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Gary Glitter Refused To Enter Thailand, Declared Persona Non Grata


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'Heart attack' halts Glitter trip

Former pop star Gary Glitter has refused to board a flight to the UK, saying he was having a heart attack.

He was earlier deported from Vietnam after spending almost three years in jail for sexually abusing two girls.

Glitter, 64, real name Paul Francis Gadd, had arrived at Bangkok in Thailand, where he was to change planes and fly back to the UK.

But he refused to leave the airport, demanding to be allowed to stay in Thailand or another Asian country.

Glitter sold millions of records as a glam rock star in the 1970s, with hits including I'm the Leader of the Gang.

He had been met at Bangkok airport by immigration officials to ensure he caught his connecting flight.

But BBC correspondent Jonathan Head said the British policeman accompanying Glitter had been unable to persuade him to board the plane to the UK.

Glitter has been refused entry to Thailand, despite a plea for medical treatment there.

Our correspondent said Glitter was stuck at the airport, unwilling to face the reception in the UK, but unable to go anywhere else.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7571429.stm --- with images of Glitter on the plane to Bangkok from Vietnam


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Glitter refuses to board UK flight

Not allowed to enter Thailand

BANGKOK: -- Shamed rock star Gary Glitter has been left in limbo after refusing to board a flight to the UK following his release from a Vietnamese prison.

The Foreign Office said Glitter declined to board the flight from Thailand to England and remained in transit, reportedly in a VIP area where travellers can rent small bedrooms airside at Bangkok airport.

In bizarre scenes after landing in Bangkok, Glitter refused to board a connecting flight to Heathrow and demanded to fly to Singapore after Thai officials refused to let him through passport control and into the country.

The 64-year-old, real name Paul Gadd, reportedly argued with Thai immigration officers, insisting he was a "free man", while British embassy officials tried to convince him to board the flight home and a British police officer who was supposed to be accompanying him home looked on.

Glitter then complained of fatigue and was taken to the VIP area.

It is not known when or where Glitter intends to travel to next, but it is unlikely he will remain in Thailand for any length of time after being told he would not be allowed out of Bangkok airport unless it was on an international flight.

Glitter left Vietnam and arrived in Bangkok after a 90-minute Thai Airways flight from Ho Chi Minh City.

He was released from prison after serving two years and nine months of a three-year sentence for abusing two girls aged 10 and 11.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "The last information we have is that shortly before the flight to the UK departed he declined to board. We were last aware that he remained in transit.

"He decides where he applies to go and the country or authorities there will decide whether they permit him to enter their territory."

-- The Press Association 2008-08-20

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Gary Glitter relaxes in the business-class section of Thai Airlines between Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to Bangkok

Farce as paedophile Gary Glitter refuses to board plane for Britain after 'having a heart attack'

Garry Glitter refused to board a flight to Britain last night, claiming he was suffering a heart attack.

The 64-year-old demanded to be taken to hospital. If he is allowed he will have to pass Thai immigration. He was attended to airside by a doctor on call at the airport and paid for his treatment in cash.

As of early this morning he was still in limbo in the Thai airport, not having been allowed to pass through customs and immigration.

The convicted paedophile was due to be deported home after serving 27 months in a Vietnamese prison for abusing two young girls.

However, after the first leg of his journey - from Ho Chi Minh city to Bangkok - he refused to get on his flight to Heathrow.

For several hours, Glitter, 64, was involved in a bizarre stand-off as Thai officials refused to let him enter their country, and a British Embassy official tried to persuade him to board the plane to London.

His refusal to budge will be an embarrassment to Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, who had planned to use his return home to announce measures to stop Britons indulging in 'sex tourism'.

She had hoped to gather good PR with a pledge to stop perverts being granted passports.

However, with Britain unable to persuade such a famous paedophile to return to this country - where he could be monitored and controlled - Miss Smith's promise to stop other child abusers from leaving rang somewhat hollow.

She announced that the Government would tighten the law to ban convicted offenders from travelling overseas for up to five years at a time, compared with the current limit of six months.

For the first time, they will be made to surrender their travel documents for the duration of the blanket Foreign Travel Order. But, by simply refusing to come back, Glitter revealed the Home Office's lack of control over British child abusers who choose to remain overseas.

Before his release from Thu Duc prison, the former pop star - real name Paul Gadd - had declared his desire to come back to Britain to claim free heart treatment on the Health Service.

He recently said that he 'needs access to a UK hospital' because conditions 'weren't perfect' in his cell. He was jailed in Vietnam in March 2006 for abusing two girls aged ten and 11, whom he claimed to be teaching English.

Seven years earlier in 1999, he was convicted in Britain of having child pornography on his computer and served two months in prison. Once free he went to Cambodia, but was permanently barred from there in 2002 over alleged sex offences.

Even the mode of Glitter's initial departure from Vietnam was mired in confusion. The government there refused to allow him to leave on a business class flight, on the basis that such an offender should not be 'pampered'. Thai Airlines accepted an economy class booking on Flight TG910 to Heathrow, although Glitter ended up in business class for the first leg to Bangkok.

On the flight from Vietnam, he sat in an aisle seat wearing a baseball cap, flicking through a duty free catalogue.

He even signed autographs for some fellow passengers, but hid behind his scarf to avoid conversation with others who approached him.

The plan was that he would be greeted in Britain at Terminal 3 this morning by about 35 police officers - at an estimated cost of £20,000 - including officers from the Metropolitan Police's Jigsaw sex offenders team and two detectives from the SDC5 child abuse unit.

They would question Glitter at Heathrow Police station - voluntarily, as he would not be under arrest - about where he intended to live, what he planned to do and if he hoped to have any contact with children.

As a convicted paedophile, he would be required to sign the Sex Offenders Register.

But the millionaire paedophile instead caused mayhem at Bangkok airport by stubbornly refusing to get on his flight.

Wearing ripped jeans and a checked scarf, he sulked and argued rather than continue his journey home.

Last night, his petulant performance took on almost comic proportions. When he landed at 10pm local time, Thai immigration officers boarded the flight and informed him he could not enter the country. Glitter told them: 'I have committed no offence in Thailand, why are you refusing me entry?'

