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New Thai Movie "hanuman" Is Virulently Racist


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Just caught the new Thai movie, Hanuman (very bad movie BTW) and it had alot of big roles played by farangs and coincidentally? it was the most racist anti-farang movie I have even seen!

In this movie, farangs ...

desecrate Thai Buddist shrines

viscously beat up, murder, and burn alive Thai schoolchildren who happen to be impoverished and orphaned

portray the big Daddy farang with his vulgar Northeast US American accent, as obessed with sex with Thai women, every other line out of his mouth is Girls, Girls, Girls, the Girls are waiting! as he slobbers

kidnap the sweetest little CRIPPLED Thai little girl you ever did see, and threaten to murder her

there was not one farang character who was sympathetic in the smallest way, and there were many farang characters

Yes, I know its all part of the "story" such as it is. I am not one to favor censorship or political correctness. I am just reporting what I saw.

BTW, at the beginning of the movie the Big Daddy "Girls Girls Girls" farang is referred to by a Thai as farang translated into GRINGO. The translation was WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, GRINGO? The tone of his voice in Thai was like hearing him SPIT when he said FARANG. I do not think it was a translation error to translate farang to gringo. Gringo is a DEROGATORY term, and the CONTEXT and tone of voice of the speaker when he said FARANG was indeed derogatory, so I consider the translation intentional. This brings us back to an old favorite topic you might wish to refer to here:


I realize the audience for this movie is Thai people and Thai people can and will make any kinds of movies they want, and watch any kinds of movies they want. However, I have to ask, will movies like Hanuman create more hatred and violence against farangs from Thais?


Is a film, and like ever other film there is the good and bad guys.

In your previous posting was about an imaginary slights against gay people when someone suggested pulling down a particular plaza in Pattaya in a thread asking members what they would do to improve Pattaya I was pleased to note that a gay guy took the time to point out that there was nothing homophobic in the posters comments.

You need to chill out more or perhaps seek proffesional help for your paranoia/ persecution complex.

roy gsd

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It's laughable.

Funny, I wasn't laughing when the farang destroyed a Buddhist shrine. The film obviously panders to the lowest common denominator of the hyper nationalist Thai soul: demonize foreigners. Thailand for the Thais. As the noble Thai character says while the farang is destroying the shrine: YOU ARE ON THAI SOIL NOW!

BTW, another nice try IMAGINING what the movie is like without actually seeing it. Most of the scenes are not supernaturally suggestive in the least. Again, NICE TRY! BTW, stop your whining and fishing for an apology. Ain't gonna happen, mate. You sound like a broken record.

Nice try. It's clear you were grasping for straws about the scapegoat thing and it was off base so you try a new tack. The film sounds bad enough without you having to make stuff up. Demonize sounds reasonable, actually.

Again, obviously I haven't seen the movie so you could give me the benefit of the doubt but you just love to attack with snide remarks, don't you? It'd be nice to discuss this with someone who had a little class and chivalry. I am not whining (think you may want to take a look in the mirror on that one. Anytime anyone tries to contradict you, you just seem to whine and can not discuss things reasonably) or fishing for an apology, just asking nicely for it. Let's recap why. I said I thought it was a period movie due to something I had read in the review, you said it was a nice try. I reviewed and realized I hadn't read it fully and humbly noted so. You still said nice try as if you have some psychological need to "zing" people even though there was literally nothing to respond to when someone admits they made a simple mistake. I guess admitting a mistake is a "nice try"? Can't be honest because everyone is out to get you? Clear your head a bit and realize how ridiculous you look.

Anyway, the main point was not that it was not a political movie blaming foreigners for Thailand's political and other problems, which you thankfully ignored as it seems their is nothing you can say to back you up.

I am sure if you had some respect and took the time to think about instead of just trying to come up with more rebuttals you could see why I may think this movie is more of a fantasy with supernatural overtones than a realistic movie:

"All stories confirm that they were invincible because they were protected by tattoos with supernatural powers. When the segments of the sacred book once again collide, the blood battle of the supernatural animals begins."

I think that makes plenty of sense. As I said, I can only take my clues from what I read about it, as I haven't seen it obviously.

I don't really look forward to your response as I can not expect much in the way of honesty from your reply. By the way, can you just summarize your goal in all of this? What is the main idea in a few sentences of what you want to accomplish here?

