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Firefox 3


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Today made the mistakeof downloading the 'new' 'updated' version of Firefox, Firefox 3, and it's slowed my downloads to a snails pace on an already slow TOT line. Have uninstalled it and reluctantly gone into Internet Explorer to try to download Safari, but stopped when it said 2 hrs 38 minutes remaining! Anyone else having any problems with Firefox 3? Couldn't I just download Firefox again, or will it just reload the latest version again? Don't feel like trying to download Safari at that speed. Downloads that slow usually time out before they're installed anyway :o

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FF3 doesn't seem to work properly with the new BBC radio console either. I can't get the news to play despite un-installing and replacing Flash so if the Beeb's your lifeline with civilisation (well, one version of it anyway) then wait until that problem gets fixed too.

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FF3 doesn't seem to work properly with the new BBC radio console either. I can't get the news to play despite un-installing and replacing Flash so if the Beeb's your lifeline with civilisation (well, one version of it anyway) then wait until that problem gets fixed too.

I would be lost without my fix of BBC radio, V3 be damned !

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I've been into the Firefox 'Help' forum, and apparently a lot of people are having this problem and no one knows how to fix it. Seems to me everything they 'upgrade' in software, Vista etc, seems to work the opposite and a bloody nightmare. :o

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I am unable to understand how "Firefox 3" is causing a slowdown using IE to download Safari. Have been using Firefox 3 since first beta and currently at 3.0.1 and have not had any such problem.

Are you talking about web pages? Normal download of software?

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Same here...I downloaded FF V3 a month or so ago and have no problems (thought I don't use it for Beeb news). It works fine with NPRs media player, however. Maybe jump across the pond for the news till Beeb gets their software sorted out :o

Not really noticed much, if any diff, from V2. I guess is in the internal plumbing of the software. Read somewhere that it's more secure so that's good enough for me.

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Same here - Been on V3 for a month and no problems at all. I would in fact suggest that it's faster than the previous version.

Well then your lucky. I wasn't making it up. Take a look at the Firefox forums. Fortunately I came across something on YahooAnswers with a link to FileHippo and was able to download Version 2. So for anyone who has unwittingly downloaded Version 3 and IS having problems, there's your answer.

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I don't have any problem with V3 download speeds, but I sure have a problem scrolling pages on my lap top - it is jerky and eye-wrenching to look at. So bad, I switched to Opera. Firefox 3 works ok on my desktop though.

Have you tried the "Smoothwheel' extension: http://smoothwheel.mozdev.org/ ? My 3 old laptop performs OK with it.

re. FF 3.0: Is there a way of finding out which extensions won't work before installing it? (I don't want to visit every extension's site to find out).

The last time I "upgraded" to FF 3, about 30% of my extensions - some of them my favourites - didn't work, and it was a real pain to go back to FF 2.

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FF3 doesn't seem to work properly with the new BBC radio console either. I can't get the news to play despite un-installing and replacing Flash so if the Beeb's your lifeline with civilisation (well, one version of it anyway) then wait until that problem gets fixed too.

I use FF3, been listening to Radio4 from BBC today , no problems... I also don't find it slow, and love the improvements that have been made. I guess I'm just lucky, but I think it's a great upgrade. I'm using a TOT 1.5mb connection in CM btw.

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FF3 doesn't seem to work properly with the new BBC radio console either. I can't get the news to play despite un-installing and replacing Flash so if the Beeb's your lifeline with civilisation (well, one version of it anyway) then wait until that problem gets fixed too.

I use FF3, been listening to Radio4 from BBC today , no problems... I also don't find it slow, and love the improvements that have been made. I guess I'm just lucky, but I think it's a great upgrade. I'm using a TOT 1.5mb connection in CM btw.

I'm in CM on a 2Mb connection (very up and down as you'd expect) but BBC iPlayer Radio Console simply doesn't work with FF. Using IE 6.0 it behaves fine. Can't understand it.

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FF3 doesn't seem to work properly with the new BBC radio console either. I can't get the news to play despite un-installing and replacing Flash so if the Beeb's your lifeline with civilisation (well, one version of it anyway) then wait until that problem gets fixed too.

I use FF3, been listening to Radio4 from BBC today , no problems... I also don't find it slow, and love the improvements that have been made. I guess I'm just lucky, but I think it's a great upgrade. I'm using a TOT 1.5mb connection in CM btw.

I'm in CM on a 2Mb connection (very up and down as you'd expect) but BBC iPlayer Radio Console simply doesn't work with FF. Using IE 6.0 it behaves fine. Can't understand it.

i tried listening to Radio1 and it wont work with RealPlayer. :S

Customer (General Dan) 06/27/2008 01:18 PM

Is there any support or updates for the browser download plugin? I'm specifically looking for an updated version of RealPlayer browser record plugin that will work with Firefox v3.

Response (Rajalakshmi) 06/28/2008 02:10 AM

Dear General,

Thank you for contacting RealNetworks Customer Support.

I understand that you would like to access RealPlayer on your Firefox 3.0 web browser.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

As of now, the Firefox 3.0 is under the testing phase with Real products. The updates will be available in the future releases. As of now, we recommend our customers to use the previous version of Firefox to get rid of any issues related to Real products.

Please reply if you need further assistance regarding this issue.



RealNetworks Customer Support

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REF: Anyone else having any problems with Firefox 3

I have had Fox3 continually crashing when you attempt to open a site within a site. If I open the enclosed site in another window , no crash. Sent this observation to Mozilla.

I much prefer Firefox to the Explorer browser, so I am perturbed at these constant crashes. I was using Vista but am now using WinsXP. Vista has proven to be a pain. :o

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"i tried listening to Radio1 and it wont work with RealPlayer"

Radio One?? I got a special FF add-in to prevent my browser from getting Radios One, Two, Five and Six even by accident.

Go to radioelitists.com for details :o

Edited by Greenside
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I upgraded tr to FF3 a couple of days ago and haven't noticed any real speed differences, but Flash stopped working. That was easily resolved by unistalling AdBlock and replacing it with Adblock Plus.

However, the slower download speeds people are talking about may be attributable to the fact it seems to incorporate a virus scan with the download process, and that seems to be something new. Mind you, I typically only download torrent files anyway, and they're so small I'd never notice.

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However, the slower download speeds people are talking about may be attributable to the fact it seems to incorporate a virus scan with the download process, and that seems to be something new. Mind you, I typically only download torrent files anyway, and they're so small I'd never notice.

That might explain why my upload speed is higher than my D/L speed with FF3.


What a derisory speed for so-called Hi-Speed Internet!

Can't listen to BBC i-player half the time nowadays.

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I am over in New Zealand and I downloaded Firefox 3 a few days ago but I have not noticed much difference in download speeds.

I do have broadband rather than a dialup.

I have True Broadband here in Bangkok, similar to your Oz dial up I think :o

Newsflash. Australia and New Zealand are not the same country.

Edited by Simmo
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I am unable to understand how "Firefox 3" is causing a slowdown using IE to download Safari. Have been using Firefox 3 since first beta and currently at 3.0.1 and have not had any such problem.

Are you talking about web pages? Normal download of software?

Pretty much ditto your post. The OP might try uninstalling FF3 to see if it's really FF causing the download problem of just a slow connection .. I suspect the latter. Opera is another viable browser, although I don't like the bookmark display as well.

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