Then he said he did not want to stay in Thailand anyway, and demanded to change his London flight for one to Singapore.

Officials told him there were no more flights that night, and took him to an airside airport hotel and put him in £100-a-night room.

It was there he argued with Thai and UK embassy officials, as well as a British police officer who was supposed to be accompanying him to London looked on.

The Thais told Glitter the government there had firmly ruled out letting him out of Bangkok Airport unless he was aboard an international flight. Sudarat Sereewat, a member of the Thai National Human Rights Committee, said: 'We are aware of his passport number and will happily assist Mr Gadd to the intended destination in case he has second thoughts about stopping off here.'

The policeman told the officials that no other country was likely to accept Glitter, so they should do all they could to get him aboard the London flight.

Glitter would not need a visa to go to Singapore, but the government there is likely to be aghast at the prospect of hosting him, and could well block his entry. But short of physically dragging him on to a plane, it seems there is little that the British can do.

And even if the authorities manage-to coax him on to a Heathrow-bound plane, there is still widespread anger about his talk of taking advantage of the NHS.

Dr Michele Elliott, of children's charity Kidscape, said: 'It makes you sick. He doesn't even want to live here, he's just coming to sponge off us. I can think of a lot more worthy people to give treatment to on the NHS.

'He's an exploiter - he exploits children, he'll exploit the NHS.

'He's not remorseful, he's arrogant and unless he gets help he will continue to be a danger to children. He should go and live on a desert island. Nobody wants him.'

- Daily Mail (UK) 20th August 2008

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Gary Glitter declared persona non grata


Persona non grata. British rock star Gary Glitter boards a plane to

Bangkok at Ho Chi Minh City airport - but he has reufsed to fly

back to Britain. Photo: Reuters

BANGKOK: -- THE Thai immigration chief has declared former British glam rocker Gary Glitter "persona non grata" and has threatened to return him to Vietnam.

Lieutenant-General Chatchawal Suksomjit said Glitter had refused to board a plane to London and would not be allowed to enter Thailand.

"We will have to repatriate him back to Vietnam, because he is on our watch list as persona non grata. Thai immigration cannot let him enter,'' Mr Chatchawal said.

"He is still in the transit area,'' at Bangkok international airport, he said.

The convicted pedophile fell ill during the night, missing his flight to London from Bangkok after he left Vietnam on his release from prison.

He was diagnosed with costochondritis, an inflammation of the ribs that causes chest pain, a medical official said.

A doctor met Glitter, real name Paul Gadd, in the airport and he was apparently still in the international transit lounge, she said.

"The doctor prescribed a painkiller and issued a certificate saying he is fit to travel," the official at the clinic said.

Gadd, 64, left Vietnam late yesterday. He had been arrested there in late 2005 and convicted the following year of committing obscene acts with two girls then aged 11 and 12 in the southern resort town of Vung Tau.

The terms of Gadd's 2006 sentence called for his deportation upon his release.

He had been booked on an overnight Thai Airways flight to London, but didn't board the aircraft after he complained about not feeling well.

He had not yet booked a new ticket with the airline, a Thai Airways official said.

Britain has not announced any outstanding charges against the man once famed for his flamboyant bouffant wigs and silver jumpsuits, and Gadd has said he would like to move to Hong Kong or Singapore.

"He has the right to go wherever he wants," said his lawyer, Le Thanh Kinh.

But British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said Gadd should not be allowed to leave Britain if he returned.

"We need to control him, and he will be (controlled), once he returns to this country," Ms Smith said on talkSPORT radio.

She said Gadd would be required to sign a sex offenders' register and notify authorities if he wanted to travel abroad.

"It certainly would be my view that with the sort of record that he's got, he shouldn't be travelling anywhere in the world," she said.

"I want Gary Glitter to be controlled whilst he's here and I don't want him to be able to go anywhere else in the world in order to abuse children."

Gadd had several hits in the 1970s including I'm The Leader Of The Gang (I Am!) and Do You Wanna Touch Me?

The anthemic 1972 hit Rock and Roll is still often chanted in British and US sports stadiums.

He was arrested in Britain in 1997 after he took his computer to a repair store and hardcore child pornographic material was found on its hard drive. He was sentenced in 1999 to four months in prison, of which he served two.

Keen to avoid the media, Gadd reportedly moved to Cuba and then Cambodia, where he was expelled in 2002, allegedly for trawling for underage sex.

Having settled in Vietnam, where a British newspaper reported he was living with an underage girl, Gadd was arrested at Ho Chi Minh City airport in November 2005 while trying to leave for Thailand.

In March 2006 he was sentenced to three years in jail, the minimum term under Vietnamese law, which was later cut by three months.

Gadd, who paid compensation to the families of both victims, evaded the more serious charge of child rape, which in Vietnam carries a maximum penalty of death by firing squad.

The judge who presided over the closed trial afterwards called Gadd "sick" and "abnormal," detailing disturbing sexual acts with the children.

The singer maintained his innocence during the trial, blamed a media conspiracy and claimed he was teaching the girls English, allowing them to stay overnight because they were scared of ghosts.

Britain's National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) this month called for tough action to stop Gadd from travelling abroad again if he returned to his home country.

-- news.com.au 2008-08-20

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Glitter refuses to leave Bangkok airport

BANGKOK: -- Shamed glam rocker Gary Glitter was stuck at Bangkok airport on Wednesday after refusing to board a flight to Britain following his deportation from Vietnam, where he had spent nearly three years in prison for child sex abuse.

Staff at the Louis Tavern, a small airside transit lounge rest point, said Glitter was still there on Wednesday morning.

Britain's Foreign Office confirmed the 64-year-old Briton's refusal to board the flight, scheduled to leave Thailand around 1 a.m. on Wednesday (7 p.m. British time on Tuesday).

"The last information we have is that shortly before the flight to the UK departed he declined to board. We were last aware that he remained in transit," a spokesman said.

British newspapers, who had reporters on the plane with Glitter as he left Vietnam, said he had collapsed in a bedroom at the Tavern, complaining of heart problems and demanding to be taken to hospital.

