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Boycott The Pattaya Taxi Meter Mafia (please)


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I agree we should stick to something a little more realistic and doable, like getting the sun to rise in the west and set in the south, or ending the corruption in the various levels of (Thai) government and police forces ! :o

And yes, I do own a moto (or two) and rarely need a taxi (a baht bus once in awhile if I buy something big). But still, if it were possible to effect changes in the system, I'd be all for it as it would be a benefit to the city as a whole, not just the few expat farangs that would use the taxis/baht buses/moto taxis.

Like many other aspects of life here, you change the things you can, and have to learn to live with the things you can't change.

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but not the ones who DO use a valid meter.

Totally agreed.

It is no great loss to anybody to do this and at least TRY to send a message that we are NOT HAPPY with this FAKE taxi meter non-service.

If you do need a charter ride, you can charter a baht bus or use one of the many call a car services.

I also agree the most effective way to send this message is

1. First, state your destination and ask if the taxi will use the meter

2. If not (trust me, it will be NOT), walk away

Just to show you how big a heart I have, how about in the incredibly unlikely event that a Pattaya Taxi "Meter" actually uses the meter, how about we give the driver a TIP? Carrot and stick. Behave, get a fare and a reward. Misbehave: no donut.

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you are replies are pathetic to the extreme. you totally disbelieve the story and then back it up with your observations from "ABP". Well I sat in Shenanigans for 2.5 hours last night from 5pm and not one mater taxi left on a trip. Just because you lived here 10 years makes you the expert does it, and allows you to poke holes in someone else's story.

As for you Beginner, if you think paying 150 baht from Bali Hai to Jomtien is ok you pay it, but your arguments for paying it are complete sh!te. If people like you keep paying inflated prices then they will continue to go up making it completely unaffordable for anyone else here, but you will have plenty of taxi's to choae from, don't worry.

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Yes, indeed, they could be working and driving all day and night, making good money on their meter fares. But they choose to play along with the mafia thug stupid tactics and WAIT WAIT WAIT, sit on their asses and possibly as reported in the news item, GET DRUNK.

The new Pattaya mayor talks about building a space age TRAM SYSTEM. Of course, everybody knows he is dreaming and that it is pure grade 100 percent BS. But it would be easy indeed for a powerful mafia mayor of a rich mafia city to FIX the Pattaya taxi FAKE meter farce. Will he fix it? Of course he won't. So we at least should do SOMETHING to send a message.

Many Thais think we are very stupid and BIG SUCKERS. Are you that stupid and such a SUCKER you will support this insulting non-service with your MONEY? If so, they are right and WE DESERVE IT.

This BOYCOTT is not hard to do and doesn't create a hardship, so why not get on board with it?

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Jingthing are you and SmartFarang related? (Smarty your number one supporter and fan).

Are you twins?

Your dogs appear to be.

Are you the same person? :o

Ha Ha.

No, we are not related as far as I know, unless my Mum was very naughty in her youth! I am supporter and fan of no man - only of women with bounteous boobs. I just happen to agree with Jingthing's post. I like puppy dogs and pussy cats, more than people in most cases.

Am I bad?

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you are replies are pathetic to the extreme. you totally disbelieve the story and then back it up with your observations from "ABP". Well I sat in Shenanigans for 2.5 hours last night from 5pm and not one mater taxi left on a trip. Just because you lived here 10 years makes you the expert does it, and allows you to poke holes in someone else's story.

As for you Beginner, if you think paying 150 baht from Bali Hai to Jomtien is ok you pay it, but your arguments for paying it are complete sh!te. If people like you keep paying inflated prices then they will continue to go up making it completely unaffordable for anyone else here, but you will have plenty of taxi's to choae from, don't worry.

Well said Sir.

I too have seen how few of these "cars with taxi sign on top but not really taxis" get hired from The Avenue. I have also seen them being driven slowly around Pattaya - with zero passengers inside in almost all cases - and also stopped outside Big C Festival Shopping Centre in hunt of a pigeon. This is good in my opinion, they are already getting little business and the situation will have to change.

I like the previous post suggesting that they reduce the number of Baht Buses by 50% and increase number of "metered taxis that really are metered taxis". Baht Buses cause pollution and accidents and we already have far more than we need. Old people and disabled do not like - or simply cannot use - Baht Buses. Another good move would be to increase the number of routes within Pattaya - thus spreading the service thinner and wider. There has been the same old Beach Road-Second Road-Soi Buakhow routes since 1994 to my knowledge. Why no Baht Bus service along North Pattaya Road or Third Road for example. And why no destination boards on the front to the Baht Buses? Unless I want to be surprised by a turn in the wrong direction I always have to ask the driver when he is going.

