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1) you complain if Thai people paid too much attention to you.

2) you complain if Thai people ignore you

May be if you quit whining you'll be much happier in Thailand :o

bitch bitch bitch....nag nag nag..... go home and sit in the dark, may be that'll help you

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The Orientals will be calling us farang whether we like it or not. We might as well grin and bear it, and adjust to life as it is among the smiling Orientals.


There appears to be penchant for the term Oriental in recent postings, something I have not witnessed, or perhaps have missed previously, it has distinct connotations depending on whichever part of the world you come from, is it for reasons of trying to make a point I wonder.

Or has it been explained previously, if it is in the 'Farang' thread, I guess I will continue to miss it. :o

Oh dear, just ran across the other thread, count the above as a rhetorical question, because I fear the worst if it is answered.


Its the new fun PLAYFUL way for us European descent persons to refer to Orientals here in Orientalland!

But please be clear about one thing: it is ORIENTAL, nor OLIENTAL!

count the above as a rhetorical question,
Its the new fun PLAYFUL way for us European descent persons to refer to Orientals here in Orientalland!

Oh dear, rhetorical would appear to be on the same list as Irony for our American friends :o

But please be clear about one thing: it is ORIENTAL, nor OLIENTAL!

Glad you cleared that bit up :D but really no need to shout, most unruly.


So solly, sir, Americans are loud BRASSY people, don't you know. We can't compare with the quiet and demure Orientals. We can only aspire to their inscrutable language usage customs and flatter them with divine imitation; thus we all get called farangs, we must show deep respect and call them all ORIENTALS in turn. It is only right.

I suggest you try it. It is a fun mental exercise. It will make you better understand the Oriental mindset. Brilliance through ignorance, its kind of ZEN, really it is. Zen is a kind of Buddhism. All orientals are Buddhist just like all farangs are Christians, you knew that already, didn't you?


You Know J', with respect, but after a while flogging a dead horse, is exactly that.......................... flogging a dead horse.

People will either follow, or they will not, but good luck on your campaign, just make sure your Ming is not a latter period Qing :o

You Know J', with respect, but after a while flogging a dead horse, is exactly that.......................... flogging a dead horse.

I believe the American expression is 'polishing a turd' :o

To start with it is not Falang it is Farang

That would depend on which rominization you are using... and the one I used, it is falang

So, start with that.

The "falang" / "farang" spelling argument has been done to death and only the pedantic amongst us really care how it's spelt.

I always thought it was spelt Farang but pronounced Falang due to Thais pronouncing the letter R as L, my wifes sisters name is spelt Rung but is pronounce as Lung.

To start with it is not Falang it is Farang

That would depend on which rominization you are using... and the one I used, it is falang

So, start with that.

The "falang" / "farang" spelling argument has been done to death and only the pedantic amongst us really care how it's spelt.

I always thought it was spelt Farang but pronounced Falang due to Thais pronouncing the letter R as L, my wifes sisters name is spelt Rung but is pronounce as Lung.

it is not farang. it is not falang. it is ฝรั่ง

learn to read/write thai then there will be no need for petty "my transliteration is better than yours" debates.

You Know J', with respect, but after a while flogging a dead horse, is exactly that.......................... flogging a dead horse.

I believe the American expression is 'polishing a turd' :o

Dead horse? The great ORIENTAL express has only just begun. Just you watch.

You Know J', with respect, but after a while flogging a dead horse, is exactly that.......................... flogging a dead horse.

I believe the American expression is 'polishing a turd' :o

Dead horse? The great ORIENTAL express has only just begun. Just you watch.

With baited breath...


"farang" seems to be the word on Thaivisa (far ahead of "definitely") for which a dozen or so spelling versions exist.

"best" i have seen is "furlong" :o

You Know J', with respect, but after a while flogging a dead horse, is exactly that.......................... flogging a dead horse.

I believe the American expression is 'polishing a turd' :o

Dead horse? The great ORIENTAL express has only just begun. Just you watch.

Farang = Mango (Fruit)...yep Jingthing, you are a fruit. Congratulation. Now go back in your dark room and sit by yourself so noone will disrespect you EVER again.

Don't flatter yourself P.H, I would not give a rats a@@ what you think about my actions. So I would not come here and ask for your aproval etc.

