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Thai Artist Mutilates Two Boys


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Bangkok, Thailand, Nov. 20 (UPI)

A Thai man who became enraged at two teenage boys for allegedly stealing $1,254 from him cut off their penises and earlobes.

Bangkok police charged Manit Simathammatharn with assault, endangering life, torture and unlawful confinement, the Bangkok Post reported Saturday.

Manit, an artist, said he discovered the missing money earlier this month and filed a police complaint against the boys, aged 14 and 15. He then tricked the two into returning to his house, where they had been staying.

Once inside, he confined them, cut off their penises and earlobes and threw their penises into a nearby canal.

Police later found the 15-year-old staggering through the neighborhood in blood-soaked shorts. He urged them to rescue his friend, which they did.

The boys were taken to a local hospital, as Manit defended his actions.

"There's nothing they deserved more for stealing the money I saved," he said.


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Why do they mention that he is an artist? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the story. Are these people prejudiced against artists? Are artists perverted and demented and this proves it? Should we all cross over to the other side of the street if we are walking and see an artist approaching?

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Why do they mention that he is an artist?  It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the story.  Are these people prejudiced against artists?  Are artists perverted and demented and this proves it?  Should we all cross over to the other side of the street if we are walking and see an artist approaching?

Probably because the article says his looking at his work was reason for doing more to make the damage more balanced. Read the full article.

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Why do they mention that he is an artist?  It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the story.  Are these people prejudiced against artists?  Are artists perverted and demented and this proves it?  Should we all cross over to the other side of the street if we are walking and see an artist approaching?

Probably because the article says his looking at his work was reason for doing more to make the damage more balanced. Read the full article.

I went to the link from the first post...it was a UPI web site and the article there was exactly identical to the first post...I have still seen nothing to warrant mention of the culprits profession...please help me find 'the full article.'

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Why do they mention that he is an artist?  It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the story.  Are these people prejudiced against artists?  Are artists perverted and demented and this proves it?  Should we all cross over to the other side of the street if we are walking and see an artist approaching?

Probably because the article says his looking at his work was reason for doing more to make the damage more balanced. Read the full article.

I went to the link from the first post...it was a UPI web site and the article there was exactly identical to the first post...I have still seen nothing to warrant mention of the culprits profession...please help me find 'the full article.'

I read a different version but it also said artist and said something to effect his damage to one did not match the other so went back to make both look more equal. The Bangkok Post report says "house painter". So it looks like you were right to question the need to say artist.

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........So it looks like you were right to question the need to say artist.......

most newspaper copy will give details of a persons age, profession , nationality when reporting.

it doesn't necessarily imply that his profession was a reason for his crime.

it just paints a fuller picture for the reader !

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if punishments for crimes of violence followed the "eye for an eye , tooth for a tooth " philosophy then i suspect that there would be far fewer crimes of violence.

this psycho deserves to feel the horror and pain himself that he inflicted on those kids. only then will he realise the error of his ways.

hopefully natural justice will prevail once he begins his sentence.

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I have never seen a nation so obsessed with cutting off penises! You cheat on your girlfriend = cut off your penis....you steal some money cut = cut off your penis  :D

Yeah, and then feed it to the ducks is what they do up North. Do the ducks get fed these things all over Thailand?

It always make me wonder when the Missus has a knife in her hand and i say "Chan duut Kuay"and a little wry smirk appears, :o ,

So if i want to play then i know all the risks :D

I feel sorry for all of the parties really,As the guys dreams are gone for a probable new life,Whereas the poor kids didn't deserve that sort of punishment,

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Thanks ngnap for the link. Now I see how my view was limited by seeing only one link. Davethailand (Edit: OOPS, wrong hat, it was Randomchances who produced the rabbit and hit the nail, sorry, dugdig)has once again pulled the rabbit out of the hat and hit the nail on the head....indeed house painter to painter to artist. I'd like to explain why I reacted so strongly to this. I'm from the usa adn I was very young but do remember the civil rights movement. For those not knowing american history that was the movement that helped american blacks to start to get treated fairly under the law. Anyway since racial prejudice was the reason for the inequality in the law there was alot of study done on why people were prejudiced. One of the reasons discovered was that in newspaper articles if a crime was commited by a white person their color was not printed but if it was done by a black person then it was printed...almost all of the time. This gave people a lopsided view of life and led them to believe that almost all crime was done by black people..which is absolutely not true, obviously. Anywasy ever since I learned about this unintentional method of biasing the public I always try to look for these biases and call bullshit whenever I see one.

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Anywasy ever since I learned about this unintentional method of biasing the public I always try to look for these biases and call bullshit whenever I see one.


It's intentional...and it's everywhere.

Another good trick is to use photos: a leftist newspaper will always show flattering pictures of its political heroes; politicians on the other side of the political divide will routinely be shown looking their worst.

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