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Give Fugitive Dad 10 Years Then Give Junior A Job

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Just noticed this one in the Bangkok Post, lost for words again. What better way to hold up two fingers to the Thai electorate ?


Fugitive's son new aide to PM Samak


Cabinet yesterday appointed Chonsawat Asavahame, son of fugitive politician Vatana, deputy secretary to Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej. The appointment came one day after the Supreme Court sentenced Vatana, the former deputy interior minister, to 10 years in jail for corruption.

Mr Chonsawat resigned as secretary to the deputy interior minister in February, a day after he was appointed, due to criticism. He faces charges of refusing to take an alcohol breath test and illegally detaining a police officer on New Phetchaburi road on May 21 last year.


Add to that the controversial reinstatement of Duang Yubamrung, best described as a thug, brawler and worse, once again by Samak, and you really have to wonder if this is not just the most incompetant, don't give a damm, govt that Thailand has ever elected.

Sometimes I think PAD are over the top (as in yesterdays British Embassy march) but while this lot is around I don't think I will ever get around to thinking they have served their purpose.

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The Sins of the Father Roamer - The Sins of the Father.

That any keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.

Perhaps the lad didn't have a choice in this appointment.

Just noticed this one in the Bangkok Post, lost for words again. What better way to hold up two fingers to the Thai electorate ?


Fugitive's son new aide to PM Samak


Cabinet yesterday appointed Chonsawat Asavahame, son of fugitive politician Vatana, deputy secretary to Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej. The appointment came one day after the Supreme Court sentenced Vatana, the former deputy interior minister, to 10 years in jail for corruption.

So, in your opinion, Chonsawat Asavahame is going to commit a crime? Do you think like this just because he is the son of a convicted criminal?

I'll bet that you are one of those people that scream & shout for "the law" to take control of everything. Yet now, you are not giving Chonsawat Asavahame a chance. Is he a criminal or not? I'll let you decide since you think that you are Judge, jury & executioner.

Are you a control freak?


Indeed it was.... thank goodness for the edit function, but for which I might find myself doing penance by saying nice things about Expat Electricians. :o


I would like to bet a lot of money that Toxins' spawn will one day be Prime Minister.

Just run them through the spin cycle - put a necktie on them & run em for office again. Let's face it the family have enough dosh to buy the job.


Elkangarito you have obviously given the article the benefit an in depth analysis and decided that this should not prevent a cabinet appointment;

" Mr Chonsawat resigned as secretary to the deputy interior minister in February, a day after he was appointed, due to criticism. He faces charges of refusing to take an alcohol breath test and illegally detaining a police officer on New Phetchaburi road on May 21 last year. "

I'm neither judge jury or executioner but do think that if someone is facing criminal charges, then even in a government that doesn't put much stress on public standards, he should at least be judged before being appointed.

It would seem that you don't think this should be a barrier, your in good company as Samak obviously thinks the same.

Is the kid accused of doing anything wrong?


"" Mr Chonsawat resigned as secretary to the deputy interior minister in February, a day after he was appointed, due to criticism. He faces charges of refusing to take an alcohol breath test and illegally detaining a police officer on New Phetchaburi road on May 21 last year. "

Is the kid accused of doing anything wrong?


"" Mr Chonsawat resigned as secretary to the deputy interior minister in February, a day after he was appointed, due to criticism. He faces charges of refusing to take an alcohol breath test and illegally detaining a police officer on New Phetchaburi road on May 21 last year. "

I'm with Roamer on this and, most definitely, the Duang Yubamrung issue, also--as, probably, is the widow of the Police Seargant who 'mysteriously' got shot, point blank. Although this isn't about DY--Chonsawat seems to be a good friend.


i gotta to hate my country, thailand. the politicans are crooks and corrupt, period. even speak thai, i just ignore the polite conversion and they probably get you at the end by screwing you!


Come on – this is a joke!!

I don’t normally like to get involved in these kinds of arguments because I know they will lead nowhere, but how anyone with a straight face defends these kinds of appointments is totally beyond me.

You get an officer who is stripped of his rank and becomes a fugitive from justice for shooting and killing who is subsequently reinstated when his dad becomes Minister of the Interior, and a now we have the son of a fugitive who was involved in a highly publicised and well reported incident of extreme bullying and threatening behaviour (he shouted at the cops “do you know who my father is?”) on the highways of Bangkok appointed to a government position – the very day after his father was sentenced to 10 years in jail.

It is nepotism and breathtaking arrogance of the highest degree. Everything is subservient to “taking care of their own”.

You mean to tell me there aren’t hundreds, if not thousands, of well educated, highly qualified young men with exemplary records and backgrounds who are not qualified to take on these duties? Whatever happened to equal opportunities, or a fair recruitment policy?