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he main point was not that it was not a political movie blaming foreigners for Thailand's political and other problems

What is your education level? Are you not capable of understanding sophisticated arguments? Of course, it is not EXPLICITLY political. That is the SUBTEXT. Why now in the history of Thai movies did these filmmakers decide to go the extra mile and show farangs desecrating Buddha and mass murdering sweet poor Thai orphaned children? Be clear about this, the basic STORY of this movie could have EASILY been told without these extremes. But they CHOSE to use them.

There is an entire academic field involving the study of POPULAR CULTURE and what it says about the underlying society. I am sure they would have a FIELD DAY with this Hanuman garbage. I realize alot of the readers here are as anti-intellectual as most Thais and can't fathom such things.

obviously I haven't seen the movie


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Not difficult to see why he was banned from Thaivisa.

What did he write in the above quote that would make you say that?

Not that it's against forum rules or anything like that... just a trend, I suppose... see below...

Thanks to the actor dude for confirming (and even adding further embellishment) to what I observed in the movie. I had failed to mention the murderous attack on the sweet Thai mentally retarded man who kind of looked like Yul Brenner in the King and I. I respect that it was ethically difficult to be depicted destroying a Buddhist shrine. I would NEVER have done that. But there are always mercenaries who will do ANYTHING, now aren't there?

Can you even imagine what that act REPRESENTS to the average Thai man on the street? I challenge anyone to find one scene in the entire history of Thai cinema where a THAI is depicted doing that. Yet, this farang went along with it, for what crappy paycheck exactly? I think it is fair to assume that if you did that in real life, your chances of getting out of there without being LYNCHED by a mob of angry Thais would be remote.

BTW, the actor's line about how there are now going to alot more major roles for farangs in Thai movies is a classic RATIONALIZATION if ever I did hear one.

I realize some, maybe most of you are going to feel that I am being hard on this actor. I understand. But, you know, our ACTIONS have consequences.

There's another term that could be supplanted for the red text one.... and although it's much more frequently associated with females, males are also capable of this line of work.

Wait, let me get this straight, you can see why he was banned because he prostituted himself out on screen by making farangs look bad for money? Wow... ok.

I think our bad rep comes from the thousands of old white men paying barely legal Thai girls for sex and that a bad movie about supernatural villains is the least of our worries. Actors do lots of bad things in the movies I've watched... they are all prostitutes? I don't get this line of thinking at all.

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Jingthing, you seem more concerned about the shrine smashing scene than a Thai person. I think they understand its just a movie, why do you think they are all horrified and up in arms about it? Have you talked to Thai people that gave you that impression?

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Jingthing, you seem more concerned about the shrine smashing scene than a Thai person. I think they understand its just a movie, why do you think they are all horrified and up in arms about it? Have you talked to Thai people that gave you that impression?

My impression of Thai culture is that yes Thais would be more offended by desecrating Buddha than killing children. Do you think I am wrong? I might be. That is my impression. After all, Khun Thaksin gave orders that resulted in the murder of Thai children, and you barely hear a peep of protest about that from Thais.

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he main point was not that it was not a political movie blaming foreigners for Thailand's political and other problems

What is your education level? Are you not capable of understanding sophisticated arguments? Of course, it is not EXPLICITLY political. That is the SUBTEXT.

Clearly an immature response, misdirected response. I would ask you the same thing of. Sophisticated does not mean just making things up to satisfy your ego so you can further justify your rants against racism which it seems you are doing. Please supply tangible evidence in the movie of why the subtext is that farang are the cause of current political problems in Thailand. From what you've described of the movie it doesn't sound like there is anything that can even back up an argument of their being a subtext. Saying the word "subtext" does not release you of the responsibility to back up your claims with sort of evidence and a reasonable argument. So far you have failed to do so.

To summarize, for their to be an argument there needs to be a link between the fact that farangs are evil bastards who kill and rape, etc. and political problems in Thailand. Where's the link besides just being in your head? I would think the filmmakers just decided to use farang as the bad guys in their movie just because it's easy to make other races or nationalities the bad guys in movies. But how you can take that to mean they are blaming farang for political problems is beyond me. It's not a logical argument. Please explain your position more clearly. Or, you can just go on trying to insult people to disguise when you don't make sense.

I'm quite capable of understanding sophisticated arguments but I don't see one here. Sorry. I am well educated in arguments and what gives them substance or makes them mere fluff. Good arguing is not name calling and trying to demean another individual without backing up claims. You might try some rapping. Give Eminem a call.

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Jingthing, you seem more concerned about the shrine smashing scene than a Thai person. I think they understand its just a movie, why do you think they are all horrified and up in arms about it? Have you talked to Thai people that gave you that impression?

