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On Line Forms

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Hi I thought MAYBE the thai immigration was now in the 21st Century???

I looked on line (here) printed and filled in a form for my 1 year Visa renew (my 9th!!!!!)

Form looked good perfect. All the papers to CM immigration a long turn around for us, over 400KM. Interview, paid all perfect. All in order.

This morning a Phone call from imm Form not the right one, but certainly it was the form I have been filling in for 8 years! But no.

Just because I had saved the form, filled it in online and Printed it, immigration were not happy. Maybe we cant do that??? maybe it should be filled in by hand writting??? Well all in all we go back tomorrow, another 400KM round trip. I just make my self calm with the thought had we in The U K applied this crap, 50 years back , the U K would not be full of the rubbish people we now have :o

Well its a pain and its obvious The Thai Immigration do not want on liner forms!

P S form was 1 year non imm dont use it

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Quote" I just make my self calm with the thought had we in The U K applied this crap, 50 years back , the U K would not be full of the rubbish people we now have " Nice.. very nice.. :o

Edited by Carib
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its obvious The Thai Immigration do not want on liner forms!

I've been using the download form (.doc/.pdf) for 1 year visa extension and my 90 day report for a few years now and never had a problem. This was also at CM immigration. The Visa application/extension has to be printed on both sides of a page and not hand in two pages. The download forms are available from immigration themselves so can't see why they would have problems with it.

You said immigration commented it was "not the right form" so perhaps not the latest revision.

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I had to write mine again in March after having downloaded and printed out. I had even filled out the downloaded one by hand and the only difference I could see was they use a lighter weight paper than I used.

It"s not about the form,printed or written by hand:TiT :o

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