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Extension Of Stay For Non-o In Korat

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I am gathering up my documentation to apply for an extension of stay on a Non-O visa based on marriage.

Thanks to some of the posts here and some other research I think I have a good handle on what is required documentation-wise. However, I notice on the Thai Immigration Bureau website, under the required documents it specifies "Copy of Passport (with certified true copy)".

Does anyone know if this requirement is legit and enforced? And if so, where does one obtain a "certified true copy"?

Thanks in advance.

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Every time I have had to certify a document, all I have done is type in the bottom of the copied document

"I certify this to be a true copy" and sign my own name. This has worked many times for all required document (ie) passport/ marriage lic. ect. ect.

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I am gathering up my documentation to apply for an extension of stay on a Non-O visa based on marriage.

Thanks to some of the posts here and some other research I think I have a good handle on what is required documentation-wise. However, I notice on the Thai Immigration Bureau website, under the required documents it specifies "Copy of Passport (with certified true copy)".

Does anyone know if this requirement is legit and enforced? And if so, where does one obtain a "certified true copy"?

Thanks in advance.

I have never had to do that. Just sign every copy myself.

You will find Korat very helpful.

Edited by Lite Beer
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The wife and I went to Korat Immigration today to submit my paperwork for the extension.

As luck would have it, we arrived at a few minutes before noon, so were told to return at 1300. We went just down the road, had some lunch, and returned at about 1310.

The office was not in the least busy, I think there was one other farang there, and one Thai man with a boy about 10 years old or so. We waited maybe two minutes and were called to the desk.

The gentleman who helped us was very pleasant and cheerful, although as near as I could tell his entire English vocabulary consisted of about 5 words.

First he asked for my passport. He flipped back and forth through it, apparently unable to reconcile the departure card, the visa, and the re-entry permit. Granted, my passport is sort of a mess...I am 7 years into a 10 year passport, 48 pages initially and 24 pages added. Lots of stamps and visas to several countries. I asked my wife to ask if I could help him, he replied in the affirmative and I showed him the visa, the first entry stamp and corresponding exit stamp, the re-entry permit, and the subsequent entry stamp and departure card. He looked at those pages again and said ok. I had copies of all that and gave them to him. He stamped them and had me sign each one.

Next he asked for the Marriage Certificate. I showed him the original and gave him his choice of an original, certified true copy, or a photocopy of the true copy. He took the "copy of the copy" and was satisfied with that.

He asked to see my wife's ID card she showed it to him. I gave him a photocopy of both sides and he had her sign it.

Next was the tabien baan. He looked through it, inquired about one name in there (luuk souw), and chatted with my wife for a minute or so about the book. I provided him with four photocopied sheets covering the filled out pages of the tabien baan...he took only two of those, I think the first one and the latest one.

He then wanted the income verification, which he indicated by showing me a paper specifying the 40,000 baht/month income requirement for husband and wife. I had the Verification from the US embassy and gave him that. He looked at the number that I had written for monthly income and started typing on his calculator. Evidently the number was higher than he thought should be. He called another man over who spoke very good English and we talked for a few minutes about my work. He asked about a bank account in Thailand; I told him that I have one but I do not have a statement with me and I do not keep much money in there. He said "It is no problem, I am only asking". They were curious about how I get money to Thailand and I explained that I just use my US ATM card to get cash as needed. They asked if I had that ATM card with me. I showed them both my US and Thai ATM cards. They sent my wife to the next room to photocopy both of those...why I have no idea, but I was not overly concerned. They seemed happy with that and we continued on. I did have paystubs for the last 18 months with me, but he never asked for them and I did not volunteer them.

The only thing that comes to mind is that I put down my gross pay as my income...perhaps they are expecting net. The documentation is not real clear on that. I figure that when I return for the follow-up, I can clarify that if need be.

After that he started pulled out two "data sheets", one for me and one for my wife. He did mine first, asking me to write in my father's and mother's name in about three places. It turned out that he had me do it in the wrong places, so out came the white-out. He filled those in the proper places this time. He also did my name wrong in about three places....more white out. He was cheerful about it, laughing at himself. My wife and I were trying to contain our laughter also. He said something and Thai, I did not catch it but it was something self-disparaging I am sure and we all had a good laugh over that. I think that sheet had more white-out than ink by the time it was done.

In the process of doing that sheet, he spoke with my wife about where we met, how long ago, how long had we been staying together. He seemed satisfied with those answers and we continued on.

He filled in my wife's data sheet, asking her about her mother and father and how many children (6 boys, 5 girls :o ).

After that he wrote a receipt for 1900 baht and I paid. He appreciated the exact change.

