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Intelligence, Skills And Knowledge: Thais And Farangs


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I would be interested in the views of others on the skills/knowledges/intelligences/cultures of their ‘significant others’; of course I am a man writing about a woman.

My lovely wife, aged 30, mother of our two beautiful daughters, graduate of Thailand’s premier university, from a family of learning, money and class………

1. Has never heard of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Westlife, Mao Zhe Dong, Stalin, Shakespeare, Madonna, Brad Pitt, Peter Pan, Phaulkon, Nuclear Power, Mr Obama, Einstein, The Grand Canyon, Antarctica and does not care

2. Thinks Algerians, Germans, Russians, Swedes, Americans etc.etc.are all the same….just Farang and blacks are black…and does not care

3. Cannot find the way, in Chiang Mai, in a car, from Doi Saket to Hang Dong, nor from Tapae Gate to the Airport. Can’t read a map.

4. Can read and write English and French but can speak neither!

5. Can take a motorcycle entirely to bits and put it together again

6. Can cook 200+ dishes with no recourse to a cookery book

7. Has designed and had built, with, as far as I know, knowledge of neither architecture, structural principles, nor materials, a beautiful 250square metre house. She had the builder remove all the foundations and start again as she said to him: The cement looks too wet and you have not waited for it to dry……..which was about right.

8. Can cut and stitch together a dress with no pattern and no machine

9. Has driven from Rome to Lisbon and LA to Maine, without a driving license, and is indignant that ‘ Driving in Thailand is the nearest I have come to death’!

10. On the first leg of that voyage saw the Colosseum, Pont Du Gard, Barcelona, The Alhambra, etc. Just buildings. Just another Farang Country. Liked Fado, and Basque singing though.

11. After eating all kinds of restaurant and fast food in Europe…. Pizzas from Ask, Pizza Express etc wondered…why would Thai people eat that rubbish from Pizza Hut…..and then would never eat MacDonalds, Chester Grill, KFC ever again having thought, aged 20, they were the height of fashion.?

12. Says computers are boring, but can download 1000 songs onto a new Mobile without looking at the Manual

I could go on!! But why don't you!!?

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My wife also is clueless when it comes to reading a map. Unless you take it outside, use a compass to position it right and point out a landmark in the distance that appears on the map.

I know she is smart so I would have to just put it down to ignorance and their schooling system.

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My lovely wife, aged 30, mother of our two beautiful daughters, graduate of Thailand’s premier university, from a family of learning, money and class………

My wife is of similar age and is the mother of my wonderful son. She has no degree nor is she from a family of learning, money or class. However she is almost identical to yours, (except she can't download onto her phone!).

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My Thai wife was educated here in Australia but was in Thailand before that, she knows more things about the world then I do, but she did have a urge to know about the world and it really interested her when she was young. She could tell me countries I have never even heard of. But if she never had a interest in the world at a young age she probably would know anything about it though.

My wife is very knowledgable etc but she just can not read a map without twisting it around. Thats why we now have a GPS.

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I would be interested in the views of others on the skills/knowledges/intelligences/cultures of their 'significant others'; of course I am a man writing about a woman.

My lovely wife, aged 30, mother of our two beautiful daughters, graduate of Thailand's premier university, from a family of learning, money and class………

1. Has never heard of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Westlife, Mao Zhe Dong, Stalin, Shakespeare, Madonna, Brad Pitt, Peter Pan, Phaulkon, Nuclear Power, Mr Obama, Einstein, The Grand Canyon, Antarctica and does not care

2. Thinks Algerians, Germans, Russians, Swedes, Americans etc.etc.are all the same….just Farang and blacks are black…and does not care

3. Cannot find the way, in Chiang Mai, in a car, from Doi Saket to Hang Dong, nor from Tapae Gate to the Airport. Can't read a map.

4. Can read and write English and French but can speak neither!

5. Can take a motorcycle entirely to bits and put it together again

6. Can cook 200+ dishes with no recourse to a cookery book

7. Has designed and had built, with, as far as I know, knowledge of neither architecture, structural principles, nor materials, a beautiful 250square metre house. She had the builder remove all the foundations and start again as she said to him: The cement looks too wet and you have not waited for it to dry……..which was about right.

8. Can cut and stitch together a dress with no pattern and no machine

9. Has driven from Rome to Lisbon and LA to Maine, without a driving license, and is indignant that ' Driving in Thailand is the nearest I have come to death'!

