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From: "why Those Beautiful Thai Women Fall For Us,farang


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Kat my dear, please read my posts again.....I just did and again I cant see anywhere where I made a statement saying all women. If you assumed I was commenting on all women, I can only suggest that you were reading into it what you wanted to read not what I was really saying.

You were generalising about Western and Thai women, based on your understanding of what and how prominent "instincts" are. No big deal, but I also found myself more accepting of your views as you explained them further. :D
I dont believe I have belittled anyones opinions as PC, and as one poster pointed out, these are not my assumptions but statements made in regard to Darwins theory.
Here is an example: :o
Oooops....PC incorrect again.
It does happen often, that anyone challenging stereotypes and generalisations, is accused of being "PC", whatever this is supposed to mean, or some joke is made about it to the same effect.

Darwinism is at best a theory, not scientific fact as you insisted before, and you subscribe to your own version of it, which extends to modern human relations. What else is it, if not your assumptions/opinion? :D:D

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Funny how this seems to come up everywhere. While new to this site, Thailand and things Thai, I have spent considerable time in Taiwan and on Taiwan related forums. The usual questions arise in Taiwan similar to here, like how come they like us?

Seems to me that in Thailand the big complicating factor (compared to Taiwan) is the relative poverty, which suggest there are likely to indeed be more gold diggers out there. But what's funny is all the other answers backed up in this thread are said in Taiwan. 

Likewise the issue of Taiwanese vs foreign men, behaviour, etc. It seems to me that there is a generalisation among some not just Thai, but also Taiwanese, Chinese and other Asian women that a farang husband is likely to be a good catch relative to the men of their own country.  And guess what? Most often they are the women we farang tend to meet. It's uncanny, no?  

This is true in the case of my former Taiwanese wife and current Thai girlfriend. However, since there are oodles of happy loving Thai families out there, ipso facto, there must also be oodles of loving and caring, etc, Thai/Taiwanese men.

Generalisations about dick size are plain boring, and so is running down the local men.  While I understand the odd need to vent and generalise as a survival tool living in a foreign country, particularly on a vastly expat website, it's always good to keep a check on it.

Why you meet and are attracted to anyone is such an outrageously muli-faceted beastie, it's simply best not to generalise. Still I take on board the intent of the OP and agree that it is good to get some of the other reasons out for why Thai women are attraced to farangs, aside from the stereotypical answer, money.

In my case, cos we liked each other.


Great level-headed post, Huangry, and especially telling to hear that this same topic is being discussed similarily in Taiwan, also (and probably a lot of other asian countries as well). :D

And, since this is your 3rd post, :D to :o !

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You were generalising about Western and Thai women, based on your understanding of what and how prominent "instincts" are. No big deal, but I also found myself more accepting of your views as you explained them further.  :D
I dont believe I have belittled anyones opinions as PC, and as one poster pointed out, these are not my assumptions but statements made in regard to Darwins theory.
Here is an example: :o
Oooops....PC incorrect again.
It does happen often, that anyone challenging stereotypes and generalisations, is accused of being "PC", whatever this is supposed to mean, or some joke is made about it to the same effect.

Darwinism is at best a theory, not scientific fact as you insisted before, and you subscribe to your own version of it, which extends to modern human relations. What else is it, if not your assumptions/opinion? :D:D

I had noticed that.....Thanks :D

The ooops PC incorrect comment was a little humour made in regard to the previous posters comments on mens big chests, I commented that some men find security in big chests too and was recognising that, that was a PC incorrect statement.But it was a self depreciating comment made in jest.... :D

Darwins theory has been accepted by the scientific world...say no more. :D:D

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But thai girls are liars. Marrying a foreigner is an easy way out. Dont believe their lies of thai men are bad, I like british accent, I love you. They would not know what your humour is or how you speak if they didnt look for you in the first place. And why would they look for you in the first place?

But on the other hand why do they not look for black people or arabians? So maybe some kind of race is prefered. ITS because they are affraid of black/arabian people. They think they are mean and angry people. I laugh at their ignorance just like I laugh at those who celebrate christmas but do not the true meaning of christmas. Thai girls are a bunch of western wannabes

Speak for yourself, you should know :o

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But thai girls are liars. Marrying a foreigner is an easy way out. Dont believe their lies of thai men are bad, I like british accent, I love you. They would not know what your humour is or how you speak if they didnt look for you in the first place. And why would they look for you in the first place?