Can you imagine these actions being condoned in any country in the west?

The truth is they couldn’t give two hoots, and they will cling to power for as long as they can, use their positions to provide maximum benefit to their cronies and families and instigate as many mega projects as possible to pillage the nation’s resources.


Couldn't agree more Mobi. Just another example of a totally dysfunctional government. What really amazes me is how little public outcry there seems to be when this sort of thing happens - should this be interpreted as tacit approval?

I would like to bet a lot of money that Toxins' spawn will one day be Prime Minister.

Just run them through the spin cycle - put a necktie on them & run em for office again. Let's face it the family have enough dosh to buy the job.

I'll take that bet. Although Cambodia has a gay King I really don't think Thailand is ready to move ahead on the gender/gay thing as far as high political office goes. That little photo shooting son of Thaksin seems a bit odd. Even his good looking sister is bigger than him. Hardly ever see him with a girl unless it is with his sister or mother.

Couldn't agree more Mobi. Just another example of a totally dysfunctional government. What really amazes me is how little public outcry there seems to be when this sort of thing happens - should this be interpreted as tacit approval?

Not approval, just indifference, apathy, and general not-really-arsedness in the political process. These types of people with the same backgrounds (political clout and influence funded by illegal activity) and surnames have been in the government here for decades, under one banner or another. They have no affiliation to any party, ethics, goodwill, or credo other than getting their snout into the trough of public funds at any cost. They are supposedly the "elite" of this country... :o


Just more hypocritical cherry picking. How many here think that the children of former prostitutes should not be discriminated against in terms of future employment?

That said, if he was ever convicted of anything, he shouldn't be in office.


I would like to bet a lot of money that Toxins' spawn will one day be Prime Minister.

Just run them through the spin cycle - put a necktie on them & run em for office again. Let's face it the family have enough dosh to buy the job.

I'll take that bet. Although Cambodia has a gay King I really don't think Thailand is ready to move ahead on the gender/gay thing as far as high political office goes. That little photo shooting son of Thaksin seems a bit odd. Even his good looking sister is bigger than him. Hardly ever see him with a girl unless it is with his sister or mother.

Thailand's been there, done that. See Prem.

Hardly ever see him with a girl unless it is with his sister or mother.

Except for Yadthip, Alisha, Lydia...

Also a regular customer at Plaza. Maybe he's just there for the excellent pad Thai.



My thoughts with zero understanding of Thai thinking, politics, Judicial system and their application. Keep the accused in a government position, so the police, judges, family etc know where they are and what they are susposed to be doing. The accused thus have advanced info to what decision will be made on their case, or any request for additional info, the day the eagle flys etc. and no one has to use phone or be subjected to traffic, public observation or media inquiries. Of course jail would fulfill most of these requirements but they would be a baht burden on society. You might say a cheaper burden but that may draw some flake from their partners in mega projects. If cheating in school, run ins with the law, false documents, etc is any indication of the social base (politicians included) Thailand has to pull from, reform will probably not be seen in the next few generation.


Just to show that I am not necessarily taking sides in this.

On the subject of nepotism, an extract from today's Bangkok Post:

Jaruvan grilled by PPP in parliament


About 20 People Power party MPs yesterday grilled Auditor-General Jaruvan Maintaka during debate on her annual report to parliament.........

.........Jatuporn Phromphan (PPP) recited allegations he has made against her outside the House.

He asked her to clarify the fact that she appointed her son as her secretary.

He said she and her son flew together in business-class seats to Japan to visit her daughter who is studying there.

Khunying Jaruvan said she needed a trustworthy person to help her. Her son had a master's degree and was more than qualified for the job………..

And don't forget this lady is the Auditor-General!!!!

Nepotism and cronyism is endemic in this country, whether it is private business, publicly listed corporations, civil service, police, armed forces or government.

Until it is replaced by a meritocracy, Thailand will continue to slide backwards and become more and more out of step with it's competitors.

Come on – this is a joke!!

I don’t normally like to get involved in these kinds of arguments because I know they will lead nowhere, but how anyone with a straight face defends these kinds of appointments is totally beyond me.

You get an officer who is stripped of his rank and becomes a fugitive from justice for shooting and killing who is subsequently reinstated when his dad becomes Minister of the Interior, and a now we have the son of a fugitive who was involved in a highly publicised and well reported incident of extreme bullying and threatening behaviour (he shouted at the cops “do you know who my father is?”) on the highways of Bangkok appointed to a government position – the very day after his father was sentenced to 10 years in jail.

