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Christmas In Thailand


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In more tourist-orientated places like Pattaya, Western-owned bars and restaurants will do a Xmas dinner and some of the bars will be done out with decorations but, generally, the Thais themselves don't celebrate it (until they learn that it's all about getting presents when they suddenly become born-again Christians :o ).


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Well we all know that Christmas is shit. It is an example of how the Thai's are more intelligent than us westeners-who are stupid enough to think it's worth celebrating (myself excluded)...oh but then they celebrate Songkran don't they?

As Liverpool vs Middlesboro, the intersting thing about this game is that it was, for perhaps the first time ever, the first game they played where Middlesboro were the definate favourites. Like Man U a few decades ago, Liverpool need to go down a division: that will sort them out.

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If you want to celebrate Christmas then buy some booze and cook some food and tell all your Thai friends and neighbors to come on over 'cause if they do maybe Santa Claus will bring them a present!! You should be able to get a GREAT party going. Thai people love to celebrate....they'll celebrate ANYTHING!! (which is one reason why life in Thailand is so much fun).

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Hmm, interesting set of responses which provides further evidence for my view that TV increasingly dominated by birds of passage,semi-educated boozehounds,Pattaya riffraff and UK football-loving yobbos.Of course Thailand is a Buddhist country and Christmas is not an official holiday but anyone who has actually worked in Bangkok would know that it is often celebrated quite vigorously particularly at the office level including the full paraphenalia of decorations,parties and gift giving (usually with no encouragement or input from farang managers).All very silly of course but sometimes quite charming in that particular Thai way that disarms cynicism.Of course if you are vegetating in some god forsaken Isarn village at that time of year you won't see much of the Christmas spirit.

By the way does anyone match Jockstar for his sheer consistency of moronic posting?

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Of course if you are vegetating in some god forsaken Isarn village at that time of year you won't see much of the Christmas spirit.

I'll be celebrating Christmas in an Issan village (not sure that it's god forsaken tho) and I'm gonna see a lot of Christmas spirit! :o

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Unless a Thai works for a farang company, Christmas day is just another day.

You will hear the awful american christmas music, "jinger ben" and the like. Real Christmas carols are rare here.

New Year is the holiday here, and the time when Thai's exchange presents.

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If you want to celebrate Christmas then buy some booze and cook some food and tell all your Thai friends and neighbors to come on over 'cause if they do maybe Santa Claus will bring them a present!!  You should be able to get a GREAT  party going.  Thai people love to celebrate....they'll celebrate ANYTHING!! (which is one reason why life in Thailand is so much fun).

We have a Christmass party every year, my wife loves putting the decorations up and doing the tree, last year had a few falang friends come over and I cooked a propper christmass dinner (but used chickens insted of turky). Its a good excuse for a party. New Year is the main Thai party, so you get a chance to do it all again :o

I do live in a god forsaken village, in the sence that god has forsaken it, but then again I forsoke him ages ago, so fair is fair :D

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Of course if you are vegetating in some god forsaken Isarn village at that time of year you won't see much of the Christmas spirit.

I'll be celebrating Christmas in an Issan village (not sure that it's god forsaken tho) and I'm gonna see a lot of Christmas spirit! :o


Be careful or we Issan farm boys will come down and kick some city slicker buttes! Just kidding, really.

I've celebrated many Christmas's in Thailand, some of which were in Bangkok, and some in my little Issan village. Of course Christmas doesn't really have the religious meaning in this majority Buddha country, then again I reckon even in some of our home countries, the real meaning of Christmas is celebrated by few. I think I've had more fun in the village, but now I'm prejudiced to this way of life. Around here any reason is a good reason to have a party, including Christmas. The Thai "party" was one of my reasons (among several) for settling in Thailand and finally Issan.

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Sure you can enjoy Christmas in Thailand. Shopping is great and restaurant prices go up, up and away. Last year I tried to make my own turkey. This year I will eat out again, so you can have the recipe. Important, make a test run in November, already. Here we go:

Turkey with whiskey

Buy a turkey of ten pounds (for six persons) and a bottle of whiskey.

In addition salt, pepper, olive oil and stripped bacon. Put bacon, salt, pepper and some olive oil on the cleaned turkey. 

Set oven to 200 degrees. 

Than pour a glass of whiskey and drink for success. This done put the turkey on a foil and into the oven.

Now pour yourself two glasses of whiskey and drink again for good success. 

After 20 min. set the temperature regulator to 250 degrees C, for a good humming sound.

That done you pour yourself three more whiskeys. 

After humpf an hour open sha oven, turn the roast and wat, wat... watchit. 

Get the fisskie-bottlll an haph a good sip. After another humpf an hour move shlowly to the oven and turn sha bird around.

Careful that you do not burn your hand on the bloody oven door. 

Time for anoffer fife or or sheven Wixkey into the glashs and, and..... you know?.

Roast the bloody bird for anoffer thrreee hoursh (doeshn't mather) and go effry ten minutes to the bashroom.

If shtill poshible, crawl to the turkey an pull the oven out of the bird.

Take another sip from the whishky - bottle and shan try again to get the chicken out of the oven.

Pick up the ###### bird from the floor and put it on a plate.Wash out that that you don't shlip on the greasy kishen floor.  When you shlip anyway, you musht take the bird and shhh ha ha ha it doeshn't mather! 

Sleep a bit.

Next morning eat the cold turkey with mayonnaise and an aspirin. 

Have fun when trying my recipe. Perhaps make a test now in November that nothing goes wrong on Christmas. 

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Sure you can enjoy Christmas in Thailand. Shopping is great and restaurant prices go up, up and away. Last year I tried to make my own turkey. This year I will eat out again, so you can have the recipe. Important, make a test run in November, already. Here we go:
Turkey with whiskey

Buy a turkey of ten pounds (for six persons) and a bottle of whiskey.

In addition salt, pepper, olive oil and stripped bacon. Put bacon, salt, pepper and some olive oil on the cleaned turkey. 

Set oven to 200 degrees. 

Than pour a glass of whiskey and drink for success. This done put the turkey on a foil and into the oven.

Now pour yourself two glasses of whiskey and drink again for good success. 

After 20 min. set the temperature regulator to 250 degrees C, for a good humming sound.

That done you pour yourself three more whiskeys. 

After humpf an hour open sha oven, turn the roast and wat, wat... watchit. 

Get the fisskie-bottlll an haph a good sip. After another humpf an hour move shlowly to the oven and turn sha bird around.

Careful that you do not burn your hand on the bloody oven door. 

Time for anoffer fife or or sheven Wixkey into the glashs and, and..... you know?.

Roast the bloody bird for anoffer thrreee hoursh (doeshn't mather) and go effry ten minutes to the bashroom.

If shtill poshible, crawl to the turkey an pull the oven out of the bird.

Take another sip from the whishky - bottle and shan try again to get the chicken out of the oven.

Pick up the ###### bird from the floor and put it on a plate.Wash out that that you don't shlip on the greasy kishen floor.  When you shlip anyway, you musht take the bird and shhh ha ha ha it doeshn't mather! 

Sleep a bit.

Next morning eat the cold turkey with mayonnaise and an aspirin. 

Have fun when trying my recipe. Perhaps make a test now in November that nothing goes wrong on Christmas. 

How do you make your own Turkey?

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I hated xmas in USA, I like it here, no expectations to live up to!

I hate Christmas in the USA too that is why for the first this year I'm coming to Thailand, I think this is the worst holiday in most western country. I may even go to Burma to avoid any Jingle bell music, so depressing, sooooooo cold at least in New York City.

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