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How many times can i enter thailand as a tourist?

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I would like to know if there is a quota on the number of times you can enter Thailand as A TOURIST (by air if this makes a difference) and also a quota on the number of days you can stay (without exceeding the 2-month visa you get as a tourist when entering).

I won t work there, so will not get a business visa.

Is there any regulation of this kind?

I searched on Internet but did not really get a satisfactory answer for this.

Any advise would be great. Thanks.

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Without visa you get 30 days, with Tourist visa 60 days.

There is no fixed rules how many times you can enter on Tourist visas, but if it is more than say 4-5 entries a year as tourist, the Imm. might think you are working - or that you would consider travelling on Non-Immigrant visas instead.

What is your concern?

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Thanks Fester!

I also asked the Thai Embassy in Singapore.

They replied there is no quota on the number of times you can enter Thailand as a tourist.

They also say that in Singapore they would not issue a continous visa  and never give a double entry visa.

I guess that next time I go back to Europe I will have to apply for a multi entry-exit visa at the Thai Embassy. I understood from some posts in this forum that it was better to forget applying for this visa in the area...

Well, I did the same in Indonesia (stayed there 8 months, renting a place, etc.) flying in and out before the end of my 2-month tourist visa. I only had trouble once with Immigration there when entering there and it was only because I forgot to bring my outgoing flight ticket.

What worries more is that as I do not have any proper visa, I cannot register at my (French) Embassy, right?

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Yes, Singapore and their brothers in neighboring Thailand are a bit stiff. You might have better luck to apply in Europe instead.

The embassies normally don't register tourists, so they will propably welcome you again when you have got Non-Immigrant status. :o

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  • 5 months later...


and what do you do with the outward plane ticket then? do you have to show it to the embassy everytime you get a visa?

or dont you have one, since you have been doing that for over 2 years.

many greetings from belgium


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stay well clear of the Thai embassy in London.

Call the Royal Thai Consul in Birmingham and ask for a multiple entry Tourist visa, tell them you need  4 entries.

You can do everything by registered mail.

Good luck.


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What worries more is that as I do not have any proper visa, I cannot register at my (French) Embassy, right?



- Pour vous faire immatriculer, vous devez prouver :
. votre identité en produisant : carte nationale d'identité, passeport français ou toute pièce d'identité officielle, française ou étrangère, avec photographie;
. votre nationalité française en produisant : carte nationale d'identité en cours de validité, décret de naturalisation, de réintégration, certificat de nationalité...;
. votre état civil (livret de famille);
. votre résidence régulière dans le pays (justificatifs de résidence et carte de résident étranger ou permis de séjour délivré par les autorités locales; dans certains pays qui ne délivrent pas les deux documents précédents : contrat de travail prouvant que vous séjournez régulièrement dans la circonscription du consulat; éventuellement tout document attestant que vous possédez aussi la nationalité du pays où vous résidez);

et le Consulat de France a Bangkok:

29 Sathorn Tai Road

BP 227

10120 Bangkok


Tel (00662) 213 21 81 et 84

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  • 1 month later...

if you are entering LOS on a 60-day tourist visa, does your outbound ticket need to have a date within that 60-day timeframe, or is an open-ended ticket OK?

If you have a visa you don't need a ticket at all AFAIK.  The ticket is sometimes a requirement for a consulate to issue a visa and is required for 30 day entry without visa arrivals.   I have never been asked for a ticket by a consulate so don't know what they would want to see but assume it is just to prove you have funds to get home.

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I live in Bangkok and  have been flying to Singapore every month for the last 3 years to renew my tourist visa. Had some problems leaving US (3times) because of return ticket issue, american airlines require you have a return ticket when flying to Thailand. However was lucky, had had another return ticket to Thailand. Also last Jan the question came up about return ticket in Singapore, just said I had made a short  side day trip to Singapore and my return ticket was in hotel in Bangkok. My american passport have over 50 immigration stamps in it in the last 3 years, never had had questons from Thai Immigration about the number of entires and exits into Thailand. Now just received my one year visa, so no more monthly visa runs.
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I have been living "as a tourist" in Thailand for the past 18 years - never had any kind of problems.

A few times Immigration (more out of politeness I think) have asked me how I "live" here... and I tell them the "truth" - which is... "My wife gives me 100 Baht everyday and enough food in the fridge... that's all I need."   ... any more questions, please???

Well, maybe it helps a little bit that my wife is a Civil servant working in the Customs Department, but otherwise... you can live here forever as long as you don't make any trouble for anybody.

And on a last note... Please don't underestimate Thai people, they know very well that most people living here for a long period needs money from somewhere. Some teach, some do small business, etc. Just keep a low profile.

(Personal opinion of Joern), Founder


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