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Selling A House In Pattaya

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Guy living next door until recently, was in the Real estate busines. He was forever trying to get me into a high end developement they were pushing. We were in a really nice place at that time too. Anyway, gf found out from his gf that they were also renting. Soon as I asked him why he rented rather than buying, he told me that it was quite unusual for people in his line of business to buy, as they were "transient" Got to admire the guy for his ability to lie through his teeth without blushing, but his gf had already spilled the beans that he had told her it was daft for farangs to buy unless well settled in and married. Anyway, he was a nice guy and I hope he is doing well

What an utter bullshit post or your perhaps extremely naive so will give you benefit of the doubt. Fact, thousands of real estate agents in Thailand. Fact 97% don't have a spare 10,000bht for a rainy day, that's why (apart from the super successful 3%)they rent

and why would my post be bulls**t? Are you implying that I lied? Or are you also in Real Estate? I wonder why such a topic would generate your level of anger and bad language.?

I was wondering that myself.

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Okay, still not there. If the land and house are set up in whatever names - company/wife/you and your usufruct - this can all be transferred over to any potential purchaser at the Land Office, no? ie If you have a usufruct in your name on the land, your wife being the titled owner to the land, would still be able to sign an agreement, with your agreement to disable/relinquish the usufruct, to transfer the land, surely? I wasn't aware that a usufruct was set in stone and the usufructee would be unable to relinquish such rights in his lifetime?

We are well off topic here... still briefly...

As soon as a farang gives up the company structure and includes his Thai wife for any reason in any other structure (30 year lease, Usufruct, 30+30 year lease (dodgy) ...etc...), then they relinquish full power.

That is just a fact of life - your Thai wife will need to and want to sign that piece of paper, be it at the land office or anywhere else.

So what if she does not want to sign - what could I do ???? - nothing.

She on the other hand could sell her lease (for example) and I could have a new landlord - this is all very messy.

We have discussed all this in previous posts over the last 2 years and I have had a lot of good advice from board members.

It leads me to believe that:

- the company route is still the most flexible, if slightly 'illegal'.

- the 30 year lease is fine if you want to live in the property for just 30 years

- the Usufruct is the best option if you dont want to risk being kicked out after 30 years

- the 30 + 30 year lease is not worth the paper it is printed on - its just a 30 year lease

In your post you said you had been thinking of putting the land in your wife's name with a usufruct giving you security, but that you would have the house in your own name, which you can do, I do. And so, it seems what is stopping you from doing that is the reason you set up the company in the first place, quite sensibly, is that you don't trust your wife.

But, if you had the house in your name, which would be worth more than the land aone surely?, then your wife must see the benefit of her agreeing to sell the house and of course the land on which it sits, and, in the unpleasant eventuality of your splitting up, splitting the proceeds. She would be better off financially. After all. After 30 years of you as a usufructee, she might very well be dead.

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Okay, still not there. If the land and house are set up in whatever names - company/wife/you and your usufruct - this can all be transferred over to any potential purchaser at the Land Office, no? ie If you have a usufruct in your name on the land, your wife being the titled owner to the land, would still be able to sign an agreement, with your agreement to disable/relinquish the usufruct, to transfer the land, surely? I wasn't aware that a usufruct was set in stone and the usufructee would be unable to relinquish such rights in his lifetime?

We are well off topic here... still briefly...

As soon as a farang gives up the company structure and includes his Thai wife for any reason in any other structure (30 year lease, Usufruct, 30+30 year lease (dodgy) ...etc...), then they relinquish full power.

That is just a fact of life - your Thai wife will need to and want to sign that piece of paper, be it at the land office or anywhere else.

So what if she does not want to sign - what could I do ???? - nothing.

She on the other hand could sell her lease (for example) and I could have a new landlord - this is all very messy.

We have discussed all this in previous posts over the last 2 years and I have had a lot of good advice from board members.

