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People Mistake Girlfriend For Katoey!

Pablo H

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I have been seeing this girl for near enough three years now. I travel in and out of Thailand maybe once or twice month. When I go to Bangkok and usually give my girlfriend a call who lives up in the north and ask her to come down and meet me.

Now I know everyone has there own taste in women and I happen to find this girl good looking. My family have met her and said she is pretty along with some other friends.

However, at first I thought I was just a little paronoid when on one occasion a tuk tuk driver told me I was a "very lucky man". The same thing was said to me by motorbike taxi drivers when I took her on holiday in the south. When I first heared this I thought, "yes, she is a pretty girl and I guess I am a lucky guy" as I am no Tom Cruise.

Recently though I took a trip to Bangkok and got her a flight from the nearest city to her village. She actually works very hard and due to this she has quite a robust build, big shoulders and strong arms. I dont find this at all attractive but I can see past that as the girls overall qualities far outshine the big shoulders and arms.

Anyway we met in Bangkok, she asked me if we could say near Banglamphu, so that we could visit the river, Kao San etc. I really cannot stand KSR but since she hadn't been before I agreed. When we checked into the hotel near the river, the receptionist seemed to be embarressed about something and would not look at the girlfriend in the eye. I noticed this and asked the girlfriend why, she shook her head, "no idea". Then one night we were walking down KSR and I fancied a bite to eat and I overheard these two guys, either from Oz or NZ talking about my girlfriend, they said she looks very nice but there was no doubting that she was a katoey. I saw red for a moment and wanted to hit them but I just turned around and asked them why they thought this.

One guy said the walk, the other said the build. I have in my wallet a photograph of this girl, myself and her child who is a few years old. I showed this to the guys and told them they wouldn't know a katoey from their elbow and walked away still feeling very angry. I wanted to hit them but they were much larger than me and two against one I probably would have ended up in hospital!

This girl is a girl, she has a child and has the strecth marks to prove it!

I know I shouldn't, but since that time I now feel that people think am walking around with a katoey. I have nothing against katoeys or the guys who go with them, each to their own, but I just dont like to perceived this way by people.

Has anyone else on this forum encountered the same problem?

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I have been seeing this girl for near enough three years now. I travel in and out of Thailand maybe once or twice month. When I go to Bangkok and usually give my girlfriend a call who lives up in the north and ask her to come down and meet me.

Now I know everyone has there own taste in women and I happen to find this girl good looking. My family have met her and said she is pretty along with some other friends.

However, at first I thought I was just a little paronoid when on one occasion a tuk tuk driver told me I was a "very lucky man". The same thing was said to me by motorbike taxi drivers when I took her on holiday in the south. When I first heared this I thought, "yes, she is a pretty girl and I guess I am a lucky guy" as I am no Tom Cruise.

Recently though I took a trip to Bangkok and got her a flight from the nearest city to her village. She actually works very hard and due to this she has quite a robust build, big shoulders and strong arms. I dont find this at all attractive but I can see past that as the girls overall qualities far outshine the big shoulders and arms.

Anyway we met in Bangkok, she asked me if we could say near Banglamphu, so that we could visit the river, Kao San etc. I really cannot stand KSR but since she hadn't been before I agreed. When we checked into the hotel near the river, the receptionist seemed to be embarressed about something and would not look at the girlfriend in the eye. I noticed this and asked the girlfriend why, she shook her head, "no idea". Then one night we were walking down KSR and I fancied a bite to eat and I overheard these two guys, either from Oz or NZ talking about my girlfriend, they said she looks very nice but there was no doubting that she was a katoey. I saw red for a moment and wanted to hit them but I just turned around and asked them why they thought this.

One guy said the walk, the other said the build. I have in my wallet a photograph of this girl, myself and her child who is a few years old. I showed this to the guys and told them they wouldn't know a katoey from their elbow and walked away still feeling very angry. I wanted to hit them but they were much larger than me and two against one I probably would have ended up in hospital!

