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Return A Slap From A Lady. Right Or Wrong?


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Personally, I wont give a dam_n if I get slapped by a women and them not expecting a equal slap in return. They have the god given rights of equality and yet they expect us to take the slap like a "gentlemen" and get away with it. And not to mention the fking crowd will go against you if you gave a return slap and get away with it.

Not only this, but for instance, if you did not offer your friend (women) to hold her heavy items, you are instantly looked down upon by fellow friends and the girl herself. Since when is not offering any kind of assistance (open doors, carry her stuff, letting her get things first) considered a taboo??

Need an insight into this, I've reached several points where I encounter this and a similar situation. Regardless if it's a slap or a shove.

Note: I've never ever slapped a lady before, nor engaged in physical aggression. I've always been a kind person to ladies and offering help and taking sacrifices for them. However, it came to a point where these things are taken for granted by them.

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Thaivisa random post of the day :D

No!! Mack Master Worldwide Shizzle!! Please don't beat me down Mack Master Worldwide Shizzle! I left my money in my other pants Mack Master Worldwide Shizzle!



Edited by Boater
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Alas, Chivalry be thy name !

Should someone's actions be the cause of the slap, that person should take their punishment like a man.

If the fair maiden is in distress and lashing out, a man should be able to be the rock upon which she can vent her frustrations.

A man should never, ever offer violence to a women (unless she is actively trying to wedge a knife between your ribs, or maybe in the middle of trying to snip off something vitally important to your manhood, or has already shot at you once and is taking aim again, etc).

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Why would I ever need to slap/hit someone half my size? I've been slapped more than once by a woman and never hit her back, in fact, been attacked by a woman with a knife ( jealous gf in my youth ) years ago and still didn't need to hit her, just restrained her. Don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of fights with guys over the years ( thankfully not for a long time now ) and certainly not held back then. I guess it's just the way I was raised by my mother. Anyway, if I did hit a woman and my mother found out, she'd beat the sh@t out of me :o

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QUOTE (Boater @ 2008-09-13 22:59:39) *

walk away.............................

as if.....

Even it's a women, a grown women hitting a grown man should be prepared to accept adult consequences.

Where is this thread going??? or are you waiting for someone to to tell you it is ok to hit a women??????

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If you have been slapped, or are even being assaulted by a women and it is causing you some pain. Then no you are not allowed to retaliate.

Just because she is a woman you see, women are allowed to hurt men physically as much as they want, and yet if the man so much as lifts a finger to defend himself then he is wrong.

Of course I am being sarcastic. I was once attacked without provocation (I accidently knocked her drink over) by some girl in a club with a broken glass. Despite my arm bleeding quite badly from the attack, I was then turned upon for pushing the girl away and to the floor when she attacked me a second time (With glass still in hand), although nobody stopped her from attacking me. It was actually the bouncers of the club that got me out of there that night before I got one almighty kicking from the men, just because I defended myself. Right or wrong?

Even my wife, when I first met her used to think that it was OK for women to attack men, I taught her otherwise. Not by hitting her but one time I found some you tube videos of men being attacked by women, she didn't realise at the time why I was showing her these videos and when they (The videos) finished she said to me something along the lines of "Poor man, why did he not stop her/hit her back". It was the look that I gave her made it sink in, as her own words told her that a man has a right to retaliate against a woman.

We still have our moments. This is not a sexist remark but my wife does go a bit wild when she has her period and to add to that she has a high blood pressure. I have learned to sympathise with that and when she does goes off on one I can do nothing but hold her down. Unfortunately scratches and bruises do occur but I never actually strike her.

This might sound as though my wife is a nutter and and I am wife beater but that is not the case. Her high blood pressure is a medical condition that occasionally leads to her kidneys backing up, even dialysis is needed at times. This when coupled with stress and menstration gets too much for her and basically she just explodes. We are both aware of it and deal with it the best we can. It is only once every 3-4 months or so that it happens and the next day she feels very very guilty and apologetic, so do I for that matter.

Another point regarding the man carrying the bags ect, well I think that it is a case of share the load and my misses is good with this. Of course I will take the heavier load because I am the strongest and so I should take the heavier load, yet my wife will always carry what she can. She is also very mindful of the fact that I broke 6 ribs in the Tsunami whilst in Phuket and she doesn't want me to hurt myself.

Getting back to the original question: Should a man slap a lady? Well everybody's first thought would be no but then ask does the lady have a right to slap a man in the first place??????