He had a series of confrontations with British embassy officials and Thai immigration police, who refused him entry to Thailand because of his conviction in Vietnam for child sex offences, the newspapers reported.

Glitter, whose real name is Paul Gadd, was released from prison in communist Vietnam on Tuesday.

-- Reuters 2008-08-20

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Thai authorities hold rocker Glitter

BANGKOK (CNN): -- Thai authorities detained British rock star Gary Glitter at an airport in Bangkok shortly after he was freed from a Vietnamese prison, having served nearly three years there for child molestation.

Gary Glitter is to board a flight from Bangkok to London after being detained at the Bangkok airport.

Thai police said they were detaining the 64-year-old musician in an airport transit area and planned to ensure he was aboard Thai Airways International's next flight to London.

That flight was scheduled to depart Bangkok on Wednesday at 12:25 p.m. (0525 GMT) and arrive in London at 6:30 p.m. (1730 GMT).

-- CNN 2008-08-20

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Glitter fakes illness in Bangkok to miss UK flight

Shamed rock star deported

BANGKOK: -- Shamed rocker Gary Glitter was stuck at Bangkok airport on Wednesday after faking illness to avoid boarding a flight to Britain after nearly three years in a Vietnamese prison for child sex abuse, Thai police said.

The fallen 64-year-old star, whose real name is Paul Gadd, flew to Bangkok after being booted out of the communist southeast Asian country on Tuesday, the day of his release.

He had a connecting flight to London but refused to board the plane, fearful of the media hounding he is almost certain to receive in Britain, where he has already served jail time for child pornography offences.

Major General Pongdej Chaiprawaj, head of the immigration police at Bangkok airport, said Glitter had faked an ear condition that would have prevented him from flying. "He claimed to have tinnitus in his ears and declined to board the flight to London," Pongdej told Reuters, adding that Glitter was being shadowed by Thai police to prevent him from entering the country.

"He is banned from entering because he was jailed and he could pose a threat to domestic morality," he said. "He is a transit passenger and it is the responsibility of the airline to take him to his final destination."

Glitter had a series of altercations with British embassy and Bangkok immigration officials after being refused entry to Thailand as an "undesirable", leaving him stuck in limbo in a transit lounge called the Louis Tavern.

Staff at the Tavern said he was still there on Wednesday morning, refusing to check out and claiming he was unwell.

British newspapers, who had reporters on the plane with Glitter when he left Vietnam, said he had collapsed in a bedroom at the Tavern, complaining of heart problems and demanding to be taken to hospital.

Glitter served his sentence at Thu Duc prison, 190 km (120 miles) north of Ho Chi Minh City. He left the prison on Tuesday afternoon in a police jeep with blacked-out windows before being put on the flight to Bangkok.

He shielded his face from photographers on the plane with a baseball cap and scarf.

He rose to fame in the 1970s with his trademark bouffant hairstyle, high heels and "glam rock" hits such as "Rock and Roll (Parts 1 & 2)", "Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)" and "I'm the Leader of the Gang (I am)".

-- Reuters 2008-08-20

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Bangkok standoff: Terrified Gary Glitter holed up at Thai airport after refusing to fly to Britain

BANGKOK: -- Disgraced rock star Garry Glitter remains in 'no man's land' this morning at Bangkok International Airport after refusing to go back to Britain.

The 64-year-old demanded to be taken to hospital claiming he was suffering a heart attack.

For several hours, Glitter, 64, was involved in a bizarre stand-off as Thai officials refused to let him enter their country, and a British Embassy official tried to persuade him to board the plane to London.

Officials finally gave way when Glitter claimed he was having a heart attack.

He was later diagnosed with costochondritis, an inflammation of the ribs that causes chest pain, an official said.

A doctor attending to him air-side prescribed him painkillers and declared him fit to travel.

The convicted paedophile was due to be deported home after serving 27 months in a Vietnamese prison for abusing two young girls.

However, after the first leg of his journey - from Ho Chi Minh city to Bangkok - he refused to get on his flight to Heathrow.

An British police officer from CEOP, Scotland Yard's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Unit, visited him for 20 minutes as he remain holed up airside in a 'transit' room but afterwards officials said he was still refusing to budge, complaining that Thailand would be in breach of human rights if they sent him home.

Glitter, real name Paul Francis Gadd, did not wake up this morning for the first departures to Hong Kong and Singapore, his destinations of choice.

Thai Immigration officials then called in officers of Thai International Airways blaming them for what has become an international farce; with Glitter attempting to get into Thailand by what officials believe may have been exaggerated illnesses.

Britain's Ambassador to Thailand said that any decision as to what would happen to Glitter was totally up to the current host country Thailand.

"It's a mess," said a Thai Immigration official. "Glitter had been warned that he could legally only stay in the country for 12 hours. My boss is getting impatient with him now."

The 12 hours deadline passed today at 10.15 am Thai time today.

Sudarat Sereewat, Thailand's well known paedophile tracker, and Secretary General of 'Fight Against Child Exploitation' and also a member of the Thai National Human Rights Committee said: "I have been in touch with the authorities. The considered sending Glitter back to Vietnam if he continues to refuse to go to London. Vietnam did not notify the Thai authorities they were reporting Mr. Gadd to Thailand.

"But that seems a poor option at the moment, as the Vietnamese authorities will probably just send him right back."

His refusal to budge will be an embarrassment to Jacqui Smith, who had planned to use his return home to announce measures to stop Britons indulging in 'sex tourism'.

The Home Secretary had hoped to gather good PR with a pledge to stop perverts being granted passports.

However, with Britain unable to persuade such a famous paedophile to return to this country - where he could be monitored and controlled - Miss Smith's promise to stop other child abusers from leaving rang somewhat hollow.

She announced that the Government would tighten the law to ban convicted offenders from travelling overseas for up to five years at a time, compared with the current limit of six months.

For the first time, they will be made to surrender their travel documents for the duration of the blanket Foreign Travel Order. But, by simply refusing to come back, Glitter revealed the Home Office's lack of control over British child abusers who choose to remain overseas.

