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Are Thai Women Generally Attracted To Muscle In Men?


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I'm wonerding if muscular men aren't seen as attractive in Thailand because pretty much every 70 year old farmer seems to have a six pack and rippling arms- i.e. maybe it's a sign of labor and poverty rather than wealth? There also seems to be a lot of very attractive women with overweight, often nerdy looking men here (talking about average people choosing mates at freewill here, not trophy wives). Obviously the man's money plays a big role, but excluding that for a sec- I'm wondering if anyone's clear on what the general threshold is- maybe the 'swimmer's build' (muscular and sturdy looking but not toned) is their ideal or if pretty much any flab is ok? Hard to know since most ads don't show shirtless men. My gf says she likes overweight, but maybe she's just trying to stop me from worrying...

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For alot of Asian women, have a generously proportioned man is a sign she is a good cook and a sign of prosperity.

However, first hand experience with my wife and I clearly demonstrates that both of these beliefs are in fact - mythical.

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I'm wonerding if muscular men aren't seen as attractive in Thailand because pretty much every 70 year old farmer seems to have a six pack and rippling arms- i.e. maybe it's a sign of labor and poverty rather than wealth? There also seems to be a lot of very attractive women with overweight, often nerdy looking men here (talking about average people choosing mates at freewill here, not trophy wives). Obviously the man's money plays a big role, but excluding that for a sec- I'm wondering if anyone's clear on what the general threshold is- maybe the 'swimmer's build' (muscular and sturdy looking but not toned) is their ideal or if pretty much any flab is ok? Hard to know since most ads don't show shirtless men. My gf says she likes overweight, but maybe she's just trying to stop me from worrying...

I've always thought that you can't go wrong with "male olympic gymnast" physique.

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For alot of Asian women, have a generously proportioned man is a sign she is a good cook and a sign of prosperity.

However, first hand experience with my wife and I clearly demonstrates that both of these beliefs are in fact - mythical.

Be careful, your wife might read this.. :o

Most important to Thai ladies is that the man has a "good heart".

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My GF says age is just a number, size doesn't matter, and she luvs (sp) me. This is the same one I said you can tell when she's lying because her lips are moving. All I know is that she gets noticeably excited when she sees a young, well built sport-man (her term). What can I do? I luv her, too.

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Only if the Thai lady in question is a Lady-boy. :o

Kidding aside, women in general have a tendency to look at your behind than your biceps.

So you are probably wasting your time pumping iron to puff up those biceps. One reason I steer clear of gyms is that it is full of gay people oggling unsuspecting straight men. I would rather lift weights at home.

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ok...im not thai...but i can tell you that for eye candy, a man with a good bod is nice. but normally thats not for keeps. its just for looking.

most of us settle for a nice bloke who can make us laugh.

oh, he has to be a good kisser too i guess.

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My wife is Vietnamese not Thai; according to her looking fit is great, being muscle bound is atrocious.

because pretty much every 70 year old farmer seems to have a six pack and rippling arms-

Might have something to do that they actually work, unlike most of us desk jockeys. No gym needed :o

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ok...im not thai...but i can tell you that for eye candy, a man with a good bod is nice. but normally thats not for keeps. its just for looking.

most of us settle for a nice bloke who can make us laugh.

oh, he has to be a good kisser too i guess.

Sorry Donna, I am married.

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Supposedly gals are "programmed" to be attracted to guys who look like they can run down a wild boar and break its neck, but they also clearly know that there aren't too many opportunities to hunt big game in today's world. Probably best to keep that bank book fat and to "look" physically strong enough to kill small-ish animals (like dogs, cats, and possibly rabid rabbits).


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ok...im not thai...but i can tell you that for eye candy, a man with a good bod is nice. but normally thats not for keeps. its just for looking.

most of us settle for a nice bloke who can make us laugh.

oh, he has to be a good kisser too i guess.

Sorry Donna, I am married.


got a brother?

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ok...im not thai...but i can tell you that for eye candy, a man with a good bod is nice. but normally thats not for keeps. its just for looking.

most of us settle for a nice bloke who can make us laugh.

oh, he has to be a good kisser too i guess.

