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G54 u hae got to be a Scot the ones who drive the bargirls and barowners daft because you have the cheek to spend your own money on yourself! maybe I'm wrong as usual

A mix of Scots and Yorkshire blood in them thar veins. Tight as a Ducks Ar_e. Or as tight as a Thai virgins ***** :o

I have been known to spend the odd satong. Though I cried for a week afterwards and could hear the rumblings of my ancestors turning in their graves at the thought of me spending so much :D

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I would also presume that the racist farangs have white thai or chinese thai gf/wives and they have been convinced about dark skin is bad.i find it very funny to see a thia woman with all that whitener on their face,they look like michael jackson pmsl.

Is there anyone who marries to a nice girl? I believe a lot. But why we immediately assume that ALL Thai girls are hookers?

Heaps of people marry decent Thai girls - but they tend to be long term expats who live and/or work in Thailand, not people who fall in *love* on a 2-week holiday in Pattaya.

Having said that, I know some people who have married BGs, and frankly a lot of them are very decent people as well. Not everyone is lucky enough to come from a well-off family, or to have a family all. Why should we look down on them?

Maybe the paying field is opening up for youngsters though.

Mister Freud I presume? :o

"Jung" is not popular here in Thailand.


I had a classy hi-so Thai girlfriend some years ago. She had a very good job with a computer hard drive manufacturer. She wore ONLY designer clothes usually from Emporium and used the very best most expensive make up. I'm not sure if she knew how to wash her own hair. She certainly didn't know how to fix her own hair. We couldn't go to the beach or go swimming because she refused to be in the sun or to get her hair wet. Cooking? That's what restaurants are for. They know how to cook so she didn't have to. Washing clothes? That's why they have laundries. She didn't like me to wear my comfortable clothes because I embarrassed her.

She was stunning to look at but had this superiority attitude. She was quick to put down less fortunate people. I was proud to be seen with her, but it turned out that I really didn't like her very much and definitely couldn't afford her.

My wife has only a couple of dresses that she made her self. She doesn't even own a tube of lipstick. She has no problem being in the rice paddies along side of her hired help. She is a great cook and takes very good care of me. When we go on occasional short trips, she packs our clothes very carefully because she would hate to have to pay money to a laundry. When away from home, I eat in my farang restaurants and she buys her food from the street vendors and eats in our room. I love my farm girl wife.


In the past, for a couple of generation of pole workers at least, all you had to do was look for the tattoo. There are thousands who are now in good homes that try to hide the marks they used to be proud of. You're at the embassy and the woman's clothes shift ever so slightly and you see the mark. Hilarious! You look at them in a different way from then on. Yes I know I am making assumptions but the point is that they have made it and both sides have gotten what they want (presumably).

There are bad good girls and good bad girls. Culture, family and peer driven behavior is everywhere in every country.

That Formula One guy knew what he liked. A good woman at home and some role playing to help him relax after a meeting. Was he originally Dutch?


When I have time, i occasionally dip into general topics. But, its a shame some topics (be it good, bad, boring, overdone, clichéd, etc), cant be discussed in a respectful way by some posters.

Its pretty sad the way some people talk about others (most often women, of any nationality).



"Why It Is So Difficult?, to assume that a foreigner can marry a nice thai girl!"

I find much more difficult to assume that a Thai girl can marry a nice Farang. :o

Maybe the paying field is opening up for youngsters though.

Mister Freud I presume? :o

"Jung" is not popular here in Thailand.

No he bites too much. He's also busy.

Another boring, baseless, and trite post! Good first impression your making OP................ NOT! :o

Sorry OP! You deserve an apology. I was looking at the first reply to your post, so I will write a followup!

Followup: Another boring, baseless, and trite post from a member who should know better! :D


I truly think it’s hilarious when others stereotype the farang who marries a Thai as being fat, old, bald, ugly, etc…. As I have married a Thai over four years ago and by no means do I fit in this category. I mean I may be old, if that’s what 50 is. (Although most cannot believe I’m over 40….ahh lucky me.) Fat I doubt it, I have gained a few kilos since leaving the USA (due not playing anymore basketball, snow skiing, etc) but I am by no means fat. Ugly, maybe depends on ones subjectivity. But, while living in the USA I have dated a model, an NFL cheerleader, and many other beautiful women, so perhaps I am not too ugly.