Before his release from Thu Duc prison, the former pop star - real name Paul Gadd - had declared his desire to come back to Britain to claim free heart treatment on the Health Service.

He recently said that he 'needs access to a UK hospital' because conditions 'weren't perfect' in his cell.

He was jailed in Vietnam in March 2006 for abusing two girls aged ten and 11, whom he claimed to be teaching English.

Seven years earlier in 1999, he was convicted in Britain of having child pornography on his computer and served two months in prison. Once free he went to Cambodia, but was permanently barred from there in 2002 over alleged sex offences.

Even the mode of Glitter's initial departure from Vietnam was mired in confusion.

The government there refused to allow him to leave on a business class flight, on the basis that such an offender should not be 'pampered'.

Thai Airlines accepted an economy class booking on Flight TG910 to Heathrow, although Glitter ended up in business class for the first leg to Bangkok.

On the flight from Vietnam, he sat in an aisle seat wearing a baseball cap, flicking through a duty free catalogue.

He even signed autographs for some fellow passengers, but hid behind his scarf to avoid conversation with others who approached him.

The plan was that he would be greeted in Britain at Terminal 3 this morning by about 35 police officers - at an estimated cost of £20,000 - including officers from the Metropolitan Police's Jigsaw sex offenders team and two detectives from the SDC5 child abuse unit.

They would question Glitter at Heathrow Police station - voluntarily, as he would not be under arrest - about where he intended to live, what he planned to do and if he hoped to have any contact with children.

As a convicted paedophile, he would be required to sign the Sex Offenders Register.

But the millionaire paedophile instead caused mayhem at Bangkok airport by stubbornly refusing to get on his flight.

Wearing ripped jeans and a checked scarf, he sulked and argued rather than continue his journey home.

Last night, his petulant performance took on almost comic proportions.

When he landed at 10pm local time, Thai immigration officers boarded the flight and informed him he could not enter the country.

Glitter told them: 'I have committed no offence in Thailand, why are you refusing me entry?'

Then he said he did not want to stay in Thailand anyway, and demanded to change his London flight for one to Singapore.

Officials told him there were no more flights that night, and took him to an airside airport hotel and put him in £100-a-night room.

It was there he argued with Thai and UK embassy officials, as well as a British police officer who was supposed to be accompanying him to London looked on.

The Thais told Glitter the government there had firmly ruled out letting him out of Bangkok Airport unless he was aboard an international flight. Sudarat Sereewat, a member of the Thai National Human Rights Committee, said: 'We are aware of his passport number and will happily assist Mr Gadd to the intended destination in case he has second thoughts about stopping off here.'

The policeman told the officials that no other country was likely to accept Glitter, so they should do all they could to get him aboard the London flight.

Glitter would not need a visa to go to Singapore, but the government there is likely to be aghast at the prospect of hosting him, and could well block his entry.

But short of physically dragging him on to a plane, it seems there is little that the British can do.

And even if the authorities manage-to coax him on to a Heathrowbound plane, there is still widespread anger about his talk of taking advantage of the NHS.

Dr Michele Elliott, of children's charity Kidscape, said: 'It makes you sick. He doesn't even want to live here, he's just coming to sponge off us. I can think of a lot more worthy people to give treatment to on the NHS.

'He's an exploiter - he exploits children, he'll exploit the NHS.

'He's not remorseful, he's arrogant and unless he gets help he will continue to be a danger to children. He should go and live on a desert island. Nobody wants him.'

-- Daily Mail, UK 2008-08-20

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Thailand denies entry to jail-house rocker Glitter

By Deutsche Presse Agenture

Bangkok - Thailand on Wednesday denied entry to Gary Glitter after the former British glam rock star refused to board a plane to London after finishing a jail term in Vietnam for sexually abusing two preteen girls.


Glitter, who was put on board a Thai International Airways flight to Bangkok Tuesday after being released following two years and nine months in a Vietnamese prison, deplaned at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi International Airport, where he refused to board his flight to London, claiming to be suffering chest pains.

"He is still in transit, doing nothing," said Lieutenant General Chatchawal Suksomjit, Thai immigration commissioner.

"If he tries to enter Thailand, we can arrest him, detain him and deport him," Chatchawal told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.

The immigration chief said that as long as Glitter remained in transit, it was the responsibility of Thai Airways to get him on a flight back to Vietnam or on to London.

"But he has said he will not go to London," Chatchawal said.


Continued here: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2008/08/20...es_30081026.php

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Gary Gloater


in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Published: Today

SMUG paedophile Gary Glitter clenches his fists as he is released from jail in Vietnam yesterday — just like he did when he was an idolised glam rocker.


Celebration ... evil sex pervert Gary Glitter clenches fists as he is released from jail


Pop pose ... Gary Glitter in his days as glam rock idol

Glitter, 64, boarded a flight to Bangkok yesterday with a connection to London, insisting he was heading home.

But this morning the shamed rocker was in limbo after refusing to board a flight to the UK.

After landing in the Thai capital yesterday he made a dramatic bid to go to ground.

First, he demanded to be allowed into Thailand.

Then, when Thai authorities refused, he insisted he was a “free man” and would head for Singapore.

Glitter was advised there was no flight to the country until much later.

The ’70s singer then claimed he was having a heart attack — and two Thai cops took him to an airport VIP area which has small bedrooms.

He rented one for eight hours for £100.

He was declared "persona non grata" by Thai immigration officals who are threatening to send him back to Vietnam.

Flustered British officials were called in and a UK cop sent to escort Glitter home was left helpless.

Source: www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article1581322.ece

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Thailand officials to deport laughing Glitter 'as soon as possible' despite heart attack claims

BANGKOK: -- Thai immigration officials are to deport disgraced rock star Gary Glitter back to Britain as soon as possible, despite his claims of ill health.

He had originally been threatened with detention by Thai officials after he refused to board a flight to Britain from Bangkok International Airport.

But now Thai authorities have said that Glitter, real name Paul Gadd, will be forced to board a plane taking him back to Britain - whether he likes it or not.

'We are barring entry to Paul Francis Gadd and will be deporting him to his home country, England, unconditionally and even if he does not wish to board the plane,' police said in a statement.

