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Bangkok Project (relax & Work)

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Hello guys,

First of all, thanks for giving me the opportunity to post on this forum. It is nice to know that other people are willing to help out the newbies (and eachother..)

Nationality: The Netherlands (Holland)

Age: 22 (August 24)

I have done a lot of research... books, forums, etc etc. But i hear so much different stories, that i just don't know what i can expect when i arrive in LOS, and what kind of precautions i should take. Therefore i will just tell what kind of plan i have in mind, and perhaps you guys could give me an advice for me what to do.

(Sorry for my poor English writing, i am still learning...)

My main goal is to get a job, and stay in Thailand on the long term. I have some job-opportunities, and good contacts. But before i start working, i want to visit some friends and do a few course's.... This could easily take up 2/3 even 4 months. By that time, I want to start working (teaching/information technology sector). I do not have a lot of money to spend.

My plan so far:

I will contact the Thai consulate in my country (Holland) and apply for a non-immigrant VISA ( B? D? i dont know?!) , i already called with these guys, and they sounded friendly and were willing to help me out... so i assume they will give me one. if this information is right.

Then, I fly to Bangkok, enjoy life (as far as that is possible with my very very small amount of money) and do what i want to do, course's, etc... and do the famous visa run every 90 days. To be honest, I dont think i will sit on my ass unemployed longer then 3 monts... But there is a possibillity i will do a very long study, so that makes me officialy unemployed. And the idea that i can do whatever i want to do, as long as i do the visa-run, comforts me. But is this really possible?

It's possible I get a job after being in thailand for 1,5 month. Legal, with work-permit. I guess i have to change my non-immigrant visa typa then, is this possible? Or does this sound stupid? From that moment, i prefer staying in Thailand without doing visa-runs. *No shit*....

So, to keep it short:

I want to go to Thailand, spend some time without job (dont know how long, could be 1 week, could be 4 months) and end up working with work-permit.

What is the best and cheapest thing for me to do? I'm also affraid i screw up things at the beginning, when i want to apply for a 1year working visa, with my uncertain situation.

Can anyone help me out?


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Believe from the lack of response that few consider your prospects too highly. You are still a very young guy (lucky dog) but do not seem to bring much in the way of experience to the employment table. You say you have good contacts and if that is more than bar friends you may be able to find something. But we do not want to give you false hopes. There are many who have visited Thailand and come to the same 'I want to live here' decision without the ability to pull it off. For most the best advise would be to make what you can where you know the rules and vacation where you like.

If you are determined to make the try you should get at least a tourist visa but if able get a non immigrant O visa. The tourist would allow 60 days plus an extension of 30 days and the O a 90 day stay. In some countries a multi O is available that would last up to 15 months with only an exit every 90 days required but this is getting harder to obtain.

You are not going to be comfortable as "doing nothing" without a decent source of outside income is not going to make you any friends with immigration. Please do not think of this as a move to another EU state as it is not. You have no rights to live here and probably will never feel the comfort you desire. But if you come do come with a visa of some sort and try to never overstay.

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