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My Messed Up Story


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This is going to be a long story and it still hurts as I'm writing it down. First I'd like to introduce myself.. I'm a 23year old Dutch Scuba Instructor working around Asia. I've been living in Thailand for 3years which is definitely my favourite place to live. I'm in love with the country, the food, the people and the diving..

A couple of months ago I had to go to Bangkok to get my passport renewed. As I had to wait a few days for it I went to the Khao San Road for some drinking.. It was about 2o'clock when I met Fon, sitting alone on a table. I asked if I could join her and soon we were talking about travelling, the world, politics, everything. She said she was half-Singaporean and that she was a manager for a marketing company in Singapore specializing in Medical Equipment and in Bangkok for business. At the beginning of the morning we parted and decided to meet up in a few hours to go away for the weekend.

Our trip to Kanchanaburi was great. We missed the last bus at Erawan National Park and hitch hiked with a tour bus full of Thai (karaoke singing) people. Fon has lived the first few years of her life in Thailand but she doesn't speak any Thai, but as a half-blood everybody spoke Thai to her. I fell in love with the troubled face she made every time someone spoke to her and I loved the fact that I could rescue her by picking up the Thai (very basic) conversation.

On the romantic part of it, we shared a bed but we did not have any sex, we kissed and fooled around on the last day but as I had no condoms with me that was the end of it.. Back in Bangkok again we did have sex though.

In Bangkok she lost her bag, including credit card, in a taxi.. I offered her some money but she wouldn't have it, so we decided that she could borrow the money instead!

Fon told me her story about a boyfriend she gave everything up for had cheated on her and that that changed her life.. She considered herself a playgirl and out to hurt men. Well, that was not really a big attraction to her but I saw growing affection towards me and I trusted my feeling that she can't be that bad..

As I have little money myself, I'm leading a simple life in her eyes, but she was very interested in it. But her stories of her wealthy family with big educations and big houses really intimidated me.. But I won't say that I didn't feel a little more attracted to her because of it!

After I left Bangkok I went back to work, Fon joined me a few days later. And again we had a great time! This is where she told me that she wanted to be my girlfriend.. Later that day I got angry at her as she was flirting too much with someone else! But it was the start of our relationship.

One night she got really upset and she told me the story that she was engaged to someone else and that she was no good for me.. Well that was a big shocked, trust me! But my feelings for her had already grown and she could finish that other relationship, right?

The things that happened afterwards is that she went back to Singapore and I went back to work again. I had to fly back to Holland for some family business just as she had to go to Bangkok for business again, we just missed each other though!

Back in Holland, we've had some arguments over the phone about her family not liking the idea of me as a poor boy. Also her ex-fiancée was still on her mind and maybe it would just be better if we should finish. Things got even worse as I received an SMS from a guy saying he's Fon's boyfriend and I should stay away.. She convinced me she just forgot her phone somewhere and some idiot decided to play around. By then I started to feel in love with her, so I trusted her. She decided to run away, she quit her job in Singapore and bought a house in Phuket for us to live together. She also bought a partnership in one of the bars in Patong. (I really hated even the idea of that!)

After 3weeks of Holland I was happy to be back on the plane again, I had a new job in Bali which I accepted a few weeks before I met Fon. She decided to join me over here in Bali, but just before she would fly here, her older brother, who lives in Seattle, had a serious car accident. So she joined the rest of her family over there.

In Seattle she saw her ex-fiancée again, who is a friend of the family, and they had sex for one night. My heart was broken but as I slept with her while they were still together, it felt like karma.. I went crazy and it hurt me a lot but I didn't want to let go of her just yet.

Her brother's condition got even worse so I got in contact with another brother of her, through SMS and email, about me coming over to America to join the family, he would arrange the ticket for me as he works for British Airways it's quite easy for him. I was also asked if I could send some money to the workers in Phuket that were building the house as they were almost finished but some workers needed the salary before going back to their home town so there was a rush with it..

I was very busy myself but I got one of my colleagues to go to the bank for me to make the transfer.. I also told my boss in Bali that I wanted to quit my job at the end of the month to join my girlfriend's family. Everything went according to plan and I was dreaming of being with my girlfriend again..

But then I received an email with the subject "The Truth About Your Girlfriend" from a person that claimed to work in an internetcafe in Bangkok. In the email I was warned that Fon was not the person who she claimed she was.. She was not a half-blood, she was a bar girl and still in Bangkok. Also that in her history she got hurt really badly by a boyfriend, who happened to be from Holland, so now she's out to hurt Dutch men!

