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So, What Would You Do To Improve Pattaya?


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And what were you thrown in the Monkey House for??? (I'll bite)

There are good/bad BIB - let's not paint the whole with the same brush. Any rate you lost credibility once you started running your gob and throwing insult after insult. (Perhaps 15days wasn't enuf?????)

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OK. I am back with serious ideas on Pattaya improvements. Not the original post, in anger and frustration to just let Pattaya rot. OK, now for some positive ideas.

1. Enforce traffic rules.

2. Relocate homeless folks and provide some shelter and food for them to survive.

3. Provide drug and alcohol counseling for those addicts that cannot function in daily survival and have become dependent on freebies, begging, stealing

4. Pave the roads.

5. Remove all clutter, obstacles, bricks, stones, broken glass shards, garbage and other dangerous items that are laying around the streets and sidewalks for years on end.

6. Enforce littering penalties, especially near the beach.

7. Improve personal security all around.

8. Reduce street gang violence.

9. Relocate the pimps and other criminals to prisons. After all, why should they be given a non-stop holiday on the beach??

10. Put the local criminals through the same background checks and rigorous testing that is now going on for farang who wish to stay and have a visa.

If they are deemed to be inappropriate, then move them out to jails or upcountry.

11. Educate the locals about customer service and why it is important to be polite, friendly and helpful to your customers. (Do away with, the UP TO YOU mentality that is so popular in Pattaya), UP TO YOU = I don't care, go away and another stupid customer is coming soon.

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To improve Pattaya would include getting rid some of the people that stay here long time. So make it more stringent in Thai law say for instance get a 1 year(retirement) visa. Measures could include increasing the sum in the bank to a million baht or more, plus all applicants to provide a certificate of clear record(no criminal convictions) from their home country and so on.

We were required to provide National Police Clearance to the Royal Thai Embassy prior to granting of our Visa as well as Medical Clearances etc.

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About Sunee Plaza, lets be adults about this.

Sunee Plaza is a GAY DISTRICT. The outskirts of it attract Arab tourists, but the actual plaza is without a doubt a GAY DISTRICT.

Evidence? Go there. Or visit suneeplazapattaya website. You will see listed about 30 totally GAY businesses, mostly beer and go go bars.

This is not a fantasy. This is the way it is. Sadly, Sunee Plaza is also the center in Pattaya for underage gay sex crimes and also it is well known (by the police) that many of the sex workers are taking YABA. This is real. This is mixed with legal activities but there is no doubt there is too much illegality going on there.

So when someone says, bring more women and close Sunee Plaza, they are saying CLOSE A MAJOR GAY DISTRICT and bring more playthings for heterosexuals. How else can that be read?

Now, I would like to say, CLEAN UP SUNEE PLAZA is a noble sentiment. But no need to close it. And do you REALLY need even more women in Pattaya?

BTW, I could give a fig if some other gay person disagrees with me. Do you think we all think alike? Jeez!!!

I agree with you. As a gay man and a gay journalist, I feel it would be discrimination to suggest closing SP. I like SP, and the open air beer bars that are there where I can still smoke a cigarette while drinking a beer. Honestly, having that - who needs safe electrical wiring and proper drains in the streets?

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The undisputed way to improve Pattaya is remove every grumpy farang out there who picks apart this place like so many discarded chicken carcasses. Although Pattaya has its problems - we need to accept these issues as mere idiosyncrasies. The fact is, we are all guests here, and those who spend more time complaining about potholes and suit vendors than enjoying themselves should consider going back from where they came, where everything is picture-perfect. It will make them happy, and it will please those here who enjoy Pattaya for what it is. This should cull the farang population by 75%.

Sólo mis dos centavos.

Wow, what a good idea to remove 75% of the tourists! There would then only be 25% of the money coming in, most of the Thais would have to leave to find work elsewhere, and you could have the place to yourself. Be pretty boring though.

I'm amazed that you think rip off public transport, corrupt police, muggings, shootings, beatings, thefts, uncrossable streets, cons, garbage everywhere, broken infrastructure, obstructed and dangerous pavements, dangerous traffic, dangerous electrical wiring, getting burned to death in your hotel because the safety doors are chained, noise pollution and sewage smells are idiosyncrasies. Just how bad does it have to get before you call it a problem?

My idea of an idiosyncrasy is walking down a street and having lovely young ladies calling me a "sexy man", when it is plain that I am not!

Why do people keep saying that we are "guests" here ( unless you make your guests pay to stay with you, and treat them badly )? We are PAYING CUSTOMERS. Have you ever heard the expression "The customer is always right"? As CUSTOMERS, we have EVERY RIGHT to complain if things are not up to an acceptable level. The TAT is ASKING us to go to Thailand and spend our money there. At an absolute minimum, it should be a pleasant experience.

At home, if customers get a bad deal from a shop, they complain, word gets around and people stop spending there. Then the shop closes. Those of us that love Pattaya don't want it to close, we want it to get better, so we can keep going back and enjoying it.

The day we are treated as guests in Pattaya is the day we will have no need to complain.

I said nothing about getting rid of the money-hemorrhaging tourist masses, but the permanent residents who sit on their derrières and complain non-stop about electrical wires and potholes while sitting in front of a small shop sucking on a Chang® at 10AM. In the west, the customer is always right - but this is not the west. Face politics come into play here, and we all know how effective complaining to management is here!

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BTW, I could give a fig if some gay person disagrees with me.

My sentiment precisely.

Look, it is NOT cool to change someone else's quote! I am not surprised someone like you would do that though.