Women she be held as accountable for their actions as men are, and vice versa.

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Never has happened yet. I would do what I told all my kids to do. Walk away, and do not come back. When the other party calls you, tell them it is totally unacceptable. And, end the relationship if it happens again.


I am right in thinking that you are gay? (Forgive me if I am wrong).

But how would this work in a gay relationship?

Honest question.

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Violence is wrong , when a man hits a woman is very wrong , but its also

very wrong when a woman hits a man for no reason , or so thinks

because she's a woman they can do what they like .

I would not tolerate that , the best thing is to walk away , but if its one of those real

bad ass ladies , I wouldn't mind to give her a small reaction , but no full contact , to make them realise

its not right to react to one like that , she or he will regret their actions .

Anyway nobody ever will think to hit me or ever did , so never will have to help myself out ..

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But how would this work in a gay relationship?

Leicester University undertook a study of Domestic Violence that started with the aim of gathering data on Domestic Violence in Asian Families - Mindful of the sensitivity of studies being targeted at ethnic groups they gathered data on all Domestic Violence reported at hospitals, schools, police, courts and to socials services with the intention of extracting the Asian Family Data from the whole.

The results where not what was expected.

The groups suffering the highest levels of domestic violence across all ethnic groups are Old Age Pensioners, particularly the infirm.

The highest incidence of 'Partner abuse' was between Lesbian Women.

And across all domestic violence men are only very marginally more likely to be the perpetrators of violence against a member of their family than are women.

It was the results of this study that put an end to Nu-Labor's plans to introduce the 'Male Abuser's Act' under which only Male abusers where to be recorded in - yes you've guessed - a national database.

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<deleted> is wrong with you people? A girlfriend demonstrates violence ONE TIME and its bye bye, no second chances, certainly not a pattern of having to hold my wife down once a month... JEEBUS!

A strange woman attacks you with a knife? Knock her the <deleted> out. Unless you are so masterful at martial arts you can easily disarm her and not break a sweat as you back flip out of danger. If you dont have that skill than bloody well defend yourself to the best of your ability.

My real concern here is who are you guys hanging out with? We all choose our associates and situations, simply dont associate with the kind of people that would attack you... pretty simple really. If you insist on hanging with those type of people than dont complain! They arent nice people! Duh.

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<deleted> is wrong with you people? A girlfriend demonstrates violence ONE TIME and its bye bye, no second chances, certainly not a pattern of having to hold my wife down once a month... JEEBUS!

A strange woman attacks you with a knife? Knock her the <deleted> out. Unless you are so masterful at martial arts you can easily disarm her and not break a sweat as you back flip out of danger. If you dont have that skill than bloody well defend yourself to the best of your ability.

My real concern here is who are you guys hanging out with? We all choose our associates and situations, simply dont associate with the kind of people that would attack you... pretty simple really. Sorry but that means no bar girl hookers mmkay? If you insist on hanging with those type of people than dont complain! They arent nice people! Duh.

some of the nicest humnas in los r bargirl hooker types. why do you

think guys keep coming back!

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Personally, I wont give a dam_n if I get slapped by a women and them not expecting a equal slap in return. They have the god given rights of equality and yet they expect us to take the slap like a "gentlemen" and get away with it. And not to mention the fking crowd will go against you if you gave a return slap and get away with it.

Not only this, but for instance, if you did not offer your friend (women) to hold her heavy items, you are instantly looked down upon by fellow friends and the girl herself. Since when is not offering any kind of assistance (open doors, carry her stuff, letting her get things first) considered a taboo??

Need an insight into this, I've reached several points where I encounter this and a similar situation. Regardless if it's a slap or a shove.

Note: I've never ever slapped a lady before, nor engaged in physical aggression. I've always been a kind person to ladies and offering help and taking sacrifices for them. However, it came to a point where these things are taken for granted by them.


The average women wouldn't dream of slapping a man unless pushed way beyond endurance.

If you've encounterd this more than once then the problem is with you.

You offer to carry stuff because you are stronger then her, which is why most women wouldn't consider hitting out in the first place.

I'll finish as I started, TROLL!

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I was sitting in a bar watching the fun and games in a certain car park when a copper intervened in a dispute between two ladyboys. At one point one of the LBs slapped the copper :o "Uh-oh," I thought "she's going to be spending time in the nick." but he just slapped her right back and things quietened down pretty quickly :D She was a good 20cm taller than him too.

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