Straight away I called my girlfriend and was expecting her to tell me that all of that was bullshit. She didn't answer her phone so I sent her an SMS and she SMSed back that all of it was true and that she was very sorry.. She sent me an email later on explaining everything.

Turned out she is a Thai bar girl. She was married to a Danish guy that left her when she was 2months pregnant. After that she got really hurt by her Dutch boyfriend, and now she hated all men and especially Dutch men.. Her 5year old son has heart problems and that's where my money went to. She had lived in Singapore before and has had an education in Australia (and left her Aussie boyfriend as she was finished). EVERYTHING she told me was a lie. The only thing that she did mean is that she loved me..

She was out to hurt me right from the beginning.. But apparently as we got closer and closer she started to love me instead, but with the web of lies things were bound to end up badly. She has promised me to give back my money next month..

This is my story, the latest part only happened yesterday! I feel really hurt, betrayed and cheated. Of course when I look back on it, some lies were not waterproof, some things didn't seem to be in place, but I was blindly in love.. Our relationship was not perfect, I won't tell you that, but that everything ended up in a story?? She is a master of lies, that's for sure! I even have her brother's ID number from BA..

I'm happy to say that my boss has agreed to give me my job back again.. In October the high season in Bali will be finished and I'll make my way back to Thailand again!

Like I mentioned before, I live a simple life, the money on my bank is for emergencies only (now only 100euro on there) and nothing has changed on that account the last 2years, until I met Fon. I like to think that if I treat people with respect I will get respect back in return.. Crazy isn't it, to just trust in the goodness of people?

I honest to God hope that she's not lying about sending me that money back! Not having the money could destroy me, as that could be the reason for me to have to go home again.. I cried like a baby last night and my heart will be scarred but I will fight myself back to the top again!

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good story.

your only 23 so snap out of it, you shouldnt be buying houses and settling down with a women now.

work hard in Bali and save your money up. I am sure you will not see your money from this tart again.

you will make it without having to go home again.

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Hey Johan,

I feel for you mate, I was in a similar situation when i first turned up here in 2001. Met a thai girl who spoke fluent Italian, and seemed to own a couple of successful restaurants here in Phuket, we use to hang out at the best places drink the finest champagne and stayed in a real nice villa - the works. It all seemed too good until my phone started ringing - Why hasn't the BMW been payed for?, landlord coming to collect arrears in rent for nearly a year etc etc..., I thought she owned everything, and was a successful businesswoman.

Turns out she had an extremely rich italian fella that was sending the dosh every month, she kept living the hi-so lifestyle while using his money to invest in dodgy business ideas, the fact being that her hi-so lifestyle was all on credit, and i was the lucky person to meet her when this was all coming to a head. Things got nasty and i started receiving death threats - Guilty by association. To top that the Italian other half found out about me, and he wanted to sort me out as well.

It took me an age to clear my name from the debt collectors. Maximo ( a long serving italian ex-pat ) in karon sorted out the italian other half for me, and explained my stupidity. I was free from it all.

I was 21, young , dumb and full of c*m ..!

Don't expect too much sympathy on here - we all make mistakes, you Just have to live and learn.

If I were you i would cut all ties with this woman. I don't think you have even the slightest chance of getting your money back, she has obviously done it before and will do it again.


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Hey Johan,

I feel for you mate, I was in a similar situation when i first turned up here in 2001. Met a thai girl who spoke fluent Italian, and seemed to own a couple of successful restaurants here in Phuket, we use to hang out at the best places drink the finest champagne and stayed in a real nice villa - the works. It all seemed too good until my phone started ringing - Why hasn't the BMW been payed for?, landlord coming to collect arrears in rent for nearly a year etc etc..., I thought she owned everything, and was a successful businesswoman.

Turns out she had an extremely rich italian fella that was sending the dosh every month, she kept living the hi-so lifestyle while using his money to invest in dodgy business ideas, the fact being that her hi-so lifestyle was all on credit, and i was the lucky person to meet her when this was all coming to a head. Things got nasty and i started receiving death threats - Guilty by association. To top that the Italian other half found out about me, and he wanted to sort me out as well.

It took me an age to clear my name from the debt collectors. Maximo ( a long serving italian ex-pat ) in karon sorted out the italian other half for me, and explained my stupidity. I was free from it all.

I was 21, young , dumb and full of c*m ..!

Don't expect too much sympathy on here - we all make mistakes, you Just have to live and learn.