This girl is a girl, she has a child and has the strecth marks to prove it!

I know I shouldn't, but since that time I now feel that people think am walking around with a katoey. I have nothing against katoeys or the guys who go with them, each to their own, but I just dont like to perceived this way by people.

Has anyone else on this forum encountered the same problem?

Has she shaved recently?

To do us all a service so we're able to give some thought to the issue why not post a pic?

Maybe she could get about in low cut jeans and a bare midriff to show off her stretch marks although I can see a trend starting for kateoys getting imitation stretchies to give off a more 'authentic' femininity.

Still if she's beautiful in your eyes why should you worry after all you spent some time in KSR how did you view all those fat hairy backpackers hanging off some skinny blokes arm?

Who do you think's better off? you or them?

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Why do you care what other people think of your girlfriend? If you love her and think that she is beautiful, then good for you. If other people have a problem with that, then it is THEIR problem, not yours.

If they make any comments, either ignore them, or have a good line to throw back at them. Can't think of one off the cuff, but I am sure you can (or any of the blokes on this forum may be able to help you out with that).

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Pablo, take a look at her ID card when (s)he showers or goes out to buy something from the 7-11. Or take a quick snap of it (the ID card) if you have a digital camera. Then get someone to read the card.

Thais can change their sex but I don't think they can change their original gender on the ID card. :o

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Chuchok seems understood what am saying.

She is a woman, fullstop. I have seen her id card many times and she is a woman. I ve spent time with her family in the north along with her child (yes it is hers), met her friends and other relatives.

Just pisses me off that people can make remarks like that. I am not the sharpest guy around so the one liner reply is out for me, I just tend to fly off the handle.

Donna , your right, I shouldn't care what other people think but the problem is I feel uncomfortable if and when they do. I guess am the one with the problem and need to sort it out.

Chingy, dont you think after three years with her I haven't seen her naked?

I think next time (if there is one) I will just punch the guy in the gob and see what else he has got to say, thats if he can say anything with a broken jaw.

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Pablo , considering you are a relative newbie on this site , in comparison with others, you have opened the door for these one-liners mate.

I can understand being annoyed with these comments whilst walking in the street , but what advice can be given to you that will make any difference?

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I think next time (if there is one) I will just punch the guy in the gob and see what else he has got to say, thats if he can say anything with a broken jaw.

Yeah and that will surely solve your problem :o:D

Maybe you take a fancy to the guy to :D i hope for you he doesn't have broad shoulders also.....

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I can relate to your story Pablo - firsthand but from a different perspective. The following tale is true!

About 4 years ago I was living in Singapore and a mate came to visit from Oz. We did the obligatory Orchard Towers tour and he fell in love with what he considered to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Immediately I had my doubts - might have had something to do with the fact that we met her in a bar known for it's popularity amongst the katoey community!! But my mate was adamant - she's ok GG - all woman! So they had their fun.

I then moved to Bangkok and he comes to visit me here. He headed out 1 night on his own as I had a prior commitment. I get a message from him - "you will never guess who I have just met!" Doh!! So they hook up again and the world is a wonderful place.

He spent a considerable amount of time with her and they started to get very close. But I always had some suspicion that all was not well yet kept my mouth shut after a while as he was happy with his lot and what if I was wrong?? It does happen you know... :D

One night we invited him to meet me & the GF at a pool bar in Patpong. I wanted my Thai GF and her friends to check her out and put the issue to rest in my mind. She was reluctant to come but eventually did. My GF and her friends came to the conclusion that she was a she.

Of they go to Phuket for 10 days - upon his return I could tell that he had something on his mind. It turns out his 10 days of bliss on the beach was not quite that. No hanky panky the whole time they were there - unlike previous time spent together. :o

Then they went up north to visit her family - stayed at her parents home - met them all. One BIG happy family... or are they??