Where exactly in my post did I suggest I disagreed with your actions or I suggested you should get anyone's approval for anything. In fact I, in essence, joined those who praised you for not making the remark.

All I did say was that I, myself personally, would have put it differently.

Don't take it to heart Dakhar, you're not the first nor will you be the last to have been misunderstood on this forum besides which nobody can personally attack an anonymity.

I don't know what. .. ... (sorry, edited out the bullsh1t)
WOW! in 56 posts you're the new resident cunning linguist on all things thai.

'neion2000'; what an insightful yet one sided moronic diatribe about how YOU happen to see the word ฝรั่ง, evidently while wearing your spiffy color coordinated shirt, matching bracelet as well as your rose colored glasses.

Sorry to burst your bubble; but ฝรั่ง (sorry no karaoke thai) can be either a non-judgmental comment denoting a foreigner, or it can be used with a negative connotation. It is decided by the CONTEXT (a big word for you I know, but try to keep up).

What does 56 posts have to do with my response to an ignorant post? My response was deleted, so what's your point?

I'm flying back to Thailand in 2 months to get punished/degraded by being called a FARANG!! And will arrive on the 30th of October on another one year Visa.. When I arrive at the airport, or where ever I decided to stay at, and hear the word FARANG directed towards me.. Then I know I'm back in Happy Land.. :o

I deal and accept how Thai's accept me.. I ALSO accept when a non-US born tourist comes to the U.S. and can't speak English or speaks broken English.. If a tourist from Japan, China, Germany, Italy, or where ever, might get offended on how some individuals from the States treats them, then "it's up to them to complain and whine on a forum like this, with a subject like this.." I think anyone that complains about a word that generalizes all races, then so be it.. You're IGNORANT!!!

At least other countries attempt/try to speak English... NOT LIKE THE US... I can only give my opinion on where I was born and raised.. The U.S... Thailand is more receptive to tourist than the other countries I've been to... Which is many!!!

Yesterday, I went to Chesters with my wife, and a young Thai couple came in to the restaraunt carrying their young girl. The girl looked to be about 2 years old. The child had a pair of glasses on that were the thickest I have ever seen in my life. The child had to have been essentially blind.

So the parents of the child see me, and began with the usual chant to their kid.... " Look, Look at the Falang."

I thought to myself.... I wish my son was here with me now, so I could say to him.... "Look, Look at the Blind kid."

I wonder how that would have gone over?

Probably nothing meaing to be rude, but it is, crude behavoir.

I've experienced this in small towns. If in BKK or another big city or town, I'd consider it a very stupid attitude to make know out-loud.

  • 2 weeks later...
To start with it is not Falang it is Farang

That would depend on which rominization you are using... and the one I used, it is falang

So, start with that.

The "falang" / "farang" spelling argument has been done to death and only the pedantic amongst us really care how it's spelt.

I always thought it was spelt Farang but pronounced Falang due to Thais pronouncing the letter R as L, my wifes sisters name is spelt Rung but is pronounce as Lung.

it is not farang. it is not falang. it is ฝรั่ง

learn to read/write thai then there will be no need for petty "my transliteration is better than yours" debates.

Then you had better tell my Thai wife that because she spells it Farang but pronounces it Falang.

To start with it is not Falang it is Farang

That would depend on which rominization you are using... and the one I used, it is falang

So, start with that.

The "falang" / "farang" spelling argument has been done to death and only the pedantic amongst us really care how it's spelt.

I always thought it was spelt Farang but pronounced Falang due to Thais pronouncing the letter R as L, my wifes sisters name is spelt Rung but is pronounce as Lung.

it is not farang. it is not falang. it is ฝรั่ง

learn to read/write thai then there will be no need for petty "my transliteration is better than yours" debates.

Then you had better tell my Thai wife that because she spells it Farang but pronounces it Falang.

i said it is spelled ฝรั่ง , it is not spelled 'farang', 'farang' is a transliteration , ฝรั่ง is a spelling

can't your wife write thai script ?

Well aside from being incredibly rude and childish, to refer to a young child's disability :o , I find it amusing how so many get up in arms at being called a farang! Those people who come to arms at this supposed slur should lighten up....... who cares, aren't there more important things to become indignant over? Just tell yourself that they are jealous, they want to be falangs also, that's why the sales of whitening cream is on the rise in Thailand! :D

The point was what if we pointed and made fun of or in other ways made others feel different because of defining physical characteristics , like thick glasses or skin colour .

