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Even The Chinese Don't Want To Come To Pattaya/ Thailand

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Thai image needs boost in China

Nouveaux riches opt for other markets


Thailand should recreate its image among Chinese tourists in order to secure this market in the long run, say experts in the Chinese tour market.

Today, the country's image among Chinese travellers is quite poor. It is plagued by low-quality travel agencies, which have put unattractive tour programmes such as transvestite shows on their itineraries.

There are a lot of tourism destinations besides Pattaya to be promoted, such as Hua Hin, Koh Samui and Chiang Mai, said Shen Bo, the executive vice-general manager of the Shanghai Airline Tour International (Group) Co.

If Thailand does not take this seriously, it is expected to lag behind other countries in drawing Chinese tourists and miss out on huge revenue, he said.

''Although the Thai government has tried to crack down on low-quality tour agents, the private sector has not co-operated with the authorities as expected,'' Mr Bo said.

As a result, high-income Chinese tourists choose to go to developed destinations including the United States and Europe instead.

Also, big wholesale travel agents in China are no longer selling Thai destination packages as a top priority. He said Chinese tourists were the main target group of many tourism operators because of their higher purchasing power.

Most of them are middle-class and educated. Travel spending via travel agents in 2007 was recorded at US$1,435 per head on average.

Most importantly, the Chinese government also encourages people to travel overseas by allowing them to travel in 134 countries. Asia is the most popular destination. In 2007, around 88.74% of all Chinese tourists chose to travel in Asia.

According to Wang Xinjun, the managing director of Ivy Alliance Tourism consulting Co, the criteria for choosing a destination among Chinese depends upon attractiveness, expense, and leisure time. Travel agencies are the first choice to organise trips.

Most consider the travel agency brand, an attractive itinerary, and good service before they decide on their trips.

Travel agencies are also the first source of travel

From todays Bangkok Post

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As a result, high-income Chinese tourists choose to go to developed destinations including the United States and Europe instead.

Yeah , by the busload I bet.

That's a typical sarcastic answer by a member who didn't check the facts and just roars his thoughts out of the blue... :o

In 2007:

1 Million to the USA

2 Million to Europe

post-13995-1219920282_thumb.png Chinese Outbound Tourism statistics

Chinese tourism to Thailand declined by almost 3% in 2007 to 1 Million.


Also, Chinese tourists spend more -in Thailand- than the average European tourist... :D

The TAT doesn't supply inbound tourism details for 2008, not even for January '08 whilst they did so in previous years.

Maybe that's because they can't control and check the huge inflow of tourism anymore :D


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My only gripe is with the title of the topic.

I didn't find any mention of Pattaya in the article.


Pattaya is briefly mentioned in the 3rd sentence but I agree it should belong in Travel or other topic rather than just Pattaya.

Mods ? :o


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Thai tourists usually prefer to go to more developed countries than Thailand such as Singapore and the Chinese are much the same. They want to see something more advanced than they can see everyday in their own country - especially the wealthy classes.

Thailand is never going to replace middle-class Western backpackers with rich Chinese and Koreans as they don't want to come here, they want to go somewhere that is already developed. Only the poor ones are interested in Thailand. The Thai Tourist Authority should understand these kinds of trends, but they don't.

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As a result, high-income Chinese tourists choose to go to developed destinations including the United States and Europe instead.

Yeah , by the busload I bet.

That's a typical sarcastic answer by a member who didn't check the facts and just roars his thoughts out of the blue... :o

In 2007:

1 Million to the USA

2 Million to Europe

post-13995-1219920282_thumb.png Chinese Outbound Tourism statistics

Chinese tourism to Thailand declined by almost 3% in 2007 to 1 Million.


Also, Chinese tourists spend more -in Thailand- than the average European tourist... :D

The TAT doesn't supply inbound tourism details for 2008, not even for January '08 whilst they did so in previous years.

Maybe that's because they can't control and check the huge inflow of tourism anymore :D


Relax Lao , there are busloads of Chinese tourists here in Pattaya on a daily basis.

And the sad little chart you posted cleary shows where the bulk of them travel to.

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Thai tourists usually prefer to go to more developed countries than Thailand such as Singapore and the Chinese are much the same. They want to see something more advanced than they can see everyday in their own country - especially the wealthy classes.

They don't have to go too far to see advancement. Where is more advanced than Hong Kong?

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As a result, high-income Chinese tourists choose to go to developed destinations including the United States and Europe instead.

Yeah , by the busload I bet.

That's a typical sarcastic answer by a member who didn't check the facts and just roars his thoughts out of the blue... :o

In 2007:

1 Million to the USA

2 Million to Europe

post-13995-1219920282_thumb.png Chinese Outbound Tourism statistics

Chinese tourism to Thailand declined by almost 3% in 2007 to 1 Million.


