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From: "why Those Beautiful Thai Women Fall For Us,farang


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well don't sum up all girls by your experiences in school! most people grow up, settle down!

It is always best to be careful and see everything with caution. In that way one can never be disappointed. Therefore I do not trust love.

That why you never know real (true) love

There is not such thing as love. Never was and never will. Many people mistake passion / lust with love. I have learnt my lesson with women. Same as the women who have been betrayed by their husbands and boyfriends and are happy to be single. Nowadays one can only trust one's own mother and father,no one else.

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well don't sum up all girls by your experiences in school! most people grow up, settle down!

It is always best to be careful and see everything with caution. In that way one can never be disappointed. Therefore I do not trust love.

That why you never know real (true) love

There is not such thing as love. Never was and never will. Many people mistake passion / lust with love. I have learnt my lesson with women. Same as the women who have been betrayed by their husbands and boyfriends and are happy to be single. Nowadays one can only trust one's own mother and father,no one else.

Yes i've been through all those, and I had that way of thinking.

It can be change....for now you happy being alone..but when you go to the point of being alone for long time....lonely feeling is disaster.

Happiness (that count) love and trust.

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There is not such thing as love. Never was and never will. Many people mistake passion / lust with love. I have learnt my lesson with women. Same as the women who have been betrayed by their husbands and boyfriends and are happy to be single. Nowadays one can only trust one's own mother and father,no one else.

For the past 60+ years, I have been living the most amazing love affair with life and all the wonderful women and people that I have met along the way. As I read the reincarnation of this old thread, it is a real downer to read that there is no such thing as true love or trust. :D I guess I must be living in fantasy land, but in my humble opinion, I have found that there is a lot of true love and trust out there but you must be capable and ready to give it in order to receive it and it is true that the more you give, the more you will receive. :o

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Why do competent farang men with cash fall for some backwards, ignorant rice farmer, from whatthephukaburi with a sick buffalo story??? People are people...people :o And we all have similar qualities, things like thinking the grass is always greener on the other side, wanting something different that what your used to with the perception of it somehow being better, ect. General lists of how Thai men are all "XYZ" and Thai women are all "ABC" is silly and futile. Its more about the one who seeks out a partner from a different culture and what THEY think. As opposed to the reality of what their mate may be.

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"why those beautiful thai women will fall for us,farangs"

1) Good thai guys...are not handsome

2) Handsome thai guys ...are bad

3) Good thai guys, with good looking... are all married

4) Good, handsome thai bachelors...are not high calibered

5) Good, handsome, rich thai bachelors...they look down upon us

6) Good, handsome, rich thai bachelors - who are interested in us...are all playboys


7) Good, handsome, rich thai bachelors - who are interested in us...that are not playboys........are gays

After been watching too many asian movies, many buckets of tear, and countless trips to the bathroom...those are why the girls so into us, HAN-SUM farangs.

One of the above should apply to you! :o

i notice the beautiful thai girls dont go for farangs!

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well don't sum up all girls by your experiences in school! most people grow up, settle down!

It is always best to be careful and see everything with caution. In that way one can never be disappointed. Therefore I do not trust love.

That why you never know real love

I cannot understand the way people talk about 'Being loved' , love is a feeling , love is to be treasured , but love is nothing unless you GIVE it to some one , should it be reciprocated , then you are indeed a fortunate person .

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well don't sum up all girls by your experiences in school! most people grow up, settle down!

It is always best to be careful and see everything with caution. In that way one can never be disappointed. Therefore I do not trust love.

That why you never know real (true) love

There is not such thing as love. Never was and never will. Many people mistake passion / lust with love. I have learnt my lesson with women. Same as the women who have been betrayed by their husbands and boyfriends and are happy to be single. Nowadays one can only trust one's own mother and father,no one else.

Strange. I was still in love with my wife after 22 years together and I was devastated when we broke up. Maybe, as others have said, you have never found true love? Betrayal takes 2 people. And can you really trust parents to be the saints in our lives?

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"why those beautiful thai women will fall for us,farangs"

1) Good thai guys...are not handsome

2) Handsome thai guys ...are bad

3) Good thai guys, with good looking... are all married

4) Good, handsome thai bachelors...are not high calibered

5) Good, handsome, rich thai bachelors...they look down upon us

6) Good, handsome, rich thai bachelors - who are interested in us...are all playboys


7) Good, handsome, rich thai bachelors - who are interested in us...that are not playboys........are gays

After been watching too many asian movies, many buckets of tear, and countless trips to the bathroom...those are why the girls so into us, HAN-SUM farangs.