It is nepotism and breathtaking arrogance of the highest degree. Everything is subservient to “taking care of their own”.

You mean to tell me there aren’t hundreds, if not thousands, of well educated, highly qualified young men with exemplary records and backgrounds who are not qualified to take on these duties? Whatever happened to equal opportunities, or a fair recruitment policy?

Can you imagine these actions being condoned in any country in the west?

The truth is they couldn’t give two hoots, and they will cling to power for as long as they can, use their positions to provide maximum benefit to their cronies and families and instigate as many mega projects as possible to pillage the nation’s resources.

And that of course is the real tragedy here and the real reason why Thailand is doomed to stay in the dark age.

Elkangarito you have obviously given the article the benefit an in depth analysis and decided that this should not prevent a cabinet appointment;

" Mr Chonsawat resigned as secretary to the deputy interior minister in February, a day after he was appointed, due to criticism. He faces charges of refusing to take an alcohol breath test and illegally detaining a police officer on New Phetchaburi road on May 21 last year. "

I'm neither judge jury or executioner but do think that if someone is facing criminal charges, then even in a government that doesn't put much stress on public standards, he should at least be judged before being appointed.

It would seem that you don't think this should be a barrier, your in good company as Samak obviously thinks the same.

Firstly, I dislike any "law".

Secondly, the person in question is only facing "charges" & thus has not been convicted. Perhaps there is another "law" that prevents politicians on a charge, to actively work? I don't know.

I would think that anyone who supports the "law" will understand this. Is this not "innocent until proven guilty"? Does not Thailand use a system like this?

If you are one who "follows" the "law", then there is no escaping the rules & regs that abound. Should one disagree with a particular rule/law, I would think affirmative action would be needed (see Martin Luther King).

Is the kid accused of doing anything wrong?

Detaining a police officer isn't enough for you?

Apparently he is accused of wrong doing but to this date, it is unknown if he has been "convicted".

i gotta to hate my country, thailand. the politicans are crooks and corrupt, period. even speak thai, i just ignore the polite conversion and they probably get you at the end by screwing you!

Actually, the politicians in every country are "crooked". It's just the degree of "crookedness" that varies. The smarter & more informed the electorate is, the harder the "democratic" politicians" have to work at covering their "goals".

Just more hypocritical cherry picking. How many here think that the children of former prostitutes should not be discriminated against in terms of future employment?

That said, if he was ever convicted of anything, he shouldn't be in office.


Thanks Heng. The word "convicted" is the key word here. BTW, it would be limiting & foolish to discriminate against children of former prostitutes.

Just to show that I am not necessarily taking sides in this.

On the subject of nepotism, an extract from today's Bangkok Post:

Jaruvan grilled by PPP in parliament


About 20 People Power party MPs yesterday grilled Auditor-General Jaruvan Maintaka during debate on her annual report to parliament.........

.........Jatuporn Phromphan (PPP) recited allegations he has made against her outside the House.

He asked her to clarify the fact that she appointed her son as her secretary.

He said she and her son flew together in business-class seats to Japan to visit her daughter who is studying there.

Khunying Jaruvan said she needed a trustworthy person to help her. Her son had a master's degree and was more than qualified for the job………..

And don't forget this lady is the Auditor-General!!!!

Nepotism and cronyism is endemic in this country, whether it is private business, publicly listed corporations, civil service, police, armed forces or government.

Until it is replaced by a meritocracy, Thailand will continue to slide backwards and become more and more out of step with it's competitors.

Isn't nepotism and cronyism prevalent in any country? Ok, maybe it's endemic here (Thailand)...by comparison.

Come on – this is a joke!!

I don't normally like to get involved in these kinds of arguments because I know they will lead nowhere, but how anyone with a straight face defends these kinds of appointments is totally beyond me.

You get an officer who is stripped of his rank and becomes a fugitive from justice for shooting and killing who is subsequently reinstated when his dad becomes Minister of the Interior, and a now we have the son of a fugitive who was involved in a highly publicised and well reported incident of extreme bullying and threatening behaviour (he shouted at the cops "do you know who my father is?") on the highways of Bangkok appointed to a government position – the very day after his father was sentenced to 10 years in jail.

It is nepotism and breathtaking arrogance of the highest degree. Everything is subservient to "taking care of their own".

You mean to tell me there aren't hundreds, if not thousands, of well educated, highly qualified young men with exemplary records and backgrounds who are not qualified to take on these duties? Whatever happened to equal opportunities, or a fair recruitment policy?

Can you imagine these actions being condoned in any country in the west?