"We are now waiting to return him to England as soon as possible."

The 64-year-old refused to board a flight back to Britain and last night demanded to be taken to hospital claiming he was suffering a heart attack.

For several hours last night , Glitter, 64, was involved in a bizarre stand-off as Thai officials refused to let him enter their country, and British Embassy staff tried to persuade him to board the plane to London.

Officials finally gave way when Glitter claimed he was having a heart attack.

He was later diagnosed with costochondritis, an inflammation of the ribs that causes chest pain, an official said.

A doctor attending to him air-side prescribed him painkillers and declared him fit to travel.

This morning, police and senior immigration officials in Thailand said Glitter had been denied entry into the country after failing to board the flight to London.

Police Major General Phongdej Chaiprawat said Glitter was being confined to a transit lounge at the airport in Bangkok.

He said: 'Officials concerned are working through the process of putting him on the plane to take him out of the country, but if he continues to refuse to leave then he will confined in the (airport transit) area temporarily before being taken into a detention centre.'

The convicted paedophile was due to be deported home after serving 27 months in a Vietnamese prison for abusing two young girls.

However, after the first leg of his journey - from Ho Chi Minh city to Bangkok - he refused to get on his flight to Heathrow.

An British police officer from CEOP, Scotland Yard's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Unit, visited him for 20 minutes as he remain holed up airside in a 'transit' room but afterwards officials said he was still refusing to budge, complaining that Thailand would be in breach of human rights if they sent him home.

Glitter, who rented a transit lounge room for the night, did not wake up this morning for the first departures to Hong Kong and Singapore, his destinations of choice.

During his flight the disgraced pop star told reporters that he was planning to write a book that would 'prove he was an innocent man'.

“God, am I happy to be leaving Vietnam and that jail. I should never have been in there. It has been a nightmare. Every second. I was set up, that’s all I will say.

“But you wait. All the time I’ve been inside I’ve been preparing for my book. It’s all here in my head.

“I’m an innocent man and my book will show you that.

Glitter told The Sun: 'I'm not worried at all about coming home to England. Why would I be? I'm an innocent man. I think people realise that. I think I'll be made welcome.

Thai Immigration officials then called in officers of Thai International Airways blaming them for what has become an international farce; with Glitter attempting to get into Thailand by what officials believe may have been exaggerated illnesses.

Britain's Ambassador to Thailand said that any decision as to what would happen to Glitter was totally up to the current host country Thailand.

"It's a mess," said a Thai Immigration official. "Glitter had been warned that he could legally only stay in the country for 12 hours. My boss is getting impatient with him now."

The 12 hour deadline passed today at 10.15 am Thai time.

Sudarat Sereewat, Thailand's well known paedophile tracker, and Secretary General of 'Fight Against Child Exploitation' and also a member of the Thai National Human Rights Committee said: "I have been in touch with the authorities.

'They considered sending Glitter back to Vietnam if he continues to refuse to go to London. Vietnam did not notify the Thai authorities they were reporting Mr. Gadd to Thailand.

"But that seems a poor option at the moment, as the Vietnamese authorities will probably just send him right back."

His refusal to budge will be an embarrassment to Jacqui Smith, who had planned to use his return home to announce measures to stop Britons indulging in 'sex tourism'.

The Home Secretary had hoped to gather good PR with a pledge to stop perverts being granted passports.

However, with Britain unable to persuade such a famous paedophile to return to this country - where he could be monitored and controlled - Miss Smith's promise to stop other child abusers from leaving rang somewhat hollow.

She announced that the Government would tighten the law to ban convicted offenders from travelling overseas for up to five years at a time, compared with the current limit of six months.

This morning the Home Secretary said that Britain could not enforce Glitter's return but had to plan for what would happen if he did come here.

She repeated that his was the type of case where it was "pretty hard to imagine it would be legitimate for him to travel abroad again".

She will announce measures today to curtail movement around the world by convicted sex offenders.

She told GMTV: "I don't want any sex offenders in this country, but the point is, Vietnamese officials have deported him to the UK, so, as we do whenever sex offenders return to this country, we need to plan ... for what happens when people return."

She added: "Never mind his individual case, anybody who is returning to the UK in these sorts of circumstances would be met at the airport by police officers, would be served with an order which effectively puts them on to the sex offenders register."

Ms Smith said the system for dealing with sex offenders in this country is already very strong, but she plans to strengthen it.

There are plans to issue more foreign travel orders, stopping sex offenders travelling abroad by having their passport taken off them.

"One of the things we have learned generally about sex offenders is they do want to travel to places where they can exploit children."

Not everybody on the sex offenders register would have their passport taken away.

"If there is evidence the person is travelling abroad to abuse children, we can get an order that stops them travelling. There should be more of those."

Asked if Glitter was that sort of case, she said: "In every single case, the court has to make the decision, but this is the type of case where I find it pretty hard to imagine it is legitimate for him to travel abroad again."

Asked if she was comfortable with him using the NHS and taking up police time, she said: "I think it's right that we use police time to monitor sex offenders.

"If you are a British citizen, you have the right to use the NHS, whatever we think about an individual, and this is a pretty despicable person."

For the first time, they will be made to surrender their travel documents for the duration of the blanket Foreign Travel Order. But, by simply refusing to come back, Glitter revealed the Home Office's lack of control over British child abusers who choose to remain overseas.

Before his release from Thu Duc prison, the former pop star - real name Paul Gadd - had declared his desire to come back to Britain to claim free heart treatment on the Health Service.

He recently said that he 'needs access to a UK hospital' because conditions 'weren't perfect' in his cell.

jacqui smith

Embarrassment: Home Secretary Jacqui Smith

He was jailed in Vietnam in March 2006 for abusing two girls aged ten and 11, whom he claimed to be teaching English.

Seven years earlier in 1999, he was convicted in Britain of having child pornography on his computer and served two months in prison.

Once free he went to Cambodia, but was permanently barred from there in 2002 over alleged sex offences.

Even the mode of Glitter's initial departure from Vietnam was mired in confusion.

The government there refused to allow him to leave on a business class flight, on the basis that such an offender should not be 'pampered'.