10. On the first leg of that voyage saw the Colosseum, Pont Du Gard, Barcelona, The Alhambra, etc. Just buildings. Just another Farang Country. Liked Fado, and Basque singing though.

11. After eating all kinds of restaurant and fast food in Europe…. Pizzas from Ask, Pizza Express etc wondered…why would Thai people eat that rubbish from Pizza Hut…..and then would never eat MacDonalds, Chester Grill, KFC ever again having thought, aged 20, they were the height of fashion.?

12. Says computers are boring, but can download 1000 songs onto a new Mobile without looking at the Manual

I could go on!! But why don't you!!?

All this "graduate of Thailand's premier university, from a family of learning, money and class………" means nothing when you are a closeminded Thai...regarless of money or university degree....there is so much more to learn, from Traveling, which they dont do, wanting to learn from other cultures so they dont stay ignorant, which they dont do, they are all usually self absorbent about only their food, culture and that they are the center of the world, when in reality the are one of the most ignorant cultures in the world.They are like the Indegenous people from Latin America. Ignorant not caus they dont have to tools to learn but because they DONT want to learn or care about any other culture, there for they are stuck on stupid.

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Hi, your wife sounds fascinating :o

I would not venture into the minefield of what is "intelligence" but the general knowledge issue you raised is a bit of a worry.

In my experience, many Thais, even those with uni degrees, have similarly VERY limited general knowledge. It staggers me sometimes as the info is all out there now, it just takes a bit of intellectual curiosity to look for and absorb it. I am no expert but my guess is that the blame lies fairly and squarely in the hands of the education bureaucrats. While at the individual level they can get through life just fine, at the national level .... hmm... I suspect that the outcome must really have a negative affect their ability to engage with other countries and cultures.

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there is so much more to learn, from Traveling, which they dont do, wanting to learn from other cultures so they dont stay ignorant, which they dont do, they are all usually self absorbent about only their food, culture and that they are the center of the world, when in reality the are one of the most ignorant cultures in the world.

in general, i agree with this, though i do know some thai exceptions. & there are a lot of ignorant americans as well who could use some travelling.

i don't think it is a reflection of their intelligence, but of their lack of intellectual curiosity, as chiangmaibruce says.

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there is so much more to learn, from Traveling, which they dont do, wanting to learn from other cultures so they dont stay ignorant, which they dont do, they are all usually self absorbent about only their food, culture and that they are the center of the world, when in reality the are one of the most ignorant cultures in the world.

in general, i agree with this, though i do know some thai exceptions. & there are a lot of ignorant americans as well who could use some travelling.

i don't think it is a reflection of their intelligence, but of their lack of intellectual curiosity, as chiangmaibruce says.

Oh, It is about their intelligence, studies have shown that the avarage Adult Thai is as smart as a 14 year old from a first world country.....but like you said it has nothing to do with their intelligence, right?

Ignorance= The lack of wanting to learn more about anything.

Ingnorant= Lack of Intelligence

p.s.s. This dosent apply to all thais, just the ignorant.....hahahahahahaha

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Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

Edited by Jingthing
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Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

1000% true.

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Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

Edited by mizzi39
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I would be interested in the views of others on the skills/knowledges/intelligences/cultures of their 'significant others'; of course I am a man writing about a woman.

My lovely wife, aged 30, mother of our two beautiful daughters, graduate of Thailand's premier university, from a family of learning, money and class………

1. Has never heard of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Westlife, Mao Zhe Dong, Stalin, Shakespeare, Madonna, Brad Pitt, Peter Pan, Phaulkon, Nuclear Power, Mr Obama, Einstein, The Grand Canyon, Antarctica and does not care

2. Thinks Algerians, Germans, Russians, Swedes, Americans etc.etc.are all the same….just Farang and blacks are black…and does not care

3. Cannot find the way, in Chiang Mai, in a car, from Doi Saket to Hang Dong, nor from Tapae Gate to the Airport. Can't read a map.

4. Can read and write English and French but can speak neither!

5. Can take a motorcycle entirely to bits and put it together again

6. Can cook 200+ dishes with no recourse to a cookery book

7. Has designed and had built, with, as far as I know, knowledge of neither architecture, structural principles, nor materials, a beautiful 250square metre house. She had the builder remove all the foundations and start again as she said to him: The cement looks too wet and you have not waited for it to dry……..which was about right.

