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Three Times In One Day

libya 115

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But, when I do go out, I bring a long stick or a metal pole/ or my baseball bat along for the walk. If approached by a lunatic on a motorbike, I would not hesitate to play Indian or British baseball under the condition of self defense.

Soon to be a head-line in one of the local papers. :o

No worries Kerry, I hear the violent inno has left town already and taken his weapons with him.

Now just need to keep your eyes peeled for posh with that swordstick.

Edited by NanLaew
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If its the Jomtien mob then yes its time share touts.

They operate out of the Ace Café, not suggesting they are involved with the owner, just that they use it as a base. They hunt in packs and can get aggressive. None of the falangs involved have work permits.

They also run the Thais that hang out on Beach Road near the first Starbucks.

Its the usual. Promise you the world to get you down to Jomtien for an hour and then a VERY HIGH PRESSURE sales pitch.

They are backed by a high profile Costa villain who I'm sure you've all heard of but I won't name him here.

He himself has never been to Pattaya to my knowledge but some of his lieutenants have been spotted here.

I occasionally have breakfast at the Ace plus one of the Thais on Beach Road is an old friend so they don't bother me as they know I am not buying.

Best response to 'Do you speak English' is 'yes go away'.

Tarquin you are so off base with that observation it's (almost) funny.

The Euro time share touts who were in Jomtien high season '06-'07 and the Indian guys doing the same thing high season '07-'08 operated out of their full time base Paragon Properties, next to the Family Mart near the Ace Cafe. They used to re-group at the Ace for morning coffee between 10.00 & 10.30 before hitting the streets again.

Yes you are right the owner (me) had no involvement with them and no you are wrong that they "operated" out of my cafe, or even used it as a "base."

Thank you for listening.


Ace Cafe.

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Tarquin you are so off base with that observation it's (almost) funny.

The Euro time share touts who were in Jomtien high season '06-'07 and the Indian guys doing the same thing high season '07-'08 operated out of their full time base Paragon Properties, next to the Family Mart near the Ace Cafe. They used to re-group at the Ace for morning coffee between 10.00 & 10.30 before hitting the streets again.

Yes you are right the owner (me) had no involvement with them and no you are wrong that they "operated" out of my cafe, or even used it as a "base."

Thank you for listening.


Ace Cafe.

Strewth Martin! The next thing you know, they'll be accusing you of having biker gangs in your place!

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Bit unnecessarily defensive there Martin as no one was accusing you of anything.

I don't eat breakfast before 12 noon so it must have been sometime after that plus I saw them several times organising themselves in your café. I chatted to the Irish girls as they filled in forms detailing their activities at the table we were sharing.

OK they have their own office but most offices are usually not large enough to accommodate a sale force thats supposed to be permanently on the move anyway.

So they hung around your café? So what? I'm sure you were just glad of the custom and you have confirmed they are nothing to do with you business wise.

I repeat no one was accusing you of anything but I stand by what I saw.


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I'm forming an anti-condo time sharing motorbike assault team to go after these thugs. It is time to take the law into our own hands and use special forces to stop these thugs from their aggressive tactics. If they would get off the motorbikes and simply walk around, then it would be acceptable. But, to have to look over your shoulder to make sure these guy/gals are not running their bike up your arse as you cross the street or even window shop along the sidewalk, well that is enough.

ACTSMAT---The new Anti-Condo Time Sharing Motorbike Assault Team will hold it's first meeting at the Ace Cafe in Jomtien between 10-10:30 am.

Hey, the acronym is sort of like ACTSMART. Martin, I hope you don't mind a few extra customersZ!!!