It leads me to believe that:

- the company route is still the most flexible, if slightly 'illegal'.

- the 30 year lease is fine if you want to live in the property for just 30 years

- the Usufruct is the best option if you dont want to risk being kicked out after 30 years

- the 30 + 30 year lease is not worth the paper it is printed on - its just a 30 year lease

In your post you said you had been thinking of putting the land in your wife's name with a usufruct giving you security, but that you would have the house in your own name, which you can do, I do. And so, it seems what is stopping you from doing that is the reason you set up the company in the first place, quite sensibly, is that you don't trust your wife.

But, if you had the house in your name, which would be worth more than the land aone surely?, then your wife must see the benefit of her agreeing to sell the house and of course the land on which it sits, and, in the unpleasant eventuality of your splitting up, splitting the proceeds. She would be better off financially. After all. After 30 years of you as a usufructee, she might very well be dead.

JackySeymour, I moved the reply to here, as this is so far off topic and I appreciate your comments and would like to reply:


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Just wondered if the OP has had anyone up to look at his house now it has been aired on TV

Did a drive by of darkside properties yesterday. Dont know if we saw OP house.Saw the estate....same same as many others.

We were overwhelmed with choices. One estate had four empty houses sale/rent on the first street as we went in. We turned round and moved on.

New sites are being prepared all over. Houses actually under contruction in many places.

Prices from 880000 up. Many less than 2mil. 1.79 or 1.99m.

Who on earth is going to buy all this property.

Not for us. Can see that family with kids might see some advantage in living over there....but schools? If you work and only sleep there it might be tolerable but staying all day long out there......no thanks. Some places we wouldnt live in if they were free. We just didnt feel safe.

Why would anyone else want to live in a walled, ghetto of identical houses which have views of more walls and rows of similar tiny houses at the end of pot holed broken roads.

Just about anywhere this side of Suk road has got to be better. Loads of houses available this side too. Cable TV, ADSL, baht buses, facilities on the doorstep. Well worth the extra baht for us.

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Just wondered if the OP has had anyone up to look at his house now it has been aired on TV

Did a drive by of darkside properties yesterday. Dont know if we saw OP house.Saw the estate....same same as many others.

We were overwhelmed with choices. One estate had four empty houses sale/rent on the first street as we went in. We turned round and moved on.

New sites are being prepared all over. Houses actually under contruction in many places.

Prices from 880000 up. Many less than 2mil. 1.79 or 1.99m.

Who on earth is going to buy all this property.

Not for us. Can see that family with kids might see some advantage in living over there....but schools? If you work and only sleep there it might be tolerable but staying all day long out there......no thanks. Some places we wouldnt live in if they were free. We just didnt feel safe.

Why would anyone else want to live in a walled, ghetto of identical houses which have views of more walls and rows of similar tiny houses at the end of pot holed broken roads.

Just about anywhere this side of Suk road has got to be better. Loads of houses available this side too. Cable TV, ADSL, baht buses, facilities on the doorstep. Well worth the extra baht for us.

I take it you don't get out of town often then? Like living in the suburbs anywhere, people chose where they want to live. As for crime, don't hear as much of it as there is in town. Depends on what you can afford, I suppose

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Who on earth is going to buy all this property.

Not for us. Can see that family with kids might see some advantage in living over there....but schools? If you work and only sleep there it might be tolerable but staying all day long out there......no thanks. Some places we wouldnt live in if they were free. We just didnt feel safe.

Why would anyone else want to live in a walled, ghetto of identical houses which have views of more walls and rows of similar tiny houses at the end of pot holed broken roads.

Just about anywhere this side of Suk road has got to be better. Loads of houses available this side too. Cable TV, ADSL, baht buses, facilities on the doorstep. Well worth the extra baht for us.

