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Book Of Dirty Tricks

Dr. Burrito

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As a farang and doing business with both Thais and other farang from time to time, I have come to the conclusion the farang are more devious, etc, than most of the Thais. Having recently, and I hope this time for the last time, been done by yet another farang, I am curious about what DIRTY TRICKS, legal ones mind you, one has as recourse against these illegally formed, non-work permit issuing, probably tax avoiding companies.

I am assuming there are various government agencies that love to poke their noses into doors and discover bad bookkeeping and other inappropriate practices.

Any experiences or opinions about how to do it, and again, I mean 100% legally. Being legal doesn't mean it's not a ditry trick.

Dr. B

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Can't say that I know them, actually. I do think though, saying dirty tricks are illegal is hardly a true statement. There are so many unpleasant rules in the law, that if properly enforced, do massive damage to any company or individual in any country. Coming from the states, the tort system alone is proof of that.

But lawyers as earlier suggested are just a useless path in my opinion, at least in this country.

That said, skeletons in closets here are a painful thing to have some government official investigating, at least I would think anyway, and I know these guys are operating way outside the proper path of the law, which is something I can at least say, I am not. That said, knowing someone is not operating correctly doesn't make me qualified to know how to use it against them. I've only every really sought 'revenge' if that is what you want to call it, once in my my life, and that time, I admit it was very satisfying, because it kept other people from getting screwed down the road.

This time, it has cut too deep, and I don't really care to bleed alone. Call it vindictive if you will, or bad karma, or anything else, but at least if this clown learns a lesson, maybe someone else in the future won't go through the same crap.

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