8. Can cut and stitch together a dress with no pattern and no machine

9. Has driven from Rome to Lisbon and LA to Maine, without a driving license, and is indignant that ' Driving in Thailand is the nearest I have come to death'!

10. On the first leg of that voyage saw the Colosseum, Pont Du Gard, Barcelona, The Alhambra, etc. Just buildings. Just another Farang Country. Liked Fado, and Basque singing though.

11. After eating all kinds of restaurant and fast food in Europe…. Pizzas from Ask, Pizza Express etc wondered…why would Thai people eat that rubbish from Pizza Hut…..and then would never eat MacDonalds, Chester Grill, KFC ever again having thought, aged 20, they were the height of fashion.?

12. Says computers are boring, but can download 1000 songs onto a new Mobile without looking at the Manual

I could go on!! But why don't you!!?

All this "graduate of Thailand's premier university, from a family of learning, money and class………" means nothing when you are a closeminded Thai...regarless of money or university degree....there is so much more to learn, from Traveling, which they dont do, wanting to learn from other cultures so they dont stay ignorant, which they dont do, they are all usually self absorbent about only their food, culture and that they are the center of the world, when in reality the are one of the most ignorant cultures in the world.They are like the Indegenous people from Latin America. Ignorant not caus they dont have to tools to learn but because they DONT want to learn or care about any other culture, there for they are stuck on stupid.

I am sooooo happy that they don't want to learn about other cultures, I am soooo happy that they don't all go to university to invent all kind of things which some other fool will make to use as a military `thing`.

I am soooo happy between the indigenous people of south america ( that is where I am now) It is not that they don't want to learn, they don't feel the need to. They are more happy without all the wealth and gadgets and whatever that it is that we think we need, to feel the same.

And do we do?? We create the need, by introducing all kind of things they could have lived without.

We with the superior way of thinking, destroy more than we do good. Yes we help to build/rebuild countries after we bombed the shit out of the place. Intelligent??

Who is ???

And why should people become more intelligent? They have more knowledge of being just happy and content, being closer to nature and have an absolute stunning social intelligence, which to me is far more important than the intelligence the western society brags about.

Look how intelligent we are, the great nations on this earth are at each others throat/policing the place and having intelligent wars. Forcing their ways upon othres. We intelligently use up all the earth resources and cannot be forced out of our fat big intelligent cars. Other intelligent examples?? 1000 th`s of them.

Look at the absolute mess we made out of our very intelligent world. People as described are not at war, no reason to, they don't even know the other is there, isn`t it great ?

This is black and white, i know. But some people just see their own little world, but blame others who do exactly the same, but on a different " less intelligent " level.

I wish there were less intelligent, and more `social intelligent` people.

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Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

Haha, since you picked traveling i will school you in some facts ok boy.....first, I have a major in World history and a minor in psychology, meaning that I had to learn a lot in college about other countries etc, why things happend and what not,but if i never traveled than I could only assume these things I learned were true, but since i did travel (everywhere), you learn about different cultures,ways, social differences of the world,different mind sets and what not,if it was not for my traveling i would be IGNORANT about a lot of stuff.....and I am just talking about traveling, thats one of the things Thais lack, and dont let me start on what else they lack.....your post made no sense and you contracdidcted your self over and over, you must be half Thai your self. Stuck on stupid.

Most people who are ignorant are happy to be ignorant cause thats all the know, ignorance, thus the sayin, ignorance is bliss....

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I would be interested in the views of others on the skills/knowledges/intelligences/cultures of their 'significant others'; of course I am a man writing about a woman.

My lovely wife, aged 30, mother of our two beautiful daughters, graduate of Thailand's premier university, from a family of learning, money and class………

1. Has never heard of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Westlife, Mao Zhe Dong, Stalin, Shakespeare, Madonna, Brad Pitt, Peter Pan, Phaulkon, Nuclear Power, Mr Obama, Einstein, The Grand Canyon, Antarctica and does not care

2. Thinks Algerians, Germans, Russians, Swedes, Americans etc.etc.are all the same….just Farang and blacks are black…and does not care

3. Cannot find the way, in Chiang Mai, in a car, from Doi Saket to Hang Dong, nor from Tapae Gate to the Airport. Can't read a map.