He then put the "under consideration" stamp in my passport with the requisite 30 days from now date to report back to that office.

That was that...khwap khum khrap and out the door we went. The process took about 1 hour, perhaps a bit more.

He never asked for photos of the house, my wife and I, the "clothes in the closet" etc...although I had those along as well.

All in all it was a painless experience. The people there were very polite and cheerful, the office is quiet. There were no uncomfortable questions and no confrontational behaviour. Unlike Suan Phlu, which is a damned zoo, jammed full of people and surly, officious employees.

Now to wait until 29 August....

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So is Korat Immigration there for keeps now? Sorry haven't been on TV for a while and I remember a while back it looked as though it was being closed!

Yes they got a reprieve.

Lets hope it is a long one.

I am still trying to find out if Korat are enforcing the "Apply at your Provincial Office". I need to get a new Extension on 4th Aug. and really do want to avoid going to Nong Khai, which is "officially" my Provincial Office.

I will be applying for the Child Support Extension and have just seen on UdonMap that NK told a guy that he could only get it if he was divorced, dispite one of the requirements being a Marriage Certificate.

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My guess is that Bangkok Immigration are pushing people out to their "Local Office" to cut the workload in Bangkok.

Justin, Your other point sounds like a load of rubbish or someone is confused. Or He went to Nong Kai. Which I have just seen that he in fact did.

I gather you have already spoken to Korat and they indicated that you would be OK and that they will accommodate you.

Don't worry. They need the workload to stay open.


Edited by Lite Beer
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So is Korat Immigration there for keeps now? ...

Logic would suggest that the more people use the Korat office the more likely it will be made a permanent fixture. But then you will hear people say that this being Thailand, logic does not enter into the equation and quite often they are proven right. Keep your fingers crossed, you all who like to use Korat.



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So is Korat Immigration there for keeps now? ...

Logic would suggest that the more people use the Korat office the more likely it will be made a permanent fixture. But then you will hear people say that this being Thailand, logic does not enter into the equation and quite often they are proven right. Keep your fingers crossed, you all who like to use Korat.



korat brilliant, never been before but ended up there after a 5 hour bus ride to bangkok immigration only to be told that korat is where i should report if i wanted to extend my multi o visa,with out leaving los. arrived with wife in tow, quick look at passports etc and done in less than twenty minutes, man was so helpful, though spoke no english and suggested that i should go for the 1 year extension if i could prove i had the 800000bht for a 3month period in any bank account verified by the british embassy. he did imply that the 800000 could be in the uk,can anyone confirm this. :o

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So is Korat Immigration there for keeps now? ...

Logic would suggest that the more people use the Korat office the more likely it will be made a permanent fixture. But then you will hear people say that this being Thailand, logic does not enter into the equation and quite often they are proven right. Keep your fingers crossed, you all who like to use Korat.



korat brilliant, never been before but ended up there after a 5 hour bus ride to bangkok immigration only to be told that korat is where i should report if i wanted to extend my multi o visa,with out leaving los. arrived with wife in tow, quick look at passports etc and done in less than twenty minutes, man was so helpful, though spoke no english and suggested that i should go for the 1 year extension if i could prove i had the 800000bht for a 3month period in any bank account verified by the british embassy. he did imply that the 800000 could be in the uk,can anyone confirm this. :o

It has to be in a Thai bank.

Nothing to do with UK Embassy.

I think you got a bit confused.

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So is Korat Immigration there for keeps now? ...

Logic would suggest that the more people use the Korat office the more likely it will be made a permanent fixture. But then you will hear people say that this being Thailand, logic does not enter into the equation and quite often they are proven right. Keep your fingers crossed, you all who like to use Korat.



Right you are,Maestro.

When NongKhai Immigration had the Office open in the AEK Hospital in Udon,it was full of people everyday,so they closed it!

Think about logic?! TiT for you! :o

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So is Korat Immigration there for keeps now? ...

Logic would suggest that the more people use the Korat office the more likely it will be made a permanent fixture. But then you will hear people say that this being Thailand, logic does not enter into the equation and quite often they are proven right. Keep your fingers crossed, you all who like to use Korat.



Right you are,Maestro.

When NongKhai Immigration had the Office open in the AEK Hospital in Udon,it was full of people everyday,so they closed it!

Think about logic?! TiT for you! :o

Well sure they closed it, it was so busy nobody went there!

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So is Korat Immigration there for keeps now? ...