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I had the displeasure of encountering this group today. Walking up second road to tops

to eat lunch. the first time I ignored them then, they literally turned around and pulled

in front of me blocking my path <deleted>? I told them I wasnt interested and the youngish

brit(sorry, I actually know lots of decent English people) became verbally abusive almost

taunting me into a fight. Un-fu_king believeable. his female pillion passenger appeared

embarrased by the proceedings. I agree with innovater. you go around antagonizing

people to this extreme and sooner or later somebody whacks you over the head with

a piece of wood. you have to stop for traffic lights etc., not a clever maneuver. it takes

a lot of balls to call people names while you're racing away on your motorbike. what an

a-hole this guy was. they don't have to look for me, i'm going looking for them now. :o

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Nobody be too surprised when we start getting reports of these time-share guys

getting kicked-off their motorbikes. They deserve no less. Don't think for a second

the Thais give a sh_t, they don't. I've got nothing better to do... all.. day.. long.

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Normally timeshare touts say that, "Do you speak english?" - first thing out of their annoying gobs. :o

I haven't heard the term 'gobs' for ages. Reminds me of my Yorkshire days, knocking on doors and running off. Those were the days.

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I am suspicious of all posts on TV. Many posters gain vicarious pleasure from the Pattaya residents misfortune. A kind of vitriolic shadenfreude that has enveloped many worthwhile posts. Ridicule can be tolerated but unkind and nasty responses are becoming all too familiar, and this suggests that TV is the target of sociopathic and possibly psychopathic trolls.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You, sir, fit my definition of a troll with your morbid insistence on posting every crime story you can cull from the local "rags".

What? Are you demeaning that earth-shaking story about "Man Arrested for Six YaBa Tablets?" I called all the children inside, locked my iron window grate, and set the alarms when I read that one! :o

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That's actually a very good idea, to snap a photo with the cellphone. These guys are impossible,

almost daily, I'm taking a little walk somewhere and there's some places you just cannot go

without being stopped by these guys. So frequently in fact that I believe they actually wait at

certain areas for "prospects to appear" and then swoop on them with their motorbike. 2nd road

in particular, you can be guaranteed they will stop you. If you attempt to civilly tell them you're

not interested sometimes they will drive off and on 2-3 occasions already, I've got an earful of

smart-as_ comments that really don't endear me to these guys. I'm not joking, the next time

one of them stops me and even adopts a hostile tone, i'm kicking him off the bike on the pavement.

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The students stopping you in the street really are not a problem, if they won't take no for an answer then I give them a false name and say I have rented a condo and give them a false address for a condo, I know the poor student would not get there 20B but the thought of the TS mafia going to all the trouble to contact somebody at a condo who does not exist, makes me feel very guilty. :o


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Please be clear. We seem to be talking here about two separate things.

1) the mostly young women on beach road and 2nd road who ask you to do a survey. These are harmless and although they whine when you turn them down, they are not all that aggressive or threatening

2) the ones on motos who drive fast right on your path in a very aggressive manor. These people are SCUM. I have been approached this on both Tappraya and Theppasit many times. I am not much of a fighter but would be happy to hear of someone who throws them off their bike!

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I had the displeasure of encountering this group today. Walking up second road to tops

to eat lunch. the first time I ignored them then, they literally turned around and pulled

in front of me blocking my path <deleted>? I told them I wasnt interested and the youngish

brit(sorry, I actually know lots of decent English people) became verbally abusive almost

taunting me into a fight. Un-fu_king believeable. his female pillion passenger appeared

embarrased by the proceedings. I agree with innovater. you go around antagonizing

people to this extreme and sooner or later somebody whacks you over the head with

a piece of wood. you have to stop for traffic lights etc., not a clever maneuver. it takes

a lot of balls to call people names while you're racing away on your motorbike. what an

a-hole this guy was. they don't have to look for me, i'm going looking for them now. :o


Today walking down 2nd Road, a motorcycle couple did a sudden swerve in front of me. Both males. . :D

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^ and.....?

What did they say or do this time?

Get with the program here. Either beat them to the 'do you speak English? opener or take a picture and post it here.

Or at least stop leaving posts with pregnant pauses at the end.

Last month at the central road traffic lights, about a dozen motorcycles did a sudden swerve in front of me.

