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Are Thai Women Generally Attracted To Muscle In Men?


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I think they generally prefer the, soft, androgynous, boarder line gay, paper white, jappenese or korean, "My name is Rain...." type looking boys. I mean really, check out the TV and print adds, not a Vin Diesel or even a Denzel amongst them. [b]I don't think they prefer traditional masculinity in their men[/b].

That's because they don't miss what they never had.

This man is right, its like western guys who have never had an asian woman :o

Once them asian ladies get a taste of white they are lost forever! Why do you think asian guys are so obsessivley protective of their girls in the clubs?

By the way guys, dont assume that these guys you see on the street with the hotties are actually banging them, most of the times their just the girls sissyboy friend or the fat funny boy who'll always be stuck in the friendzone!

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All of the Thai women I have met do not care a jot what a farang looks like so long as the money is forthcoming.

You perhaps ought to consider widening your social circle.

Nail, head :D

Partial to the ole brillo pad then are we, Miss sweaty sock? :o

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the men seen in thai TV and advertising campaigns are all a bit wussy for me. not my type at all.

gimme a manly man any day. dont mind chest hair, dont mind tattoos, dont mind if hes bald (as long as theres no combover).

he doesnt have to be a lumberjack, just not someone who resembles a raw chicken sausage.


. i was in with a chance til you said combover ! :(


nah......seriously imaneggspurt........

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Personally i think these types are not attractive to "most " women, ,.i dont think a guy walking down the road looking like he is trying to contain 2 oranges in his armpits is attractive, but im not a woman and im not gay,so i dont see what they do maybe,.i think inner strength is more attractive, and a sense of humour, when i think of muscle men like arnold and sly stallone i dont start falling about laughing,..however ,i have a confession, i did marry once for looks and body, after the honeymoon it was all downhill :o ..but i can say i do not like women that have muscles, ( well more than me anyway ) :D

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have a look in any magazine from the west & the male models are all on the girlie looking side, more pretty boy than macho or normal looking man. It's not a thai or asian only thing.

Agreed, im here and always got free fasion magazines and all models are sweet girlie looks.

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I think they generally prefer the, soft, androgynous, boarder line gay, paper white, jappenese or korean, "My name is Rain...." type looking boys. I mean really, check out the TV and print adds, not a Vin Diesel or even a Denzel amongst them. I don't think they prefer traditional masculinity in their men.

That's just the younger ones. Slightly older and their taste is smartly dressed, intelligent-looking and "safe" guys. Completely different to the taste of the West which IS musclebound, big bodies and tougher-looking.

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Ok, this was one of the favourite topics that the girls in my office liked to discuss with me.

They asked me what type of girl Westerners are looking for.

And in return I asked them what they were looking for in a man.

90% of them answered he must be able to make me laugh and be clean.

In the end it comes down to personality and perhaps a few things such as not overly fat ore rude.

So you can as well ask yourself the same question what kinda girl would fit you?

I bet it would be things like, honest, have a sense of humour, a job (and long hair. :o just kidding)

But I also think that these are things that you look for when you have learned some lessons in life.

In the end you will never know if your partner is the real one for you because there are about 6 Billion people on this planet you have never met.

Just find yourself someone you can get along with and can make you feel happy all day.

Someone you look forward seeing after you finished your work.

Someone you like to be with when seeing a beautyfull sunset.

I think that is a universal concept of what people are looking for in a partner, most of the time.

If it is anything else then the alarmbells should be ringing.


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Thai women prefer guys who are 'Riap Roy' (you may refer to them as Nerdy) but that is what they like.

Well dressed, a good manner and quietly charming goes a lot further than steroids and tatoos.

GuestHouse, you said it for me. :D

Remember my life as a single (long time ago), I dated only the guys who fitted the quality above. I would checked how well groom my date was, that means all the way to his socks how neat they were (if he was wearing one). :D

If the guy had a sense of humor, making me laughed, :D then I always looking forward to go out with him again and again. :o

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Supposedly gals are "programmed" to be attracted to guys who look like they can run down a wild boar and break its neck, but they also clearly know that there aren't too many opportunities to hunt big game in today's world. Probably best to keep that bank book fat and to "look" physically strong enough to kill small-ish animals (like dogs, cats, and possibly rabid rabbits).


Heng, I didn't know that you could be so funny.