4. Can read and write English and French but can speak neither!

5. Can take a motorcycle entirely to bits and put it together again

6. Can cook 200+ dishes with no recourse to a cookery book

7. Has designed and had built, with, as far as I know, knowledge of neither architecture, structural principles, nor materials, a beautiful 250square metre house. She had the builder remove all the foundations and start again as she said to him: The cement looks too wet and you have not waited for it to dry……..which was about right.

8. Can cut and stitch together a dress with no pattern and no machine

9. Has driven from Rome to Lisbon and LA to Maine, without a driving license, and is indignant that ' Driving in Thailand is the nearest I have come to death'!

10. On the first leg of that voyage saw the Colosseum, Pont Du Gard, Barcelona, The Alhambra, etc. Just buildings. Just another Farang Country. Liked Fado, and Basque singing though.

11. After eating all kinds of restaurant and fast food in Europe…. Pizzas from Ask, Pizza Express etc wondered…why would Thai people eat that rubbish from Pizza Hut…..and then would never eat MacDonalds, Chester Grill, KFC ever again having thought, aged 20, they were the height of fashion.?

12. Says computers are boring, but can download 1000 songs onto a new Mobile without looking at the Manual

I could go on!! But why don't you!!?

All this "graduate of Thailand's premier university, from a family of learning, money and class………" means nothing when you are a closeminded Thai...regarless of money or university degree....there is so much more to learn, from Traveling, which they dont do, wanting to learn from other cultures so they dont stay ignorant, which they dont do, they are all usually self absorbent about only their food, culture and that they are the center of the world, when in reality the are one of the most ignorant cultures in the world.They are like the Indegenous people from Latin America. Ignorant not caus they dont have to tools to learn but because they DONT want to learn or care about any other culture, there for they are stuck on stupid.

I am sooooo happy that they don't want to learn about other cultures, I am soooo happy that they don't all go to university to invent all kind of things which some other fool will make to use as a military `thing`.

I am soooo happy between the indigenous people of south america ( that is where I am now) It is not that they don't want to learn, they don't feel the need to. They are more happy without all the wealth and gadgets and whatever that it is that we think we need, to feel the same.

And do we do?? We create the need, by introducing all kind of things they could have lived without.

We with the superior way of thinking, destroy more than we do good. Yes we help to build/rebuild countries after we bombed the shit out of the place. Intelligent??

Who is ???

And why should people become more intelligent? They have more knowledge of being just happy and content, being closer to nature and have an absolute stunning social intelligence, which to me is far more important than the intelligence the western society brags about.

Look how intelligent we are, the great nations on this earth are at each others throat/policing the place and having intelligent wars. Forcing their ways upon othres. We intelligently use up all the earth resources and cannot be forced out of our fat big intelligent cars. Other intelligent examples?? 1000 th`s of them.

Look at the absolute mess we made out of our very intelligent world. People as described are not at war, no reason to, they don't even know the other is there, isn`t it great ?

This is black and white, i know. But some people just see their own little world, but blame others who do exactly the same, but on a different " less intelligent " level.

I wish there were less intelligent, and more `social intelligent` people.

Ok i agree in some of your post (i lived in Latin America for some time too), the fact that they have way more social Intelligence and a feel for the earth and what really can make a human happy with out much gadgets and technology, But you dare ask "why should people try to be more intelligent"???? come one man, thats crazy to even ask, but i will answer you in terms of the indegenous way, the reason why you want people to learn and try to be more intelligent is because if your daughter is dying from Cancer or Diabetes you would love to have the advancement of technology to cure her, rather than take her to the local Shaman (witch doctor) to cure her, so thank god for the people who decided to "try to be more intelligent".

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Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

Who are the "serious people" you?

No, I am silly. Thats why I moved to Thailand.

DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?

Yes, of course they do. It doesn't make me Einstein either, but less ignorant, of course.

You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here.

That is quite a distinction. I will treasure it.

arrogance is largely a western trait,

I doubt that is actually true.

Edited by Jingthing
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Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

Who are the "serious people" you?

No, I am silly. Thats why I moved to Thailand.

DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?

Yes, of course they do. It doesn't make me Einstein either, but less ignorant, of course.

You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here.

That is quite a distinction. I will treasure it.

arrogance is largely a western trait,

I doubt that is actually true.

JingThing Has Spoken!!!!!!!

Thank you that was a funny post and right on target.