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Please be clear. We seem to be talking here about two separate things.

1) the mostly young women on beach road and 2nd road who ask you to do a survey. These are harmless and although they whine when you turn them down, they are not all that aggressive or threatening

2) the ones on motos who drive fast right on your path in a very aggressive manor. These people are SCUM. I have been approached this on both Tappraya and Theppasit many times. I am not much of a fighter but would be happy to hear of someone who throws them off their bike!

Yes my reply was regarding the The students doing the survey, which a number of persons on this thread said was annoying.

As for the motor bike scum I have not encountered myself, as others have asked does anybody know what the scam is, I have not seen an factual reply, everybody is assuming that it is timeshare.

Meet one guy selling timeshare in Pattaya nearly ten years ago now, he was a Brit, he had given up his business in the UK because the CSA wanted him to contribute to the upkeep of his children, said that he did the hard sell at the presentations and was paid cash in hand as he had no work permit.

Therefore probably be very interesting to watch what happens if one of there presentations were to be raided by the Immigration People.


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I really try and be pleasant when I go outside, put on a happy face and be in a good

mood. How many times is it acceptable to be stopped by these guys until it becomes

an annoyance? 30-40 times? Because I think I've almost met that burden already?

There are two distinct groups, The Thais who canvas the beach area and may even

be unaware what they're doing when they ask for people's local address and phone

and then the tourist is surprised when a timeshare tout shows up at his hotel.

Then there are these guys on the motorbikes, I'm honestly surprised their have not

been so many complaints already, or someone had the sense to take their picture and

go to the tourist police with it. They are parasites who live off the good nature of all

the other visitors to the city. Aggressively accosting people on the street by swerving

their motorbike directly in your path and then being hostile? Kick-Em off the bike.

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I have sympathy for the impulse to fight violence with violence and these moto pests are violent in the way they approach us. However, I do find putting on a zombie BLANK FACE (no talking!) spooks them out enough to realize they are dealing with a wise one, and a waste of their time.

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"Nice" doesn't work with some people? We don't all seem to be operating

on the same code of decency, being considerate of others who are polite?

I'm afraid in the animal kingdom, which is the realm these guys choose to

descend to, only might and intimidation are factors to be take into account.

I say let the hunters become the hunted. Let them worry about watching their

backs for a change.Let them be fearful about stopping folks. kick-em off the bike.

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Way to go Cali4995. I'm with you all the way. Motorbike Jousting is the new sport in the Pattaya Olympics.

When I return from my time out of the shi*hole, Pattaya, I will be bringing some new clubs, bats, sticks, metal bars and other hand and machine crafted tools for use in clubbing these true asssshooollls of their bikes.

Yes, let the soft spoken and non violent folks demonstrate just how 'Animal Like' we are all capable of becoming when pushed to the limit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SOURCE: Pattaya Mail: August 29th 2008 Edition


Scams in Pattaya

Dear Sir,

I have been coming to Thailand for 15 years now and I have never seen crime in Pattaya so bad. Something has to be done quick. No wonder tourists are keeping away.

I have only just returned home this last week, I love Pattaya and Thailand and I am not knocking the people or country but the number of times I was stopped by these people on motorbikes asking if you speak English has gone worse.

All they are after is your gold chain or some other scam.

I just won’t go into Pattaya at night now. I am afraid; it’s the first time I can say I am very wary indeed.

Come on police and government of Pattaya, get it sorted before you lose it.

John Davis


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I found the perfect weapon to stop these fools on the motorbikes.

I was shopping around for shoes, shorts, shirts, socks, sombreros, sun tanning lotion, sandwiches, salad, .......

and suddenly, there it was. A small ring, Silver.......Lord of all Rings.......

This little guy had 8 spikes, very sharp, and could easily penetrate tires or human heads, whatever you choose.

Just toss a few of these babies on the road as these jerks approach and they will be in for a blow out.

Let's see how many more folks they can terrorize with punctured tires.

