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A Dog Has Bitten Me


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The only sure way to know is to do an autopsy on the dog :o If I were you, I would get myself to a hospital ASAP. Rabies is widespread in Asia and it is apparently not a pretty way to die. The good news: it is no longer injections in your tummy with monstrous needles; it is small injections in the arm.

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How to find out if this dog has rabies ?

I don't know where you would need to take it to be tested, but the only way to test if the dog has rabies is to kill it and examine certain parts of its brain. If the dog has had its rabies shots, though, it may be that testing it for rabies is not necessary.

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When I was bitten by a dog on the beach at Hua Hin, its caretaker took me to the Red Cross emergency aid station. There, the wound was treated, and I was given the first of a long series of shots. After about two to four weeks, the dog had not died, and I discontinued the shots. Total cost was about 1,900 baht. The Red Cross in Chiang Mai is just south (down river) from the American Consulate and the big pagoda in the road.

From what I understand about Thai culture, they would rather kill you and do an autopsy, than to kill the dog. So you get the shots and the dog usually is left free to bite again. The caretaker paid for my care.

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Why do you hate dogs?....My friend moved to Chumphun recently and while on a walk with friends, the friends dog for no reason attacked his formerly beautiful wife and tore her face up drastically. Three days in the hospital until a facial surgeon stitched her up and she now faces several surgeries in the next couple years.

I asked my friend if he killed the dog to have it tested. His reply was " This is Thailand and thats not the way you do things here." Now the dog has also attacked and bitten him and two children. People who will not protect their families do not have my respect. They had agreed with the owner to have it muzzled when outside the gate. After using it once, the owner declared the dog didn't like the muzzle so now the three other bites

Edited by bunta71
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wow...amazing lack of responsilbility from the dog owners...my first thought is to go sink my teeth into the arm of the owner and see what reaction it provokes..I would expect them to be rather p*ssed off and wanting to assault me in some way..or put a muzzle on me :o

I have a big dog,if it bit me,my kids,or someone else without some sort of provocation,I would snuff its life out in a heart beat,no second chances.

The second chance just could end up being someone,or a kid getting seriously hurt.


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I do believe that many dog owners, here and back home, consider their pet to be human and other people to be less than an animal. But right after I was bitten by that dog that was improperly muzzled, I told him that the Lord Buddha hated him and his owner. The next day on the beach, some tiny poodle run up unleashed and started barking at me. If he had bitten me, I had every intention of bashing its brains out on the seawall, while its owner shrieked in terror.

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Why do you hate dogs?....My friend moved to Chumphun recently and while on a walk with friends, the friends dog for no reason attacked his formerly beautiful wife and tore her face up drastically. Three days in the hospital until a facial surgeon stitched her up and she now faces several surgeries in the next couple years.

I asked my friend if he killed the dog to have it tested. His reply was " This is Thailand and thats not the way you do things here." Now the dog has also attacked and bitten him and two children. People who will not protect their families do not have my respect. They had agreed with the owner to have it muzzled when outside the gate. After using it once, the owner declared the dog didn't like the muzzle so now the three other bites

Unbeleivable !.......Some people are worse than the animals themselves,.in the uk the council would have taken the kids off this idiot and into care ,.he needs shooting along with the dog ! :o
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My friend moved to Chumphun recently and while on a walk with friends, the friends dog for no reason attacked his formerly beautiful wife and tore her face up drastically. Three days in the hospital until a facial surgeon stitched her up and she now faces several surgeries in the next couple years.


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I do believe that many dog owners, here and back home, consider their pet to be human and other people to be less than an animal. But right after I was bitten by that dog that was improperly muzzled, I told him that the Lord Buddha hated him and his owner. The next day on the beach, some tiny poodle run up unleashed and started barking at me. If he had bitten me, I had every intention of bashing its brains out on the seawall, while its owner shrieked in terror.


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I've been bitten by a dog, and I know the owner. How to find out if this dog has rabies ?

As the dog has an owner, ask the owner for the dog's vaccination book as proof of vaccination. If the owner can't show this you can go to the police. Dogs need to be vaccinated against rabies every year by law.

If the dog has been vaccinated I do not see reason to panic. Still wound cleaning need to be done, naturally. Asnd maybe a tetanus vax.

If you have received rabies vaccination before, then one booster is enough to trigger the memory cells of the immune system. No need for the whole sequence of jabs, unlike what many (medical) people say. More jabs is more money, but not better for your health.

More info on: http://www.cdc.gov/rabies/

and more specific: http://www.cdc.gov/rabies/exposure/postexposure.html and http://www.cdc.gov/rabies/exposure/preexposure.html and about adverse reactions from the vaccine: http://www.cdc.gov/rabies/exposure/reaction.html

Wishing you a fast recovery. A dog bite hurts like hel_l!


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I love dogs but hate dogs on my street that bite me.

I also don't want reprucussions from my neighbors.

Here is what I have discovered. (But I'm not confessing anything here.)

Rat poison in meat: makes the dog bloat for a few days but usually does not die.

Clorox left in a tin on the side of the road.

The dog will lick up the sweat taste and then die an agonizing death within hours.

You weren't there and didn't make the dog drink it so in the view of many Thai's you are not to blame for the dogs choice of drink.

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I love dogs but hate dogs on my street that bite me.

I also don't want reprucussions from my neighbors.

Here is what I have discovered. (But I'm not confessing anything here.)

Rat poison in meat: makes the dog bloat for a few days but usually does not die.

Clorox left in a tin on the side of the road.

The dog will lick up the sweat taste and then die an agonizing death within hours.

You weren't there and didn't make the dog drink it so in the view of many Thai's you are not to blame for the dogs choice of drink.

