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Hi Guys

anyone know any Pharmacies in BKK where I can get good price viagra/cialis/kamagra?

Amongst some of my older friends, we have had a spike in heart attacks, a couple of guys have passed away rather early (late fifties, early sixties).

In conversations with one fellow, he is flat out positive it has to do with Viagra. He said, "Huggybear when you get to be my age (65) and you think you can have sex with your twenty-something girlfriend all the time, you are crazy. Twice, maybe three times a week, o.k.,you start popping those viagras to try and do it every night, and of course it's a load on the old ticker".

What do you guys think?

Hi Guys

anyone know any Pharmacies in BKK where I can get good price viagra/cialis/kamagra?

Amongst some of my older friends, we have had a spike in heart attacks, a couple of guys have passed away rather early (late fifties, early sixties).

In conversations with one fellow, he is flat out positive it has to do with Viagra. He said, "Huggybear when you get to be my age (65) and you think you can have sex with your twenty-something girlfriend all the time, you are crazy. Twice, maybe three times a week, o.k.,you start popping those viagras to try and do it every night, and of course it's a load on the old ticker".

What do you guys think?

It's a medicine and shoud really only be taken when prescribed by a health prof.

Has some benefit if you need to wear a condom.

But yes some marked side effects, you need to be in good cardiovascular health to take it, and have a tolerance for headaches.

I took it once or twice and didn't like it, and learnt that it shouldn't be used as an aphrodisiac.

I'm very careful wth medicines now.


I think it is not so much a problem of straining the heart through sexual activity as it is of taking a serious medication without adequate medical supervision.

Viagra et al are contraindicated in persons with significant heart disease (many of whom, if they have been lax in getting regular checkups, may not know they have it) and/or hypertension that isn't well controlled (ditto).

In addition, it has significant interactions with so0me of the medications commonly taken for BP and heart conditions

In short, it is a serious drug and there are potential dangers to its use, most especially when it is used by older men whose very need for it is due to (often undiagnosed or pooirly managed) chronic medical conditions.


I tried it a few years back, the first several times it work well then it would only work if I was well rested. Well rested usually occured about 4AM, for some reason the wife was not to enthused about the whole idea at 4 in the morning. So you lay there is your tent until it eventually goes away. Not my idea of a well spent $20.


If you´re not impotent, but are simply no longer the youngest of men and merely require a "boost" to get you going, then I consider viagra/kamagra as ideal. I´ve been taking a third of a pill (from chemists in Bangkok) for some years now before sex - not because I´m stingy but simply because a whole pill gave me an uncomfortably (!!!!) hard penis and created a slight headache afterwards. With a third of a pill (you can cut them up into 3 parts quite easily with a sharp knife) I have a great erection and enjoy it tremendously each time (so does my wife.................. :o ). Never yet suffered a heart attack (I´m 55) or side affects....... :D

Amongst some of my older friends, we have had a spike in heart attacks, a couple of guys have passed away rather early (late fifties, early sixties).

What do you guys think?

Sure sounds a lot better than hanging around with terminal cancer, or dementia, or post-stroke drooling, or most anything.

We all have to go, and doing so via a massive coronary while stroking seems ok. Seriously.

Nelson Rockefeller was my hero (a pre-Viagra icon, however).

Hi guys

thanks for the advice

but back to the original question...?

If you can't find what your looking for in one of the pharmacies on Sukhumvit all by yourself then go back home.


As purchasing Viagra/Cialis/Kamagra from pharmacies is illegal surely the point is moot.

Can anybody tell me which pharmacy sells heroin?


Hi guys

thanks for the advice

but back to the original question...?

If you can't find what your looking for in one of the pharmacies on Sukhumvit all by yourself then go back home.

although I cannot go as far as ball breaker in telling you to go home, I do find your initial question ludicrous. As a friend and I were headed into Nana a couple months back he disappeared into a little pharmacy right there at Nana and came out with a kamagra gel pack.

If he can get it there I'm sure you can find it just about anywhere.

As purchasing Viagra/Cialis/Kamagra from pharmacies is illegal surely the point is moot.

Can anybody tell me which pharmacy sells heroin?



A bit of a show stopper that one.


I've taken the Kamaga gels many times, they work well and are good fun. The different flavours are a nice touch too!

