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Siam Sato


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Finally, It's not that bad. I was expecting a strong taste like Chinese rice wine (Baijiu), but Siam Sato is very drinkable. It's also probably possible to mix it with Fanta to make a Bacardi/Spy like drink.

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I have tried the Siam Sato with no ill effects – it does not taste that good. I have had some of the homemade Sa To on a number of occasions, even buying it on the street, which actually tasted quite good. However, it is the only alcohol which has ever made me hallucinate - I now avoid it.

it is the only alcohol which has ever made me hallucinate.

Jeez at 30 baht a trip this needs investigating, cheaper than blotting paper, tabs and micro dots, wheres my copy of Space Ritual?

...try Retsina - Greek Wines of the Gods

ah Retsina.....Think for a moment about biting off a piece of pinewood and chewing it..Add alcohol and you've got it.After the 5th one, actually, it doesn't taste too bad at all.

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  • 4 months later...

There's a conspiracy in 7/11. Gradually phasing out old fave blue label SS 25B/bottle,

now red label SS replacing it on the shelves.

Red label tastes like watered-down version of blue.

Made my own low-alc black beer for 30 years, now blue is my tipple.

Cool it ( after transfering to plastic bottle) until it starts to freeze, what a taste!

BigC has a 35B/bottle 'ChaoPraya' brand, tastes like crap.

Tesco now has 300ml bottles,same label as "Thai beer' of a few years,

nice spritzy taste but 22B/bottle.

Can't comment on the upcountry local stuff, be very aware.....

Oh yes, SS = Siam Sato

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I love it ,if it is well chilled. Some of you are really weird. I first drank it- home brew ,very cloudy About 18 years ago. Highly illegal it was. Brewed in a stoneware type container, hidden in a hay stack ,allowed to ferment for a couple of days and then drunk with gusto. Those that compare it with Lao Khao .Have no brain ,probably pickled with other assorted "----". Yes , it is a bit sweeter than beer .for sure. But it is a delicious drink. just beware of its alcoholic strength. The most interesting thing , that than of you "sophisticates" has wigged into is .::: how much the chooks love the rice Khao Niaow) that is a "waste " product of the fermentation process. You want to see a MASS of very, very drunk chooks, falling all over the countryside, feed "em the Khao Niaow, which is the residue from the fermentation .They love it. But are totally hilarious.So many of you "farang" have no appreciation if the finer things in life. And never venture outside of your Restricted abodes,Living in sheltered communities, with no access to the real world of Isarn, 55555555555

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Can't comment on the upcountry local stuff, be very aware.....

Oh yes, SS = Siam Sato

I would be very careful with that stuff.

Sure, I drink it. And I agree that when chilled it's actually quite good.

But true Isaan rice wines -- made from Khao Neow -- don't "keep". They go off after a few days. It's the same with palm wine in West Africa.

In order for the bottled stuff to "keep", it needs to be full of chemicals and stabilizing agents.

Enjoy! But enjoy in moderation.

Edited by andrewbkk
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Can't comment on the upcountry local stuff, be very aware.....

Oh yes, SS = Siam Sato

I would be very careful with that stuff.

Sure, I drink it. And I agree that when chilled it's actually quite good.

But true Isaan rice wines -- made from Khao Neow -- don't "keep". They go off after a few days. It's the same with palm wine in West Africa.

In order for the bottled stuff to "keep", it needs to be full of chemicals and stabilizing agents.

Enjoy! But enjoy in moderation.

" Keep"? No chance Loi Percent gone in the day it finished fermentation. And the chooks were well fed !!!!!And totally drunk, as well

Edited by afarang
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I typically drink a couple of beers a few times a week. However, last weekend while doing my shopping, a beverage (to use the term loosely) called Siam Sato caught my eye. I've seen the stuff before but have never tried it, so I decided to buy a bottle. Yeah, I know it's really cheap (under 30 baht a bottle) and that should probably tell me all I need to know, but I guess I wanted to believe that this stuff might be something a little different and maybe even half-decent in an interesting kind of way.

I took it home and put it the freezer to get it well chilled. After reaching a nice cold temperature, I poured myself a little glass and tried it. I must say that this is some of the foulest stuff I have ever tasted. I figure that it best compares to what gasahol and sugar must taste like when mixed together -- very nasty stuff.

Anyway, I was just wondering if other people have had any experience with Siam Sato. Is it safe to drink? Is there any way to make it palitable? Can I put in the gas tank of my car? :D Will it destroy my PVC piping if pour it down the drain? :o

Thee self-made Sato is very good (especially while it is still sweet). I have done it a few times and one can get very badly hammered. There are issues of hygiene, but then everything in Isaan is a little bit rough around the edges.

