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The Large Hadron Collider In Cern

Gonzo the Face

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The ?, Re the Collider in Cern and will it destroy the world or not, has been partially answered here in Chiang Mai.

It has destroyed the channel line-up for UBC. The channel numbers are all realigned all over the place.

Anybody know why UBC must do this every couple of years. Other than making it look like they are doing something.

I notice they seem to do the same here in CM with the bus routes. Never give a route a chance for people to get comfortable with it, but change it so no one knows the schedule.

Must be graduates of the same uni,, University of Birdbrain Thoughts

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It has destroyed the channel line-up for UBC. The channel numbers are all realigned all over the place.

Was going to check here to see if others had the same "experience". Turned UBC on late last night and found my first several channels still in the right location but CNN, BBC, CNBC, etc. had disappeared. A few minutes later a flash message regarding the satellite popped up and poof, all channels realigned. Pain in the butt to reset the order and now there appear to be around 136 channels I have to wade through to find the ones I watch and put back to the top. :o

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It has destroyed the channel line-up for UBC. The channel numbers are all realigned all over the place.

Was going to check here to see if others had the same "experience". Turned UBC on late last night and found my first several channels still in the right location but CNN, BBC, CNBC, etc. had disappeared. A few minutes later a flash message regarding the satellite popped up and poof, all channels realigned. Pain in the butt to reset the order and now there appear to be around 136 channels I have to wade through to find the ones I watch and put back to the top. :o

There has been a scrolling news type flash for the last couple of weeks to say this would be happening, they have added 2 more channels on 22 and 23, but they have also swapped all the other channels also, pain in the _____ :D

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I thought ( and the messages on my tv ) say the re-alignment was not until the 9th.

Sez to put it on the Asia Film channel...what channel is that? Never seen it before....how am I supposed to put it on that channel if I have never seen it before...

If I just leave it, I wonder if the service would be better all confused.

Seems everything else here is. :o

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I thought ( and the messages on my tv ) say the re-alignment was not until the 9th.

Sez to put it on the Asia Film channel...what channel is that? Never seen it before....how am I supposed to put it on that channel if I have never seen it before...

If I just leave it, I wonder if the service would be better all confused.

Seems everything else here is. :o

Well...once again I am amazed with some people here. They have true TV...assume they get the magazine...so why not look at it??

For some time they have been giving the instructions on screen......Sept 9th at 00.01 till 04.00.If they looked at the mag Asia Film channel is 11...,..so whats wrong with that!!??

It sems that some just cant wait to critisise True for any persieved reason

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I thought ( and the messages on my tv ) say the re-alignment was not until the 9th.

Sez to put it on the Asia Film channel...what channel is that? Never seen it before....how am I supposed to put it on that channel if I have never seen it before...

If I just leave it, I wonder if the service would be better all confused.

Seems everything else here is. :o

Well...once again I am amazed with some people here. They have true TV...assume they get the magazine...so why not look at it??

For some time they have been giving the instructions on screen......Sept 9th at 00.01 till 04.00.If they looked at the mag Asia Film channel is 11...,..so whats wrong with that!!??

It sems that some just cant wait to critisise True for any persieved reason

Just about like othere who cannot wait to point it out..

Mirror , mirror, on the wall.......

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I thought ( and the messages on my tv ) say the re-alignment was not until the 9th.

Sez to put it on the Asia Film channel...what channel is that? Never seen it before....how am I supposed to put it on that channel if I have never seen it before...

If I just leave it, I wonder if the service would be better all confused.

Seems everything else here is. :o

Well...once again I am amazed with some people here. They have true TV...assume they get the magazine...so why not look at it??

For some time they have been giving the instructions on screen......Sept 9th at 00.01 till 04.00.If they looked at the mag Asia Film channel is 11...,..so whats wrong with that!!??

It sems that some just cant wait to critisise True for any persieved reason

Inspiring isn't it.

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Well...once again I am amazed with some people here. They have true TV...assume they get the magazine...so why not look at it??

not all of us are rich enough to afford microscopes :o

p.s. you assume we all can read? :D

Edited by Naam
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Well...once again I am amazed with some people here. They have true TV...assume they get the magazine...so why not look at it??

not all of us are rich enough to afford microscopes :o

p.s. you assume we all can read? :D


Oh so true, and lends a whole new meaning to "read the small print?

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Can one of you sighted people help an old guy with beady little eyes find a revised channel line-up?

I checked the mag and didn't see a list.

My on-screen menu is also a disaster with changing lines running through it, multiple listings written on to of each other and the whole thing is semi-transparent, making it very difficult indeed to read.

UBC True strikes again..

