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Farang And Thai Fights?


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from a blog:

"Is there such a thing as a "fair fight" in Thailand? Late on Walking Street one night this past week a farang and a Thai were shoving each other and shaping up for a bit of biff. There were two Thais between them, trying to prevent an international incident. Looking into the eyes of the farang, he was enraged and looked desperate to fight. They held not just like anger but pure hatred. And neither was the Thai backing down. It needs to be emphasised that I have no idea what happened prior to this point, nor even who the two were. At this point it looked like the farang was the aggressor but who knows? A crowd was forming and uniforms appeared, comically blowing their whistles, trying to break things up! Their inability to exert authority had zero effect on what was going on. The crowd was getting larger....and the farang wanted to fight. It was written all over his face. A couple of Thais were trying to separate the two, and frankly, they were the 'heroes'. The farang eventually took the opportunity and lunged at the Thai but that was a foolish move and, to no-one's surprise, between 10 and 15 Thais leapt in and set upon the farang. He lasted only a couple of seconds on his feet before going down, his head slamming into the ground. He was motionless. But that was not the end! The Thais let loose and laid into him, brutally kicking every part of his body. For perhaps 10 - 15 seconds he received the beating from hel_l. They eventually stopped and left as the guy just lay there, lifeless. Two men in uniform picked up the farang. He was bloody and not moving. They dragged him away, hopefully to hospital."

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Most Farangs come to Thailand, they know the score and they stay out of trouble.

But I've found that fighting is an integral part of many Western countries (especially when mixed with the pub scene/alcohol)

It's a very rare case where a Thai would do something to a tourist to warrant getting into a fight. Pestering tourists to buy things is a normal method of sales here. If you don't want to buy something then ignore them, but don't abuse them while they're trying to make a living. (I also don't agree with persistent pestering of people to buy things when they show no interest from the beginning)

Some Farangs are very tough in their respective countries, they engage in fights occasionally, and if they're bigger or faster they win.

Then they come to Thailand (maybe for the 1st time) and think they are invincible, especially in front of a usually much smaller Thai adversary.

But as soon as they attack a local, they very quickly find out how outnumbered they really are. And they cop a beating. I enjoy seeing this take place *if* the Farang involved deserved what he got, or was stupidly drunk & failed to show a decent amount of respect to the people around him

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It's a very rare case where a Thai would do something to a tourist to warrant getting into a fight.

in my experience that is not true at all. thai men fueled by alcohol can be set off at the smallest of triggers.

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Dont give me this <deleted> Thai men never start fight with us, theyre usually the instigators, and if we dont constantly turn the other cheek to their rudeness and mild intimidations there would 10 times as many fights.

Id prefer not to get into trouble and dont drink too much but there is no way im taking cr4p from anyone in England or Thailand.

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There seems to be this perception in this forum that are lot of lifes quirks are unique to Thailand. Either a lot of you have not traveled much or you have been in Thailand to long.

The fact is that when a westerner trys to have a go at a local (especially in somewhere like pataya) they are invoking a fight with someone who is surrounded by people who the local see's every day of his working life or even may be related to (cousins, nephews etc). So they are bound to all jump in and knock ten ton's of <deleted> out of the guy - out of fear more then anything of having some ned have a go at them next time.

Now picture this. A fruit and veg market in the east end of london or even a fun fair of many stalls selling bits and peices. A big chinese guy is arguing over something with Mick's brother 'Jim' when he then trys to punch Jim in the head even though he is at least a foot taller - This chinese guy is steaming and wants to fight anyone! w

What is going to happen, are they likely to stand back and wait for the boys in blue or queue up in a line to take the chap on one by one?? No they will all go in mob handed and kick the cr6p out of the guy no doubt with hammers and scaffold tubes used for puttting the stalls up.

Edited by jimjam23
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What is going to happen, are they likely to stand back and wait for the boys in blue or queue up in a line to take the chap on one by one or are they not all going to kick the cr6p out of the guy as they don't want it to be them next time invariable with hammers and scaffold tubes used for puttting the stall up?

10 - 1 isnt the English way, we have our good points and one of them is a sense of fair play, 10 - 1 is the way with many of the East End of London immigrants though.

I know of football suppoters meeting up for a ruck and as the numbers were too uneven the team with more fans thanked the other mob for turning up for a ruck and not running but were told to come back with more numbers next time.