One of the above should apply to you! :o

i notice the beautiful thai girls dont go for farangs!

Sad, but true!

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i notice the beautiful thai girls dont go for farangs!

You obviously are not very good at noticing ! :o


Then I am ugly cuz I always fall for farangs and never fall to Thai guy hehehehe....Honestly, Thai guy always though im not their type.

SO difference for my x-hubby, my ex-bf'sssss

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i notice the beautiful thai girls dont go for farangs!

You obviously are not very good at noticing ! :D


Then I am ugly cuz I always fall for farangs and never fall to Thai guy hehehehe....Honestly, Thai guy always though im not their type.

SO difference for my x-hubby, my ex-bf'sssss

So....how come you ended up in Holland now ? Found the love-of-your-life in cheese country with windmills, coffee shops and beautiful girls ? :o

LaoPo :D

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We offer a quick way out of poverty and a Thai friend told me her ex was a lazy drunken bum who only wanted her for housekeeping and sex.

Surprisingly several Thai women have approached my wife over the years and asked her to help finding a falang husband,

surprising because I am not a model of good behavior.

My wife isn't poor, and she didn't marry me as a "way out of poverty". Nor did she marry me for my passport.

Your experience is not universal.

My wife married me because she loved ME, a person, not a skin tone or bank account or passport. Just me.

Most of her friends were shocked that she was marrying a farang because she'd always been perfectly happy dating Thai guys. In fact, when we met, she expressed absolutely no romantic interest in me at all and we were friends for quite a while before we finally started dating.

I'm sorry if you have a more cynical outlook on life, but it's just not the case for everyone. Some of us got married for all the same, normal reasons people get married in any country on the planet. We like each other, a lot.

This is for "Pudgimelon"

I'm not talking about women in general, if you look at my title, I'm talking about "thai women" who are with farangs specifically. As you can see out there the majority of them are up country girls. I'm sure yours is the exception, I'm writing about the majority not the minority. Yes, many of them wanted your money, like many said, from the fat wallet, but try to understand their situation too, don't degrade them so much. Everybody value money the upmost requirement in their life and what wrong with them looking for same value as everyone else!

To answer your question, I hate to disclose this, but I'm not a male, but a female and I can read and write thai very well, and not just my name. I can understand the thai culture more than you, and i would bet I lived in thailand longer than you.

Please don't try to pick a certain thing and blow it up out of its context.

I'm trying to make a generalized conclusion, the reason for most thais women who are with farangs were dued from the process of elimination. Is this a correct statement or not? If not then state your opionions, but don't try to bash the poster personally-that is not very professional of you!

Thanks for your input though

The majority of Ex-pat males living here in Thailand are middle aged and up, well past their prime so to speak.

Many of them desire younger women that in their home countries would be difficult unless they are extremely wealthy.

Living in a third world country where a sizable amount of the population is considered poor equating to Western standards makes obtaining a much younger spouse actually possible for them, at considerable lower cost. A sort of bargain basement for purchasing younger partners. So the old Farang gets a desirable lady and the lady gains reasonable living standards and higher status.

Although a few of these women should be pitied because suffering a fate of marrying some wrinkly old foreigner is done out of desperation, the bottom line is that these women are selling themselves for financial gain and material wealth. There is a word to describe this sort of business transaction and if some women find that term offensive, sorry but it is a definite fact.

As for your comment, my Dear, that you can read and write Thai very well, how is that relevant to the topic of this thread or are you meaning that I’m just a little woman, aren’t I clever? Facts are facts and can’t be changed by opinions, just like the laws of physics.

Edited by sassienie
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"why those beautiful thai women will fall for us,farangs"

1) Good thai guys...are not handsome

2) Handsome thai guys ...are bad

3) Good thai guys, with good looking... are all married

4) Good, handsome thai bachelors...are not high calibered

5) Good, handsome, rich thai bachelors...they look down upon us

6) Good, handsome, rich thai bachelors - who are interested in us...are all playboys


7) Good, handsome, rich thai bachelors - who are interested in us...that are not playboys........are gays

After been watching too many asian movies, many buckets of tear, and countless trips to the bathroom...those are why the girls so into us, HAN-SUM farangs.