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In all fairness to True/UBC, an organization I'm not thrilled with, they did post a full screen sized message on the TV and even though it was in Thai, there was no mistaking the fact that something was going to change between 0100 and 0400 that day - so they did give some clues and did at least try..

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Can one of you sighted people help an old guy with beady little eyes find a revised channel line-up?

I checked the mag and didn't see a list.

My on-screen menu is also a disaster with changing lines running through it, multiple listings written on to of each other and the whole thing is semi-transparent, making it very difficult indeed to read.

UBC True strikes again..

The channel lineup is on page 77 of my magazine.

The instructions are on page 77 of my magazine, IN ENGLISH. The instructions clearly state "September 9, 2008 at 00:01 hrs. (The night of September 8)".

Seems more understandable help than a Thai person would get in Thai language in my home country, the U.S.A. AND THAT IS NOT A NEGATIVE ABOUT EITHER COUNTRY.

My box(es), we have two, changed just fine. And personally the change of lineup, as rare as it happens, doesn't seem to confuse me.... AND BELIEVE ME, IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH TO CONFUSE ME... Just ask Dusty!

The transparency issue is a setting in the converter box, I believe. Shouldn't be too hard to fix.

Pages 78 and 79 of my magazine gives the procedure in Thai and English how to let the converter box CHANNEL TUNE. It gives the password and all.

There must be more important things to complain about. ( I can hear (read) it already !!!)


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brilliant the world is about to be sucked inside out and you people are worried about what to watch :o

You didn't happen to hear about the impending demise of our blue planet on television, did you? Waiting for the newspaper the report about it would seem a longshot in this day.


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I should just learn to shut up until I thoroughly check things out. :o

Ms Pain is right on. Went to setup and installation and followed the magazine's instructions and the channels aligned themselves automatically and I also found the way to turn off the transparency.

I also discovered that I can move all my favorite networks to the top of the True numbering list so I don't have to scroll through some 100+ channels to find what I want. I have two problems with that in that if someone calls (it has happened many times) and says, "Dusty, quick! Switch to channel 45 and see what is going on right now!" Not gonna work as I have changed the whole UBC numbering system.. The other issue is that I have to retrain my wife how to find what she wants and I am leaving on a trip in a couple of days..

Maybe I should just, as they say in Hawaii, get one life... :D

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I figure if I wake up tomorrow and CM looks like a photo negative, then things went well.

But what really worries me is that the secret recipe for KFC is being moved from it's secret facility.

If lost, it could mean the end of everything.....everything.

No more extra crispy.

I wouldn't wanna live in THAT world. :o

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As they will be cranking up the Large Hardon Collider at about 2PM, and the world witl coming to an end shortly thereafter, any of you guys want to fess up and go with a clear conscience??

Fess up about all those dead chickens being found all around town with their throats cut, with a dreamy look in their eyes and a big smile on their beakers??

Don't go the the hereafter with this on your account,,,,,, come clean now and go happy

Confess sinner


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I guess on the Thai news this morning the newswoman was saying that it is indeed the end of the world.

Now my wife is all paranoid and thinkin' that it is indeed the last day on earth.

Now I should go to the Issan forum to find a witch doctor to "cure" her. ( the guy who found out his woman is not really a woman is a fun thread to read anyway...where else but in Issan.. :o )

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As they will be cranking up the Large Hardon Collider at about 2PM, and the world witl coming to an end shortly thereafter, any of you guys want to fess up and go with a clear conscience??

Fess up about all those dead chickens being found all around town with their throats cut, with a dreamy look in their eyes and a big smile on their beakers??

Don't go the the hereafter with this on your account,,,,,, come clean now and go happy

Confess sinner


It's 14:05, the sky is charcoal grey, the lightning is fierce and the thunder is rolling around the valley . . . I think I'll say my farewells now, it's been fun, so long and thanks for all the fish.

. . . at the very least I'll check on my dogs. :D


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Sheesh, you guys are shallow. :o

What's happening with the hardon collider. We all know ubc is crap.

I saw a large hardon collider outside the Montri late last night.

That was me and very cute but please do not make fun of poor OlRed.

At the high elevation he inhabits above us mere mortals, he suffers from oxygen shortage to his brain (Google: red eyes, symptom) which interferes with cognitive functions, including the ability to spel.. :D

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That was close.

Ok, everything is checking out. Yep, 3 arms, 2 legs.

3 LEGS!!!!

What were those evil dark clouds...I swear, if I had been in Kansas..I'd be lookin' for a storm cellar to crawl into..

Wonder how big the black hole was???

Maybe bigger than the one I paid for in Mobassa along time ago in a different life...

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