Thai Airlines accepted an economy class booking on Flight TG910 to Heathrow, although Glitter ended up in business class for the first leg to Bangkok.

On the flight from Vietnam, he sat in an aisle seat wearing a baseball cap, flicking through a duty free catalogue.

He even signed autographs for some fellow passengers, but hid behind his scarf to avoid conversation with others who approached him.

The plan was that he would be greeted in Britain at Terminal 3 this morning by about 35 police officers - at an estimated cost of £20,000 - including officers from the Metropolitan Police's Jigsaw sex offenders team and two detectives from the SDC5 child abuse unit.

They would question Glitter at Heathrow Police station - voluntarily, as he would not be under arrest - about where he intended to live, what he planned to do and if he hoped to have any contact with children.

As a convicted paedophile, he would be required to sign the Sex Offenders Register.

But the millionaire paedophile instead caused mayhem at Bangkok airport by stubbornly refusing to get on his flight.

Wearing ripped jeans and a checked scarf, he sulked and argued rather than continue his journey home.

Last night, his petulant performance took on almost comic proportions.

When he landed at 10pm local time, Thai immigration officers boarded the flight and informed him he could not enter the country.

Glitter told them: 'I have committed no offence in Thailand, why are you refusing me entry?'

Then he said he did not want to stay in Thailand anyway, and demanded to change his London flight for one to Singapore.

Officials told him there were no more flights that night, and took him to an airside airport hotel and put him in £100-a-night room.

It was there he argued with Thai and UK embassy officials, as well as a British police officer who was supposed to be accompanying him to London looked on.

The Thais told Glitter the government there had firmly ruled out letting him out of Bangkok Airport unless he was aboard an international flight.

Sudarat Sereewat, a member of the Thai National Human Rights Committee, said: 'We are aware of his passport number and will happily assist Mr Gadd to the intended destination in case he has second thoughts about stopping off here.'

The policeman told the officials that no other country was likely to accept Glitter, so they should do all they could to get him aboard the London flight.

Glitter would not need a visa to go to Singapore, but the government there is likely to be aghast at the prospect of hosting him, and could well block his entry.

But short of physically dragging him on to a plane, it seems there is little that the British can do.

And even if the authorities manage-to coax him on to a Heathrow-bound plane, there is still widespread anger about his talk of taking advantage of the NHS.

Dr Michele Elliott, of children's charity Kidscape, said: 'It makes you sick. He doesn't even want to live here, he's just coming to sponge off us. I can think of a lot more worthy people to give treatment to on the NHS.

'He's an exploiter - he exploits children, he'll exploit the NHS.

'He's not remorseful, he's arrogant and unless he gets help he will continue to be a danger to children. He should go and live on a desert island. Nobody wants him.'

-- By Andrew Drummond, Sam Greenhill, Stephen Wright and Richard Simpson 2008-08-20


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Glitter 'prepared to fly'

BANGKOK: -- Paedophile rock star Gary Glitter has agreed to fly from Thailand to a third country after refusing to return to England, a Thai official said.

Glitter said he would take a Thai Airways flight on Wednesday night but his destination and time of departure have yet to be determined.

Earlier, Glitter refused to board a flight to England after his release from a Vietnamese prison.

Glitter has been in legal limbo at Bangkok airport, remaining in transit after the Thai authorities refused to allow him through passport control.

He reportedly stayed in a VIP area after arguing with Thai officials, and claimed he was having a heart attack.

The 64-year-old left a Vietnamese prison on Tuesday morning after serving two years and nine months of a three-year sentence for abusing two girls.

-- teletext.co.uk 2008-08-20

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Gary Glitter to fly to 'another Asian country'

BANGKOK: -- Gary Glitter is refusing to return to Britain and will fly to another Asian country after being forced to leave Thailand.

Glitter had had initially tried to book a business class flight but Vietnamese authorities prevented him from doing so.

Thai immigration officials have given Glitter a deadline to leave the country by 2am local time (8pm, GMT) or face being locked up in Bangkok's notorious Immigration Detention Centre, where illegal immigrants are kept 40 to a room.

The former pop star, whose real name is Paul Gadd, flew into the city after his deportation from Vietnam, where he served nearly three years for sexually assaulting two young girls.

In farcical scenes, the singer refused to board a transfer flight to London and then demanded to be taken to hospital claiming he was suffering a heart attack and earache.

Thai immigration officials declared Glitter "persona non grata" and said that he posed a "threat to domestic morality".

Colonel Voravat Amornvivat, a spokesman for the immigration service, has now confirmed that his departure was imminent.

"After our last talk with him, he agreed to go to another country in Asia," he said. "Thai Airways is making the arrangements now."

In past interviews Glitter has said he may go to Singapore or Hong Kong to resume his singing career.

He would not need a visa to get to Singapore, but its government is likely to be against hosting him and his entry could be blocked at the immigration desk.

-- telegraph.co.uk 2008-08-20

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Gary Glitter agrees to leave Thailand


Photo: Andrew Chant

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - A Thai immigration official says rocker Gary Glitter has agreed to leave Thailand.

Glitter had flown from Vietnam to Thailand after serving nearly three years for molesting children. He was supposed to switch planes and fly home to England, but he refused.

Thai officials say he's now agreed to fly out tonight, but it's not known where he'll be going. Most Thai Airways flights leaving at night head to Europe.

-- AP 2008-08-20

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Gary Glitter deported to 'another Asian country'

BANGKOK: -- Thailand will deport former glam rocker and convicted paedophile Gary Glitter to another country in Asia, rather than to his native Britain, according to a Thai immigration official.

Glitter arrived in Bangkok late yesterday after being deported from Vietnam, where he just finished serving nearly three years in prison for child sex offences.

The 64-year-old Briton had been booked to fly to London, but refused to get on the plane, Thai immigration officials said.

Glitter was then denied entry to Thailand because of his conviction, and Thai authorities had initially said he would be deported to London.

"After our last talk with him, he agreed to go to another country in Asia," Colonel Voravat Amornvivat,said.

"Thai Airways is making the arrangements now."