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I would not be surprised if the letter was made up by the editor to fill some space. Most newspapers around the world make up letters to the editor.

That is fascinating! I didn't know that. You must be right. Pattaya taxi meter drivers are perfect gentlemen.

I too found the story hard to believe. If it did occur, it was probably an extreme exaggeration of events.

Please don't conclude from my statement that I think Pattaya taxi meter drivers are gentlemen.

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I have to say that I had similar experiences. I came from Bangkok where taximeter means taximeter. One day after shopping at Villa I walked outside and got into a TaxiMeter car. I noticed he turned on the meter so I thought everything was good. When we arrived the meter showed 61 THB, I gave him 80 and told him to keep the change. Then he really freaked out and demanded 200 THB??? I pointed at the meter and said 61 which only made him even more mad. Then smiled at him (usually seems to work) and left the car. He also left the car and came after me, but at that time I already reached my local bunch of motorbike taxi riders and that seemed to scare him off.

To all you wise people here (NoNew2You) - what would you suggest I should have done?

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That is an amazing story, DT. It sounds like a very funny strategy the cabbie tried out on you. Usually they make it clear they won't use the meter up front. But clearly he has learned that some people (THANK YOU BOYCOTTERS!!!!!!!!!!!) will WALK AWAY when told the truth of that. So he ran the meter but intended to demand the charter fare under the threat of IMPLIED VIOLENCE at the destination. Very strange. So he had a backup in case you balked (the meter). Very interesting, but I seriously doubt many of the cabbies are actually running the meter at all. Thanks for the report from the front lines of the taxi mafia.

Not sure what to suggest you should have done, because I doubt this happens much. The common reports are they ask where you go and then tell you the ridiculous charter fare, take it or leave it. BTW, I wouldn't suggest other people do what you did. You did risk being violently assaulted for not paying his charter fare at the end.

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To all you wise people here (NoNew2You) - what would you suggest I should have done?

If anyone actually cares to read my posts in this thread (instead of turning on their flame throwers full blast) they would see that I never defended the business practices of the non-metered metered taxi service we currently have in Pattaya...just that that is they way whoever has the power to decide these things has set up the service. I said that their being advertised as metered taxis would cause confusion and that the references to their services being "metered" should be removed from their cabs (and maybe a price-list board to common destinations be placed near their ranks).

As you were unaware of the nature of their services, you handled the situation fine, IMHO, and I am glad you suffered no serious verbal or physical harm from the driver. If my suggestions were implemented (I'm not holding my breath) these incidents could be avoided.

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As you were unaware of the nature of their services, you handled the situation fine, IMHO, and I am glad you suffered no serious verbal or physical harm from the driver. If my suggestions were implemented (I'm not holding my breath) these incidents could be avoided.

Well, the really big problem with your suggestion is that the public here WANTS real taxi meters in Pattaya, and as taxis are a public service, your "solution" would do nothing to further that possibility.

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With you 100% on this one Jingthing. Haven't used these Taxi's from day 1 because all my Thai friends and my Thai husband have stated that no-one should go near these taxi's as they are mafia controlled.

Fortunately, for this fella, he and his son, got away with just abusive language. It could have got a lot worse and even if he had told the taxi driver to naff off because he wouldn't use the meter, I don't believe that was any justification for going to his car to get his tyre iron.

Also, noteworthy information that you can't get hold of the Police either when you really need them too.

metered taxis in pattaya would be a great idea, it would stop the extreme prices that baht bus and motorbike drivers charge for a 5 min journey that would cost less than 50baht in Bangkok, but it would need to be properly supported by city authorities and the police, vast improvement to transport if you ask me.

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Who cares about the letter anyway? They don't use meters. They haven't offered us anything new or anything close to the REAL TAXI METERS that we want.

Perhaps the best solution would be to lobby for the removal of the taxi meter signs rather than boycott them, because it's unlikely that many expats use them anyway.

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metered taxis in pattaya would be a great idea, it would stop the extreme prices that baht bus and motorbike drivers charge for a 5 min journey that would cost less than 50baht in Bangkok,

Is a genuine metered taxi service actually viable in Pattaya? Unlike in a large city like Bangkok where the Taxi Meters would normally get another fare as soon as (or soon after) they unload, Pattaya Taxi Meters would be running without passengers a large percentage of the time. It's unlikely that a trip to the suburbs (eg. Darkside) would net a return fare.

If they did adjust the meters (or add an out-of-town surcharge) to compensate for the lack of return trips, trips to the suburbs would probably end up costing at least as much or more than a negotiated baht bus fare and local fares around town would probably cost a lot more.