My impression of Thai culture is that yes Thais would be more offended by desecrating Buddha than killing children. Do you think I am wrong? I might be. That is my impression. After all, Khun Thaksin gave orders that resulted in the murder of Thai children, and you barely hear a peep of protest about that from Thais.

Yes I agree, the shrine smashing is probably a greater crime then killing children, but I disagree that Thais would be offended. It is a scene in a movie and I have confidence that Thai people recognize this and don't feel offended by the scene. That would be like me getting upset at a scene in a movie that desecrated a shrine from my religion when the whole point of the scene is an evil character doing evil acts. I'd be like, "ooh that guys really bad, cant wait for the hero to kick his butt", but I certainly wouldn't take offense and I wouldn't blame the actor.

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Yes I agree, the shrine smashing is probably a greater crime then killing children, but I disagree that Thais would be offended. It is a scene in a movie and I have confidence that Thai people recognize this and don't feel offended by the scene. That would be like me getting upset at a scene in a movie that desecrated a shrine from my religion when the whole point of the scene is an evil character doing evil acts. I'd be like, "ooh that guys really bad, cant wait for the hero to kick his butt", but I certainly wouldn't take offense and I wouldn't blame the actor.

This really makes the censorship gestapo look very smart, doesn't it! Censor alcohol, gore, weapons that are pointed at people & tits but leave in the destruction of sacred stuff. Where is there any consistency with this idiot censorship?

I forgot...it's only a movie & not real, which means that there is no need for any censorship whatsoever.

BTW, I don't see anything untoward within Damians proxy post.

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Maybe you could provide us with a historical 'level' so we can correctly reference the current Anti-Farang pogram currently existing in Thailand?

I can give you the level. Low level. The movie was in my view a SYMPTOM of something sinister. Its manifestations in actual life are at this point not serious. This is also kind of silly. Most of us are here on one year extensions at the longest term. Very few of us farangs are Thai citizens or permanent residents here. The Thai powers that be obviously like it that way. Movies like Hanuman obviously aren't going to do anything to change that in our favor.

BTW, my intention is not to whip up fear. If it did ever get the point where we should really be afraid, we would likely just be kicked out en masse. We all have passports and almost all have the price of an air ticket, so no worries, just OBSERVING. This movie crossed lines I haven't seen before here, so I thought the issue should be raised, and I am happy I did.

So we have the Thai immigration laws that are somewhat onerous & disadvantagous to farangs, some "low level" undefined 'something or other' & a 'B' grade film & from these disparate examples you manage to come to the conclusion that "They want a SCAPEGOAT. We are it."

Who are 'They' - the voices in your head?

"I am just reporting what I saw." - you are not just reporting what you saw - you are embellishing it with your paranoid ramblings.

"I realize alot of the readers here are as anti-intellectual as most Thais and can't fathom such things." - maybe your condescending & patronising attitude towards Thai people causes a negative reaction in the Thai people that you have daily contact with, which results in these people harbouring an instant dislike to your prescence in their country.

"...so I thought the issue should be raised, and I am happy I did." - yes, it's always good to talk about your inner demons.

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This brings us back to an old favorite topic you might wish to refer to here:


a troll-infested, multiple-deleted post mercifully closed thread is an "old favorite?"

Mercy.... please show mercy... :o 162 posts, 2500 views... This one has also achieved its sought-after cult classic status... to go down forever in eternity as an "old favorite"

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Who are 'They' - the voices in your head?


If you had bothered to read the context of the reference, they obviously refers to Thai people. Obviously there is no such thing as a mass of Thai people desiring the exact same thing. It is a manner of speaking and it is basic political science. Countries that are experiencing internal problems almost always blame outside forces. It helps keep the status quo in power by directing the blame elsewhere. Remember the financial meltdown here in 1997? They, yes THEY, the Thai people were blaming foreigners for the crisis. Not blaming Thais. Blaming foreigners. Thai people. They. Thai people. They. Repeat and you will understand.

But you are probably right. I probably am insane. Replying to a cheesy icon.

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Who are 'They' - the voices in your head?


If you had bothered to read the context of the reference, they obviously refers to Thai people. Obviously there is no such thing as a mass of Thai people desiring the exact same thing. It is a manner of speaking and it is basic political science. Countries that are experiencing internal problems almost always blame outside forces. It helps keep the status quo in power by directing the blame elsewhere. Remember the financial meltdown here in 1997? They, yes THEY, the Thai people were blaming foreigners for the crisis. Not blaming Thais. Blaming foreigners. Thai people. They. Thai people. They. Repeat and you will understand.