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Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

Haha, since you picked traveling i will school you in some facts ok boy.....first, I have a major in World history and a minor in psychology, meaning that I had to learn a lot in college about other countries etc, why things happend and what not,but if i never traveled than I could only assume these things I learned were true, but since i did travel (everywhere), you learn about different cultures,ways, social differences of the world,different mind sets and what not,if it was not for my traveling i would be IGNORANT about a lot of stuff.....and I am just talking about traveling, thats one of the things Thais lack, and dont let me start on what else they lack.....your post made no sense and you contracdidcted your self over and over, you must be half Thai your self. Stuck on stupid.

Most people who are ignorant are happy to be ignorant cause thats all the know, ignorance, thus the sayin, ignorance is bliss....

Oh please troll, Make no sense? Just look back at some of your posts ole boy! I graduated with a degree in Psychology and worked as a counselor for 10 years in the states before moving here. You may be book smart, but that's about it college boy! Major is world history???? Did you learn anything?You certainly don't know squat about Thailand. What do you know about the rest of the world? Are you typing away from your dorm room now?

The way you come off, I think it is fair to assume that your travel experience has been limited to the back of moms station wagon.

FYI: Born and raised in Boston. 100% Irish American chump. Now go learn something more than stupid!

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Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

Who are the "serious people" you?

No, I am silly. Thats why I moved to Thailand.

DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?

Yes, of course they do. It doesn't make me Einstein either, but less ignorant, of course.

You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here.

That is quite a distinction. I will treasure it.

arrogance is largely a western trait,

I doubt that is actually true.

Glad to finally see a positive post from you! I new you could do it! Good job. :o

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Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

Haha, since you picked traveling i will school you in some facts ok boy.....first, I have a major in World history and a minor in psychology, meaning that I had to learn a lot in college about other countries etc, why things happend and what not,but if i never traveled than I could only assume these things I learned were true, but since i did travel (everywhere), you learn about different cultures,ways, social differences of the world,different mind sets and what not,if it was not for my traveling i would be IGNORANT about a lot of stuff.....and I am just talking about traveling, thats one of the things Thais lack, and dont let me start on what else they lack.....your post made no sense and you contracdidcted your self over and over, you must be half Thai your self. Stuck on stupid.

Most people who are ignorant are happy to be ignorant cause thats all the know, ignorance, thus the sayin, ignorance is bliss....

Oh please troll, Make no sense? Just look back at some of your posts ole boy! I graduated with a degree in Psychology and worked as a counselor for 10 years in the states before moving here. You may be book smart, but that's about it college boy! Major is world history???? Did you learn anything?You certainly don't know squat about Thailand. What do you know about the rest of the world? Are you typing away from your dorm room now?

The way you come off, I think it is fair to assume that your travel experience has been limited to the back of moms station wagon.

FYI: Born and raised in Boston. 100% Irish American chump. Now go learn something more than stupid!

You know I herd some where that its not were you are from but how you come, and you are coming just ignorant, and thats ok bro, I am 100% from NY bro, so I guess I have to one up you again,regardless of what you learned or your experiences your post lacks that, so just chill and relax, the whole Big Fonts and what not make no difference,i mean I obviusly struck a cord and you got all mad, relax boy, breath...breath....ok, so like i was saying, you can assume all you want, but the fact still remains that you made no sense in your posts,i set you straight, just learn from the experience, go back and read and make corrections, know what you are talking about and come back with something solid...ok boy? and i didnt know you were a "100% Irish American Chump". hahahahahahahahaha...so i guess i did learn something else then stupid, that you are a Irish chump.thanks.

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I am sooooo happy that they don't want to learn about other cultures, I am soooo happy that they don't all go to university to invent all kind of things which some other fool will make to use as a military `thing`.

I am soooo happy between the indigenous people of south america ( that is where I am now) It is not that they don't want to learn, they don't feel the need to. They are more happy without all the wealth and gadgets and whatever that it is that we think we need, to feel the same.

And do we do?? We create the need, by introducing all kind of things they could have lived without.

We with the superior way of thinking, destroy more than we do good. Yes we help to build/rebuild countries after we bombed the shit out of the place. Intelligent??

Who is ???

And why should people become more intelligent? They have more knowledge of being just happy and content, being closer to nature and have an absolute stunning social intelligence, which to me is far more important than the intelligence the western society brags about.

Look how intelligent we are, the great nations on this earth are at each others throat/policing the place and having intelligent wars. Forcing their ways upon others. We intelligently use up all the earth resources and cannot be forced out of our fat big intelligent cars. Other intelligent examples?? 1000 th`s of them.