I live outisde Pattaya in a house in an estate at the end of a pot-holed road - and love it. No noise pollution at all at night - no baht buses, no stink of traffic, nor 'facilities'. Also no farang (hooray). Oh and I have nearly a Rai of land to 'play in' - I can assure you the side of Sukhumvit you are talking about, that will cost you more than a few 'extra baht'.

Mind you, the reason I find this thread and your post so interesting, is that it was my Birthday last week and I was thinking of the future and whether I wanted to continue live in this house or not. I do this most Birthdays. From what I can tell from my research over the last week or so - I will HAVE to continue to live here - I cannot sell up and move - so that at least was an easy decision to make. :o

What you say about house 'starts' is interesting though. When we bought our house, the developers only built the next part of the house after we had paid the next installment of the money. So it leads me to believe that some future homeowner is paying for these houses you saw being built.

Edited by dsfbrit
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Who on earth is going to buy all this property.

Not for us. Can see that family with kids might see some advantage in living over there....but schools? If you work and only sleep there it might be tolerable but staying all day long out there......no thanks. Some places we wouldnt live in if they were free. We just didnt feel safe.

Why would anyone else want to live in a walled, ghetto of identical houses which have views of more walls and rows of similar tiny houses at the end of pot holed broken roads.

Just about anywhere this side of Suk road has got to be better. Loads of houses available this side too. Cable TV, ADSL, baht buses, facilities on the doorstep. Well worth the extra baht for us.

I live outisde Pattaya in a house in an estate at the end of a pot-holed road - and love it. No noise pollution at all at night - no baht buses, no stink of traffic, nor 'facilities'. Also no farang (hooray). Oh and I have nearly a Rai of land to 'play in' - I can assure you the side of Sukhumvit you are talking about, that will cost you more than a few 'extra baht'.

Mind you, the reason I find this thread and your post so interesting, is that it was my Birthday last week and I was thinking of the future and whether I wanted to continue live in this house or not. I do this most Birthdays. From what I can tell from my research over the last week or so - I will HAVE to continue to live here - I cannot sell up and move - so that at least was an easy decision to make. :o

What you say about house 'starts' is interesting though. When we bought our house, the developers only built the next part of the house after we had paid the next installment of the money. So it leads me to believe that some future homeowner is paying for these houses you saw being built.

I rent on the "darkside" - a modest property in a modest area. it is not a slum, it is not too noisy and at 7000 Baht p.m. it is fair value. Don't want a 40k p.m. on property that I need to keep an eagle eye on. Pattaya is 20 mins away if I need it !

Edited by Chaimai
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i think the real estate places do have people wanting to buy but at a much lower price than the people wanting to sell .which is the storie all over the world . Except in some parts of the USA where they cant give houses away .

My only fear is that it could spread to other parts of the world .


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Who on earth is going to buy all this property.

Not for us. Can see that family with kids might see some advantage in living over there....but schools? If you work and only sleep there it might be tolerable but staying all day long out there......no thanks. Some places we wouldnt live in if they were free. We just didnt feel safe.

Why would anyone else want to live in a walled, ghetto of identical houses which have views of more walls and rows of similar tiny houses at the end of pot holed broken roads.

Just about anywhere this side of Suk road has got to be better. Loads of houses available this side too. Cable TV, ADSL, baht buses, facilities on the doorstep. Well worth the extra baht for us.

I live outisde Pattaya in a house in an estate at the end of a pot-holed road - and love it. No noise pollution at all at night - no baht buses, no stink of traffic, nor 'facilities'. Also no farang (hooray). Oh and I have nearly a Rai of land to 'play in' - I can assure you the side of Sukhumvit you are talking about, that will cost you more than a few 'extra baht'.

Mind you, the reason I find this thread and your post so interesting, is that it was my Birthday last week and I was thinking of the future and whether I wanted to continue live in this house or not. I do this most Birthdays. From what I can tell from my research over the last week or so - I will HAVE to continue to live here - I cannot sell up and move - so that at least was an easy decision to make. :o

What you say about house 'starts' is interesting though. When we bought our house, the developers only built the next part of the house after we had paid the next installment of the money. So it leads me to believe that some future homeowner is paying for these houses you saw being built.