Logic would suggest that the more people use the Korat office the more likely it will be made a permanent fixture. But then you will hear people say that this being Thailand, logic does not enter into the equation and quite often they are proven right. Keep your fingers crossed, you all who like to use Korat.



korat brilliant, never been before but ended up there after a 5 hour bus ride to bangkok immigration only to be told that korat is where i should report if i wanted to extend my multi o visa,with out leaving los. arrived with wife in tow, quick look at passports etc and done in less than twenty minutes, man was so helpful, though spoke no english and suggested that i should go for the 1 year extension if i could prove i had the 800000bht for a 3month period in any bank account verified by the british embassy. he did imply that the 800000 could be in the uk,can anyone confirm this. :o

It has to be in a Thai bank.

Nothing to do with UK Embassy.

I think you got a bit confused.

yeah you could be right,and i might of got confused,but he did want a letter of confirmation from british embassy in bangkok that i had that money in (a bank) account,so i did infer to him that so long as the british embassy in bangkok can verify that some of money it wouldn,t matter where the money was (uk or los) he never said no to that. Im back in the uk now and i will phone embassy on monday and try to get some clarity. my take on this is 12/13k in a uk bank will earn me more than 6% pa and if i had paperwork confirming said amount and the fixed term it would be in the bank for ie 2years 5years etc i cant see how the thai authorities would have any problem with that?

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It is 800k in a Thai bank, with a confirmation letter from your bank, or income of minimum 65k per month, with a confirmation letter from your embassy, or a combination of both totalling minimum 800k for the year.



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The Thai embassy in London is not concerned with extensions of stay and will probably not be able to give the correct information. Better take it directly from Royal Thai Police Order No. 606/2549, paragraph 7.21



I will take on board what you have said,it will be the british embassy in bangkok i will phone on monday,then the officer in korat who dealt with me,if i can get the wife to ask the question properly and he understands it( fat chance).

At the end of the day im sure it will be 800kbht in los earning meagre 2.99% :o still you cant have it all :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

The follow up....

On 29 August (Friday) the wife and I returned to North Eastern (Korat) Immigration for my follow-up/report back on my one-year extension.

This time there were a few more people waiting, including my next-door neighbor from Germany and his Thai wife, but still it was not a long wait, perhaps 20 minutes or so. I spent part of that time filling out the TM8 for Multiple Re-entry Permit. I filled out the front and as soon as I turned it over...SH!T...forgot to bring a photo :D The wife had a bit of fun giving me hel_l about that one, since I had been ragging on her the day before about not keeping papers, etc organized. Som nom nah on me!

When out number was called, it was the same fellow we talked with last time (Khun White-out). Everything was in order, he did not need anything else today, just looked through everything and put the appropriate stamps in my passport. He had to get out his utility knife and ruler to cut up a sheet of "90 day reminders" (passport-sized now, I think about 6 printed on a sheet of A4. Just as he finished cutting up a couple of sheets worth, the young lady at the next desk handed him a large stack of them already cut...that was good for a laugh all around.

I had the wife ask if we could forgo the photo for the re-entry permit application...nope, need. No problem, I can come back for that. We took my passport and papers over to the lady boss, she signed in my passport and put the papers into a large stack on her desk...mission accomplished.

We left Immigration and headed back into Korat, with the idea that I would come back this next week and get the re-entry permit. Luuk souw wanted to stop at The Mall...well really she wanted KFC, but anyway... So we got a bite to eat and were wandering around when I spotted a couple of those "quick photo booths" on the lower level...Hmmmmm.

Five minutes and 100 THB later I had a pack of 9 passport-sized photos. Back to Immigration we go. Took a number, waited about 5 minutes, and were called, again to the desk of Khun White-Out. He checked my form over, confirmed that I wanted multiple re-entry, and collected my 3800 THB. He then took a legal-sized ledger book from a stack and started filling out a line. This is evidently the book that they use to track/assign permit numbers. Anyhow, he had put the permit stamp in my passport, and just written the permit number in, when he stopped, took a look at the front cover of the book he had grabbed...<deleted>!?! He had taken the permit number from the wrong book. So he digs through the stack and finds the correct book. Of course, he had already written the (incorrect) permit number into my passport, so out comes the White-Out pen :o . I am not terribly thrilled about having something "White-Outted" in my passport, but it is what it is. He did a good enough job covering his mistake, no extra correction fluid....my experience would seem to show that he has as much practice writing with a White-Out pen as he does a ballpoint. What the hel_l, it was good for another laugh all around.

All the stamps are in the passport, I check everything that has been put in today to ensure that the dates are all correct, and over we go to the boss lady desk for her to sign this one. Done and out we go.

All in all, another successful and relatively stress-free visit to Korat Immigration. Good to go for another year...well, one year minus 11 days, but close enough.

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