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We won't know if Pattaya can support a REAL taxi meter service unless it is TRIED. Pattaya is every year becoming a bigger real city. Most cities in the world can indeed support a real taxi meter service, yes, even beach resort cities.

As far as the dark side, I have mentioned this many times already! A surcharge on top of the meter for out of city zone trips and also calling the taxi in for pickup is perfectly appropriate and reasonable. Not a problem. Done many places throughout the world, even Hong Kong I have heard. I am talking about a real taxi meter service within a defined IN TOWN ZONE.

BTW, all you nay sayers and TRANSPORT MAFIA RATIONALIZERS make me sick. There is no defense for the current non-service.

It's not possible.



Yes, it bloody well is possible.

BTW, for your edification, some evidence that there indeed a DESIRE for a REAL taxi METER service here in Pattaya:


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Well I've just returned from 2 weeks R&R in Pattaya and for the first time took an interest in these meter taxis. Never used one as I am perfectly capable of walking pretty well anywhere I want to go to in town. However I did have a question regarding why they do not display rates on the sides and was going to post this very question. This thread has saved that effort and, so it appears, Pattaya has merely gained aircon Baht busses to go with the myriad of current Baht busses.

Whether Pattaya could support real meter taxis is, under the current mob rule system, a moot point and we'll probably never know but surely it must be worth a try. Maybe they could have fixed pickup points around the town where they could be hired from much like Singapore or Kuala Lumpur. Personally for the few times I need a taxi the Baht busses or mo'cy taxis suffice but I can appreciate the service that could be provided.

btw #1 I also observed the taxi rank outside the avenue for an hour or so (from Wonderful bar - I'm not keen on Irish theme pubs). I never saw one of them turn a wheel save to shunt up to allow another of their members join the club. Well I suppose that's better than having them cruise around adding to the traffic.

btw #2 This thread has attracted the usual bunch of "well in 10 years I've never had a problem with the taxis" Pattaya experts. Well in 12 years in Pattaya I've never been mugged, knifed by a katoey, smashed over the head with a beer bottle, drugged by additives to my beer so by that theory those things never happen and Pattaya is a 100% crime free city. Get real.

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Wow...jing, you sure got a bee up your butt on this issue...I think you are starting to loose it :o

Almost makes me want to join your boycott to help you preserve your sanity....on second thought...naah :D

But I do have a suggestion, at the next city council election, why don't you file papers to run for a council seat, with you main issue being breaking the taxi mafia's grip on the taxi meters! I wish you the best of luck fighting the new mayor, who you are always praising, and his murderous father who has been convicted of conspiracy to murder business/political opponents (maybe for suggesting actually using meters in taxis) and is currently hiding out in Cambodia (probably just across the border in Poipet, having a grand ole time).

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NotNew, as I think you already know, I am obviously not a Thai national and am not eligible to run for a Thai office or even start a public protest. However, I can post here on ThaiVisa with my very reasonable idea that we as a group can do SOMETHING, and the something I propose is a TOTAL BOYCOTT of the FAKE Pattaya taxi meters. Is that OK with you? I do feel I am doing my part to expose the reality of this non-service and the mafia nature of the Pattaya transport mafia. I want people to discuss it outside the board. I want people to discuss it at the expat clubs. And I want people to take any legal action that we can, which all I can think of is a BOYCOTT. Open to other ACTION ideas that would be legal and have a chance of leading to the REAL SERVICE that we want.

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NotNew, as I think you already know, I am obviously not a Thai national and am not eligible to run for a Thai office or even start a public protest.

Jing...lighten up...it was only a joke. Take a seat at your favorite beer-bar and have a serving of whatever you like on me...just tell them to put it on Notnew's tab :o

Nobody questions your right to propose solutions to what you perceive to be a problem. I think what some of us our saying is that despite your best efforts, not much is likely to change, so therefore, we prefer to spend our time at the beach rather than trying to fix all the problems in Pattaya.

As to leading a public protest...there was that large group of farang and Thai condo owners who held a march from Jomtien to City Hall to protest the construction of a neighboring condo that would block their seaviews. So I guess peaceful public protest is not completely illegal...maybe you could organize such a march from The Avenue taxi stand to City Hall to publicize your greivences and petition for redress.

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btw #2 This thread has attracted the usual bunch of "well in 10 years I've never had a problem with the taxis" Pattaya experts. Well in 12 years in Pattaya I've never been mugged, knifed by a katoey, smashed over the head with a beer bottle, drugged by additives to my beer so by that theory those things never happen and Pattaya is a 100% crime free city. Get real.

