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Teaching Assistants


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do you have a teaching assistant?

what do they do? how do you get on? useful? hindrance?

positive / negative experiences?

how involved are they? what is their role?

i would be especially interested in TA's at international primary schools.

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do you have a teaching assistant?

what do they do? how do you get on? useful? hindrance?

positive / negative experiences?

how involved are they? what is their role?

i would be especially interested in TA's at international primary schools.

Well technically yes and technically no. We have two Thai assistant teachers employed at the EP I teach for who will act as substitutes if a teacher is out do to illness etc. The problem is that they cannot formulate a complete sentence in English, so it is impossible for them to implement our lesson plans.

I think that you see more assistants with younger levels such as prathom. By the time the student reaches M1 there is really little need for an assistant.

Edited by mizzi39
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International schools, as I understand them, are not supposed to have many Thai native speakers, and unlike a Thai school, there would be little or no need to have a Thai interpreter there. So we are not talking about a Thai TA as interpreter. Most Thais would be useless as a TA, in my opinion.

A native speaking TA, nearly qualified to be a teacher herself, might be helpful. Depends if you are teaching social studies, geography of Europe, physics, algebra, ancient history - things taught in English at international schols. Of course, those more advanced subjects are not taught in primary, but I think you get the idea.

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"out do to illness" ??? If you are working as an English teacher, I think that the school where you work should hire a replacement. Perhaps you could apply to be his or her assistant.

Is there something grammatically wrong with saying "out do to illness"? Did you come from ajarn dot com? Please go back to where you came from. We don't need the "grammar patrol" in these parts, or perhaps you could work as my assistant. PM me if need a job, and have a nice day! :o

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Back to the topic. I worked at an International primary school and had a TA. If anything she was just a glorified PA. She searched for relevant work on subject areas i needed, did my photocopying, looked after and kept the children quiet while i taught. I found she helped a lot and it certainly eased my workload however, at times i found it a lot easier just to do it myself. This was not due to her but myself.

She was a qualified Thai teacher with an MA but earnt considerably more (and had better benefits) being a TA at an International school than working in a Thai school. Sad really especially as she was so well qualified.

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