But on the other hand why do they not look for black people or arabians? So maybe some kind of race is prefered. ITS because they are affraid of black/arabian people. They think they are mean and angry people. I laugh at their ignorance just like I laugh at those who celebrate christmas but do not the true meaning of christmas. Thai girls are a bunch of western wannabes

Speak for yourself, you should know :o

Maybe you should tell us what is the true meaning of Christmas.. I'm a bit confused... :D

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Hey brit its definately the money. It happens in africa too that young guys wanna hook up on some old rich woman. And it even happens in western countries too. I think you are really being naive if you think they do it for the culture difference, love or anything else cliche.

That is interesting.

Is there a place famous for rich old western ladies picking up jigaloes? Do the guys who date/make love to these old heiresses get a lot of money?

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I believe that there are many Thai ladies who want a farang husband and it is possible to find love with these girls.

But lets face it....like their western counterparts they want the best deal they can find, someone who will love them and someone who can support them. One of the first 5 questions any woman will ask upon meeting a man is "what do you do for a living?"...... you can almost bet that if she calculates that she earns more than you or that you have little prospects, she will be chatting to the next guy up the bar. They want to know that you can support them while they are having kiddies and doing the home thing. Cant blame them for that.

That is an interesting point. Does anybody know if there are hard working, career woman types, physicians perhaps, who want a house-husband? Somebody to stay at home with their kids? I think there are almost no such women. Is it true?

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Hey brit its definately the money. It happens in africa too that young guys wanna hook up on some old rich woman. And it even happens in western countries too. I think you are really being naive if you think they do it for the culture difference, love or anything else cliche.

That is interesting.

Is there a place famous for rich old western ladies picking up jigaloes? Do the guys who date/make love to these old heiresses get a lot of money?

I've heard that the Caribbean is very popular, and by their standards i do believe they are reasonably reimbursed.

I saw a program on television once that involved this old lady who had fallen in love with some young Jamaican lad, nipping over there for holidays all the time and sending him money. Her intention was to try and bring him back to the UK.

She was just as deluded as to the reasons for this young lads affections as some of the 18.2 stone, bald, physically repugnant elderly gentlemen that you find lumbering around various haunts in Bangkok, Pattaya and all other manner of exotic locations .

Guess what? It turns out that what young Jamaican men are really attracted to is old, saggy women. I even heard him say it himself. Must be true :o

No bull

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Hey brit its definately the money. It happens in africa too that young guys wanna hook up on some old rich woman. And it even happens in western countries too. I think you are really being naive if you think they do it for the culture difference, love or anything else cliche.

That is interesting.

Is there a place famous for rich old western ladies picking up jigaloes? Do the guys who date/make love to these old heiresses get a lot of money?

Bali. I saw a lot of middle aged ladies with these young boys who were wearing broad rimmed hats with flowers behing their ears and long groomed hair. Apparently female sex tourism is popular in North and Western African countries too. Dunno about them getting lots of money though.

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All girls are crazy, newer figured out what goes on inside their head.

There is always something that don't adds up to a reasonable answer.

But i guess that's why we lov'em so much....................."you got to be a little craaaaaazyyyyyyyyy".


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There is always something that don't adds up to a reasonable answer.

We do have a reasonable answer is just you men don´t understand it...

just try this:

when a girl give you an answer that you don´t understand:

1) ask a friend of yours (male)

he will give you and answer completely reasonble and understandable by you

2) ask one of your female friends

she will tell you exactly the same reasoning with different words...

We are lovely


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Most often they are the women we farang tend to meet. It's uncanny, no? 

Yeah, I said this before too. There's always a segment (male and female) of the population of ANY country that is attracted to "outsiders". Thailand is not unique in this regard and the fact that there are some people who seek out dates with foreigners should come as no big surprise. Plenty of people back home do exactly the same thing.

Generalisations about dick size are plain boring,

Absolutely. Bragging about dick size on the internet is the most pointless and idiotic thing you can do. First, nobody but you cares about it, and second, nobody but you wants to see it! :D:o:D

Besides, everyone here already knows that I am have the biggest dick on these forums, so it's already a moot point! :D:D

and so is running down the local men.

Definitely agree with this one. There is certainly a stereotype that Asian men treat their women like dirt, and I happen to know several who match that stereotype to a "T", but I'd never turn that into a broad generalization. Especially when I know plenty more Asian men who are loving husbands and caring fathers.

Asians are individuals too, people.

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This is really an old tired topic that has been done to death. 

Not for those new to the forum.

