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Phuket Airport Blockade


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Simon I know you have a Hotel up by the Airport, what can you tell us about it?


some 500 people blocking the airport road should be easy to spot.

Man this is not good for the Island. I used to think to my self as a silent joke "Welcome to Phuket, Here's your girlfriend for the trip" now it's more like "Welcome to Phuket, here's you mob riot and mugging for the trip"

sad :D

But knowing Thailand it will blow over peacefully but tonight or it will get rained out. Here's hoping for some stormy weather. :o

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Simon I know you have a Hotel up by the Airport, what can you tell us about it?


some 500 people blocking the airport road should be easy to spot.

Man this is not good for the Island. I used to think to my self as a silent joke "Welcome to Phuket, Here's your girlfriend for the trip" now it's more like "Welcome to Phuket, here's you mob riot and mugging for the trip"

sad :D

But knowing Thailand it will blow over peacefully but tonight or it will get rained out. Here's hoping for some stormy weather. :o

Apparently the police have water cannons, so theres your stormy wether right there. :D


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I have just been told on the telephone about this now, as it has something to do with the PAD

Story goes that a policeman bashed an old lady PAD supporter, and then the ploice would not allow an ambulance to get through?...

This is turning messy if they are in Phuket now!

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Latest from The Gazette:

Anti-government rally crowd at Phuket Airport reaches 1,000

PHUKET: More police have been called in from around the province to supervise anti-government protesters at Phuket International Airport as crowd numbers reach 1,000. No reports of violence. :o

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Oh great. I am flying to Phuket in a few hours. I'll come back on the thread in the evening to report (if I get home!). I just called Thai and they said the flights are departing on time and they know about the protest, but have no word on whether or not people are getting out of the airport ok or not.

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I hope the police get pro active with them now, they are starting to get too big for their boots. We can't have the country disrupted like this, time for the gloves to come off I think, they won't listen to reason that's for sure.

oooooo, your 'ard :o

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I hope the police get pro active with them now, they are starting to get too big for their boots. We can't have the country disrupted like this, time for the gloves to come off I think, they won't listen to reason that's for sure.

oooooo, your 'ard :o

And ugly too

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PAD-led protesters block road to Phuket Airport

Phuket - Protesters led by the People's Alliance for Democracy blocked the road to the Phuket International Airport Friday afternoon.

Prayuth Tiraksa, a PAD leader in Phuket, said the protester started blocking the road at 2 pm.

The Nation

Latest reports put the number at 5000

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I was just going to leave for the BKK airport when I got a call that the aiport is indeed closed. I can't get through to Thai airways, the lines are crazy. So, I am staying put. I'll update when I can, a friend has a friend who works at Phuket airport.

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Oh great. I am flying to Phuket in a few hours. I'll come back on the thread in the evening to report (if I get home!). I just called Thai and they said the flights are departing on time and they know about the protest, but have no word on whether or not people are getting out of the airport ok or not.

Keep us updated

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Hi, I am 100 metres away from a/port roadblock which is less than 1 km from a/port itself.

Foot traffic is passing through (both to & from) and nothing else. aircraft continue to fly in and out. I anyone wants more info p/m me.

Supporters appear to be appearing in droves and a small police force is assembling.


Edited by LeungKen
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