If I were you i would cut all ties with this woman. I don't think you have even the slightest chance of getting your money back, she has obviously done it before and will do it again.


did you have to pay off any of the debts?

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Get rid of the girl , don't mess with these kind of girls .

First of all I read your post with some scepticism , smelling a Troll once more .

But gotta give everyone a chance first .........

Sure you are Dutch ? Als je me kan volgen , zonder een taal check te gebruiken ?

Anyway , you are about my age when I first came to Thailand , like many of us here I suppose .

Better keep a lot of distance from the girl to check her real identity , reasons , and character .

Eventually when ignoring them you will find out . :o

Edited by tijnebijn
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Bearing in mind the usual doubts over a long and lengthy first post...

This is going to be a long story and it still hurts as I'm writing it down. First I'd like to introduce myself.. I'm a 23year old Dutch Scuba Instructor working around Asia. I've been living in Thailand for 3years which is definitely my favourite place to live. I'm in love with the country, the food, the people and the diving..

A couple of months ago I had to go to Bangkok to get my passport renewed. As I had to wait a few days for it I went to the Khao San Road for some drinking.. It was about 2o'clock when I met Fon, sitting alone on a table.etc, etc, etc...

I switched off here and skim read until the inevitable....

EVERYTHING she told me was a lie.
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Hey Johan,

I feel for you mate, I was in a similar situation when i first turned up here in 2001. Met a thai girl who spoke fluent Italian, and seemed to own a couple of successful restaurants here in Phuket, we use to hang out at the best places drink the finest champagne and stayed in a real nice villa - the works. It all seemed too good until my phone started ringing - Why hasn't the BMW been payed for?, landlord coming to collect arrears in rent for nearly a year etc etc..., I thought she owned everything, and was a successful businesswoman.

Turns out she had an extremely rich italian fella that was sending the dosh every month, she kept living the hi-so lifestyle while using his money to invest in dodgy business ideas, the fact being that her hi-so lifestyle was all on credit, and i was the lucky person to meet her when this was all coming to a head. Things got nasty and i started receiving death threats - Guilty by association. To top that the Italian other half found out about me, and he wanted to sort me out as well.

It took me an age to clear my name from the debt collectors. Maximo ( a long serving italian ex-pat ) in karon sorted out the italian other half for me, and explained my stupidity. I was free from it all.

I was 21, young , dumb and full of c*m ..!

Don't expect too much sympathy on here - we all make mistakes, you Just have to live and learn.

If I were you i would cut all ties with this woman. I don't think you have even the slightest chance of getting your money back, she has obviously done it before and will do it again.


did you have to pay off any of the debts?

I had to settle a few, for example, one of the washing bills was 12,000baht. I must add that her list of people she owed money to existed before i turned up on the scene. Were talking 100's of thousands of baht.

8 years on, and she has (apparently) returned to her old stomping ground. Kata / Karon, living with another old Italian guy.

be warned if you come across her, her name is mam, and she has an inverted nipple.


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Well, I'm just off the phone with Fon again.. She told me she was truly sorry, she guaranteed me that she would get my money back and she said that she really loved me, that it was the only things she didn't lie about.. (dat kan je ook wel met een korreltje zout nemen) But the truth is I still love her, and I still trust her enough that she will do all her best to send the money back.. I have absolutely no illusion we will get back together! And I will snap out of it..

Buying houses were never any of my ideas.. But I'm 23years old now, been living in Asia the last 3years and I'm getting sick of these terrible one night stands.. Just never expected my first relationship would end up like this.

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Well, I'm just off the phone with Fon again.. She told me she was truly sorry, she guaranteed me that she would get my money back and she said that she really loved me, that it was the only things she didn't lie about.. (dat kan je ook wel met een korreltje zout nemen) But the truth is I still love her, and I still trust her enough that she will do all her best to send the money back.. I have absolutely no illusion we will get back together! And I will snap out of it..

Buying houses were never any of my ideas.. But I'm 23years old now, been living in Asia the last 3years and I'm getting sick of these terrible one night stands.. Just never expected my first relationship would end up like this.

Beats living under a bridge though, right?

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This is going to be a long story and it still hurts as I'm writing it down. First I'd like to introduce myself.. I'm a 23year old Dutch Scuba Instructor working around Asia. I've been living in Thailand for 3years which is definitely my favourite place to live. I'm in love with the country, the food, the people and the diving..