I'm 50 and never had any side effects. But becareful. If your happy taking medication manufactured in India then fine.

Used in moderation by reasonable healthy people you should be okay. Becareful with the alcohol intake and other medication when using it.

Oh yeah, i remember it took a while to wear off sometimes. :o

No medical advise intended. That's my few cents worth.

The different flavours are a nice touch too!

Didn't realise you were suppose to chew it.

First time I tried it I didn't know how quickly the stuff gets to work. So there I was in the bar and decided to take it there and then. Oh be Jeesus, 15 minutes later with the chosen matrimonial bliss sitting next to me I had the most uncomfortable arising. And no matter how hard I tried to think of my grandmother, it wouldn't go away.

Walked all the way back to the hotel hoping that the buttons wouldn't pop and allow the monster out.

Hi Guys

anyone know any Pharmacies in BKK where I can get good price viagra/cialis/kamagra?

Don't read any of the bullshit they write, I found on another post that is is readily available at both pharmacy near the gazoline station at NANA.

Hi Guys

anyone know any Pharmacies in BKK where I can get good price viagra/cialis/kamagra?

Do you already have experience with these drugs? If not – first take the «official» path and go to a doctor.

I made this, first. It was not cheap (THB 3’000 for the doctor and 2 Viagra pills). But I got the genuine pills and could make the experience that Viagra is nothing for me (headache maak maak).

The problem was my head and not my little friend. My understanding Thai girlfriend helped me to solve this problem.


3,000 for a visit to a doctor??? ha ha ha

They saw you coming.

I use Thai Nakarin Hospital & they charge 400 baht.

Ditto Samitived Bamrunrod & BGH.

Last time I bought the stuff it was opposite Pan Tip Plaza - going toward Burger King.

For sure next to PTT in Nana stock both real & fake. I won't fool with Kamagra anymore.

I tried it a few years back, the first several times it work well then it would only work if I was well rested. Well rested usually occured about 4AM, for some reason the wife was not to enthused about the whole idea at 4 in the morning. So you lay there is your tent until it eventually goes away. Not my idea of a well spent $20.

$20? Someones taking the rise out of you .................... :o

roy gsd

If you´re not impotent, but are simply no longer the youngest of men and merely require a "boost" to get you going, then I consider viagra/kamagra as ideal. I´ve been taking a third of a pill (from chemists in Bangkok) for some years now before sex - not because I´m stingy but simply because a whole pill gave me an uncomfortably (!!!!) hard penis and created a slight headache afterwards. With a third of a pill (you can cut them up into 3 parts quite easily with a sharp knife) I have a great erection and enjoy it tremendously each time (so does my wife.................. :o ). Never yet suffered a heart attack (I´m 55) or side affects....... :D

You should consider.

What stops you from having a natural erection?

If it's due to a poor vascular system, or some underlying medical condition, then taking viagra could aggravate your situation.

Viagra, taken with blood pressure medication, can also dangerously lower your blood pressure, playing havoc with your health.

The best way to maintain healthy erections is to regularly exercise, quit smoking, mimimise alcohol intake, maintain a healthy diet, and relax regularly. Viagra should never be used as a way of overcoming the results of a poor lifestyle.

There's nothing wrong with taking products like Viagra and Cialis if you're otherwise well and you've sought medical supervision.

This is what "Impotence Australia says about viagra for women:

Viagra should not be taken by women.

It is not licensed for use in women and its safety in women has not been tested.

As they say in Thailand: "Up to you".

As for heart attacks, you only need to have one. You can also have low or high blood pressure without being conscious of it.

I tried it a few years back, the first several times it work well then it would only work if I was well rested. Well rested usually occured about 4AM, for some reason the wife was not to enthused about the whole idea at 4 in the morning. So you lay there is your tent until it eventually goes away. Not my idea of a well spent $20.

$20? Someones taking the rise out of you .................... :o

roy gsd

I was living in Australia at the time and that is what they were going for.

As purchasing Viagra/Cialis/Kamagra from pharmacies is illegal surely the point is moot.

Can anybody tell me which pharmacy sells heroin?


Most pharmacies here and around the world stock opiates (e.g heroine)...it is used in various forms just ask wich medicine has it....I'm sure they'll oblige.

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