Yes, you live somewhere you love and you are happy. Cant criticise that. Your location wouldnt work for us but we are all different arent we.....a good thing too or we would all be after the same houses in the same places.

Lazy Sod said in post 20 that Fair Properties is listing 700 houses for sale and 900 condos. That sounds like a lot to me and its only one agent. Some are changing hands as East Coast says but what amazed us is the amount of new build going on. Everywhere you go there are new places being built.

As you said, some builders only build as they sell. So many of the smaller cheaper houses must have owners but what about the big expensive farang style village/estate houses?

Back home. Cant sell means lower your price see www.propertysnake,co.uk for current price drops. Some up to 50% (in Gravesend).

The Thai way seems to be hang on for inflation to make the cash price match the real lower market price. That could be a long wait.

Some people are still buying for the benefits of house living as compared to smaller condos. I have met a few lately who say they have done it for thier Thai partners benefit and regard it as 'money gone' but a good investment in their relationships.

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Fair Properties is listing 700 houses for sale and 900 condos. That sounds like a lot to me and its only one agent.

You obviously know little about Pattaya...let alone the neighborhoods in and around central Pattaya. As for the comments quoted above, there is no such thing as an exclusive property listing in Thailand as there is in many Western countries. Therefore, the same properties are listed at many different agencies. 2 agencies could each list 700 houses for sale but it would not mean they had a total of 1400 different houses for sale...they may even only have a total of 700.

And your general comments about the Farside show a total ignorance of the area. This area is quite nice to live in and has a mix of both affordable communities and exclusive estates (Did you happen along Pattanakarn Road and see the size of the Grange houses or stop by and check-out the new Horseshoe Point Resort housing development, or the Siam Royal View at the top of Kao Talo or maybe Paradise Villa homes? All among the largest and most exclusive in Pattaya!) There are also a weath of eating options over here and most of us choose to live here for the relative peace and quite, friendly locals, and lack of moronic farangs like you!

Edited by NotNew2You
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Fair Properties is listing 700 houses for sale and 900 condos. That sounds like a lot to me and its only one agent.

You obviously know little about Pattaya...let alone the neighborhoods in and around central Pattaya. As for the comments quoted above, there is no such thing as an exclusive property listing in Thailand as there is in many Western countries. Therefore, the same properties are listed at many different agencies. 2 agencies could each list 700 houses for sale but it would not mean they had a total of 1400 different houses for sale...they may even only have a total of 700.

And your general comments about the Farside show a total ignorance of the area. This area is quite nice to live in and has a mix of both affordable communities and exclusive estates (Did you happen along Pattanakarn Road and see the size of the Grange houses or stop by and check-out the new Horseshoe Point Resort housing development, or the Siam Royal View at the top of Kao Talo or maybe Paradise Villa homes? All among the largest and most exclusive in Pattaya!) There are also a weath of eating options over here and most of us choose to live here for the relative peace and quite, friendly locals, and lack of moronic farangs like you!

The point that the man was making was that there are MANY more than 700 houses for sale. I imagine no one really knows how many are up for sale. There are many houses for sale with no agents invovled. Many have signs up saying Sale or Rent with only a phone number. Let us not forget the developers who have many unsold units on their estates, but only market under their trade name. They could have a dozen for sale with no individual advertising.

Could even start a new topic with a poll such as "How many empty houses in Pattaya less than 5 years old", but no chance of getting it right.

btw, I agree with your comments on the Dark(Far) side. Some people do actually like to live out of the city and it certainly works for me

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Fair Properties is listing 700 houses for sale and 900 condos. That sounds like a lot to me and its only one agent.