Officials at the airline could not be immediately reached for comment.

-- news.com.au 2008-08-20

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Thailand deports Glitter to Hong Kong: immigration

BANGKOK: -- Thailand deported former glam rocker and convicted paedophile Gary Glitter on Wednesday, sending him to Hong Kong after he refused to board a plane to his native Britain, a Thai immigration official said.

"He left Thailand for Hong Kong this evening," Colonel Voravat Amornvivat, a spokesman for the immigration service, told AFP.

Glitter arrived in Bangkok late Tuesday after being deporting from Vietnam, where he just finished serving nearly three years in prison for child sex offences.

The 64-year-old Briton had been booked to fly to London, but refused to get on the plane, Thai immigration officials said.

Glitter was then denied entry to Thailand because of his conviction, and Thai authorities had initially said he would be deported to London.

When he refused to board the plane to Britain, Thai authorities agreed for him to go to Hong Kong, the spokesman said.

Glitter -- real name Paul Francis Gadd -- spent two years and nine months in a Vietnamese prison after being convicted of committing obscene acts with the two girls in the southern resort town of Vung Tau in 2005.

He has always maintained his innocence.

-- AFP 2008-08-20

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Glitter is on flight to Hong Kong

BANGKOK: -- Former pop star Gary Glitter has left Bangkok on a flight to Hong Kong, Thai police have said.

He was earlier deported from Vietnam after spending almost three years in jail for sexually abusing two girls.

Glitter, 64, real name Paul Francis Gadd, arrived in Bangkok, Thailand, to catch a connecting flight to the UK.

But he boarded a Thai Airways flight to the Chinese territory Hong Kong after refusing to leave Bangkok airport to return to the UK, police said.

Thai immigration officials had barred him from entering Thailand after he said he wanted to remain in the country or go to another Asian country.

The Home Office has confirmed Glitter was issued with a new British passport in recent months, which will make it easier for him to enter a third country.

-- BBC 2008-08-20

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Glitter refused Hong Kong entry

Convicted paedophile and ex-pop star Gary Glitter has been refused entry to Hong Kong after being deported from Bangkok in Thailand.

Chinese authorities informed the UK Foreign Office they had barred Glitter, real name Paul Gadd, 64, after his arrival at 11pm local time (1600 BST).

Earlier he was deported from Vietnam after spending almost three years in jail for sexually abusing two girls.

He flew to Hong Kong from Bangkok after refusing to catch a flight to the UK.

He had boarded a Thai Airways flight to Chinese territory Hong Kong after Thai authorities refused him entry and threatened to deport him to Britain.


– BBC 2008-08-20, last updated at 18:56 GMT


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China denies Glitter's entry

The convicted child abuser has refused to be deported to Britain and fled to Hong Kong yesterday in an embarrassment for Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary.

But late last night the Chinese authorities denied him entry, which left Glitter stranded at the airport attempting to find another country to accept him.

He was expected to fly back to Bangkok this morning, the Foreign Office said last night.

Glitter's departure from Vietnam, where he has served 27 months in jail for child abuse, descended into farce as he defied British Embassy officials by flying to Hong Kong.

Miss Smith had expected the singer, whom she described yesterday as a "despicable person", to return to London. Earlier this week she said he would be banned from foreign travel to prevent "sex tourism".

"I want Gary Glitter to be controlled whilst he's here and I don't want him to be able to go anywhere else in the world in order to abuse children," she said.

Glitter's release from prison in Vietnam has been chaotic. The 64-year-old, whose real name is Paul Gadd, departed from Ho Chi Minh City on Tuesday on a Thai Airways flight to London, via Bangkok.

In Bangkok, he refused to board the transfer flight to Heathrow and then demanded to be taken to hospital, claiming he was suffering a heart attack and earache.

A doctor declared him fit to travel after diagnosing him with costochondritis, an inflammation of the ribs that causes chest pain. The stand-off continued as Glitter booked himself into a transit lounge room and declared he was a "free man".

Thai immigration officials said he would not be granted entry to the country because he posed a threat to "domestic morality" but negotiators agreed he could instead travel to Hong Kong.

Thai Airways confirmed that Glitter had left yesterday on flight number TG602, landing in Hong Kong at 11pm local time.

The Foreign Office was later told that Chinese immigration officials had refused Glitter a visa. A spokesman said: "It is up to the Chinese authorities what action they take next."

Glitter was convicted of downloading child pornography in Britain in 1999 after a computer repair shop found the images on his laptop. He served two months of a four-month sentence. He left the country and moved to Spain and Cuba before travelling to south-east Asia.

He was kicked out of Cambodia after facing allegations of sex crimes and moved to the Vietnamese coastal resort of Vung Tau, before being jailed for molesting two girls.

Up to 35 police officers have been on standby at Heathrow for Glitter's return - at a cost of ฃ20,000 - including the Metropolitan Police's Jigsaw sex offenders team and two detectives from the child abuse unit.

However, using a British passport issued to him in 2002, he is free to travel anywhere that will issue him a visa and the authorities are powerless to enforce his return.

He is said to be looking at flights to Sri Lanka and Singapore.

-- The Nation 2008-08-21

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Gary Glitter Faces Deportation Back to Thailand, Hong Kong Says

HONG KONG: -- -- Gary Glitter, a British former ``glam-rock'' star, will be deported back to Thailand, Hong Kong immigration officials said after denying the convicted pedophile entry late yesterday.

Glitter, who was deported from Vietnam two days ago after being released from prison, is refusing to return to the U.K. He spent more than 12 hours in transit at Bangkok international airport after failing to catch a connecting flight to London, before flying to Hong Kong.

-- Bloomberg 2008-08-21

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Thailand Refuses Entry A Second Time

BANGKOK: -- Gary Glitter has been turned back to Thailand after spending 12 hours in a transit lounge at the Hong Kong airport yesterday.

Glitter ended up in Hong Kong after he was refused entry into Thailand two days ago.

The shamed popstar was being deported to the UK after being released from a Vietnamese prison on child sex charges and tried to stay in Thailand after faking a heart attack at Bangkok airport.