The stuff you can buy as 'Siam Sato' is really pretty horrible and in no way comparable. The problem is that Sato is not stable, so I guess they have to wait until all the sugar is used up, which means that parts of it might already turning into vingear -- at least that is the taste. Not recommended!

Agreed that it is quite nice when still sweet. I don't know if the Sato or Sa-Tor that you had is made as a wine or as a spirit. The Sa-Tor I had was made the same as beer. It had an alcohol % around 13-15%, so had a real kick to it. It does not require any mixing. The best I have been told is Sa-Tor made for and consumed in Saraphee district in Chiangmai, made specifically for Songkran festival...... Having drank it on vary rare occasions, I can not confirm how quickly it will kill, but a 2 L coke bottle full will be sufficient to enjoy a great Songkran afternoons with the locals...

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Sato is fermented using yeast.Difficult to tell what its Strength is when home brewed ,but generally agreed to be about 9%.But could be stronger. NO ,it will not kill, but be aware ,it is the same alcoholic strength as many wines, many of which are much stronger.Proceed with caution- but enjoy, Marck ,marck,as I do

Edited by afarang
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Can't comment on the upcountry local stuff, be very aware.....

Oh yes, SS = Siam Sato

I would be very careful with that stuff.

Sure, I drink it. And I agree that when chilled it's actually quite good.

But true Isaan rice wines -- made from Khao Neow -- don't "keep". They go off after a few days. It's the same with palm wine in West Africa.

In order for the bottled stuff to "keep", it needs to be full of chemicals and stabilizing agents.

Enjoy! But enjoy in moderation.

" Keep"? No chance Loi Percent gone in the day it finished fermentation. And the chooks were well fed !!!!!And totally drunk, as well

OK -- I didn't know that.

I read somewhere that it can damage your eyesight. Does that sound plausible?

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Sato is fermented using yeast.Difficult to tell what its Strength is when home brewed ,but generally agreed to be about 9%.But could be stronger. NO ,it will not kill, but be aware ,it is the same alcoholic strength as many wines, many of which are much stronger.Proceed with caution- but enjoy, Marck ,marck,as I do

I think a little sugar is added depending on the level of alcoholism of the intended users. I can say it was simply the most dangerous drink I've ever had and that's because it was like drinking a 15% alcohol Orange Juice. It went down so easy.

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Can't comment on the upcountry local stuff, be very aware.....

Oh yes, SS = Siam Sato

I would be very careful with that stuff.

Sure, I drink it. And I agree that when chilled it's actually quite good.

But true Isaan rice wines -- made from Khao Neow -- don't "keep". They go off after a few days. It's the same with palm wine in West Africa.

In order for the bottled stuff to "keep", it needs to be full of chemicals and stabilizing agents.

Enjoy! But enjoy in moderation.

" Keep"? No chance Loi Percent gone in the day it finished fermentation. And the chooks were well fed !!!!!And totally drunk, as well

OK -- I didn't know that.

I read somewhere that it can damage your eyesight. Does that sound plausible?

NO,NO,NO. Lao Khao can induce Psychosis and schiz ophrenia.I can show cases of sufferers. But definitely NO psychological nor physical problems , have I seen after consuming Sato. Totally NOT plausible

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thanks for keeping the topic alive

i have since taken up drinking the 25 baht blue label stuff more often

as it is a good buzz that lasts a while

and compared to ANY beer is absolutely dirt cheap

and the exact question crosses my mind

i have had no hangovers of headaches

however it MAY irritate the stomach

so i too must ask again and again

over and over

is it safe to drink?

good question thanks

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All the people who used to live in discount government apartments in their countries are all posting in this thread or what?

3 of us tried it last week.. couldnt even get past a sip without gagging in disgust. a 10% 3$ beer in my country is better

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thanks for keeping the topic alive

i have since taken up drinking the 25 baht blue label stuff more often

Found it today in Tops Daily for 23 Baht a bottle.

My fridge is now well stocked. I'm ready for a good night!

You arent an ELT are you? Try straining brasso through a loaf of bread, or mixing hyter with pepsi even cheaper.

As mentioned by the poster above, stick to Carly special brew, or snakebites.

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thanks for keeping the topic alive

i have since taken up drinking the 25 baht blue label stuff more often

Found it today in Tops Daily for 23 Baht a bottle.

My fridge is now well stocked. I'm ready for a good night!

You arent an ELT are you? Try straining brasso through a loaf of bread, or mixing hyter with pepsi even cheaper.

As mentioned by the poster above, stick to Carly special brew, or snakebites.

Am I a teacher ..........no.

I like Siam Sato.

So what? What's your problem?

Do you also dislike BMWs?

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