There was a young child at a stop light just screaming "Farang Farang" at me and I in no uncertain terms said to her father, "that's rude and you're wrong for allowing it , please ask her not to do that ."

He looked mighty uncomfortable- good

Whitening cream is on the increase because Thais are racial bigots, against dark skin, against westerners . I'd say against anyone who isn't Thai'

Do you see any dark skinned people on TV Soaps? How about the News?

When ever cute little racial nicknames are used in referring to a person , that's called bigotry.

HOw can anyone defend this practice as " Uh , get over it they don't mean anything by it"

10 to 1 these defenders have Thai spouses that regularly refer to them as " Whitey" and would leave them faster than a bullet if the money ran out.

My father used the word nigger quite casually, everyone did - back then . Now we know it's racist and only bigots use it

I like to say, don't call me farang and I won't call you a slope- eyed gook!

Disregarding the insults, I was not out in the sticks, I was in BKK at a Chesters Grill. The family was dressed well, and they did not look as if they just got out of the rice field.

As others indicated, I should not get offended, for "they know not what they do." They essentially can not help themselves, right?

If one takes this mind set, isn't that rather condensending?

If they can help themselves, then it could be percieved as their actions as being just plain rude?

An enigma I guess.

Regardless, they will continue on with their remarks, in the future when they see other falangs, because I stood there "like a retard." (as usual)

I know my parents would never ever, point at a black person and say look son a black person, and I grew up in an all white city. But I guess my parents just concentrated on raising their children differently.

All I can say is, "So WHAT?"

Were you harmed by this? Other than your thin skin being penetrated by something as harmless as words?

If this is the worst thing that happened to you this week, you truly live a blessed life.

Of course, you will not count your blessings, instead going around trying to find things to be offended about.

To start with it is not Falang it is Farang

That would depend on which rominization you are using... and the one I used, it is falang

So, start with that.

The "falang" / "farang" spelling argument has been done to death and only the pedantic amongst us really care how it's spelt.

I always thought it was spelt Farang but pronounced Falang due to Thais pronouncing the letter R as L, my wifes sisters name is spelt Rung but is pronounce as Lung.

it is not farang. it is not falang. it is ฝรั่ง

learn to read/write thai then there will be no need for petty "my transliteration is better than yours" debates.

Then you had better tell my Thai wife that because she spells it Farang but pronounces it Falang.

i said it is spelled ฝรั่ง , it is not spelled 'farang', 'farang' is a transliteration , ฝรั่ง is a spelling

can't your wife write thai script ?

Well, IMO, a more correct transliteration of ฝรั่ง would actually be "farung". :o

To start with it is not Falang it is Farang

That would depend on which rominization you are using... and the one I used, it is falang

So, start with that.

The "falang" / "farang" spelling argument has been done to death and only the pedantic amongst us really care how it's spelt.

I always thought it was spelt Farang but pronounced Falang due to Thais pronouncing the letter R as L, my wifes sisters name is spelt Rung but is pronounce as Lung.

it is not farang. it is not falang. it is ฝรั่ง

learn to read/write thai then there will be no need for petty "my transliteration is better than yours" debates.

And the vast majority of the ฝรั่ง here would have no clue what you were writing.

Most of us cannot read/write Thai.

I guess we have to bow to your superior knowledge.

Yesterday, I went to Chesters with my wife, and a young Thai couple came in to the restaraunt carrying their young girl. The girl looked to be about 2 years old. The child had a pair of glasses on that were the thickest I have ever seen in my life. The child had to have been essentially blind.

So the parents of the child see me, and began with the usual chant to their kid.... " Look, Look at the Falang."

I thought to myself.... I wish my son was here with me now, so I could say to him.... "Look, Look at the Blind kid."

I wonder how that would have gone over?

Don't fool yourself. It wouldn't have even registered. Thais are not offended by the same things that farangs are. Eg. if you had called them 'kee Thai', meaning Thai sh*t, they would probably have been disgusted rather than offended.

To start with it is not Falang it is Farang

That would depend on which rominization you are using... and the one I used, it is falang

So, start with that.