You obviously know little about Pattaya...let alone the neighborhoods in and around central Pattaya. As for the comments quoted above, there is no such thing as an exclusive property listing in Thailand as there is in many Western countries. Therefore, the same properties are listed at many different agencies. 2 agencies could each list 700 houses for sale but it would not mean they had a total of 1400 different houses for sale...they may even only have a total of 700.

Then, you know the ropes. That number of 700 houses and 900 condos could be easily multiplied by 5.

It was all fuelled by what we now know now as credit crunch. People in the UK or the US can't sell their own houses to chip in into the Pattaya market.

Surprisingly, so many real estate agents are English. Could be, those booted out from Spain and trying their tricks again, in Pattaya.

But the source has dried up.

That number of available properties I had said "multiply by 5", make it "multiply by 10".... and growing.

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Fair Properties is listing 700 houses for sale and 900 condos. That sounds like a lot to me and its only one agent.

Could even start a new topic with a poll such as "How many empty houses in Pattaya less than 5 years old", but no chance of getting it right.

I don't argue that there are lots of homes/condos for sale in Pattaya...just pointing out that sometimes all the listings at the agencies may give a misleading impression as many of them are duplicates (or in many cases have already been sold or taken off the market).

I also get a little defensive when people make uninformed snap judgments of my beloved Farside :o

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Fair Properties is listing 700 houses for sale and 900 condos. That sounds like a lot to me and its only one agent.

Could even start a new topic with a poll such as "How many empty houses in Pattaya less than 5 years old", but no chance of getting it right.

I don't argue that there are lots of homes/condos for sale in Pattaya...just pointing out that sometimes all the listings at the agencies may give a misleading impression as many of them are duplicates (or in many cases have already been sold or taken off the market).

I also get a little defensive when people make uninformed snap judgments of my beloved Farside :o

But nobody denies there is a glut of unsold properties in Pattaya.

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I have been in real estate here for around 10 years. The market in general is struggling at the moment and due to many differnet factors. I would think that we probably have at least 5 times as many properties on our books as 5 years ago. Sad thing is we only have the same amount of purchasers as 5 years ago!! Properties are selling for sure but since there are so many available it doesn't seem like it.

I received the email below today from an unhappy client of ours;

"After 8 weeks without any contact from you agency for my house, I prefer you remove it from your website.

I thank you. Regards."

This is becoming a common problem. People are blaming the agents but I feel strongly that there is only so much we can do. I understand the frustrations of the home owners but please also understand our frustrations also. This particular guy was advertised on both www.thaiproperty.com and www.thaiproperty.net. He was meant to be in our next brochure and was a fresh listing in the minds of our sales team. The fact that we have been unable to find a purchaser or even show it in an 8 week period is sadly not unusual now. This is the most embarrassing period I have been through in my real estate history here. I do feel that things will improve, especially in the existing home/condo market as construction costs continue to rise so please be patient with all the agencies out there.

When I first came to Pattaya over 10 years ago there was only 4 villages we could promote in the whole of the east side. The main village in Pattaya was Suksabai Villa!! Changed days.....

If you are selling or trying to find a tenant list with as many agencies as possible and also market yourselves. There are people out there to buy as long as your property offers value for money. This is a numbers game so do not cut out any options, especially as it costs nothing to list and only if an agent is successful will you have to pay a fee.

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I have been in real estate here for around 10 years. The market in general is struggling at the moment and due to many differnet factors. I would think that we probably have at least 5 times as many properties on our books as 5 years ago. Sad thing is we only have the same amount of purchasers as 5 years ago!! Properties are selling for sure but since there are so many available it doesn't seem like it.

I received the email below today from an unhappy client of ours;

"After 8 weeks without any contact from you agency for my house, I prefer you remove it from your website.

I thank you. Regards."