Same here, but would add that I've also never been ripped off/threatened by baht bus or moto taxi drivers. Doesn't mean it never happens though. Obviously crime does happen in Pattaya, just like it does pretty much every else in the world.

I think what it may show though, is that some times, the problem(s) get exaggerated to the point that some people start thinking it happens all the time. Mountains out of molehills.

Kind of like those threads that pop up on a fairly regualr basis about how dangerous Pattaya is, because all everyone sees is the bad news reported in the rags media, and repeated on places like this. When all you see is bad news, it starts to seem reasonable to think that only bad things ever seem to happen.

We rarely hear the other side though, and when we do it tends to get glossed over and forgotten very quickly. Like the taxi driver that finds a fogotten bag/purse/etc full of money and returns it. Or the baht bus driver that not only helped me load the back of his bus with furniture at Big C, but helped me carry up the 3 flights of stairs to my apartment.

There have probably been a number of good stories over the years, but bad news sells, so that is what gets the headlines.

As farangs, we don't have a lot of say, or power to make changes here. The tiny financial loss the taxis would face from the loss of expat fares won't even register on their radar. It would be almost impossible to convince all the tourists to also stop using them as well.

I suppose that if the matter were brought up at some of the expat club meetings, especially when an infuential member of city hall was present (and assuming the other expats voiced similar concerns), it might be briefly mentioned at some meeting or another, and then forgotten about just as quickly.

hel_l, they can't keep the water flowing in rainy season, or keep the sewers from backing up, or finish the Walking Street sign. I don't think metered taxis will be very high on their priority list.

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NotNew, as I think you already know, I am obviously not a Thai national and am not eligible to run for a Thai office or even start a public protest. However, I can post here on ThaiVisa with my very reasonable idea that we as a group can do SOMETHING, and the something I propose is a TOTAL BOYCOTT of the FAKE Pattaya taxi meters. Is that OK with you? I do feel I am doing my part to expose the reality of this non-service and the mafia nature of the Pattaya transport mafia. I want people to discuss it outside the board. I want people to discuss it at the expat clubs. And I want people to take any legal action that we can, which all I can think of is a BOYCOTT. Open to other ACTION ideas that would be legal and have a chance of leading to the REAL SERVICE that we want.

Do any expats even use these fake taxi meters. I've never seen a report from someone using them.

Unless you can somehow convince tourists to stay away, it's a total waste of time even proposing a boycott.

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Since it's impossible not to have been ripped off in Pattaya at one time or another, whether through blatant overcharge, dual pricing, outright theft, or excessive tipping, I suspect members who claim it's never happened to them have re-defined the term. In fact, they've merely rationalized their loss as "fair" from a typical Robin Hood ("they deserve it"), Olympian ("it's only a little; happens everywhere; can't get upset"), or Star Trek ("local culture; when in Rome; love it or leave it") point of view--the same as we hear repeatedly.

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We rarely hear the other side though, and when we do it tends to get glossed over and forgotten very quickly. Like the taxi driver that finds a fogotten bag/purse/etc full of money and returns it. Or the baht bus driver that not only helped me load the back of his bus with furniture at Big C, but helped me carry up the 3 flights of stairs to my apartment.

There have probably been a number of good stories over the years, but bad news sells, so that is what gets the headlines.

Hi Kerryd.

Here is another one to add to the list.

Three cheers for the TaxiMeter men.

Omani Tourist praises honest taxi driver as missing waist bag containing thousands of Dollars is returned to him.

On Monday Night, an extremely anxious Omani Tourist made his way to Pattaya Police Station after he had lost his waist bag which contained the equivalent of almost 500,000 Baht in cash. Mr. Hahim Essa aged 50 was accompanied by his friends and he explained to the officer at the Information Desk that he had hired a Pattaya Metered Taxi to take him and his friends from Soi 7 on Pattaya Beach Road to the Beverly Plaza Hotel located on the Pratamnuk Road close to Walking Street. He arrived at the Hotel in the Taxi holding license number 17 and forgot his waist bag on the back seat. The bag contained Mr. Essa and his friends' passports, three air tickets, 14,000 US Dollars and 8,000 Baht in cash. Mr. Essa feared the worse until, moments later, the driver of the taxi, Khun Jakarin aged 52, came to the station to hand in the bag which still contained all the money and other items. Mr. Essa explained to us that he was extremely grateful to the honest taxi driver who was financially awarded for his honesty before all parties left the station.

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Thai taxi drivers are not thieves , most of them are honest.

SO they have no taxis using meters ok , still they have passengers like this one , paying maybe 200 Baht for a short drive. If its enough tourists that want to use this service then fine.

If they can survive overcharge tourists then everyones happy except the expats .

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