I chose a Thai woman for various reasons. We have a lot in common. (i.e. Life’s goals, wanting a family, music, where we want to live, financial well-being, etc) Also we fell in love with each other. I prefer Thai women (or Asian in general) over western women as I prefer a slimmer more petite body style than most western women have. I prefer Thai women because they have ‘jai dee’ (good heart) and are more family oriented than the career minded and feministic western women. The Thai women tend not to be as materialistic as the western women. Don’t get me wrong I am not generalizing all Thai women or western women, only my loving wife. By the way, I prefer darker skin much better than the pale white skin of western women. But then again don’t most western women want that dark skin as well…. (i.e. The birth of the Tanning Salon.)

How do you know who is a "whore" and who is not?

I'm met plenty of part-timers with wealthy husbands or decent jobs who liked to hook every now and then for extra income and certainly don't tell anybody. I have known of some fantastic, white skinned beauties with well-off families who would work in karaoke clubs for periods of time when they needed extra cash quickly - who would usually work at the family business and be considered great catches.

Of course there are all the professional "girlfriends" and Mia Noys who have never worked in a venue for sex, but sell it none the less.

Prostitution is so ingrained in society and the culture here that there is no way to know where one’s wife has been unless you have known them since they were in grade school and watched them 24 hours a day. :D

How do you know who is a "whore" and who is not?

Ok I'll educate you son....

If you meet her in whore house (go-go bar, beer garden, soapy massage centre, brothel, escort agency etc etc) there is a 99.9999999999999999% chance she is a whore.

Would you like some more clarification?

How about the girls who work in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, offices, movie theatres, shopping centers, shops and so forth that free lance as hookers once in a while when they get a chance? How do you know about them? :o

Ummm....because the first time you met them you paid for the sex?? :D


^ veering slightly off topic a bit there dingdongrb. And, although you say that you are not generalising Thai and Western women, you are making generalisations. But, in any case this topic isnt about general comparisons between Western and Asian women (which is another topic overly generalised, quite overly discussed, and finds its way into a lot of topics -generally negative too.). Im happy you are happy with your wife, but would be nice if the topic stays on track and doesnt go down this path.

^ veering slightly off topic a bit there dingdongrb. And, although you say that you are not generalising Thai and Western women, you are making generalisations. But, in any case this topic isnt about general comparisons between Western and Asian women (which is another topic overly generalised, quite overly discussed, and finds its way into a lot of topics -generally negative too.). Im happy you are happy with your wife, but would be nice if the topic stays on track and doesnt go down this path.

Thanks mummy for keeping me straight.... :o (kiss kiss)


The basic situation with humanity is the same: Most females play the victim role and most males rescue them. Thus, the poor but honest and humble upcountry girl who has been 'forced' into a life of sexual servitude is rescued by her not-so-well-heeled farang boy friend and they go off into the sunset to live happily ever after.

Often the point is, she isn't all that humble and probably wasn't forced either. Her poverty isn't probably as urgent as is her greed.

This drama is played out day in and day out since time began. The fact that a lot of the Thai ladies have made a very good profession of it, is the only difference.

And, by the way, most of them do move away, usually back to his country, because here it's pretty well known what profession they were in and it's pretty hard to shed the image.

^ veering slightly off topic a bit there dingdongrb. And, although you say that you are not generalising Thai and Western women, you are making generalisations. But, in any case this topic isnt about general comparisons between Western and Asian women (which is another topic overly generalised, quite overly discussed, and finds its way into a lot of topics -generally negative too.). Im happy you are happy with your wife, but would be nice if the topic stays on track and doesnt go down this path.

Thanks mummy for keeping me straight.... :D (kiss kiss)

I guess that did come across as a bit mumsy, sorry about that. :o Just was concerned about reading yet another thread (even if kicked off by a fairly innocent comment) that veers off in the direction of western/thai women comparisons (that mainly end up with the same old negative generalisations). Bit fed up with that one. Although most of what you said I can agree with, a couple of things you said dont personally sit well with me, but its your opinion, and fair enough. :D

Anyway.. :D

^ veering slightly off topic a bit there dingdongrb. And, although you say that you are not generalising Thai and Western women, you are making generalisations. But, in any case this topic isnt about general comparisons between Western and Asian women (which is another topic overly generalised, quite overly discussed, and finds its way into a lot of topics -generally negative too.). Im happy you are happy with your wife, but would be nice if the topic stays on track and doesnt go down this path.