The actual quote:

BTW, I could give a fig if some other gay person disagrees with me. Do you think we all think alike? Jeez!!!
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BTW, I could give a fig if some gay person disagrees with me.

My sentiment precisely.

Look, it is NOT cool to change someone else's quote! I am not surprised someone like you would do that though.

The actual quote:

BTW, I could give a fig if some other gay person disagrees with me. Do you think we all think alike? Jeez!!!

I quoted one sentence and removed the word "other" as this would have implied that I was Gay, which I'm not.

You really, really need to get yourself a sense of humour.

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Hopefully not yours.

Anyones will do, if you don't have your own.

You can borrow mine (it's kind of sick, twisted, demented and depraved in a {Cheech & Chong + Frank Zappa meets Ron Jeremy vs the 2008 Playboy Bunny line-up} kind of way. P.gif

(if you do borrow it, please try not to clean it up in any way. It's been in the gutter so long, the slime is the only thing holding it together !) :o

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BTW, I could give a fig if some gay person disagrees with me.

My sentiment precisely.

Look, it is NOT cool to change someone else's quote! I am not surprised someone like you would do that though.

The actual quote:

BTW, I could give a fig if some other gay person disagrees with me. Do you think we all think alike? Jeez!!!

I quoted one sentence and removed the word "other" as this would have implied that I was Gay, which I'm not...

Technically it imples Jing is gay, :o

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Of all the wish list items, a few pedestrian over-passes on beach road are do-able,

The cost and construction time frame aren't prohibitive,.

One elevated cross-walk at Walking St/Beach Rd, another near the first Starbucks, :o

Edited by cobra
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Get rid of the traffic that doesn't belong in the area between:

Sukhumvit, Beach Road, Thepprasit Road and Pattaya North Road.

Create huge parking lots on the dark side and offer free transportation into the "wildlife park".

Give the people, living in the Wildlife park a parking-permit and ask huge fees at the entrances of the park (tourists and visitors).

Employ some people who are going to take care of traffic and city planning.

Start to collect all motorcycles that are driven by people without proper license/paperwork.

If the cycle was bought on installments, take it back to the motorcycle shop, if the bike was owned by a private person, destroy it.

In both cases, huge fines.

Re-dress the BIB; they look like these Michelin-figures to me.

Shut down the new Pattaya bypass along the railtrack.

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Tobacco Road - Nashville Teens

...Only you know how I loathe Tobacco Pattaya Beach Road .

Bring dynamite and a crane,

Blow it up, start all over again.

Build a town, be proud to show.....

"Proud"? That would be nice. :o

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Shut down the new Pattaya bypass along the railtrack.

That's insane! How would we all avoid the roadblocks on Suckimvhit with the requisite professional officers putting their grubby little hands out for money?

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I'm sorry if its been mentioned earlier in this post. What I would like to ask, does everyone think that allowing ladies to sit around and accost passers by on the beach front road is a good image for Pattaya. At least what happens with the bar girls is far more discrete, and not in the face of family members taking a stroll. I think most people will say the families should'nt be there, this is our sex town.

Faranglandoz :o

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get rid off techno/hip hop clubs :D

that russian rip off place on walking st :D

mcdonalds and all other western fast food outlets

bring bar fines back down

and do something about the sewage smell end of beach rd start of walking st



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I'm sorry if its been mentioned earlier in this post. What I would like to ask, does everyone think that allowing ladies to sit around and accost passers by on the beach front road is a good image for Pattaya. At least what happens with the bar girls is far more discrete, and not in the face of family members taking a stroll. I think most people will say the families should'nt be there, this is our sex town.

Faranglandoz :o

Why would you take a stroll on Beach Road with your family? You know what Beach Road is for and it isn't for that. Why not take them to Jomtien where the prostitution isn't in your face? Pattaya is what it is and that aspect will never change.

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I'm sorry if its been mentioned earlier in this post. What I would like to ask, does everyone think that allowing ladies to sit around and accost passers by on the beach front road is a good image for Pattaya. At least what happens with the bar girls is far more discrete, and not in the face of family members taking a stroll. I think most people will say the families should'nt be there, this is our sex town.

Faranglandoz :o

Why would you take a stroll on Beach Road with your family? You know what Beach Road is for and it isn't for that. Why not take them to Jomtien where the prostitution isn't in your face? Pattaya is what it is and that aspect will never change.

Believe it or not, I have seen Thai families on the front at Beach Road. Maybe there should be a sign that says only old sex farangs allowed in this area.

Faranglandoz :D

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I'm sorry if its been mentioned earlier in this post. What I would like to ask, does everyone think that allowing ladies to sit around and accost passers by on the beach front road is a good image for Pattaya. At least what happens with the bar girls is far more discrete, and not in the face of family members taking a stroll. I think most people will say the families should'nt be there, this is our sex town.

Faranglandoz :o

Why would you take a stroll on Beach Road with your family? You know what Beach Road is for and it isn't for that. Why not take them to Jomtien where the prostitution isn't in your face? Pattaya is what it is and that aspect will never change.

Believe it or not, I have seen Thai families on the front at Beach Road. Maybe there should be a sign that says only old sex farangs allowed in this area.

Faranglandoz :D

Yes that's true ( about the Thai families ), but I doubt the Thais get upset about it, just uptight farangs who think single old men should just stay at home, watch TV and die quietly, not go out and enjoy themselves with nice young ladies.

Can anyone enlighten me as to what is most offensive to the "shame brigade", prostitution, or the idea that lonely old men are able to have an enjoyable sexual relationship?

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