A couple of months ago I had to go to Bangkok to get my passport renewed. As I had to wait a few days for it I went to the Khao San Road for some drinking.. It was about 2o'clock when I met Fon, sitting alone on a table. I asked if I could join her and soon we were talking about travelling, the world, politics, everything. She said she was half-Singaporean and that she was a manager for a marketing company in Singapore specializing in Medical Equipment and in Bangkok for business. At the beginning of the morning we parted and decided to meet up in a few hours to go away for the weekend.

Our trip to Kanchanaburi was great. We missed the last bus at Erawan National Park and hitch hiked with a tour bus full of Thai (karaoke singing) people. Fon has lived the first few years of her life in Thailand but she doesn't speak any Thai, but as a half-blood everybody spoke Thai to her. I fell in love with the troubled face she made every time someone spoke to her and I loved the fact that I could rescue her by picking up the Thai (very basic) conversation.

On the romantic part of it, we shared a bed but we did not have any sex, we kissed and fooled around on the last day but as I had no condoms with me that was the end of it.. Back in Bangkok again we did have sex though.

In Bangkok she lost her bag, including credit card, in a taxi.. I offered her some money but she wouldn't have it, so we decided that she could borrow the money instead!

Fon told me her story about a boyfriend she gave everything up for had cheated on her and that that changed her life.. She considered herself a playgirl and out to hurt men. Well, that was not really a big attraction to her but I saw growing affection towards me and I trusted my feeling that she can't be that bad..

As I have little money myself, I'm leading a simple life in her eyes, but she was very interested in it. But her stories of her wealthy family with big educations and big houses really intimidated me.. But I won't say that I didn't feel a little more attracted to her because of it!

After I left Bangkok I went back to work, Fon joined me a few days later. And again we had a great time! This is where she told me that she wanted to be my girlfriend.. Later that day I got angry at her as she was flirting too much with someone else! But it was the start of our relationship.

One night she got really upset and she told me the story that she was engaged to someone else and that she was no good for me.. Well that was a big shocked, trust me! But my feelings for her had already grown and she could finish that other relationship, right?

The things that happened afterwards is that she went back to Singapore and I went back to work again. I had to fly back to Holland for some family business just as she had to go to Bangkok for business again, we just missed each other though!

Back in Holland, we've had some arguments over the phone about her family not liking the idea of me as a poor boy. Also her ex-fiancée was still on her mind and maybe it would just be better if we should finish. Things got even worse as I received an SMS from a guy saying he's Fon's boyfriend and I should stay away.. She convinced me she just forgot her phone somewhere and some idiot decided to play around. By then I started to feel in love with her, so I trusted her. She decided to run away, she quit her job in Singapore and bought a house in Phuket for us to live together. She also bought a partnership in one of the bars in Patong. (I really hated even the idea of that!)

After 3weeks of Holland I was happy to be back on the plane again, I had a new job in Bali which I accepted a few weeks before I met Fon. She decided to join me over here in Bali, but just before she would fly here, her older brother, who lives in Seattle, had a serious car accident. So she joined the rest of her family over there.

In Seattle she saw her ex-fiancée again, who is a friend of the family, and they had sex for one night. My heart was broken but as I slept with her while they were still together, it felt like karma.. I went crazy and it hurt me a lot but I didn't want to let go of her just yet.

Her brother's condition got even worse so I got in contact with another brother of her, through SMS and email, about me coming over to America to join the family, he would arrange the ticket for me as he works for British Airways it's quite easy for him. I was also asked if I could send some money to the workers in Phuket that were building the house as they were almost finished but some workers needed the salary before going back to their home town so there was a rush with it..

I was very busy myself but I got one of my colleagues to go to the bank for me to make the transfer.. I also told my boss in Bali that I wanted to quit my job at the end of the month to join my girlfriend's family. Everything went according to plan and I was dreaming of being with my girlfriend again..

But then I received an email with the subject "The Truth About Your Girlfriend" from a person that claimed to work in an internetcafe in Bangkok. In the email I was warned that Fon was not the person who she claimed she was.. She was not a half-blood, she was a bar girl and still in Bangkok. Also that in her history she got hurt really badly by a boyfriend, who happened to be from Holland, so now she's out to hurt Dutch men!

Straight away I called my girlfriend and was expecting her to tell me that all of that was bullshit. She didn't answer her phone so I sent her an SMS and she SMSed back that all of it was true and that she was very sorry.. She sent me an email later on explaining everything.