Thanks for a good laugh. :o:D

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Hmmhhh... :o ...Depend about what kind of woman Thai you are talking...Ordinary people, if ordinary means average education, will not be interested about any muscles at the man...In fact ONE muscle is VERY IMPORTANT... :D If THAT muscle is not in function well, normal,average Thai woman will be furious...You will be acused you have mia-noi,secondary wife...

Higher educated Thai woman,mature and well experienced in life will take care about your personality more then anything else but there will be usual clash between western and eastern culture.What is normal for us-it's not for them and their way of understanding life and,of course,it's opposite way, too...

For all Thai women is important your appearance. If you are well dressed, smooth face,shaved well they will notice you-that is for sure.For those kind of man all of them will say SMART GUY...The problem is about their taste about parfumes.For Paco Rabban they will say MENNNNN(bad smell),which is hilarious for me...

I don't want to talk about most common relations between Thai bar woman and farang,foreigner.In those cases it is more then clear what attracted her.That's so old story. Especialy when you see the old, fat guy with no hair with double younger dark and skiny Thai woman-to all around is clear what is her reason to take such a guy. I think that guy should to be ashamed because he took a woman who can be granddaughter to him.All bad things what usually happened to that @well aged@ farangs, is normal price they paid because of mistake of their own . They should understand Thai society well so toknow where they belong,where is their place. Ridiculous thing is that many old guys will say she love him about his golden heart. That is most common thing she will say as a reason she is with her "randfather".More stupid then that is that some of that guys will try so hard to defend her words and reason as it is the matter of life or death.

Well educated Thai woman will not even look at you in public. That is old fashion style of Thais i admire but so hard to see lately...Also,a good Thai woman will NEVER accept to exchange phone numbrs with you,if she see you are interested about her...You should find other way.For a good Thai woman, well educated,doesn't matter you have athletic body...

Oh, one more thing...about youngsters...Look at their guys(Thais) and will be more clear for you. Watch TV also and you will see the popular man should to look like a CARTOON HERO...I mean it...There will be more to tell about but this is all what you should have on your mind...This is complex topic you touched....

Cheers mate... :D


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My gf says she likes overweight, but maybe she's just trying to stop me from worrying...

She is just keeping you sweet until she gets all your money.... :o

sure why not ,your a tubby falang ,probably a very nice buffalo type.........be happy...........for now.........aahhhh :D

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I'm wonerding if muscular men aren't seen as attractive in Thailand because pretty much every 70 year old farmer seems to have a six pack and rippling arms- i.e. maybe it's a sign of labor and poverty rather than wealth? There also seems to be a lot of very attractive women with overweight, often nerdy looking men here (talking about average people choosing mates at freewill here, not trophy wives). Obviously the man's money plays a big role, but excluding that for a sec- I'm wondering if anyone's clear on what the general threshold is- maybe the 'swimmer's build' (muscular and sturdy looking but not toned) is their ideal or if pretty much any flab is ok? Hard to know since most ads don't show shirtless men. My gf says she likes overweight, but maybe she's just trying to stop me from worrying...

it's just not possible to do the nice proper wai with a muscular body.......

imagine lou ferrigno doing the wai with is 2' biceps...... :D

seriously nobody wants to look like a wimp...anyone??? i reckon some guys just cannot be bothered with boring routine workouts in the gym... :o

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I doubt the Thai women could care less if the body is overbuilt. First & foremost concern is a healthy ATM acct. so you can take care. You can be a wimp or a Atlas as long as you have a fat ATM your a handsum man.I doubt if it a turn on for women anyway here in LOS. Women seem to prefer a proportional body(or a fat wallet) over a overstressed body. Same as the U.S.

Except for more emphasis placed on the wallet.Or at least talked about more openly....No money no honey!

Since I moved to Thailand & bought a built a house & some land. I have had way more exercise than 2-3 hours at any gym.

I don't think the added inches to my biceps I have gained here make any difference to my girl.

Edited by Beardog
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I have heard this fallacy that Thai women do noto like men with muscles.

I am 50, and I work out regulary.  I am no Arnold, but I do have a healthy chest (46 inches) and good guns (17 inches).  When I meet someone, even if not in a potential dating situation, I get comments about my physique, and mostly in a good way.  My best friend (male) now thinks I am too big and that Thai women will be afraid of me, but that has not been my experience.