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What is going to happen, are they likely to stand back and wait for the boys in blue or queue up in a line to take the chap on one by one or are they not all going to kick the cr6p out of the guy as they don't want it to be them next time invariable with hammers and scaffold tubes used for puttting the stall up?

10 - 1 isnt the English way, we have our good points and one of them is a sense of fair play, 10 - 1 is the way with many of the East End of London immigrants though.

I know of football suppoters meeting up for a ruck and as the numbers were too uneven the team with more fans thanked the other mob for turning up for a ruck and not running but were told to come back with more numbers next time.

Alright I concur - we are just hard as <deleted> but fair in application as well :o

It is unlikely that numbers will jump in, unless its a big guy and the one tackling them needs some help.


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There seems to be this perception in this forum that are lot of lifes quirks are unique to Thailand. Either a lot of you have not traveled much or you have been in Thailand to long.

The fact is that when a westerner trys to have a go at a local (especially in somewhere like pataya) they are invoking a fight with someone who is surrounded by people who the local see's every day of his working life or even may be related to (cousins, nephews etc). So they are bound to all jump in and knock ten ton's of <deleted> out of the guy - out of fear more then anything of having some ned have a go at them next time.

Now picture this. A fruit and veg market in the east end of london or even a fun fair of many stalls selling bits and peices. A big chinese guy is arguing over something with Mick's brother 'Jim' when he then trys to punch Jim in the head even though he is at least a foot taller - This chinese guy is steaming and wants to fight anyone! w

What is going to happen, are they likely to stand back and wait for the boys in blue or queue up in a line to take the chap on one by one?? No they will all go in mob handed and kick the cr6p out of the guy no doubt with hammers and scaffold tubes used for puttting the stalls up.

Now picture this, a white guy walking down a black neighborhood in Beaumont Texas, that is ticking time bomb situation. Now picture this, a black man walking down the streets in Vidor Texas.... another ticking time bomb situation.

In either situation, it has nothing to do with the price of a trinket or beer for that matter... just pure bad up brining.

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from a blog:

"Is there such a thing as a "fair fight" in Thailand? Late on Walking Street one night this past week a farang and a Thai were shoving each other and shaping up for a bit of biff. There were two Thais between them, trying to prevent an international incident. Looking into the eyes of the farang, he was enraged and looked desperate to fight. They held not just like anger but pure hatred. And neither was the Thai backing down. It needs to be emphasised that I have no idea what happened prior to this point, nor even who the two were. At this point it looked like the farang was the aggressor but who knows? A crowd was forming and uniforms appeared, comically blowing their whistles, trying to break things up! Their inability to exert authority had zero effect on what was going on. The crowd was getting larger....and the farang wanted to fight. It was written all over his face. A couple of Thais were trying to separate the two, and frankly, they were the 'heroes'. The farang eventually took the opportunity and lunged at the Thai but that was a foolish move and, to no-one's surprise, between 10 and 15 Thais leapt in and set upon the farang. He lasted only a couple of seconds on his feet before going down, his head slamming into the ground. He was motionless. But that was not the end! The Thais let loose and laid into him, brutally kicking every part of his body. For perhaps 10 - 15 seconds he received the beating from hel_l. They eventually stopped and left as the guy just lay there, lifeless. Two men in uniform picked up the farang. He was bloody and not moving. They dragged him away, hopefully to hospital."

Pattaya is not the same as it once was, IMO.

The situation described above likely involved alcohol. Who knows.

We need to pick our own battles, and especially the time and place. I've never had a confrontation with a Thai and I wouldn't want to.

Writing in paragraph format would make it easier to read. If this story is true, it might make it to the email news section of Patters.

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If this story is correct word by word. The westen dude had the upper hand all along. The thais gave him a chance to cool off and take control of him self and maybe he could of set it as a fair fight. But once he crossed the line and made the 1st move. Yeah hel_l broke lose. he lost all his rights.

It doesn't matter how much back up there is with the enemy. There is such and thing by walking up to him and looking im in the face with out being harmed.

Look at the national anthem of Thailand. it is the simple truth about Thai people – either your with it or against it.

And yeah there a hot heads all over the world. Anyone got a problem with it? you know where to find me. :o

Edited by RakJungTorlae
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Oh please, this is such a trite topic.

Face reality here, please. People don't fight by rules, they just fight to win. Its called instinct and if you can't get over the fact that in this country the foreigner will always be outnumbered by the Thai then you need to take math classes again.

In that light and given the inevitable bashing of various people and races that always ends up happening in these topics, I am closing this topic

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