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So what you are saying is you can easily identify these people long before they get to you ? Long enough beforehand that you would have time to pull out some of these spike rings and toss them in the path of the oncoming jerks (and then presumably be prepared to club them off their now disabled moto ?).

I know some people (who have nothing to do with time share or any other scams) that would take exception to that. Should anyone throw spiked objects in their path or try to club them off their bikes, they would most likely reply by introducing that person to some of their friends like Mssrs Smith & Wesson, Mr Colt, Mr Ruger, Mr Glock, etc.

I can just see the headlines now:

Farang Commits Suicide on Second Road

A farang died in a hail of lead after throwing spiked rings in front of some motorcycles and then trying to club the drivers. Angry drivers defended themselves against this unprovoked assault by "capping his ass" as they say in America. Witnesses were unable to provide descriptions of the angry drivers. Despite having to push their motos to the nearest shop to have their tires repaired, the drivers were long gone before the police arrived.

After questioning witnesses to the senseless assault, the police have determined the farangs death was a suicide. No further investigation will be conducted.

Category: Farang Suicide

Reporter: Pornaporn Pornporn

Translator: Pornaporn Pornporn

Graphic photos of corpse, including pics of farangs passport and detailed listing of home address: Pornaporn Pornporn

Pattaya One Daily People Today Mail News

(Truth, Reliability, Organization, Literate & Licenced)

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"So, I hardly go out onto the streets anymore to avoid all of the crime, motorbikes and these types of folks. But, when I do go out, I bring a long stick or a metal pole/ or my baseball bat along for the walk. If approached by a lunatic on a motorbike, I would not hesitate to play Indian or British baseball under the condition of self defense"

All I ever read on this forum is about murderers, scamers, streets full of prostitutes, picpockets, taxi mafia theives, suicides, racism, Tree trimming hackers, Drunks everywhere, deaths by drunk or bad drivers, now the people who live there feel the need to carry sticks and bats to feel safe? I'm glad you have been warned about this horrible place.

I will never go.

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Well Mr. KerryD: I say bring it on. I am with the guys like Mr. Cali4995 and others who are in support of turning the hunted into the hunters.

If these rings are held in your hand and you are prepared for their assault, then yes, you would have enough time to toss them out. If you have seen them daily and have been charged by them before, then you know where and when to be ready. (It is almost predictable as these idiots appear in packs in the same general area).

Also, Mr. KerryD, I think that my posting was not really an idea that I would actually do.....only a joke or a way to offer some sort of funny solution. So, for you to go on the attack is pointless. (Actually, I would never do anything violent against them that could place others in harms way).

So, in truth, I say KNOCK Them off their bikes, using any method possible. And, by the way, S & W can be purchased or hired by anyone, so that logic of yours goes both ways. I wonder if you are one of those touts on the bikes and that is why you are defending them so much??

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General warning to some of our more imaginative posters:

Thai visa rules preclude discussing anything that is illegal so unless attempted murder or wreaking mayhem on the road has suddenly become legal I will not allow any further discussion about road rage and beating up people with baseball bats, spiked rings, and kicking people off their motorcycles.

FYI and this is directed to all you wannabe Rambos out there, in the much better book he was killed by his commanding officer because he couldn't or wouldn't integrate back into society. People who start mouthing off about how they would take on touts/drivers/taxi riders/baht buses are either going to get badly beaten up, dead or locked up by the police. In reality we know the majority of these Computer Commandos safely hide behind their computer keyboards and try to impress the newbies with their unfounded bravado. I know a couple of genuine hard men in Thailand and they are tough enough to take care of them self and family if threatened but smart enough to know only Superman is bullet proof and taking on a half dozen Thais with knives, sticks and/or guns is a recipe for disaster.

The second thing re the street survey people - one of the questions they ask early up is "how long have you been in Thailand" this is to differentiate between visitors and residents. As a resident we are not toured so simply tell them "I live here" and they will leave you alone.


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