Also, Chinese tourists spend more -in Thailand- than the average European tourist... :D

The TAT doesn't supply inbound tourism details for 2008, not even for January '08 whilst they did so in previous years.

Maybe that's because they can't control and check the huge inflow of tourism anymore :D


Relax Lao , there are busloads of Chinese tourists here in Pattaya on a daily basis.

And the sad little chart you posted cleary shows where the bulk of them travel to.

:D Sarcasm is your specialty ?

And, indeed, the bulk of them travel in Asia; the bulk of the bulk goes to Macao and Hong Kong but Chinese tourism to Thailand is declining. Not just from China however. Tourism from Taiwan (-9.69%), Japan, Korea and Hong Kong also declined in 2007 versus 2006.


Edited by LaoPo
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I have seen lots of Chinese tourists on the different bars. They sit in large groups and share ONE cocacola with 10 glasses!

They dont mind playing with the girls working the bar and they dont mind touching and pinching - but they give exactly 0 baht in tips.

I think Chinese are the biggest CHEAP SKATES I have ever seen! - They are even worse than the 5 baht tipping Russians.

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I have seen lots of Chinese tourists on the different bars. They sit in large groups and share ONE cocacola with 10 glasses!

They dont mind playing with the girls working the bar and they dont mind touching and pinching - but they give exactly 0 baht in tips.

I think Chinese are the biggest CHEAP SKATES I have ever seen! - They are even worse than the 5 baht tipping Russians.


I don't know where YOU're from DonTron but you better study the Average Expenditure of International Tourists.

The Chinese are in the top of spenders and much higher than the average tourist from Europe (where I'm from :D ).


PS: do your fellow countrymen spend more or less than the average Chinese ? :D

Be honest, ok?


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My only gripe is with the title of the topic.

I didn't find any mention of Pattaya in the article.


Pattaya is briefly mentioned in the 3rd sentence but I agree it should belong in Travel or other topic rather than just Pattaya.

Mods ? :o


The article is clearly attacking Pattaya with it's reference to transvestite shows ( unless there are busloads already going to Phuket ), and making the case that Chinese tourists should visit OTHER destinations than Pattaya, so IMO it is a Pattaya related article.

Bye the bye, IMO, the transvestite shows in Pattaya ( Alcazar and Tiffanys ) are top class.

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I am surprised that even more Orientals, rich and poor, are not coming to Orientalland to be tourists visit to their fellow Orientals. Aren't they all the same, like farangs? They all speak ORIENTAL, don't they?

Edited by Jingthing
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The Chinese are in the top of spenders and much higher than the average tourist from Europe (where I'm from :o ).


PS: do your fellow countrymen spend more or less than the average Chinese ? :D

Be honest, ok?


I highly doubt that.

Chinese do package tours and only feed what is given to them and wander around in groups like sheep.

They stay in discounted hotels and if they are spending more than the average "Joe on Holiday Farang" then where is the money going ?

edit: How long did it take you to make that spreadsheet ?

Edited by JimmyTheMook
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The Chinese are in the top of spenders and much higher than the average tourist from Europe (where I'm from :D ).


PS: do your fellow countrymen spend more or less than the average Chinese ? :(

Be honest, ok?


I highly doubt that.

Chinese do package tours and only feed what is given to them and wander around in groups like sheep.

They stay in discounted hotels and if they are spending more than the average "Joe on Holiday Farang" then where is the money going ?

edit: How long did it take you to make that spreadsheet ?

1. If you have doubts, write to the TAT - Tourism Authority of Thailand: I'm sure you're able to find them on Google.

2. I feel flattered you think I'm able to:

A. make an Excell Spreadsheet

B. ...... to make one at all, just for you........ :D

Sorry, wrong. :D

PS: I wonder how you come so smart how to tell the difference between East Asians like Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Hong Kong Chinese, Taiwanese and the like :o

That's even difficult for me, coming to the Far East for more than 30 years. :D


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PS: I wonder how you come so smart how to tell the difference between East Asians like Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Hong Kong Chinese, Taiwanese and the like :D


Emm, because they speak different languages.

:o:D Thanks for the laughter...


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LaoPo - let me give you an example.

2 days ago we were waiting to get a table at a WS place, and the manager said "no problem - china group can wait - they no pay tip" - so we went infront of them.

I know Thais pretty well by now - and the are more focused on the money (tips) than anyone else.

And my friend here who works in the hotel business just told me to write this....

