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Fear Of Flying !


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I know fear of flying is a serious psychiatric problem.I m the one who suffer from it.Though i read many websites about it but still no avail.So just asking u guys out there.Any tips to have a pleasant flight ?can someone recommend a good sleeping pill ?

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I think that a lot of the fear of flying is from the fact that people do not feel in charge of their own destiny.

As a pilot, I can understand those concerns. As strange as this sounds I would advise you take a flying lesson fron an approved flying school. Once you understand the principal and have actually flown; you will soon understand the incredibly high skill level of commercial pilots and feel much more secure in a plane.

Flying is actually quite safe and probably much more so than riding with Nam Kao if his wife is driving....LOL

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I know fear of flying is a serious psychiatric problem.I m the one who suffer from it.Though i read many websites about it but still no avail.So just asking u guys out there.Any tips to have a pleasant flight ?can someone recommend a good sleeping pill ?

Used to have nightmares of the plane crashing. My job for 20+ years required me to make weekly business trips via air travel. Alcohol did it for me. :o Helped me relax. Initially it took more alcohol, but as the years passed, less.

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Try a couple of shots of your favourite spirit an hour before you fly, and maybe some periodic drinking during the flight (if long haul)...should relax you somewhat. Don't overdo it, though, as lots of booze coupled with the plane's airconditioning will suck your body dry of essential H20.

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just remember those blokes that are sitting up at the pointy end of the aircraft know they will most likely be the first to hit the ground in the event of a problem, therefore you can be sure that they have the best interests of the aircraft in mind.

the most dangerous time during a flight is take-off and landing.


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the most dangerous time during a flight is take-off and landing.

A friend of mine that went to flight school said the same thing, He said make it past the take off everything is smooth sailing. Until you come to the landing when you start praying to yourself. He also said even a bad landing that you can walk away from is still a good landing. :o

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> Talk to your doctor about a mild traquilliser, like valium.

I greatly prefer Xanax (or equivalent) to valium. Do talk to your doctor yes. Xanax and *some* alcohol is nice too, but be careful taking anything, including large quantities of alcohol without talking to your doctor.



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the most dangerous time during a flight is take-off and landing.

Take of just after rotation (front wheel off the ground) is the most critical time in flight. Airspeed is too high to abort take off and make a safe stop on the runway in the event of a power failure. All commercial planes can take off on one engine although the climb ratio is very much reduced. The climb ratio would only be significant if the temperature was extremely high or an obstacle had to be cleared directly in the flight path. Power failure at altitude is not nearly a big a problem unless you are flying over water or very mountainous terrain. A 767 under no power at altitude can glide for many hundreds of miles. Power failure on landing is not too big of a problem as long as there is enough airspeed to make the runway.

Don't worry about flying. leave the worry to the professionals in the cockpit and be assured that they have had more complete physicals and or drug/alcohol tests this year than probably any of the people sitting in the back of the plane.

Also remember that altitude elevates the blood alcohol level so keep your intake reasonable or you could find you get bumped from your connecting flight.

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....Don't worry about flying. leave the worry to the professionals in the cockpit and be assured that they have had more complete physicals and or drug/alcohol tests this year than probably any of the people sitting in the back of the plane.

Very true - don't worry about flying. It's the crashing that'll kill you :o

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[Very true - don't worry about flying. It's the crashing that'll kill you :D

Don't worry about flying, it's the safest way to travel, I'm a retired airline pilot with more than 25000 flying hours in my logbook, just sit back and relax, just remember there isn't as many idiots in the sky as you will find on the road. :o

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sonthaya... Do you remember the first time your flight instructor pulled the power on you? That was the most confusing time i have ever had in my life. He did it to me about 300 ft AGL over some fir trees on climb out when I only had about 6-7 hours. I knew what to do but just did not react fast enough and would not have made the runway. :D Haven't made the same mistakes again. :o

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sonthaya...  Do you remember the first time your flight instructor pulled the power on you?  That was the most confusing time i have ever had in my life.  He did it to me about 300 ft AGL over some fir  trees on climb out when I only had about 6-7 hours.  I knew what to do but just did not react fast enough and would not have made the runway.  :D  Haven't made the same mistakes again.  :o

Well the instructors in the Danish Airforce didn't do it that early, but still a scary experience when it came a little later in the training program.

I'm retired now, but I really miss flying, it wasn't so much a job, it was a lifestyle. :D

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