After spending 20 hours at the Bangkok transit lounge, he then departed Thailand for Hong Kong after refusing to go to London.

Hong Kong also refused him entry.

Thai authorities say that the former popstar will be put on a plane back to London when he arrived back in Bangkok later tonight.

When he arrives in London, he will be served with papers and listed as a known sex offender.

As a sex offender, he will be required to kept under police surveillance and visited weekly. Breaking his probation will mean a possible 5 more years in jail.

-- Agencies 2008-08-21

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Gary Glitter detained by Thai Immigration

BANGKOK: -- - Disgraced glam rocker Gary Glitter returned to Bangkok on Thursday after Hong Kong barred him from entering following his release from three years' prison in Vietnam for child sex abuse.

Thai immigration police detained the 64-year-old Briton after his Thai Airways flight landed at Bangkok's international airport, a Reuters witness said.

-- Reuters 2008-08-21

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Glitter agrees to return to London

BANGKOK: -- Paedophile Gary Glitter has agreed to return to London, according to police in Thailand.

However, Police Major General Phongdej Chaiprawat could not say when Glitter would leave Bangkok nor which flight he would be taking. Glitter, 64, has twice been refused entry into Thailand and once turned away from Hong Kong after being released from jail in Vietnam.

He had served two years and nine months of a three-year sentence for abusing two girls aged 10 and 11. Under the terms of his release he was due to board a connecting flight to London's Heathrow airport but refused claiming ill health.

-- The Press Association 2008-08-21

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Glitter 'agrees to return to UK'

BANGKOK: -- Paedophile Gary Glitter finally agreed today to leave Thailand and return to the UK, Thai police said.

Glitter, 64, had repeatedly refused to return to Britain after Tuesday's release from prison in Vietnam, where he had been jailed for abusing two young girls.

The shamed former pop star is now expected to fly into London's Heathrow Airport after leaving the Thai capital Bangkok.

Thai police general Phongdej Chaiprawat told the Associated Press that Glitter had finally agreed to leave the country.

Glitter, whose real name is Paul Gadd, has been at the centre of an international game of ping-pong as country after country refused him leave to enter.

He has been twice refused entry into Thailand and once turned away from Hong Kong after flying out from Vietnam.

Despite Glitter agreeing to leave, Thai police said they did not know when the ageing former glam rocker would depart Bangkok or which flight he would be leaving on.

The shamed former pop star, 64, touched down in Bangkok, Thailand, for the second time in a week earlier today after being barred from Hong Kong.

On his arrival he was told by Thai authorities that he was not welcome.

Thai Police Colonel Worawat Amornwiwat said: "Thailand is not allowing him to enter the country and Hong Kong is turning him back, so there is no choice for him now.

"It is the responsibility of Thai Airways to take him out of the country."

He was stuck in international limbo as a growing list of countries said they would deny him entry and the British Government was powerless to force him to return to the UK.

But his decision to leave Bangkok could finally draw the bizarre saga to an end.

Glitter will not be relishing his return to the UK, where he can expect to be greeted by the police and a hostile press.

The farcical series of events began on Tuesday when Glitter left a Vietnamese prison after serving almost three years for abusing two girls aged 10 and 11.

-- Independent 2008-08-21

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Gary Glitter boards London flight

Paedophile and disgraced ex-pop star Gary Glitter has left Bangkok and is on a flight bound for London.

Glitter, who was jailed in Vietnam for child abuse, was denied entry to Hong Kong and twice to Thailand this week, after he refused to return to London.

He spent three years in jail for sexually abusing two Vietnamese girls.

Glitter, 64, whose real name is Paul Gadd, sold millions of records as a glam rock star in the 1970s, with hits including I'm The Leader Of The Gang.

He also has a conviction in the UK, having been jailed for four months in 1999 for possessing images of child abuse.

He is expected to arrive shortly after 0700 BST on Friday.

Earlier in the week Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said it was her view that Glitter should be given a Foreign Travel Order, banning him from overseas travel.

Glitter has reportedly been attempting to avoid returning to the UK since he was deported from Vietnam on Tuesday. The Thai authorities said they told him no other country would take him.

When the flight from Ho Chi Minh City stopped in Bangkok he refused to take the connecting flight to the UK. He made a plea for medical treatment after saying he was suffering a heart attack.

– BBC News 2008-08-21, last updated at 19:32 GMT


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Paedophile Glitter arrives in UK

Paedophile and former pop singer Gary Glitter has arrived back in the UK after serving three years in a Vietnamese jail for abusing two girls.

Glitter was denied entry to Hong Kong and twice to Thailand this week, after he refused to return to Britain.

His Thai Airways flight landed at Heathrow Airport at 0710 BST, where he was met by police.

He is expected to appear at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court in west London to sign the sex offenders register.


Continued here: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7573812.stm

– BBC News, last updated at 09:41 GMT

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With the arrival of Gary Glitter in the UK (see above post) further news reports about him are unlikely to be related to Thailand and therefore will not be added to this thread. Anybody interested in such news can find it easily on the Internet.



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One more interesting Thailand-related news item


Glitter flees after dodging court


Glitter’s four-day “world tour” began when he was deported from Vietnam on Tuesday after nearly three years in jail for sex offences against girls of ten and 11.

He agreed to fly home, but caused chaos at a stop-over in Bangkok, Thailand, by refusing to board a London-bound plane.

The Thai authorities were powerless to kick him out as Vietnam had not issued them with the deportation paperwork.

But they remedied this by tricking gloating Glitter into leaving for Hong Kong — and then got the former colony to furnish them with the correct documents.

The brute — real name Paul Gadd — was then sent back to Thailand. He had hoped to bounce from country to country until one would finally let him in.

But Thai authorities used his attempted escape to Hong Kong to deport him to Britain.

A source said: “We’re delighted that we have caught him out. Glitter was so pleased when the Thai authorities allowed him to fly to Hong Kong. But it was a trap and he fell for it.

“He was given the papers as soon as he touched down. His face fell like a ton of bricks.

“Glitter even rang a friend on the flight to Hong Kong — telling them to pick him up because he had outwitted us all.”

– The Sun 2008-08-22


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