The truth is they couldn't give two hoots, and they will cling to power for as long as they can, use their positions to provide maximum benefit to their cronies and families and instigate as many mega projects as possible to pillage the nation's resources.

good post mobi.this is typical corruption yet again.i have no answer to sort this out and it will continue as long as the elite control this country.they despise issan but they are much more illiterate and cannot do any right.


My reply in blue.

Come on – this is a joke!!

I don't normally like to get involved in these kinds of arguments because I know they will lead nowhere, but how anyone with a straight face defends these kinds of appointments is totally beyond me.

You get an officer who is stripped of his rank and becomes a fugitive from justice for shooting and killing who is subsequently reinstated when his dad becomes Minister of the Interior, and a now we have the son of a fugitive who was involved in a highly publicised and well reported incident of extreme bullying and threatening behaviour (he shouted at the cops "do you know who my father is?") on the highways of Bangkok appointed to a government position – the very day after his father was sentenced to 10 years in jail.

It is nepotism and breathtaking arrogance of the highest degree. Everything is subservient to "taking care of their own".

You mean to tell me there aren't hundreds, if not thousands, of well educated, highly qualified young men with exemplary records and backgrounds who are not qualified to take on these duties? Whatever happened to equal opportunities, or a fair recruitment policy?

Can you imagine these actions being condoned in any country in the west?

The truth is they couldn't give two hoots, and they will cling to power for as long as they can, use their positions to provide maximum benefit to their cronies and families and instigate as many mega projects as possible to pillage the nation's resources.

good post mobi.this is typical corruption yet again.i have no answer to sort this out and it will continue as long as the elite control this country.they despise issan but they are much more illiterate and cannot do any right.

i could answer like you did but i wont.instead i will answer in a way that others can understand & easily see.

Look above ^^. Can you see me now? It's amazing what a change of colour does. It also helps to use the "shift" key (for CAPITALS) & the "spacebar" (between the end of one sentence & the beginning of another) when trying to communicate with others.

Yes, you are correct...the "elite" control every country. Unfortunately, there are "laws" that exist to supposedly control everybody. Don't these laws work? Have they ever "worked"?

My reply in blue.
Come on – this is a joke!!

I don't normally like to get involved in these kinds of arguments because I know they will lead nowhere, but how anyone with a straight face defends these kinds of appointments is totally beyond me.

You get an officer who is stripped of his rank and becomes a fugitive from justice for shooting and killing who is subsequently reinstated when his dad becomes Minister of the Interior, and a now we have the son of a fugitive who was involved in a highly publicised and well reported incident of extreme bullying and threatening behaviour (he shouted at the cops "do you know who my father is?") on the highways of Bangkok appointed to a government position – the very day after his father was sentenced to 10 years in jail.

It is nepotism and breathtaking arrogance of the highest degree. Everything is subservient to "taking care of their own".

You mean to tell me there aren't hundreds, if not thousands, of well educated, highly qualified young men with exemplary records and backgrounds who are not qualified to take on these duties? Whatever happened to equal opportunities, or a fair recruitment policy?

Can you imagine these actions being condoned in any country in the west?

The truth is they couldn't give two hoots, and they will cling to power for as long as they can, use their positions to provide maximum benefit to their cronies and families and instigate as many mega projects as possible to pillage the nation's resources.

good post mobi.this is typical corruption yet again.i have no answer to sort this out and it will continue as long as the elite control this country.they despise issan but they are much more illiterate and cannot do any right.

i could answer like you did but i wont.instead i will answer in a way that others can understand & easily see.

Look above ^^. Can you see me now? It's amazing what a change of colour does. It also helps to use the "shift" key (for CAPITALS) & the "spacebar" (between the end of one sentence & the beginning of another) when trying to communicate with others.

Yes, you are correct...the "elite" control every country. Unfortunately, there are "laws" that exist to supposedly control everybody. Don't these laws work? Have they ever "worked"?

Do they have laws on your planet too ?


A snippet from the other thread on this misfit who is now part of Samak's Cabinet:


Mayor Charged After 'Drunken Fight With Police', Samut Prakan mayor busted

Police file eight charges against Chonsawas

Makkasan police Wednesday filed eight criminal charges against Samut Prakan Municipality Mayor Chonsawas Asavahame with the public prosecutor.

Two of his aides were also named in some of the charges which arose from an incident with police on New Phetchaburi Road on May 21.

Chonsawas is facing eight charges: resisting officials' instructions without good reason; failing to submit to a driving ability test and a breath test for alcohol; reckless driving; causing damage to property; obstructing an official against his will by applying physical force; inciting three men to use physical force to obstruct an official attempting to do his duty; illegally detaining an official; and insulting an official performing his duty.

The last four charges were also to apply to his two aides, Sakul Pramulchai and Pratya Chaiyakul.

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