Sorry Donna, I am married.


got a brother?

5 actually, but they are neither funny nor lipsus gengus.

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I think they generally prefer the, soft, androgynous, boarder line gay, paper white, jappenese or korean, "My name is Rain...." type looking boys. I mean really, check out the TV and print adds, not a Vin Diesel or even a Denzel amongst them. I don't think they prefer traditional masculinity in their men.

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I think they generally prefer the, soft, androgynous, boarder line gay, paper white, jappenese or korean, "My name is Rain...." type looking boys. I mean really, check out the TV and print adds, not a Vin Diesel or even a Denzel amongst them. [b]I don't think they prefer traditional masculinity in their men[/b].

That's because they don't miss what they never had.

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Exactly BKKjames, that's quite right, and they don't bother even trying to promote it. Its easier for their men as a whole to soften up to look like Rain then it is to man up to look like Vin or Denzel.

Well I can say I did play my part during my thirties in trying to convert as many as possible over to the virtues of hairy farang.

What's the old saying, "Once you go back, you can never back" or something to that effect.

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I think they generally prefer the, soft, androgynous, boarder line gay, paper white, jappenese or korean, "My name is Rain...." type looking boys. I mean really, check out the TV and print adds, not a Vin Diesel or even a Denzel amongst them. I don't think they prefer traditional masculinity in their men.

The androgynous look is seemingly popular. Ambiguity is always popular here, though.

"Mum, I'm not sure what I want to be, when I grow up...."

- "If you study hard there might be a few careers available".

"No. I meant male or female".

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Sorry guys, but you have me laughing my head off here. There are plenty of non-wimpy non-white Thai men who actually have girlfriends and spouses, so somebody must consider them attractive. But I guess its easier to see only what feeds your own stereotypes and prejudices and so therefor assume that all thai men must be wimpy and small. :o

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the men seen in thai TV and advertising campaigns are all a bit wussy for me. not my type at all.

gimme a manly man any day. dont mind chest hair, dont mind tattoos, dont mind if hes bald (as long as theres no combover).

he doesnt have to be a lumberjack, just not someone who resembles a raw chicken sausage.

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Whats interesting to me, is not that long ago (20 years ago?) the ideal movie star was quite manly, not huge but well built and masculine.

But you don't see that anymore these days, I wonder did media change its views and society follow or vice versa?

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the men seen in thai TV and advertising campaigns are all a bit wussy for me. not my type at all.

gimme a manly man any day. dont mind chest hair, dont mind tattoos, dont mind if hes bald (as long as theres no combover).

he doesnt have to be a lumberjack, just not someone who resembles a raw chicken sausage.

That's what I like about you Donna (pitiful attempt to suck up to the mods), you are woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to go get it. :o

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Sorry guys, but you have me laughing my head off here. There are plenty of non-wimpy non-white Thai men who actually have girlfriends and spouses, so somebody must consider them attractive. But I guess its easier to see only what feeds your own stereotypes and prejudices and so therefor assume that all thai men must be wimpy and small. :o

Honestly I don't hang out much with Thai men, other than my Father in Law who is Old School and a hard ass, I like him allot. But I'm just saying look at the image they push and the face they show to the world via the media they control as opposed to our (US) Immages, I mean you can turn on the TV and see fat people, thin people, black and white, young, old hispanic, ect ect all portaied in different lights from positive to negative. Yes there are some biases sure, but compaired to Thailand it looks like a utopia. Here you almost ONLY see that softy "lady boy in training" look. I mean even their tough guys are sweet... remeber beautiful boxer? how about this new one "E tim?" with the boxer with the pink gloves and the blond died hair? hel_l even the dude from Ong Bak (which was awsome) got nose surgery too get with the program.

So all sterotypes aside, thats the immage as a whole that they want their people to accept. Thats not us (forgen guys) at all, sure mabey if you get up allot closer than I think most of us would like too, you can find some normal guys. But thats not whats commonly portied or seen or talked about by their women.

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