Hotel Siam-Bayview (450 baht pr. night) - Chinese guests: 141

Hotel Amari (3800 baht pr. night) - Chinese guests: 0

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LaoPo - let me give you an example.

2 days ago we were waiting to get a table at a WS place, and the manager said "no problem - china group can wait - they no pay tip" - so we went infront of them.

I know Thais pretty well by now - and the are more focused on the money (tips) than anyone else.

And my friend here who works in the hotel business just told me to write this....

Hotel Siam-Bayview (450 baht pr. night) - Chinese guests: 141

Hotel Amari (3800 baht pr. night) - Chinese guests: 0

:o Wow...that's a big difference with these rates:

http://www.siamhotels.com/sbv/roomsuites.asp USD 130-360 per night/room/suite

But, I know, large travel agencies buy rooms by the hundreds and guarantee them and pay a different price than others do. But, if the Hotel has a high occupancy rate, why sell the rooms for a cheap rate, right ?

It's all in the game.

If you or I walk into a hotel or book thru internet we pay a higher price.

If I sometimes book a room or suite via a Thai business friend I pay less than if I book myself.


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A few months ago, when I was a newbie to TV, I got the impression that my county, PH is one of the bottom dwellers, the laggards in the SEAsian destinations, tourism-wise, even falling below Vietnam and Cambodia, at least as far as TV members go. But just a few months later, the changes are amazing as it seems PH is a much better destination after all. At least the gals here are less greedy than their counterparts over there, we speak English and we don't need to use local language subtitles when viewing international, English language shows like Olympics, games, news and other live events. We are a fun people and our infrastructures are slowly but surely improving. After years of political instability (brought about mostly by our "noisy" media), we are probably one of the most peaceful now in the region.. even with the Mindanao conflict.. a small thorn on the side that will soon be fixed, from the way things are going.. So, many of the criticisms hurled on us, for being a country with bad food, people who are Asians but are more Latin Americans but very American in ways, are actually what make our country special and unique after all. hehehe.. am I so biased or what.. allow me, please, it is a Sunday anyway..haha.

Anyway, I can see some of the usual favorite Asian destinations are becoming passe (read: boring) and once ignored countries like ours will be the new "flavors of the month" (my fearless forecast.. LOL). My prayers though that if indeed it is our good luck that we become a top tourist destination in the years to come, the negative effects experienced by Thailand and other countries do not happen here. Hopefully, "farangs" (whom we call simply as tourists and/or foreigners) will be better behaved in my country so the locals will also not take advantage and be taken advantaged.. cuz in the long run, if thus is the case, it is a win-win situation for both sides, right.. tourists and locals alike?

Hopefully, our being a Christian country would guard us from such er, ruin and greed? :o But as they say, it always take two to tango..so I can only hope over here...

Happy Sunday all! :D

Edited by aries27
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Thai tourists usually prefer to go to more developed countries than Thailand such as Singapore and the Chinese are much the same. They want to see something more advanced than they can see everyday in their own country - especially the wealthy classes.

They don't have to go too far to see advancement. Where is more advanced than Hong Kong?

Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul...but you are right, they are not very far. I just think that if time is not a big factor, neither is distance. When I was in Beijing it seemed that the locals had nothing but time...

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A few months ago, when I was a newbie to TV, I got the impression that my county, PH is one of the bottom dwellers, the laggards in the SEAsian destinations, tourism-wise, even falling below Vietnam and Cambodia, at least as far as TV members go. But just a few months later, the changes are amazing as it seems PH is a much better destination after all. At least the gals here are less greedy than their counterparts over there, we speak English and we don't need to use local language subtitles when viewing international, English language shows like Olympics, games, news and other live events. We are a fun people and our infrastructures are slowly but surely improving. After years of political instability (brought about mostly by our "noisy" media), we are probably one of the most peaceful now in the region.. even with the Mindanao conflict.. a small thorn on the side that will soon be fixed, from the way things are going.. So, many of the criticisms hurled on us, for being a country with bad food, people who are Asians but are more Latin Americans but very American in ways, are actually what make our country special and unique after all. hehehe.. am I so biased or what.. allow me, please, it is a Sunday anyway..haha.

Anyway, I can see some of the usual favorite Asian destinations are becoming passe (read: boring) and once ignored countries like ours will be the new "flavors of the month" (my fearless forecast.. LOL). My prayers though that if indeed it is our good luck that we become a top tourist destination in the years to come, the negative effects experienced by Thailand and other countries do not happen here. Hopefully, "farangs" (whom we call simply as tourists and/or foreigners) will be better behaved in my country so the locals will also not take advantage and be taken advantaged.. cuz in the long run, if thus is the case, it is a win-win situation for both sides, right.. tourists and locals alike?