Thank you for that, nickerelastic :D

If you ask me, there are absolutely endless ways in which two people get together and the individual reasons are just as endless. I'm not sure what the end goal would be of trying to figure out how many people fall into each conceivable category and which category would then be the most predominant. What do you ultimately do with that info??? I guess it might be fun if you like to play trivia games. :o

Perhaps it's just human nature to endlessly categorize, and maybe for the sole purpose of generalizing in order to conclude for one's self. It's such a mixed bag out there that it seems pointless to me to make any generalizations whatsoever. Keep individualism in mind and you'll quickly go beyond sterotyping.

In that sense, I agree with sbk, "This is really an old tired topic that has been done to death."

Whatever anybody else's personal circumstances are, or regardless of what appears to be "mainstream," none of it really has anything to do with your own experience. As long as you're happy with the one you're with that's all that truly matters to me. I know I am. :D

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  • 1 month later...
hehe, good topic. What I wanna say some gals go for money; some gals go for curiosity; for some other gals, its just feelings. In my opinion, Thai guys are a bit feminine(Hope Thai guys wont get angry when they hear this). And white guys have bigger chest which gives women more sense of security.

If you do not mind , i wanna know how about chinese in your mind?

Different culture , different habbit. Whatever we do , we can not change our culture!

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"Why those Thai Beauty fall for Farang"??

Depends what you think its beauty. If you are talking about these dark skin Issan beauty from the view points of forangs, maybe.

But in my long years of experiences in Thailand, it's the opposite. The real beauty, which both Thais and foreigners would consider, will rarely fall for farang, and most likely fall for rich Chinese Thais.

There is also the beautiful white skin girls from upper class. This category will very rarely almost never fall for any kind of foreigners. On the contrary, this type is afraid to get associated with forangs, because they think these Thai girls with forangs are whores. This class of beauty will stay within their rich Chinese Thais society even they know these guys are super infidelity.

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"Why Those Beautiful Thai Women Fall For Us, farang"

Wannah read some article about 'why' ? ... Click then, it's a PDF-document.

Ìf I'd ever gain a Thai girl, surely she mùst be pretty ! 'Because I am handsome' :D ... A crossing between Patrick Swayze and Brad Pitt (not for me to say, but that's what the women say). And if they don't like that (the blond bloke), who cares, enough to pick from. Nò big wallet they will see, when they first meet me, nor my [modest] willy. They will have to fall for the looks and the man inside. For the record : I am not a womaniser.

:o I'll check it out and let you know ... maybe I'll fall for the CEE (Russian, Ukrain) girls that visit Thailand on holiday; they've got something for me, I like gréén eyes.

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  • 2 years later...

I am half Thai and Farang and I do know from some Thai girls who work in corporations that they prefer Farangs who are sporty and can offer the girls a good living and security. Something which the normal Thai or me cannot offer. On the other hand Western women are heavliy promiscuous .

Love is irrelevant and I do not think that any girls believe in it.

Thai girls want financial security and farang girls want fun. I might be a cynic but this is both unappealing to me.

For me girls are the same everywhere in the world. True love is only in novels and soap operas.

Better to be single, independent and happy.

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Love is irrelevant and I do not think that any girls that love matters.

as a girl, i disagree with you. most girls are looking for love. but once they go through a few jerks, they usually give up on love and go for looks and money instead, or just give up completely and decide to stay alone and happy. :D

On the other hand Western women are heavliy promiscuous .

:o western girls on holiday maybe... not most.

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Love is irrelevant and I do not think that any girls that love matters.

as a girl, i disagree with you. most girls are looking for love. but once they go through a few jerks, they usually give up on love and go for looks and money instead, or just give up completely and decide to stay alone and happy. :D

Yes, I have dated a few German girls and now I am alone and happy. I am not the player type and I am not exciting. However when girls decide to date jerks and get dumped again and again. Whose fault is it? They do not give those "boring" guys a chance.

Many friends are asking me why I do not have any Thai girlfriend yet. To be honest I do not trust Thai girls either.

On the other hand Western women are heavliy promiscuous .

:o western girls on holiday maybe... not most.

During my university times and high school times, I met a lot of girls who will go to bed with the guy after a single disco night. One night stands are very common in Germany. But that is not my cup of tea. Decent people are hard to find nowadays. :D

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well don't sum up all girls by your experiences in school! most people grow up, settle down!

It is always best to be careful and see everything with caution. In that way one can never be disappointed. Therefore I do not trust love.

That why you never know real (true) love

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