Turned out she is a Thai bar girl. She was married to a Danish guy that left her when she was 2months pregnant. After that she got really hurt by her Dutch boyfriend, and now she hated all men and especially Dutch men.. Her 5year old son has heart problems and that's where my money went to. She had lived in Singapore before and has had an education in Australia (and left her Aussie boyfriend as she was finished). EVERYTHING she told me was a lie. The only thing that she did mean is that she loved me..

She was out to hurt me right from the beginning.. But apparently as we got closer and closer she started to love me instead, but with the web of lies things were bound to end up badly. She has promised me to give back my money next month..

This is my story, the latest part only happened yesterday! I feel really hurt, betrayed and cheated. Of course when I look back on it, some lies were not waterproof, some things didn't seem to be in place, but I was blindly in love.. Our relationship was not perfect, I won't tell you that, but that everything ended up in a story?? She is a master of lies, that's for sure! I even have her brother's ID number from BA..

I'm happy to say that my boss has agreed to give me my job back again.. In October the high season in Bali will be finished and I'll make my way back to Thailand again!

Like I mentioned before, I live a simple life, the money on my bank is for emergencies only (now only 100euro on there) and nothing has changed on that account the last 2years, until I met Fon. I like to think that if I treat people with respect I will get respect back in return.. Crazy isn't it, to just trust in the goodness of people?

I honest to God hope that she's not lying about sending me that money back! Not having the money could destroy me, as that could be the reason for me to have to go home again.. I cried like a baby last night and my heart will be scarred but I will fight myself back to the top again!


We all have bad experiences in life and for sure you are don in the dumps over this one, dont consider it a thai thing, you know it could happen anywhere in the world.

I reret to say that you are very unlikely to get your money back and if by any chance you do get some of it back then view it with extreme caution.

The lady has read you like a book and obviously knows exactly how you are feeling right now, I would not be at all suprised if she is calculating if it is worth persuading you that you were the love of her life and suggested a new start and perhaps a relocation funded perhaps by a loan from your friends or family or anywhere else credit might be available to you.

We all want a happy ending to our problems ,dont feel foolish about that, remember scammers are only able to scam people

by exploiting the victims weakspots, they feed on the victims greed or desires, but if you learn nothing else from this horrible experience please remember this "if something sounds to good to be true it usually is".

I am sorry to say that this is unlikely to be the last time a woman will disapoint you, but dont let this experience make you bitter, there are some kind and caring ladies out there, just takes a bit of time and luck to find them.

They say you cannot put an old head on young shoulders but that dont mean we shouldnt try!.

But being no spring chicken myself I can tell you that wisdom does not always come with age, the needs and desires of older guys are no that different to younger men and like yourself sometims they end up getting taken to th cleaners.

Some of thoseold guys dont have the change you have to rebuild their finances and suffer for it, you are lucky ( not that you feel that at the moment I am sure) in that within a few years you can bounce back, and bounce back you will provided you dont alow yourself to become too sorry for yourself.

It ok to go have a few days on the booze to drown your sorrow's but no more than that please, there are no anwers to be found in the bottom of a glass.

Consider how much worse this would have been if your relationship had continued for a year or so longer and you had children together?

We cannot stop shit happening, but we can reduce the frequency and limit the damage if we plan for that possibility and act wisely.

In no time at all this misery will be a distant memory,

good luck

roy gsd :o

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Johan Put it behind you and move on. I am sure you have learned from this

Thailand is one place you learn quick. Next time you will be more cautious

The problem with that is you will now think that the women are all the same, and that is not strictly true


However your defences will be up, and will stay up, this may affect your next relationship,

but Thailand is not he only place in this world, it can happen anywhere.

Problem in Thailand and other parts of aisa.

This is my Personal view

Lots of people in Thailand are poorer than the average westerner, all wanting a better lifestyle. Nothing wrong with that,

I am married to one, and I am sure that a large part of the attraction is a better lifestyle, if thats with you and only you no worry, dont throw cash around like its going out of fashion make sure she knows you have limitations, If you love her Ok 1 Bhat gold is not going to break the bank, but a house and land might

I hope this has not cost you too much Finance wise. Although I am sure you are scarred emotionally.

I think next time you make sure you check her background before you commit yourself, and thats not saying all BG are rip off merchants, its just that thay are more steetwise.so extra care needed.

I dont think I needed to say that it's just that you are a young man and it's all ahead of you.