Look at the absolute mess we made out of our very intelligent world. People as described are not at war, no reason to, they don't even know the other is there, isn`t it great ?

This is black and white, i know. But some people just see their own little world, but blame others who do exactly the same, but on a different " less intelligent " level.

I wish there were less intelligent, and more `social intelligent` people.


Ok i agree in some of your post (i lived in Latin America for some time too), the fact that they have way more social Intelligence and a feel for the earth and what really can make a human happy with out much gadgets and technology, But you dare ask "why should people try to be more intelligent"???? come one man, thats crazy to even ask, but i will answer you in terms of the indegenous way, the reason why you want people to learn and try to be more intelligent is because if your daughter is dying from Cancer or Diabetes you would love to have the advancement of technology to cure her, rather than take her to the local Shaman (witch doctor) to cure her, so thank god for the people who decided to "try to be more intelligent".


You forget that we as westerners, "the intelligent ones " are for a very big part responsible for a lot of the causes of getting cancer and diabetes.

Especially the type that comes with obesity. Also we have more people with mental problems, because of our nice society, with all the so called freedom.

We always seem to tie the horse behind the cart. If things we cause go wrong, we invent something to make it better. We prolong life because we can. And if it fails we sue the hospital.

Nature people just die, they didn't even know it was cancer or whatever. Death is more a part of their life than we in the west will ever accept.

I am too, a product of the western world, I cannot help that, I cannot turn back the clock.

But I am not superior or more intelligent than others. Yes, I do joke about differences, just as the "less intelligent" joke about us.

Wisdom of life, and I absolutely do not pretend to have it, but I know for sure that it is not all in a book.

Edit for quoting gone wrong.

Edited by Carib
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Also we have more people with mental problems, because of our nice society, with all the so called freedom.

Please, if you are going to abandon reality, at least try to stick to what is believable.

You are right in a way, each society has got a different norm for what a mental problem is.

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Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

Haha, since you picked traveling i will school you in some facts ok boy.....first, I have a major in World history and a minor in psychology, meaning that I had to learn a lot in college about other countries etc, why things happend and what not,but if i never traveled than I could only assume these things I learned were true, but since i did travel (everywhere), you learn about different cultures,ways, social differences of the world,different mind sets and what not,if it was not for my traveling i would be IGNORANT about a lot of stuff.....and I am just talking about traveling, thats one of the things Thais lack, and dont let me start on what else they lack.....your post made no sense and you contracdidcted your self over and over, you must be half Thai your self. Stuck on stupid.

Most people who are ignorant are happy to be ignorant cause thats all the know, ignorance, thus the sayin, ignorance is bliss....

Oh please troll, Make no sense? Just look back at some of your posts ole boy! I graduated with a degree in Psychology and worked as a counselor for 10 years in the states before moving here. You may be book smart, but that's about it college boy! Major is world history???? Did you learn anything?You certainly don't know squat about Thailand. What do you know about the rest of the world? Are you typing away from your dorm room now?

The way you come off, I think it is fair to assume that your travel experience has been limited to the back of moms station wagon.

FYI: Born and raised in Boston. 100% Irish American chump. Now go learn something more than stupid!

You know I herd some where that its not were you are from but how you come, and you are coming just ignorant, and thats ok bro, I am 100% from NY bro, so I guess I have to one up you again,regardless of what you learned or your experiences your post lacks that, so just chill and relax, the whole Big Fonts and what not make no difference,i mean I obviusly struck a cord and you got all mad, relax boy, breath...breath....ok, so like i was saying, you can assume all you want, but the fact still remains that you made no sense in your posts,i set you straight, just learn from the experience, go back and read and make corrections, know what you are talking about and come back with something solid...ok boy? and i didnt know you were a "100% Irish American Chump". hahahahahahahahaha...so i guess i did learn something else then stupid, that you are a Irish chump.thanks.

I'm sorry, maybe I came off rather hostile papirico, but I am not angry with you. I think it is you that need a reality check, because it is you that makes no sense ole chump (I mean ole boy). Do not ask others to make corrections when you obviously lack even basic grammar skills yourself. The spell check icon should be to the right of your screen. Look for it. You're smart enough to find that aren't you college boy? It is obvious that you lack basic social skills and I do not hold that against you. I can only imagine what a tough life you must have. Trolls usually do. You setting anyone straight is laughable, . Remember it's "than stupid" not "then stupid". " I heard somewhere" not "herd some where". I hope this basic grammar lesson has helped you since I do not want you sounding "stupid" when you are writing your future meaningless posts.