This is gunna be good....

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I've been bitten by a dog, and I know the owner. How to find out if this dog has rabies ?

If this dog has not been vaccinated ABSOLUTELY FOR SURE you MUST assume it is rabid and at least begin the vaccination series. If you don't and later begin to show symptoms you will die from rabies with 100% certainty.

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I've been bitten by a dog, and I know the owner. How to find out if this dog has rabies ?

if your looking for medical advice in here then you already have one foot in the grave. Hopefully you have already sought "professional" medical attention.

Let's see a picture of the bite. Did it draw blood? was it thru clothing or dog fangs right on bare skin? Isn't the incubation period for transmittable rabies fairly short? What I mean is once an animal gets rabies then don't they die in a few weeks? Was the animal acting crazy aggressive and foaming saliva?

How about an update on your treatment decisions.

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I've been bitten by a dog, and I know the owner. How to find out if this dog has rabies ?

if your looking for medical advice in here then you already have one foot in the grave. Hopefully you have already sought "professional" medical attention.

Let's see a picture of the bite. Did it draw blood? was it thru clothing or dog fangs right on bare skin? Isn't the incubation period for transmittable rabies fairly short? What I mean is once an animal gets rabies then don't they die in a few weeks? Was the animal acting crazy aggressive and foaming saliva?

How about an update on your treatment decisions.

Thanks for all the helpful replies. :D

I went to see a doctor and I got one vaccination shot. Only one, because I had a vaccination shot before about two months ago. Also, at the beginning of the year 2006, I had my first full vaccination serie of 3 shots. The doctor thought that one shot would do, also because there are only 2 very tiny scratch wounds, with a little bit blood to be seen.

It was a bite through my pants, which reduces the chance that the dog's saliva really has entered my bloodstream considerably, I did diagnose by myself. :o The doctor also prescibed anti biotics :Augmentin 1gm, which I didn't take, because the scratch wounds are only very tiny. A pharmacist told me later that Augmentin has no influence on rabies, so if the wounds don't heal quickly, I can still take the Augmentin.

I also heard that if the dog has indeed rabies, it will die one week after the bite. I don't know if this is a fact or a rumour, but I think I will have a look at the dog in the coming days. :D

Edited by xwteee
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Quarintine the animal for a period of time.

Start the injections.

Animal shows no signs of illness after a period of time

Stop injections.

Life continues as normal.

Wow, OK so let me see, I'll give it a couple of weeks and see if the dog dies then I will stop injections, or should it be 3? Ok 4 to be on the safe side, hey?

Are you serious?

Take the whole series of injections whether the beast dies or not. Why take the risk?

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i was bitten once and freaked out

on Phuket island

it was a street dog too

acting strange too

so what happened

I ran around and asked around

all the thais said to get the shots

last thing I would have liked to do!

I finally located a vet and he said if the dog can eat no problem... not possible to be infectious

also mentioned no case of rabies on the island reported for almost 10 years

helped me stop worrying so much too

so we bought some food and fed the dog and he ate

end of story

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OK one more way to get some (only some) reassurance. We had my wife's dogs vaccinated at the local temple a few months back. Done by staff of the local Council. They come at least once a year I think and vaccinate for free. No sign of "vaccination booklets" but each owner was given a little badge thing that they then put on the dogs collar. The locals all know what these look like, and I have seen them round town since. I assume this is a common system. So ... if the offending dog has one of these on its collar (if it has a collar) then it was probably immunized... and you will probably get some other disease instead.

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The owner of the dog, whether Thai or not, should pay for your medical expenses, unless you clearly provoked the animal.

I agree with PB, and this is Thai custom. In fact, this is exactly what happened in a case with my wife being bitten.

When she was bitten, there really wasn't a great risk judging from the behavior of the dog that the dog had rabies, a disease which is indeed rare these days; just a mutt being a little too territorial. Nonetheless, it was off to the hospital clinic and a quick start on the rabies series since no one was home at the "residence" of the dog. Definitely annoying, but not a big deal. Later, a quiet visit and presentation of the situation, the hospital prescription and receipt, to the daughter of the elderly man who had the dog (and tended to leave his gate open) was paid for by the daughter. There was no effort to establish whether or not the dog was vaccinated. Indeed, I believe it was an adopted soi dog. We observed the dog. Dog had no problems, so after a couple of shots, the series was discontinued.

Now, it is true that vaccination is mandatory under the law, but someone can always claim the dog is just some soi dog who hangs around and not their responsibility. If you go to the police, they will probably investigate to try to negotiate a "settlement," the normal pattern. Indeed, this sort of negotiation seems to work very well a great deal of the time around here.

I also suggest that everyone reads what Neinke has to say somewhere on this thread.

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OK one more way to get some (only some) reassurance. We had my wife's dogs vaccinated at the local temple a few months back. Done by staff of the local Council. They come at least once a year I think and vaccinate for free. No sign of "vaccination booklets" but each owner was given a little badge thing that they then put on the dogs collar. The locals all know what these look like, and I have seen them round town since. I assume this is a common system. So ... if the offending dog has one of these on its collar (if it has a collar) then it was probably immunized... and you will probably get some other disease instead.

Slightly off topic, but I guess I have a good excuse : nice "postscriptum" you have there, bruce !

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Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!

Brüder! über'm Sternenzelt

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Take this kiss for all the world!

Brothers, surely a loving Father

Dwells above the canopy of stars.


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my post suggesting you smash the dogs head in was removed is this because the forum is sponsored by a dog lover ? i have been bitten in thailand and so has my 4 year old son resulting in him having a facial scar and a course of rabies jabs . these things are wild animals and any dog that even looks like it might bite someone should be killed.

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