Best wishes and good Luck

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Well, I'm just off the phone with Fon again.. She told me she was truly sorry, she guaranteed me that she would get my money back and she said that she really loved me, that it was the only things she didn't lie about.. (dat kan je ook wel met een korreltje zout nemen) But the truth is I still love her, and I still trust her enough that she will do all her best to send the money back.. I have absolutely no illusion we will get back together! And I will snap out of it..

Buying houses were never any of my ideas.. But I'm 23years old now, been living in Asia the last 3years and I'm getting sick of these terrible one night stands.. Just never expected my first relationship would end up like this.

Hi Johan

If you have read my earlier posting you know I think your money is unlikely to return.

I can understand why you might want to trust her to do her best to send you your money back but open your eyes and look at the reality of the situation. :o:D

Dont be stupid, Talk is cheap, phone her up NOW and ask her to return your money BY TOMMORROW, I suspect " no have" lwill be her response.

I assume the house has been purchasedin her name so put her to the real test and ask her to acompany you to visit a lawyer of your choice in order for her to sign the necessary documents to put a legal charge on the property for the amount you have invested and also to sign a 30 year ease in your name and also a,Irrevokable Power of Attorney document in your favour permitting you to sell the property on her behalf with Irrevokable authority for your lawyer to recieve all the proceeds from the sale and for those funds to be used to repay your "investment" and All Costs with any surplus funds that may arise being disributed equally between you and her.

She will not do that, you know it , if she will not do that for you now then you know you are being takenfor a mug and need

to accept that fact, NOW!

Money talks bull...t walks,

Roy gsd

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But the truth is I still love her, and I still trust her enough that she will do all her best to send the money back.. I have absolutely no illusion we will get back together! And I will snap out of it..

I hope you're a troll, because if you're serious you need someone to smack some sense into young man!

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after living in thailand for over 8 years, i have just moved to bali. here, the cost of living is far lower than in thailand, and you are able to make more money than in thailand.

why bother going back to thailand to take the chance of meeting another fon?

from about a quarter of the way through your post, i guessed at what the outcome was. but what gets me is why the heck would an internet cafe owner tell you the truth? beats me. sounds to me like she had her own guilt trip and spilt the beans herself.

sure she loves you. as long as you continue to believe her lies she will 'love' you.

get out while you can i say.

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A good story. While I sympathise with you being the same age as me, it might be time to put this all behind you, change your contact details, get a new email address and sever comm's with this woman. She sounds like more trouble than she's worth and likely to break your heart again.

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Mate that which doesn't kill you just makes you stronger.

We all have one of those turning point dumb a** experiences in our lives that we look back on and wonder what on earth we were thinking. Its something we learn and move on from and hopefully you're better off for it. Good luck in Bali and catch some waves for me!

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Donot go back to Thailand, you will fall for her again, stay in Bali. Nice place , cheap, good life and 1000 "Fon`s" there too.

I hope you are a Troll, if not you are a 23 year young guy with 100 euro in the bank, and it will stay that way. And the only number that will grow, is your age.

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Well, I'm just off the phone with Fon again.. She told me she was truly sorry, she guaranteed me that she would get my money back and she said that she really loved me, that it was the only things she didn't lie about.. (dat kan je ook wel met een korreltje zout nemen) But the truth is I still love her, and I still trust her enough that she will do all her best to send the money back.. I have absolutely no illusion we will get back together! And I will snap out of it..

Buying houses were never any of my ideas.. But I'm 23years old now, been living in Asia the last 3years and I'm getting sick of these terrible one night stands.. Just never expected my first relationship would end up like this.

Beats living under a bridge though, right?


Not much sympathy on this thread

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Well, I'm just off the phone with Fon again.. She told me she was truly sorry, she guaranteed me that she would get my money back and she said that she really loved me, that it was the only things she didn't lie about.. (dat kan je ook wel met een korreltje zout nemen) But the truth is I still love her, and I still trust her enough that she will do all her best to send the money back.. I have absolutely no illusion we will get back together! And I will snap out of it..

Buying houses were never any of my ideas.. But I'm 23years old now, been living in Asia the last 3years and I'm getting sick of these terrible one night stands.. Just never expected my first relationship would end up like this.

Beats living under a bridge though, right?


Not much sympathy on this thread

:D Chavyy, either he's a troll, or he's got an IQ below 70, which if he has I will have some sympathy.

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I spent about two minutes reading through this - can I have that time refunded please.
consider it a lesson learned and get on with your life, you are still young

Good advice Pampal, I agree Cuban you need to get over it, after all it was only two minutes, it could have been worse, it took me three :o

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