He goes back to Oz - calls me to ask me to help her to apply for a visa to Oz so she could go there to study for 6 months and stay with him. "Ok - no probs mate - if that is what you want I am here to help." I call her and invite her around to my place to fill out the paperwork and get the following:

She: "Has A spoken to you?"

Me: "yeah - wants you to come to my place and I'll help with the paperwork"

She: "Has he read his email?"

Me: "How the ###### would I know? Didn't say anything to me. Why? Should he?? :D "

She: "Yes - tell him to read his email first"

Ok - so I hang up in a flash and call him - "mate - you better go read ya email! And be prepared!!"

He calls me back - "you are never gonna believe this"

Me: "Yes I am"

Turns out she WAS a he and knew that all would be revealed once I saw the passport as it says MR. :D

I hope you all made it this far...

Moral of the story?? You just never know.........

Pablo - I am NOT suggesting that you are necessarily in the same place as my mate and you seem to know your lady very well. I wish you well.....

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I suupose your right Chonabot. There is no advice that can be given to enable me to deal with this. Im not bothered about the flames and have had a good laugh reading other peoples comments.

Just wondered if anyone else had similar experiences.

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And just to prove that am no Tom Cruise here is a picture of me taken a few years ago by my ex-girlfriend at a hotel on Sukumvit last year. As you can see its not the best picture but I was startled when my ex-girl took it as I had just woken up. I have now lost the contacts and can honestly say that am much better looking in the flesh.

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And just to prove that am no Tom Cruise here is a picture of me taken a few years ago by my ex-girlfriend at a hotel on Sukumvit last year. As you can see its not the best picture but I was startled when my ex-girl took it as I had just woken up. I have now lost the contacts and can honestly say that am much better looking in the flesh.


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I think next time (if there is one) I will just punch the guy in the gob and see what else he has got to say, thats if he can say anything with a broken jaw.

You may want to hold off on that one! There was a recent thread about bad things that can happen in these kind of situations.

Better off to just smile, give her a big hug and/or kiss right in front of them and keep walking.

You both know better. Why bother giving anyone the satisfaction of getting a rile out of you?

Much easier to let it go ....

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Some thai men & women have a close resemblence of genders with some women looking like ladyboys & some guys looking like girls. I saw one women in the doctors surgery once, heavily pregnant with a farang guy & she seriously looked like a pretty bloke, big feet, big hands, square jaw, she obviously was a women but probably got asked many times. An old neighbour of mine, a bar girl, was always asked by guys if she was a katoey as she looked a bit indian & had more strong features than the typical thai, 5'9, long straighter nose, larger jaw etc. Personally I thought she was much more beuatiful than the average bar girl as she was so striking & farang guys seemed to like it but when you compared her to the other girls in the bar with their pug noses & round baby faces she did look masculine but she had 3 kids & later became pregnant by a swedish guy & moved away with him. And I've also met a couple of straight thai men who with the help of a bit of lippy & a nice frock could easily pass for lady boys but they have wives & children & work manual jobs.

Bugger what people say, if you love her & thinks shes the one for you then forget about what a couple of KSR idiots say.

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Too true Boo. Now I come to think of it I really shouldn't give a shit what peole think. It's just am a guy that is not used to people speaking bad either about me or my loved ones. Where I come from if you have something bad to say about someone. you either say it and usually get whacked or keep it to yourself.

My girlfriend is quite tall for a Thai and she has the features you mentioned, the jawline and as I mentioned earlier the arms and shoulders.

Yes, I shouldn't care what KSR idiots are saying, its just in my nature to hit out at people like that.

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Pablo, take a look at her ID card when (s)he showers or goes out to buy something from the 7-11. Or take a quick snap of it (the ID card) if you have a digital camera. Then get someone to read the card.

Thais can change their sex but I don't think they can change their original gender on the ID card. :o

Well, I'm of the opinion that if someone has the will to cut off their genitals, shave their adam's apple, get whatever injections these katoeys get to become more feminine..... I THINK they would find the 'obstacle' of getting a fake id a piece of cake.


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