When I am with a Thai woman, even one who might have said she doesn't like guys too big, they are invarably drawn to my arms and chest. Sitting watching tv, they will snuggle up and hold my biceps, even unconciously stroking then while her eyes are glued to the tube. Their hands always gravitate to rest on my chest, and when they look at it, they always give a squeeze and usually make comments on it as compared to the size of their own chest.  And in the more intimate moments, it is my chest that they look at, and that is where they place their hands.

One woman I know always wants to see me right after I lift.  She knows that a person pumps up after a good lift, and she has told me that she loves to see and touch me then.

Yes, I know that there are many different things which attract a woman, and maybe a good physique ranks low on the totem pole.  But it certainly is a factor. Just as a man can be attracted to a great smile and bubbling personality, he can still appreciate a nice bosum if she has that as well.

I also realize that perhaps the women who go out with me are the type who like a more muscular guy in the first place and women who abhor that steer clear of me.  And perhaps women are discerning or appreciative with regards to my age. Where a 25-year old guy might do better with the softer look, at 50, I have been told that so many other men my age look "pregnant 6 months."

Whatever the reason and whatever the demographics of the women with whom I go out, I can say with certainty that most of them like my musculature. I hope they like a lot more about me as well, but the subject here is just the muscles.

Edited by bonobo
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basically fellas, some of us like em muscly, some of us like em skinny, some of us like em black, some of us like em white (like a raw chicken sausage), some of us like em solidly built, some of us like em muscly, some of us like em tall, some of us like em short.

it takes all kinds to make up the world.

in the end, if you are a nice bloke who has confidence (not cockiness) and a great smile, you will win us over.

thats not too hard is it?

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I have heard this fallacy that Thai women do noto like men with muscles.

I am 50, and I work out regulary.  I am no Arnold, but I do have a healthy chest (46 inches) and good guns (17 inches).  When I meet someone, even if not in a potential dating situation, I get comments about my physique, and mostly in a good way.  My best friend (male) now thinks I am too big and that Thai women will be afraid of me, but that has not been my experience.

When I am with a Thai woman, even one who might have said she doesn't like guys too big, they are invarably drawn to my arms and chest. Sitting watching tv, they will snuggle up and hold my biceps, even unconciously stroking then while her eyes are glued to the tube. Their hands always gravitate to rest on my chest, and when they look at it, they always give a squeeze and usually make comments on it as compared to the size of their own chest.  And in the more intimate moments, it is my chest that they look at, and that is where they place their hands.

One woman I know always wants to see me right after I lift.  She knows that a person pumps up after a good lift, and she has told me that she loves to see and touch me then.

Yes, I know that there are many different things which attract a woman, and maybe a good physique ranks low on the totem pole.  But it certainly is a factor. Just as a man can be attracted to a great smile and bubbling personality, he can still appreciate a nice bosum if she has that as well.

I also realize that perhaps the women who go out with me are the type who like a more muscular guy in the first place and women who abhor that steer clear of me.  And perhaps women are discerning or appreciative with regards to my age. Where a 25-year old guy might do better with the softer look, at 50, I have been told that so many other men my age look "pregnant 6 months."

Whatever the reason and whatever the demographics of the women with whom I go out, I can say with certainty that most of them like my musculature. I hope they like a lot more about me as well, but the subject here is just the muscles.

Brillian post, so much material here to work from I don't know where to start, yes I do, the part about the one woman who likes to look at you after you work out because you are all pumped up. :o:D

Please tell me more about this girl.

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Brillian post, so much material here to work from I don't know where to start, yes I do, the part about the one woman who likes to look at you after you work out because you are all pumped up. :o:D

Please tell me more about this girl.

Awck!  I guess I should have read that wording better before posting!

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I think most women much prefer guys with bulging wallets over bulging muscles. Since I am a guy, I prefer to have both so I can have all bases covered ! :o

Methinks that you have to swing both ways to have ALL the bases covered. :D

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Many Thai "Ladies" seem to prefer chubby guys with lots of tattoos and piercings. I often hear them shouting to guys like that, you are handsome man - sexy man etc. A lot of these "chubbies" also wear some designer vests (Chang or Singha) which seems to get the "Ladies" very excited as well as some of the chaps sporting "sexy man" hairstyles such as a ponytail or a mullet

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