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Non Immigrant B Visa Multiple Entry

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Hello all,

beginning of this year I came to Thailand on a non immigrant B visa multiple entry.

I worked for some time but quit that job.

I never got a workpermit or paper contract.

Does the visa stay valid and can I stay here and look for another job?

I heard and read that only if you have a workpermit, your visa is linked to that. And that is you lose the job for some reason, you have 7 days to arrange things or leave.

My visa was never linked to anything.

Is there a problem?

Thanks guys!

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  • 6 months later...

Same for me?

I have a years multiple B Visa. Due to border run Mid march 2009 for 2nd 90 day stamp. No WP, (did have) but left that job same time as 1st border run.

Now employed again, no WP yet and none until 1 more month probabtion is over.

When I did my first visa run for the Multi Entry B visa, the imigration officer in ranong wanted to see my workpermit which I didnt have with me (my employer told me didnt need it, was held at office and I was leaving that job). I am worried if I go again for next visa run and dont have work permit hes gonna hold my passport and I am gonna be in trouble.

What you think, can I put my mind at rest?

Thanks again in advance.

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Yours is the first report I have heard of immigration asking for a work permit when you enter the country. It is not a requirement to have a work permit to enter the country with a B visa.

I think you were unlucky and got a rogue immigration officer asking for something not required. If he denied you entry I am sure a supervisor would override his actions.

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Yours is the first report I have heard of immigration asking for a work permit when you enter the country. It is not a requirement to have a work permit to enter the country with a B visa.

I think you were unlucky and got a rogue immigration officer asking for something not required. If he denied you entry I am sure a supervisor would override his actions.

Wow! Not one, but two replys in less than 30 mins. You guys are awesome. Bless u hehe you put a smile on my face. :o

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Hi,I copied below off the net, can anyone comment if this is true for Multi Entries and no intention of a work permit as I have no desire to work in Thailand? IS i really this easy?

Australian mid 30's.

"For long-termers looking for an easy visa solution, the 3 year Non-Immigrant B visa may be the way to go. It goes for around $US 350 and essentially means you can come and go into the Kingdom for 3 years without any visa hassles. Some of the smaller consulates cannot issue it but all the embassies should be able to."

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The visa allows you to stay, the WP allows you to work.

Your use of terminology is inaccurate.

A non immigrant visa, by strict definition, is a document that gives you the right to travel to Thailand and upon entry at an immigration post you may be granted a 90 day permit of stay.

The permit of stay stamp allows you to stay.

This permit of stay may then be extended on the basis of having a work permit.From this point, a non immigrant visa isn't really needed any more because you should get a re-entry permit so your extension of stay is not invalidated.This is why many embassys only issue single entry non immigrant visas for people coming to thailand to work because the expectation is that you will get a re-entry permit.

If your work terminates, then an extension based on having a work permit is invalidated, and I believe you have 7 days to leave thailand(lame rule).

If you have a multiple entry non immigrant visa you can enter a Thai immigration post as many times as you like within the use by date of the visa, so in effect a 12 month multi entry can give you 15 months of stay if you do a border run every 90 days(with the last border run done on the last day of the visa's validity). In this fashion, there are no extensions to deal with(as it would appear to be the OP's situation), you are your own man :o

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If your work terminates, then an extension based on having a work permit is invalidated, and I believe you have 7 days to leave thailand(lame rule).

You have to leave on the day your work finishes. You are entitled to apply for a 7 day extension at Immigration for a fee of 1,900 Baht.

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