If you need a course in Thai culture my Thai brother in laws would be happy to assist you so feel free to PM me! The next time you're in NY let me know. Boston is only 3 hours away. Southies love meeting people like you! Have a nice day! :o

Edited by mizzi39
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this thread has already gone bad because of all the brits thinking that because they are different from the majority that everything anyone says is false.

Yes thai are close minded, yes thais dont know anything about the world, yes most thais actualy REFUSE to try any western food most will directly say. BLAH TASTE BAD BLAH NA without having ever tasted it.(not talking about regular meals but 'upcountry' meals different in every farang country)

But they do usualy know everything on everything that concerns their daily lives, very usefull.

Im the complete oposite, i know tons of stuff about everything, i dont even know how ive learned all these crazy stuff but i cant fix anything, i cant setup anything, i cant find anything, i cant complete any paperwork.

every type of education has its + and -

those thais could be compared to a normal texan american, french canadian from the remote places of quebec. every culture have them

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Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

Haha, since you picked traveling i will school you in some facts ok boy.....first, I have a major in World history and a minor in psychology, meaning that I had to learn a lot in college about other countries etc, why things happend and what not,but if i never traveled than I could only assume these things I learned were true, but since i did travel (everywhere), you learn about different cultures,ways, social differences of the world,different mind sets and what not,if it was not for my traveling i would be IGNORANT about a lot of stuff.....and I am just talking about traveling, thats one of the things Thais lack, and dont let me start on what else they lack.....your post made no sense and you contracdidcted your self over and over, you must be half Thai your self. Stuck on stupid.

Most people who are ignorant are happy to be ignorant cause thats all the know, ignorance, thus the sayin, ignorance is bliss....

Oh please troll, Make no sense? Just look back at some of your posts ole boy! I graduated with a degree in Psychology and worked as a counselor for 10 years in the states before moving here. You may be book smart, but that's about it college boy! Major is world history???? Did you learn anything?You certainly don't know squat about Thailand. What do you know about the rest of the world? Are you typing away from your dorm room now?

The way you come off, I think it is fair to assume that your travel experience has been limited to the back of moms station wagon.

FYI: Born and raised in Boston. 100% Irish American chump. Now go learn something more than stupid!

You know I herd some where that its not were you are from but how you come, and you are coming just ignorant, and thats ok bro, I am 100% from NY bro, so I guess I have to one up you again,regardless of what you learned or your experiences your post lacks that, so just chill and relax, the whole Big Fonts and what not make no difference,i mean I obviusly struck a cord and you got all mad, relax boy, breath...breath....ok, so like i was saying, you can assume all you want, but the fact still remains that you made no sense in your posts,i set you straight, just learn from the experience, go back and read and make corrections, know what you are talking about and come back with something solid...ok boy? and i didnt know you were a "100% Irish American Chump". hahahahahahahahaha...so i guess i did learn something else then stupid, that you are a Irish chump.thanks.

I'm sorry, maybe I came off rather hostile papirico, but I am not angry with you. I think it is you that need a reality check, because it is you that makes no sense ole chump (I mean ole boy). Do not ask others to make corrections when you obviously lack even basic grammar skills yourself. The spell check icon should be to the right of your screen. Look for it. You're smart enough to find that aren't you college boy? It is obvious that you lack basic social skills and I do not hold that against you. I can only imagine what a tough life you must have. Trolls usually do. You setting anyone straight is laughable, . Remember it's "than stupid" not "then stupid". " I heard somewhere" not "herd some where". I hope this basic grammar lesson has helped you since I do not want you sounding "stupid" when you are writing your future meaningless posts.

If you need a course in Thai culture my Thai brother in laws would be happy to assist you so feel free to PM me! The next time you're in NY let me know. Boston is only 3 hours away. Southies love meeting people like you! Have a nice day! :o

I have to agree with I have to agree with mizzi there. I respect a person with an education, but judging from the terrible grammar I find it hard to really believe this guy has such an education. Is it really that difficult to use full stops? I can not accept that some one with this level of grammar can have passed a degree in anything. Or have times changed?mizzi there. I respect someone with an education, but judging from the terrible grammer I find it hard to really believe this guy has such an education. It's not that difficult to use full stops, is it really? I can not accept that some one with this level of grammer can have passed a degree in anything. Or have times changed?

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