One of the above should apply to you! :o

i notice the beautiful thai girls dont go for farangs!

Yes, the "beautiful" Thai girls usually go with rich Thai Chinese guys who treat them like commodities. Just take a closer look at what is going on in the celebrity world, where 90 percent of the girls date tycoon sons and business men (look at Buachompoo Ford) and many women try to emulate and looking for some smart rich guy only later to realize that this was a mistake. Celebs are greedy and self serving people and should not be taken as role models at all.

God knows how many sincere men have been ignored by women and have given up totally.

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Yes, the "beautiful" Thai girls usually go with rich Thai Chinese guys who treat them like commodities. Just take a closer look at what is going on in the celebrity world, where 90 percent of the girls date tycoon sons and business men (look at Buachompoo Ford) and many women try to emulate and looking for some smart rich guy only later to realize that this was a mistake.

Yeah, much better to go for some poor dumb guy.


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Yes, the "beautiful" Thai girls usually go with rich Thai Chinese guys who treat them like commodities. Just take a closer look at what is going on in the celebrity world, where 90 percent of the girls date tycoon sons and business men (look at Buachompoo Ford) and many women try to emulate and looking for some smart rich guy only later to realize that this was a mistake.

Yeah, much better to go for some poor dumb guy.


Why do poor people have to be dumb? Many poor people have a good heart and sincere. I have been in Isaan and the people were very heartly. But many "beautiful" women do no understand friendliness which makes them ugly inside.

And by the way "beauty" is skin deep.

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Sitting here with my wife, I asked her:

Why do Thai women want to marry Farang:

Her answers:

1. Because Farang are more honest, they don't lie or chow chu (play around)

9. Farang are easy going, easy to get along with and don't have much trouble like with Thai men

11. Farang can sit down to talk about things

14. Farang have sensitive heart and aren't hot headed like Thai men


Sorry I'm just thinking about someone

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Sitting here with my wife, I asked her:

Why do Thai women want to marry Farang:

Her answers:

1. Because Farang are more honest, they don't lie or chow chu (play around)

9. Farang are easy going, easy to get along with and don't have much trouble like with Thai men

11. Farang can sit down to talk about things

14. Farang have sensitive heart and aren't hot headed like Thai men


Sorry I'm just thinking about someone

We cannot say that Thai men are bad and Farang men are good. There are good and bad people in everywhere on the world. One of my old neighbors was a Belgian and he was drunk and hit his wife and kids often. So farang can be hot headed too.

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Sitting here with my wife, I asked her:

Why do Thai women want to marry Farang:

Her answers:

1. Because Farang are more honest, they don't lie or chow chu (play around)

9. Farang are easy going, easy to get along with and don't have much trouble like with Thai men

11. Farang can sit down to talk about things

14. Farang have sensitive heart and aren't hot headed like Thai men


Sorry I'm just thinking about someone

We cannot say that Thai men are bad and Farang men are good. There are good and bad people in everywhere on the world. One of my old neighbors was a Belgian and he was drunk and hit his wife and kids often. So farang can be hot headed too.

Wow....ronnie ja

I like talking to you...........keep talking---------I like it!!! :D

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This topic seems to come up more and more, but then again recycling topics on any forum is good for new members who haven't yet mastered the search function or who want imput and information on something in "their life" at the moment.

I agree with the premise that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Unfortunately the thai women I have seen with foreign husbands have for the most part fallen woefully short of my definition for "beauty", no matter how much I try to "grade on a curve".

While my definition of beauty may not be yours, that fact doesn't bother me one iota. Just as my opinion on the subject shouldn't bother, vex, annoy or make anyone feel their opinion is somehow less valid.

I concur with the poster's who said it is wrong to categorize good or bad people by nationality. Those traits are specific to individuals of EVERY race, creed, and color of human beings on this planet.

Sadly that is usually the problem with generalities. .. … they are so general.

(edited for spelling & clarity)

Edited by tod-daniels
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I agree with the premise that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Unfortunately the thai women I have seen with foreign husbands have for the most part fallen woefully short of my definition for "beauty", no matter how much I try to "grade on a curve".

Love makes a woman beautiful. Making love, you're looking at her face, not her body. If she loves you, her face is spectacular.

However I have never met such a woman

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