Hopefully, our being a Christian country would guard us from such er, ruin and greed? :o But as they say, it always take two to tango..so I can only hope over here...

Happy Sunday all! :D

That's a very inspiring post. I too hope PH can be all that it can be as a better alternative than Thai. I need a break from Pattaya so it's either moving to another city (Hua Hin or Phuket) or moving to PH. I don't know enough about my alternatives yet. Meeting women is paramount to keep away the loneliness that comes from living in a foreign country with no friends. I have recently sent an American rover over to PH to check things out for me while I'm occupied in Thailand. If he gives the thumbs up, I'll be there soon. Thank you.

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Well lets face it Thailand is basically a sex holiday for most, you just have to look at Pattaya and Phuket it if full of perverts and drunks, and we love it, that is the attraction, the easy way flip flops and no shirt, women every where and nice and warm.

Chinese on the other hand have a huge thing about appearance and image, they are fascinated by the western life style and secretely whish they were western. That is why they want to go to western countries, so they can go home and show they're work colleuges they're pic from the states with the cowboy hat on or near the Big ben. They dont weant to go home and show their mates a pic of them selves in a dodgy bar with bar girls or in cheap restuarant with bamboo poles holding up the roof, they want style. We like the novelty. It's like Asians want to be white, westerners want to be dark.

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when I was a newbie to TV, I got the impression that my county, PH is one of the bottom dwellers...the laggards in the SE Asian destinations...Don't kid yourself, it still is!

At least the gals here are less greedy than their counterparts over there, we speak English ...We are a fun people and our infrastructures are slowly...we are probably one of the most peaceful now in the region...All very true...what makes the Phils so special are the friendly warm hearted people. It's peaceful enough except when those bombs go off at Glorietta Mall or you get kidnapped or killed by NPA guerrillas.

Hopefully, our being a Christian country would guard us from such er, ruin and greed? :oI don't think religion has anything to do with this.

I wish I could as upbeat as your are (but that is one of the charms of Filipinos...looking on the bright side of things). As someone who has traveled to the Phils many times over a decade, I truly love the country and it's people. There is so much potential there...unfortunately, it's likely to remain unrealized for many many years to come. The natural beauty of the mountains and the many islands is wonderful and the welcome given to visitors is genuine but the infrastructure to support large-scale tourism is non-existent. Air and ground transportation networks (not to mention the ferrys that set out in the middle of a typhoon and sink with loss of all hands on board) put a serious crimp in most travel plans.

In addition, hotels accommodation is very expensive compared to LOS and nowhere near the quality/price ratio. Don't even get me started on the food...when your culinary contribution to the world is Jolibee...it ain't good...though Goldilocks has some nice cakes :D

Despite all this, I will continue to visit and enjoy traveling in the Philippines but this is definitely an acquired taste. I don't think any large mass of tourists will be following me any time soon.

Edited by NotNew2You
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That's a very inspiring post. I too hope PH can be all that it can be as a better alternative than Thai. I need a break from Pattaya so it's either moving to another city (Hua Hin or Phuket) or moving to PH. I don't know enough about my alternatives yet. Meeting women is paramount to keep away the loneliness that comes from living in a foreign country with no friends.

You will meet plenty of womem, but bring a machine gun if you expect to be safe! :o

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..... I consider Buddhism a philosopphy rather than a religion.

This is a very common sentiment from Westerners who typically

learn about buddhism from a philosophical point of view.

But when you see it in practice, with the blessings, prayers, belief in reincarnation - hence a kind

of afterlife - you might see many elements of other religions too.

I would consider Confucianism a philosophy as there is no reference to anything supernatural in it.

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Sorry to interrupt your religeous debate, but back to the topic at hand.

I took the Mrs to Pattaya recently (not sure why but I did) and stayed at a fairly new hotel on 2nd road owned by a big french hotel group. You can fill in the blanks.

The hotel was full of Chinese Tourists, 5 busloads in fact. Families and couples. The rest was mostly local Bangkokians who drove down from the weekend.

What if any conclusions I can draw from this?

When this hotel opened a couple years back it was full of farangs / locals. Based solely on my last trip, their target group has changed to Chinese Tour Groups as their primary focus. And let's face it, Pattaya isn't exactly a draw for Western couples with kids as it once was :o .

Reasons: Just speaking outloud but me thinks the Chinese like the place (Pattaya). It's cheap, it's a novelity to stair at eastern European girls dancing, it's close to Bangkok, and did I mention it's cheap.

Oh, and I don't envision busloads showing up on Samui or in Phuket anytime soon despite what the guy quoted in the article suggest TAT to do.

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