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Is Your Thai Wife Or Tgf Jealous Of Your Computer?


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Been married for 7 yrs and have noticed that my wife is jealous of my PC. Especially thaivisa, when I refer to it as an information source. I've even offered to teach her how to use the PC, but the most she will attempt is mindless children's games and she is 37 yrs old with a college degree.

Just wondering if others out there have the same situation??

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No problems with my wife. We both share the computer. I don not breathe down her back and she does not breathe down mine! Jealously is caused by insecurity and has nothing to do with your PC.

Oh listen to the expert here!

It's actually a good point raised by the OP,but not just thai related of course.My better half does probably wonder why i spend so long on my PC but she has never said anything prolly because it means she can watch her thai soap dramas in peace.

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yes we both use the computer too. Previously I was the main user and my wife did get annoyed by the amount of time I spent on it - but as I pointed out to her it was 95% work (share trading, financial markets research ... and now research for a book I am writing). Recently she started doing her MBA so things have balanced up a bit.

two aspects to "jealousy". One is real jealousy, ie. that you may be chatting to other women. I think a completely understandable concern given all the goings-on online. So make it clear, no chatrooms or similar. With thaivisa I encourage her to scan and discuss the posts .... only boring/serious farang stuff and mainly blokes doing the posting ... nothing to be concerned about ...and she is welcome to read any PM's I get (not that she has ever bothered).

the second aspect is loss of your attention. this is pricklier. most farangs (of my demographic at least) like to keep busy and if the choice is watch a Thai soap with my wife (and watch people hit one another and catch one in 100 words) or sit and chat with her family/friends (and catch one in 50 words) OR sit a few feet away and scan the news or work on my book, well. I guess I try to do both but the 'puter wins a lot of the time. Yes, in a perfect world I would continue the thai lessons. That glorious day will come. soon.

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I have a desktop, and she has a laptop, we chat and send each other jokes.... :o

But on the serious side, the Op says that it is not really the pc, but more thaivisa, which is ofcourse a bible of truth to us. Could mean that she feels "left out" as a source of information on thai things.

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My wife would only be jealous of my time spent on my computer if I had a girlfriend sitting on my lap. :o No problem really as my wife usually spends a few hours everyday on the computer doing business which is normally at the same time that I am on the computer playing. She works while I play which is as it should be! :D

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My first wife gave me an ultimatum: her or the computer. She's now happily remarried :o

Can you marry a computer in Thailand? :D

My Wife loves it when I sit in front of my computer(s) then she can watch Thai soap opera on UBC.

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Been married for 7 yrs and have noticed that my wife is jealous of my PC. Especially thaivisa, when I refer to it as an information source. I've even offered to teach her how to use the PC, but the most she will attempt is mindless children's games and she is 37 yrs old with a college degree.

Just wondering if others out there have the same situation??

My wife spend all time on her laptop on pantip blog or summat, me, well, I all the time on mine too,lol

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erm, I recorded a phone call between my long time g/f and some unknown caller. I still do not know why I did it and understand it is illegal but the upshot was that she wanted information on how to access my computer. How to find out the passwords and to see what I was up to.

Yes, she used to come up to the 'computer room' as I left her watching those stupid Thai Soaps, to see what I was doing and I was often on here. Seems she was also jealous and wanted to know what women I was talking to.

I too tried to teach her how to use the internet and the computer to no avail. She is now an ex g/f. Did not believe I was talking to fellow 'Farang', my family, or on Thai Visa keeping up to date with what was happening.

I feel they understand what many use computers for and she automatically assumed I was looking for a new woman.

A little knowledge can be very dangerous.

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My wife is on the computer all the freaking time, she is a manager of a big IT company and she brings her work home. She got the shits because I used to look at porn and got all this spyware on her laptop, now I have to use my own computer and not hers.