Thanks mummy for keeping me straight.... :D (kiss kiss)

I guess that did come across as a bit mumsy, sorry about that. :o Just was concerned about reading yet another thread (even if kicked off by a fairly innocent comment) that veers off in the direction of western/thai women comparisons (that mainly end up with the same old negative generalisations). Bit fed up with that one.

Anyway.. :D

NP eek... Sorry about being so off topic. I guess I am just very disappointed to see all the negativity in regards to marrying a Thai whether she was a BG or not. Some on here are quite bitter and perhaps it's because they can't seem to get a woman at all, whether it's from their home country or here in LOS even when they have to pay for it.... BTW, I guess I missed the other thread you were referencing.

The trouble with generalities is that they are generally right. Pointing to exceptions doesn't disprove the rule.

The English don't wash

The Scots are all mean

The Irish all drink to destruction

The Australians are lousy lovers ( brace yourself Sheila )

The Americans are all loud

The French are all great Chefs

Yeah Right!!!

Thank God I'm Welsh hehehehe


This thread has clearly gone way wrong, and warnings will be issued.


I've now cleaned things up and will re-open the thread. Any further references to prostitution here or on other threads will be dealt with harshly. Forum policy has not changed.



Erm...... A certain poster that managed the phrase 'Isan wh***'' was left, but a post that politely, but strongly, criticized this phrase did not remain? You can focus on removing any kind of strong discussion / opposing viewpoints / arguing, but to me that's secondary to maintaining a modicum of respect and politeness on a forum.

I think bigoted slurs simply don't belong. Again IMHO.

How do you know who is a "whore" and who is not?

I'm met plenty of part-timers with wealthy husbands or decent jobs who liked to hook every now and then for extra income and certainly don't tell anybody. I have known of some fantastic, white skinned beauties with well-off families who would work in karaoke clubs for periods of time when they needed extra cash quickly - who would usually work at the family business and be considered great catches.

Of course there are all the professional "girlfriends" and Mia Noys who have never worked in a venue for sex, but sell it none the less.

Prostitution is so ingrained in society and the culture here that there is no way to know where one’s wife has been unless you have known them since they were in grade school and watched them 24 hours a day. :D

How do you know who is a "whore" and who is not?

Ok I'll educate you son....

If you meet her in whore house (go-go bar, beer garden, soapy massage centre, brothel, escort agency etc etc) there is a 99.9999999999999999% chance she is a whore.

Would you like some more clarification?

How about the girls who work in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, offices, movie theatres, shopping centers, shops and so forth that free lance as hookers once in a while when they get a chance? How do you know about them? :o

Ummm....because the first time you met them you paid for the sex?? :D

The point is that these girls do not charge anything when hunting for a husband or for fooling around with young handsome men. They know that would give the "wrong impression", so lots of guys fall in love and end up with "good girls" that were not always so good. :D


Please do keep thesethreads free of references to prostitutes, hookers and whore! Clean chat is good chat. Or im gonna have to start handing out snapkicks free of charge.


Its not hard to get a good girl. I mean its pretty easy to tell if the girl is a hooker or whatever. You just need a vast experience with girls (like me) I picked my girlfriend now my wife very carefully (she is Thai, first Thai girl ive dated too) and you can tell just by instinct. I mean nobody can 100% tell if there good girls or not but you can increase your chances by using your brain.


Good girl, bad girl - bar girl, no bar girl, most of these relationships with foreigners have a lopsided importance of, for and about money.


Which explains why farang wonmen and thai boys together is so rare. Farang aint gonna be happy with thai boy making $500 a month. Farang chicks want just like peasent girls do, same same.

Which explains why farang wonmen and thai boys together is so rare. Farang aint gonna be happy with thai boy making $500 a month. Farang chicks want just like peasent girls do, same same.

Actually in Australia its is really catching on. But they make more the 500 a month though

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