. Scamp!

Well, As long as he is doing well then, please tell him to take his time, no rush to post here unless he wants to. :D

P.S. LC, you like my new Avatar? :D:o:D

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P.S. LC, you like my new Avatar?  :D  :o  -_-

I like everything about you, sweetheart. Now that I've given up on those soapdodgers... Well, for the time being anyway. :D

Thanks LC, I'm honored! :D

I guess I shouldn't have chosen an Avatar of a Popular Japanese Anime "Soapdoger" character then, if you've moved on from those guys... :D

Oh Well.... I think I'll keep him around for a while.... Just in case you revert back to your old preferences... :wub:

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Oi, keep on topic... I was enjoying the attention. :D

BTW - Splitlid is back in LOS, spoke to him yesterday.

I'm still in Lamai staying with my best Thai mate/ex/sisterInever had, Noy, and my future hangs in the balance.

This time next week I could be earning a stupidly generous wage in Bangkok or I could be skint in Bangkok or I could be in Kuwait waiting for a connecting flight home.

As I type this a sofa bed is being pulled out, somewhere in the Scottish highlands. :o

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I've got an idea - why don't you open up your own Mercedes garage here in Thailand. You could even play a game with the locals- every day add another zero to the price of each car, until some hi-so wannabe guy asks you why it's so expensive. You could then rightly respond by saying "Because you'll fckin' pay it, <deleted>!"

Just had to get that one off my chest.

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Perhaps I could open a school teaching 'Basic Logic and Common Sense' - I'd make a killing, or would I???

All the Thai's that would need my services wouldn't have the sense to use them or would have an accident on the way to the induction day.

Sorry but had to get that one off my chest, I've been a victim of Thai stupidity today and I have arrived back in Rawai from Lamai.

I'd elaborate but gone are the days where Scampy can afford to sit in front of a screen for an hour and a half, surfing and contributing to ThaiVisa.com.

This isn't my diary anyway - that went sour because I neglected it, a bit like milk that goes sour.

...Milk comes from a dairy. :D

...Did I get it right this time? :o

Right, that's enough TV for me today - I've another long and difficult day tomorrow in the hip and happening town of Ranong.

Whoopee. :D

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Perhaps I could open a school teaching 'Basic Logic and Common Sense' - I'd make a killing, or would I???

You can start with "Elevators and Escalators 101".

aye aye.. add to that "entering a skytrain, and trying to get a seat in the busyest part of a bar" :o been ready to spit the dummy a few times tonight! turned out alright tho, so who givs a fuk :D

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