But I got this beast of a computer

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My gf spends hour on the bloody home compter doing who-knows-what, and frankly, I'm happy as hel_l. She has a Facebook and a Hi5 account, I would call these the girls version of ThaiVisa. We sit here and argue a point, throw in a sarcastic curve ball from time to time and flex a little muscle when we know we're right. But the gf, she could spend 3 hours on some bling-thing making up a photo with sparkling java butterflys and twinkling stars (actually pretty impressive programming skills). I have three home computers all side by side. My 2 girls and the gf can use them side by side, with a short glance I can see everything they are doing so I am not worried about too many of the negatives etc.

What is a relief, with the computer being her next best friend, I get relieved of the 7000 words a day that she need to release. As us guys speak on average 2000, I dont have to listen constantly to her banter that drives me nuts when I'm watching a footy match. I think we all know these situtations of wishing she would disappear, or at best get some lessons on timing of asking irrelevant questions. Funny how these always occur as a goal shot is being taken or the ref has just pulled someone up and a fight has started (just the time you want to go for a drink, NOT)...

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My ex would tell me to go fuc_k my computer when she didn't want to be bothered. When she did want to be bothered, she would ask me what girl I was chatting with. At these times, I don't think it was jealousy. Now that she's gone, I tend to use the computer less.

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Been married for 7 yrs and have noticed that my wife is jealous of my PC. Especially thaivisa, when I refer to it as an information source. I've even offered to teach her how to use the PC, but the most she will attempt is mindless children's games and she is 37 yrs old with a college degree.

Just wondering if others out there have the same situation??

just the opposite in our house,i cant get wife out of the chat rooms!

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No problems with my wife. We both share the computer. I don not breathe down her back and she does not breathe down mine! Jealously is caused by insecurity and has nothing to do with your PC.

Oh listen to the expert here!

It's actually a good point raised by the OP,but not just thai related of course.My better half does probably wonder why i spend so long on my PC but she has never said anything prolly because it means she can watch her thai soap dramas in peace.

Never claimed to be an expert, but I did work as a counselor for 10 years before moving to LOS., and during the course of my training I do not remember being taught that a computer causes jealously, but insecurity does. :o

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the second aspect is loss of your attention. this is pricklier. most farangs (of my demographic at least) like to keep busy and if the choice is watch a Thai soap with my wife (and watch people hit one another and catch one in 100 words)

It is always good to learn more Thai, but i have to warn you... even if you can understand 99 out of every 100 words the soaps don't get better.

In fact they just get worse :o

At least if you don't understand you can insert your own witty lines...

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Great thread, jaideeguy!

After seven years together, my wife mentioned that she thinks my computer is my 2nd wife.

My response, of course, was "What makes you think you are number one?"

No worries, my wounds have healed and the damage to my computer has been repaired.

Kidding of course and her main concern is my lack of exercise while I sit here like a hermit. She gets online occasionally to send emails to friends of our's but stays too busy with various volunteer work to sit in the house every day like her nerdy husband.

My wife is on the computer all the freaking time, she is a manager of a big IT company and she brings her work home. She got the shits because I used to look at porn and got all this spyware on her laptop, now I have to use my own computer and not hers.

But I got this beast of a computer

Ah, another match made in heaven..

And, as I posted somewhere else, I like a woman who chooses brawn over brain.

I don't want one, just appreciative that someone is getting you off the streets... :o

Edited by Dustoff
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My first wife gave me an ultimatum: her or the computer. She's now happily remarried :o

Can you marry a computer in Thailand? :D

My Wife loves it when I sit in front of my computer(s) then she can watch Thai soap opera on UBC.

We only married Thai style - nothing formal - so i am unsure as to the legality of actualy formaly marrying a Thai PC :D

However, anyone considering entering into a partnership with their Thai PC should do so with caution! I am now having to maintain 3 Thai laptops which came with her (when i say her i mean Polly Computer - just a pet name :D )

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Wives or GFs - don't let them know about the computer.

Just say your popping down to the local girlie bar for a night of heavy drinking or seeing an old friend.

The image in my mind bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "Download complete!"

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