The "falang" / "farang" spelling argument has been done to death and only the pedantic amongst us really care how it's spelt.

I always thought it was spelt Farang but pronounced Falang due to Thais pronouncing the letter R as L, my wifes sisters name is spelt Rung but is pronounce as Lung.

it is not farang. it is not falang. it is ฝรั่ง

learn to read/write thai then there will be no need for petty "my transliteration is better than yours" debates.

And the vast majority of the ฝรั่ง here would have no clue what you were writing.

Most of us cannot read/write Thai.

I guess we have to bow to your superior knowledge.

Who really cares if he can write thai script, "look look there is the falungagung who can write thai", does that come with a side of amulets?

BTW - the other day we had a little BBQ and my American neighbor cooked potatoes on the grill (like big baked potatoes). He overheard his girlfriend saying "farang" and thought she was refering to us. She said no, she was refering to the potatoes. Any language experts here who might be able to shed light on that?

'Man farang' = 'Farang yams' i.e. potatoes.

P.S. Don't believe the etymology offered. It comes from 'Frank', the name of the people (Charlemagne's mob) who ruled the French, as in Arabic Faranji.

The guava is supposed to have got its name 'farang' because it was brought to Thailand by the first group of 'Franks' on the scene, namely the Portuguese.

I agree " Farang" originates in the Portuguese language , but has evolved in to a rude term denoting fat white potato, which admittedly, a whole lot of westerners resemble ....But still, I wouldn't refer to someone by their resemblance to a unsightly vegetable.

It's just plain rude !

Yes, this reminds me of an incident On Pahonyothin Road. I was waiting with my gf ( of 6 years ) for a bus. We were both well dressed and looked very respectable. Two other girls at the bus stop, also well dressed, could not take their eyes off us. We are used to this happening occassionaly so took no notice but after a full two minutes had elapsed and they were still staring in a snobish kind of way I lost my cool. I walked up to within 2 feet of them and proceed to stare at them from every angle, front and back with my eyes bugging out and mouth agog. It had the desired result and they didn't look at us again. It was worth the hard pinch on my arm from my gf as punishment :D

Maybe they have powers to see beyond obvious. :D:o

Isn't this the defintion of a TROLL comment; Personally insulting to the poster while adding nothing to the discourse ?


I think that is the best response yet to staring , got a great laugh out of me - I can't wait to try it next time .

Disregarding the insults, I was not out in the sticks, I was in BKK at a Chesters Grill. The family was dressed well, and they did not look as if they just got out of the rice field.

As others indicated, I should not get offended, for "they know not what they do." They essentially can not help themselves, right?

If one takes this mind set, isn't that rather condensending?

If they can help themselves, then it could be percieved as their actions as being just plain rude?

An enigma I guess.

Regardless, they will continue on with their remarks, in the future when they see other falangs, because I stood there "like a retard." (as usual)

I know my parents would never ever, point at a black person and say look son a black person, and I grew up in an all white city. But I guess my parents just concentrated on raising their children differently.

Yep this makes the point- "Farang" is RUDE !!!

To start with it is not Falang it is Farang

That would depend on which rominization you are using... and the one I used, it is falang

So, start with that.

The "falang" / "farang" spelling argument has been done to death and only the pedantic amongst us really care how it's spelt.

I always thought it was spelt Farang but pronounced Falang due to Thais pronouncing the letter R as L, my wifes sisters name is spelt Rung but is pronounce as Lung.

it is not farang. it is not falang. it is ฝรั่ง

learn to read/write thai then there will be no need for petty "my transliteration is better than yours" debates.

And the vast majority of the ฝรั่ง here would have no clue what you were writing.

Most of us cannot read/write Thai.

I guess we have to bow to your superior knowledge.

Who really cares if he can write thai script, "look look there is the falungagung who can write thai", does that come with a side of amulets?

Maybe it would be more socially acceptable to wallow in a world of inaccuracy and incorrectness.

Until there is a definitive standard of transliterating thai(like chinese pinyin), then as far as I am concerned it is an exercise in futility debating the spelling of transliterations, the debate is unanswerable do to the subjectiveness of the many varied approaches to transliteration.

However , writing thai script IS a definitive standard, so in my opinion spelling discussions should be resolved in this domain, because they are answerable.

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