But you are probably right. I probably am insane. Replying to a cheesy icon.

A lot of truth in those accusations too. Not the whole truth of course, but few reports ever are. foreign banks hung a lot of debt on these "sub-prime" countries, just like they did years later to unqualified homebuyers in the US. You can blame the borrowers if you like, and yes they have some culpability, but I reserve the lions share of my contempt for the bankers.

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This brings us back to an old favorite topic you might wish to refer to here:


a troll-infested, multiple-deleted post mercifully closed thread is an "old favorite?"

Mercy.... please show mercy... :o 162 posts, 2500 views... This one has also achieved its sought-after cult classic status... to go down forever in eternity as an "old favorite"

At least it's not a poll :D

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At least it's not a poll laugh.

Hmmm. Maybe we can do a poll after everyone sees it?

Or perhaps just have the question:

Do you think a movie depicting a farang attacking Buddha is racist?

Special to JimJim

You might try some rapping.

With little due respect, discussing things with you is like discussing them with a 10 year old. I think for now on I will pass. You are free of course to say whatever you want, just don't expect me to waste my time replying to you anymore. I even give you permission for you to gloat and say you have WON all your arguments. I know thats what pleases 10 year old psyches, and I wouldn't want to deny you the pleasure. Peace.

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At least it's not a poll laugh.

Hmmm. Maybe we can do a poll after everyone sees it?

Or perhaps just have the question:

Do you think a movie depicting a farang attacking Buddha is racist?

I don't think it's racist.. Though i would call it racist to attack a Buddhist person solely for their being Buddhist. A Buddha statue is meaningless. The Buddha would be the first to tell you that.

In the south Buddhists get attacked just for being Buddhist. Funny, I can't recall seeing you post in any of those threads.

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It's not unusual to portray some ethnic group as the bad guys. In Mexico, I was reading comic books to try to learn some Spanish. It was a cowboy story, and the white man was very evil. However, Mexico has some history with the US. We stole half their country. So, in this case, I can see how we became their object of their frustrations with indoctrination at an early age. I am not that familiar with Thai history, but you'd think their most natural enemy would be Asian. I guess we're just an easy target. Did we do anything that horrible to Thailand? Everybody has to have someone they can hate.

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I have just come off the phone to my g/f who saw the film today. I asked about the film making falangs look 'bad' - She could not see the problem, such things do/have happened but it was only a film and not representative of all falangs (I am not quoting verbatim - that is my interpretation of what she said :o )

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I have just come off the phone to my g/f who saw the film today. I asked about the film making falangs look 'bad' - She could not see the problem, such things do/have happened but it was only a film and not representative of all falangs (I am not quoting verbatim - that is my interpretation of what she said :o )

When ever in real life did you read about a farang mass murdering Thai orphan children and/or attacking a public Buddha shrine? So your GF thinks these things happen in real life SOMETIMES? Where did she get that idea?

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hey Jin, I believe your the only one who feels this way. Is this the first film you have ever watched? It seems like it and you seem to not be in reality going by your posts

No, I watch about 2 films everyday. And there were some people who posted who thought what I observed in this movie and confirmed by the "actor" was something of interest and concern. BTW, what is this REALITY you speak of? That's kind of SUBJECTIVE, don't you think?

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What was confirmed by the actor?

My report about how EXTREME the acts of the farangs were in the film. I did not make anything up. It is possible I got a few details wrong, but the gist of it was confirmed by the actor. Hard to forget the scene with the masses of dead charred Thai orphan children.

This really makes the censorship gestapo look very smart, doesn't it! Censor alcohol, gore, weapons that are pointed at people & tits but leave in the destruction of sacred stuff. Where is there any consistency with this idiot censorship?

I forgot...it's only a movie & not real, which means that there is no need for any censorship whatsoever.

You make a great point. I am sure if the movie showed THAIS desecrating a Buddha shrine it would have never been allowed. But the Thai government censors let this through, FARANGS desecrating a Buddha shrine. Very interesting and very astute, thank you.

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What worries me the most is that our pets are really evil.

It transpires that the dog, actually responsible for the attacks, belongs to a 'Rich Farang'

Gotta laugh :D


Yes, and notice that the mad dog is BLACK. Clearly a subtext about the position of dark skinned Thais in a light skin dominated society. :o:D

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