This is becoming a common problem. People are blaming the agents but I feel strongly that there is only so much we can do. I understand the frustrations of the home owners but please also understand our frustrations also. This particular guy was advertised on both www.thaiproperty.com and www.thaiproperty.net. He was meant to be in our next brochure and was a fresh listing in the minds of our sales team. The fact that we have been unable to find a purchaser or even show it in an 8 week period is sadly not unusual now. This is the most embarrassing period I have been through in my real estate history here. I do feel that things will improve, especially in the existing home/condo market as construction costs continue to rise so please be patient with all the agencies out there.

When I first came to Pattaya over 10 years ago there was only 4 villages we could promote in the whole of the east side. The main village in Pattaya was Suksabai Villa!! Changed days.....

If you are selling or trying to find a tenant list with as many agencies as possible and also market yourselves. There are people out there to buy as long as your property offers value for money. This is a numbers game so do not cut out any options, especially as it costs nothing to list and only if an agent is successful will you have to pay a fee.

Let's say, if all the properties were priced 500-700 US$ per square meter (which is I believe the right price, apart from high luxury condos).

Would your sales be much better? You could be selling some but not hundreds ( let alone tens of thousands) of now dormant addresses.

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Sure sales would be better but it is just not viable. Real Estate is a business. People need to make money to carry on purchasing. Problem is people have been used to large, quick returns and that cannot last forever. Now is a time for realistic pricing or holding property until things get better.

Again, nice properties with special features and prices that match the location will always sell. In the last year we have been heavily involved with various projects such as Sanctuary Wongamat, Ban Balina, Grand Garden Home, La Royale, Suan Suwarn etc. These have been successful in foreign and Thai sales whilst others have failed totally.

In fact the last 5 sales we have done at Suan Suwarn have been to Thai nationals. People have said that they are too cheap and the developer may have financial issues. Fact is he has less than 5% still to sell at say an average of 30,000+ per sq.m. Other developers are saying they are succesful when they have sold 40% at 50,000 per sq.m. Who is the clever one? Sell everything in less than 1 year or wait 2 years to sell your 50% at higher rates.... and then get stuck with units that may never sell. Best thing is original purchasers are making profit re-selling even in these difficult times.

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I have a house in Central Park 4, Pattaya - it's a nice 3 bedroom detached house on a well maintained estate and has never been lived in.

It all ready to move in, with fitted kitched air-con etc and according to the agency that came to look at it - we have it at a reasonable price of 4.5 million.

So - why is it that in 9 months, there hasn't been a single viewing of this house ?

Is there no market for used houses in Pattaya now ? Is it just that I have a crap agency ? Are there any 'secrets' to selling a house in Pattaya ?

I am planning to spend a little money to tart the place up a little from the outside but then again, if there's no market, it'll just be a waste.

Any thoughts ?

Hi Pedro.

This has been a great thread for us as we are thinking of buying a permanent base here.

The advice you have received doesn't sound too promising. Wait until....... or Rent until....... or Make it a bargain price that can't be resisted....and from Eastcoast, the man who really knows, list everywhere and promote everywhere you can.

You only need ONE buyer and when that person arrives who sees the benefits that you saw when you bought the house...you will have a sale. Thats the theory anyway.

Eastcoast, thanks for your contributions. We are reassured by your comments about The Sanctuary. It meets many of our criteria. Its in our latest top five locations. Very quiet. Accessible. Interior and exterior design suit us. Stunning sea views. Sea breezes. You can actually hear the waves breaking on the beach. Try that at Northshore or VT6/7. A 30 minute beach path walk to Pattaya Beach Road (once the Dusit Thani repair the walkway round their property).

Its unique location seems to offer at least the chance of re-selling later if necessary without too long a wait. With a bit of luck without losing too much cash either (we will regard it as rent paid). I am assuming that the astonishing number of new build condos underway all over the area cannot compete with its special absolute beachfront location and saleability.

Good luck Pedro. You never know, someone may have read your post and is seeking your house out right now all ready to buy.


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Eastcoast, thanks for your contributions. We are reassured by your comments about The Sanctuary. It meets many of our criteria. Its in our latest top five locations. Very quiet. Accessible. Interior and exterior design suit us. Stunning sea views. Sea breezes. You can actually hear the waves breaking on the beach. Try that at Northshore or VT6/7. A 30 minute beach path walk to Pattaya Beach Road (once the Dusit Thani repair the walkway round their property).

Its unique location seems to offer at least the chance of re-selling later if necessary without too long a wait. With a bit of luck without losing too much cash either (we will regard it as rent paid). I am assuming that the astonishing number of new build condos underway all over the area cannot compete with its special absolute beachfront location and saleability.

We have sold over 40 apartments in the Sanctuary over the last 6 months. We think it's a great development as do our clients. The foreign ownership quota is getting close to being sold out so if you need to purchase in the 49% you may need to decide soon. Other than that, re-sales have started to happen. We have 3 different units for re-sale at quite a bit under developer price. The benefit of being a day one purchaser means they can now sell at lower prices than the developer..... If of interest please feel free to pm me. I think they are all 60 sq.m units but will check when I get back into the office in a couple of days. Wouldn't worry about re-selling at a loss in this complex. Although we do not advertise this project and it's meant to be sole listed to Harrissons we have found it incredibly easy to sell. I don't see that changing any time soon. Remember location, location, location.... never goes wrong.


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What an utter bullshit post or your perhaps extremely naive so will give you benefit of the doubt. Fact, thousands of real estate agents in Thailand. Fact 97% don't have a spare 10,000bht for a rainy day, that's why (apart from the super successful 3%)they rent

And your point is what? :o

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quote name='skiman1' date='2008-08-13 10:15:44' post='2142900'

What an utter bullshit post or your perhaps extremely naive so will give you benefit of the doubt. Fact, thousands of real estate agents in Thailand. Fact 97% don't have a spare 10,000bht for a rainy day, that's why (apart from the super successful 3%)they rent


And your point is what? :o


Where exactly do your FACTS come from, or are they just a result of your bitter imagination???

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Sure sales would be better but it is just not viable. Real Estate is a business. People need to make money to carry on purchasing. Problem is people have been used to large, quick returns and that cannot last forever. Now is a time for realistic pricing or holding property until things get better.

Again, nice properties with special features and prices that match the location will always sell. In the last year we have been heavily involved with various projects such as Sanctuary Wongamat, Ban Balina :o did they finish it yet????, Grand Garden Home, La Royale, Suan Suwarn etc. These have been successful in foreign and Thai sales whilst others have failed totally.

In fact the last 5 sales we have done at Suan Suwarn have been to Thai nationals. People have said that they are too cheap and the developer may have financial issues. Fact is he has less than 5% still to sell at say an average of 30,000+ per sq.m. Other developers are saying they are succesful when they have sold 40% at 50,000 per sq.m. Who is the clever one? Sell everything in less than 1 year or wait 2 years to sell your 50% at higher rates.... and then get stuck with units that may never sell. Best thing is original purchasers are making profit re-selling even in these difficult times.

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3,781 views of this thread to date, any potential buyers contacted you Pedro?

114 replies to this thread to date and pedro01 hasn't been the author of any of them. Don't expect him to reply to your question either.

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Guys, those gated communities have big problems...burglary (how comes?) and people keeping rotweiler dogs that can (and do) kill your own and only child.

An amalgamation of bar girls and undesirable farangs, open for anyone to have a go...

Not a family athosphere.

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you cant even give a house away in pattaya at the moment.the real estate laws for foreigners is a mess and a nightmare.never ever invest any money in thailand.only rent.

Another bitter and twisted individual on this forum...what a surprise!

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you cant even give a house away in pattaya at the moment.the real estate laws for foreigners is a mess and a nightmare.never ever invest any money in thailand.only rent.

Another bitter and twisted individual on this forum...what a surprise!

He is having hard time selling his own property, he may know better than an average board reader.

Edited by think_too_mut
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